package cn.itcast.jk.controller; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import org.springframework.beans.propertyeditors.CustomDateEditor; import org.springframework.web.bind.WebDataBinder; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.InitBinder; /** * * @ClassName: * @Description: * @Company: * @author :馮俊明 * @date 2017-11-26 上午11:56:54 */ public abstract class BaseController { @InitBinder //此方法用於日期的轉換,若是未加,當頁面日期格式轉換錯誤,將報400錯誤,實際是由於此方法 public void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) { DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); dateFormat.setLenient(true); binder.registerCustomEditor(Date.class, new CustomDateEditor(dateFormat, true)); } }
package cn.itcast.jk.dao; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import cn.itcast.jk.pagination.Page; /** * @Description: 泛型類,基礎的DAO接口 * @Author: nutony * @Company: * @CreateDate: 2014-2-25 */ public interface BaseDao<T> { public List<T> findPage(Page page); //分頁查詢 public List<T> find(Map paraMap); //帶條件查詢,條件能夠爲null,既沒有條件;返回list對象集合 public T get(Serializable id); //只查詢一個,經常使用於修改 public void insert(T entity); //插入,用實體做爲參數 public void update(T entity); //修改,用實體做爲參數 public void deleteById(Serializable id); //按id刪除,刪除一條;支持整數型和字符串類型ID public void delete(Serializable[] ids); //批量刪除;支持整數型和字符串類型ID }
package cn.itcast.jk.dao.impl; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionFactory; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import cn.itcast.jk.dao.BaseDao; import cn.itcast.jk.pagination.Page; public abstract class BaseDaoImpl<T> extends SqlSessionDaoSupport implements BaseDao<T>{ @Autowired //mybatis-spring 1.0無需此方法;mybatis-spring1.2必須注入。 public void setSqlSessionFactory(SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory){ super.setSqlSessionFactory(sqlSessionFactory); } private String ns; //命名空間 public String getNs() { return ns; } public void setNs(String ns) { this.ns = ns; } public List<T> findPage(Page page){ List<T> oList = this.getSqlSession().selectList(ns + ".findPage", page); return oList; } public List<T> find(Map map) { List<T> oList = this.getSqlSession().selectList(ns + ".find", map); return oList; } public T get(Serializable id) { return this.getSqlSession().selectOne(ns + ".get", id); } public void insert(T entity) { this.getSqlSession().insert(ns + ".insert", entity); } public void update(T entity) { this.getSqlSession().update(ns + ".update", entity); } public void deleteById(Serializable id) { this.getSqlSession().delete(ns + ".deleteById", id); } public void delete(Serializable[] ids) { this.getSqlSession().delete(ns + ".delete", ids); } }
package cn.itcast.util; import; import; import; import; import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; public class DownloadUtil { /** * @param filePath 要下載的文件路徑 * @param returnName 返回的文件名 * @param response HttpServletResponse * @param delFlag 是否刪除文件 */ protected void download(String filePath,String returnName,HttpServletResponse response,boolean delFlag){ this.prototypeDownload(new File(filePath), returnName, response, delFlag); } /** * @param file 要下載的文件 * @param returnName 返回的文件名 * @param response HttpServletResponse * @param delFlag 是否刪除文件 */ protected void download(File file,String returnName,HttpServletResponse response,boolean delFlag){ this.prototypeDownload(file, returnName, response, delFlag); } /** * @param file 要下載的文件 * @param returnName 返回的文件名 * @param response HttpServletResponse * @param delFlag 是否刪除文件 */ public void prototypeDownload(File file,String returnName,HttpServletResponse response,boolean delFlag){ // 下載文件 FileInputStream inputStream = null; ServletOutputStream outputStream = null; try { if(!file.exists()) return; response.reset(); //設置響應類型 PDF文件爲"application/pdf",WORD文件爲:"application/msword", EXCEL文件爲:"application/"。 response.setContentType("application/octet-stream;charset=utf-8"); //設置響應的文件名稱,並轉換成中文編碼 //returnName = URLEncoder.encode(returnName,"UTF-8"); returnName = response.encodeURL(new String(returnName.getBytes(),"iso8859-1")); //保存的文件名,必須和頁面編碼一致,不然亂碼 //attachment做爲附件下載;inline客戶端機器有安裝匹配程序,則直接打開;注意改變配置,清除緩存,不然可能不能看到效果 response.addHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename="+returnName); //將文件讀入響應流 inputStream = new FileInputStream(file); outputStream = response.getOutputStream(); int length = 1024; int readLength=0; byte buf[] = new byte[1024]; readLength =, 0, length); while (readLength != -1) { outputStream.write(buf, 0, readLength); readLength =, 0, length); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { outputStream.