鉤子教程 - 原理(十) : CBTProc


方法5  :  CBTProc Functionapp

The CBTProc hook procedure is an application-defined or library-defined callback function used with the SetWindowsHookEx function. The system calls this function before activating, creating, destroying, minimizing, maximizing, moving, or sizing a window; before completing a system command; before removing a mouse or keyboard event from the system message queue; before setting the keyboard focus; or before synchronizing with the system message queue. A computer-based training (CBT) application uses this hook procedure to receive useful notifications from the system.less









The HOOKPROC type defines a pointer to this callback function. CBTProc is a placeholder for the application-defined or library-defined function name.




    int nCode,

    WPARAM wParam,

    LPARAM lParam


Parameters 參數

nCode  :[in] Specifies a code that the hook procedure uses to determine how to process the message. If nCode is less than zero, the hook procedure must pass the message to the CallNextHookEx function without further processing and should return the value returned by CallNextHookEx. This parameter can be one of the following values.


1.HCBT_ACTIVATE  :The system is about to activate a window. 



2.HCBT_CLICKSKIPPED  :The system has removed a mouse message from the system message queue. Upon receiving this hook code, a CBT application must install a WH_JOURNALPLAYBACK hook procedure in response to the mouse message. 



3.HCBT_CREATEWND : A window is about to be created. The system calls the hook procedure before sending the WM_CREATE or WM_NCCREATE message to the window. If the hook procedure returns a nonzero value, the system destroys the window; the CreateWindow function returns NULL, but the WM_DESTROY message is not sent to the window. If the hook procedure returns zero, the window is created normally. 

  窗體即將被建立。系統在向窗體發出WM_CREATE 或者 WM_NCCREATE消息以前,調用該鉤子子程。若是鉤子子程返回非0值,表示系統銷燬了窗體;CreateWindow方法返回Null,可是WM_DESTROY消息並不發送給窗體。若是鉤子子程返回0,表示窗體正常被建立。


At the time of the HCBT_CREATEWND notification, the window has been created, but its final size and position may not have been determined and its parent window may not have been established. It is possible to send messages to the newly created window, although it has not yet received WM_NCCREATE or WM_CREATE messages. It is also possible to change the position in the z-order of the newly created window by modifying the hwndInsertAfter member of the CBT_CREATEWND structure.

  在 HCBT_CREATEWND通知的時候,窗體已經被建立了,可是它的最終的大小和位置可能尚未被肯定,它的父窗體也可能沒有被建立起來。雖然一個新建立的窗體可能尚未接收到WM_NCCREATE或者WM_CREATE消息,可是向它發送消息是可能的。經過修改CBT_CREATEWND 結構體的hwndInsertAfter成員,改變新建立窗體的在Z軸次序的位置也是可能的。


4.HCBT_DESTROYWND :A window is about to be destroyed. 


5.HCBT_KEYSKIPPED :The system has removed a keyboard message from the system message queue. Upon receiving this hook code, a CBT application must install a WH_JOURNALPLAYBACK hook procedure in response to the keyboard message. 


6.HCBT_MINMAX :A window is about to be minimized or maximized.


7.HCBT_MOVESIZE :A window is about to be moved or sized. 


8.HCBT_QS  :The system has retrieved a WM_QUEUESYNC message from the system message queue. 


9.HCBT_SETFOCUS  :A window is about to receive the keyboard focus.


10.HCBT_SYSCOMMAND :A system command is about to be carried out. This allows a CBT application to prevent task switching by means of hot keys.



wParam :[in] Depends on the nCode parameter. 


  取決於參數 nCode

lParam :[in] Depends on the nCode parameter. 

  取決於參數 nCode


Return Value 返回值

The value returned by the hook procedure determines whether the system allows or prevents one of these operations. For operations corresponding to the following CBT hook codes, the return value must be 0 to allow the operation, or 1 to prevent it:




For operations corresponding to the following CBT hook codes, the return value is ignored:


