方法9 :JournalPlaybackProc Functionapp
The JournalPlaybackProc hook procedure is an application-defined or library-defined callback function used with the SetWindowsHookEx function. Typically, an application uses this function to play back a series of mouse and keyboard messages recorded previously by the JournalRecordProc hook procedure. As long as a JournalPlaybackProc hook procedure is installed, regular mouse and keyboard input is disabled.less
The HOOKPROC type defines a pointer to this callback function.JournalPlaybackProc is a placeholder for the application-defined or library-defined function name. post
HOOKPROC類型定義了指向該回調函數的指針。JournalPlaybackProc 是程序定義的或者庫定義的方法名字。this
Syntax 語法spa
LRESULT CALLBACK JournalPlaybackProc(
int code,線程
WPARAM wParam,指針
LPARAM lParamcode
Parameters 參數
code :[in] Specifies a code the hook procedure uses to determine how to process the message. If code is less than zero, the hook procedure must pass the message to the CallNextHookEx function without further processing and should return the value returned by CallNextHookEx. This parameter can be one of the following values.
1.HC_GETNEXT :The hook procedure must copy the current mouse or keyboard message to the EVENTMSG structure pointed to by the lParamparameter.
2.HC_NOREMOVE :An application has called the PeekMessage function with wRemoveMsg set to PM_NOREMOVE, indicating that the message is not removed from the message queue after PeekMessageprocessing.
應用程序已經調用帶有指向PM_NOREMOVE的 wRemoveMsg 集合的PeekMessage方法,指示該消息在PeekMessage處理完畢後,沒有從消息隊列中移除。
3.HC_SKIP :The hook procedure must prepare to copy the next mouse or keyboard message to the EVENTMSG structure pointed to by lParam. Upon receiving the HC_GETNEXT code, the hook procedure must copy the message to the structure.
鉤子子程必須準備拷貝下一個鼠標或者鍵盤消息到由lParam 指向的 EVENTMSG結構。一旦接收到HC_GETNEXT代碼,鉤子子程必須將消息拷貝到結構體中。
4.HC_SYSMODALOFF : A system-modal dialog box has been destroyed. The hook procedure must resume playing back the messages.
5.HC_SYSMODALON : A system-modal dialog box is being displayed. Until the dialog box is destroyed, the hook procedure must stop playing back messages.
wParam :This parameter is not used.
lParam :[in] Pointer to an EVENTMSG structure that represents a message being processed by the hook procedure. This parameter is valid only when the code parameter is HC_GETNEXT.
Return Value返回值
To have the system wait before processing the message, the return value must be the amount of time, in clock ticks, that the system should wait. (This value can be computed by calculating the difference between the timemembers in the current and previous input messages.) To process the message immediately, the return value should be zero. The return value is used only if the hook code is HC_GETNEXT; otherwise, it is ignored.
Remarks 備註
A JournalPlaybackProc hook procedure should copy an input message to the lParam parameter. The message must have been previously recorded by using a JournalRecordProc hook procedure, which should not modify the message.
To retrieve the same message over and over, the hook procedure can be called several times with the code parameter set to HC_GETNEXT without an intervening call with code set to HC_SKIP.
If code is HC_GETNEXT and the return value is greater than zero, the system sleeps for the number of milliseconds specified by the return value. When the system continues, it calls the hook procedure again with code set to HC_GETNEXT to retrieve the same message. The return value from this new call to JournalPlaybackProc should be zero; otherwise, the system will go back to sleep for the number of milliseconds specified by the return value, call JournalPlaybackProc again, and so on. The system will appear to be not responding.
若是參數code 是 HC_GETNEXT,並且返回值大於0,系統將休眠,休眠時間是返回值指定的毫秒數。當系統繼續的時候,調用鉤子子程,鉤子子程經過將code設置爲HC_GETNEXT來從新獲得同一個的消息。重新的JournalPlaybackProc調用獲得的返回值應該是0;不然,系統將回到休眠狀態,休眠時間是返回值指定的毫秒數,休眠事後再次調用JournalPlaybackProc,以此類推。系統看起來像沒有響應同樣。
Unlike most other global hook procedures, the JournalRecordProc andJournalPlaybackProc hook procedures are always called in the context of the thread that set the hook.
和其餘全局的鉤子子程不同,JournalRecordProc 和JournalPlaybackProc鉤子子程永遠在設置該鉤子的線程的上下文中被調用。
After the hook procedure returns control to the system, the message continues to be processed. If code is HC_SKIP, the hook procedure must prepare to return the next recorded event message on its next call.
在鉤子子程將控制權交還給系統以後,消息被繼續處理。若是code參數是HC_SKIP ,鉤子子程必須準備在下一次調用時返回下一條記錄的事件消息。
Install the JournalPlaybackProc hook procedure by specifying the WH_JOURNALPLAYBACK hook type and a pointer to the hook procedure in a call to the SetWindowsHookEx function.
If the user presses CTRL+ESC OR CTRL+ALT+DEL during journal playback, the system stops the playback, unhooks the journal playback procedure, and posts a WM_CANCELJOURNAL message to the journaling application.
在回放過程當中,若是用戶按下了 CTRL+ESC 或者 CTRL+ALT+DEL組合鍵,系統將中止回放,卸載回放鉤子子程,傳遞一個WM_CANCELJOURNAL消息給記錄應用程序。
If the hook procedure returns a message in the range WM_KEYFIRST to WM_KEYLAST, the following conditions apply:
The paramL member of the EVENTMSG structure specifies the virtual key code of the key that was pressed.
The paramH member of the EVENTMSG structure specifies the scan code.
There's no way to specify a repeat count. The event is always taken to represent one key event.