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { outputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { inputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //刪除原文件 if(delFlag) { file.delete(); } } } /** * by tony 2013-10-17 * @param byteArrayOutputStream 將文件內容寫入ByteArrayOutputStream * @param response HttpServletResponse 寫入response * @param returnName 返回的文件名 */ public void download(ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream, HttpServletResponse response, String returnName) throws IOException{ response.setContentType("application/octet-stream;charset=utf-8"); returnName = response.encodeURL(new String(returnName.getBytes(),"iso8859-1")); //保存的文件名,必須和頁面編碼一致,不然亂碼 response.addHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + returnName); response.setContentLength(byteArrayOutputStream.size()); ServletOutputStream outputstream = response.getOutputStream(); //取得輸出流 byteArrayOutputStream.writeTo(outputstream); //寫到輸出流 byteArrayOutputStream.close(); //關閉 outputstream.flush(); //刷數據 } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" ""> <mapper namespace="cn.itcast.jk.mapper.ContractMapper"> <!-- resultMap映射 合同--> <resultMap type="cn.itcast.jk.domain.Contract" id="contractRM"> <!-- 主鍵 --> <id property="id" column="CONTRACT_ID"/> <!-- 通常屬性 --> <result property="offeror" column="OFFEROR"/> <result property="contractNo" column="CONTRACT_NO"/> <!--虛擬字段 --> <result property="cpnumber" column="CPNUMBER"/> <result property="extnumber" column="EXTNUMBER"/> <result property="signingDate" column="SIGNING_DATE"/> <result property="inputBy" column="INPUT_BY"/> <result property="checkBy" column="CHECK_BY"/> <result property="inspector" column="INSPECTOR"/> <result property="totalAmount" column="TOTAL_AMOUNT"/> <result property="importNum" column="IMPORT_NUM"/> <result property="crequest" column="CREQUEST"/> <result property="customName" column="CUSTOM_NAME"/> <result property="deliveryPeriod" column="DELIVERY_PERIOD"/> <result property="shipTime" column="SHIP_TIME"/> <result property="tradeTerms" column="TRADE_TERMS"/> <result property="remark" column="REMARK"/> <result property="printStyle" column="PRINT_STYLE"/> <result property="oldState" column="OLD_STATE"/> <result property="state" column="STATE"/> <result property="outState" column="OUT_STATE"/> <result property="createBy" column="CREATE_BY"/> <result property="createDept" column="CREATE_DEPT"/> <result property="createTime" column="CREATE_TIME"/> </resultMap> <!--合同vo對象,繼承po對象屬性,下面不用在寫 --> <resultMap type="cn.itcast.jk.vo.ContractVO" id="contractVORM" extends="contractRM"> <!-- 合同和貨物一對多 --> <collection property="contractProducts" ofType="cn.itcast.jk.vo.ContractProductVO"> <id property="id" column="CONTRACT_PRODUCT_ID"/> <result property="productNo" column="PRODUCT_NO"/> <result property="productImage" column="PRODUCT_IMAGE"/> <result property="productDesc" column="PRODUCT_DESC"/> <result property="cnumber" column="CNUMBER"/> <result property="outNumber" column="OUT_NUMBER"/> <result property="loadingRate" column="LOADING_RATE"/> <result property="boxNum" column="BOX_NUM"/> <result property="packingUnit" column="PACKING_UNIT"/> <result property="price" column="PRICE"/> <result property="amount" column="AMOUNT"/> <result property="finished" column="FINISHED"/> <result property="exts" column="EXTS"/> <result property="orderNo" column="ORDER_NO"/> <!--貨物與廠家多對一 --> <association property="factory" javaType="cn.itcast.jk.domain.Factory"> <!-- 主鍵 --> <id property="id" column="FACTORY_ID"/> <!-- 通常屬性 --> <result property="fullName" column="FULL_NAME"/> <result property="factoryName" column="FACTORY_NAME"/> <result property="contacts" column="CONTACTS"/> </association> <!--貨物與[附件]一對多 --> <collection property="extCproducts" ofType="cn.itcast.jk.vo.ExtCproductVO"> <id property="id" column="EXT_CPRODUCT_ID"/> <result property="ctype" column="CTYPE"/> <result property="productNo" column="EXT_PRODUCT_NO"/> <result property="productImage" column="EXT_PRODUCT_IMAGE"/> <result property="productDesc" column="EXT_PRODUCT_DESC"/> <result property="cnumber" column="EXT_CNUMBER"/> <result property="packingUnit" column="EXT_PACKING_UNIT"/> <result property="price" column="EXT_PRICE"/> <result property="amount" column="EXT_AMOUNT"/> <result property="productRequest" column="PRODUCT_REQUEST"/> <result property="orderNo" column="EXT_ORDER_NO"/> <!--附件與廠家多對一 --> <association property="factory" javaType="cn.itcast.jk.domain.Factory"> <!-- 主鍵 --> <id property="id" column="EXT_FACTORY_ID"/> <!-- 通常屬性 --> <result property="fullName" column="EXT_FULL_NAME"/> <result property="factoryName" column="EXT_FACTORY_NAME"/> <result property="contacts" column="EXT_CONTACTS"/> </association> </collection> </collection> </resultMap> <!-- 查詢 冗餘計算某個合同下的貨物/附件數量 和總金額--> <select id="find" parameterType="map" resultMap="contractRM"> <!-- select * from contract_c where 1=1 --> select (select count(contract_product_id) from contract_product_c where contract_id in c.contract_id)as cpnumber,(select count(ext_cproduct_id) from ext_cproduct_c where contract_product_id in (select contract_product_id from contract_product_c where contract_id in c.contract_id)) as extnumber, (nvl((select sum(cnumber*price) as cptotal from contract_product_c where contract_id =c.contract_id),0) + nvl((select sum(cnumber*price) as exttotal from ext_cproduct_c where contract_product_id in (select contract_product_id from contract_product_c where contract_id=c.contract_id)) ,0)) as total_amount, c.CONTRACT_ID,c.OFFEROR,c.CONTRACT_NO,c.SIGNING_DATE,c.INPUT_BY,c.CHECK_BY,c.INSPECTOR,c.IMPORT_NUM,c.CREQUEST,c.CUSTOM_NAME,c.DELIVERY_PERIOD,c.SHIP_TIME,c.TRADE_TERMS,c.REMARK,c.PRINT_STYLE,c.OLD_STATE,c.STATE,c.OUT_STATE from contract_c c where 1=1 <if test="state!= null">and STATE=#{state}</if> </select> <!-- 查詢一個 --> <select id="get" parameterType="string" resultMap="contractRM"> select * from contract_c where contract_id=#{pid, jdbcType=VARCHAR} </select> <!--查詢顯示某個合同下相關聯的貨物、附件以及廠家信息 --> <select id="view" parameterType="string" resultMap="contractVORM"> select c.contract_id,c.offeror,c.contract_no,c.signing_date,c.input_by,c.check_by,c.inspector,c.total_amount,c.import_num,c.crequest,c.custom_name,c.delivery_period,c.ship_time,c.trade_terms,c.remark,c.print_style,c.old_state,c.state,c.out_state,c.create_by,c.create_dept,c.create_time, t.contract_product_id, t.product_no,t.product_image,t.product_desc,t.cnumber,t.out_number,t.loading_rate,t.box_num,t.packing_unit,t.price,t.amount,t.finished,t.exts,t.order_no, t.factory_id,t.full_name,t.factory_name,t.contacts,, t.ext_cproduct_id, t.ctype,t.ext_product_no,t.ext_product_image,t.ext_product_desc,t.ext_cnumber,t.ext_packing_unit,t.ext_price,t.ext_amount,t.product_request, t.ext_order_no, t.ext_factory_id,t.ext_full_name,t.ext_factory_name,t.ext_contacts,t.ext_phone from ( select contract_id,offeror,contract_no,signing_date,input_by,check_by,inspector,total_amount,import_num,crequest,custom_name,delivery_period,ship_time,trade_terms,remark,print_style,old_state,state,out_state,create_by,create_dept,create_time from contract_c ) c left join ( select cp.contract_product_id,cp.contract_id, cp.product_no,cp.product_image,cp.product_desc,cp.cnumber,cp.out_number,cp.loading_rate,cp.box_num,cp.packing_unit,cp.price,cp.amount,cp.finished,cp.exts,cp.order_no, cp.factory_id,cp.full_name,cp.factory_name,cp.contacts,, ext.ext_cproduct_id, ext.ctype,ext.product_no as ext_product_no,ext.product_image as ext_product_image,ext.product_desc as ext_product_desc, ext.cnumber as ext_cnumber,ext.packing_unit as ext_packing_unit,ext.price as ext_price,ext.amount as ext_amount, ext.product_request,ext.order_no as ext_order_no, ext.factory_id as ext_factory_id,ext.full_name as ext_full_name,ext.factory_name as ext_factory_name,ext.contacts as ext_contacts, as ext_phone from ( select cp.contract_product_id,cp.contract_id, cp.product_no,cp.product_image,cp.product_desc,cp.cnumber,cp.out_number,cp.loading_rate,cp.box_num,cp.packing_unit,cp.price,cp.amount,cp.finished,cp.exts,cp.order_no, f.factory_id,f.full_name,f.factory_name,f.contacts, from (select contract_product_id,contract_id,factory_id, product_no,product_image,product_desc,cnumber,out_number,loading_rate,box_num,packing_unit,price,amount,finished,exts,order_no from contract_product_c) cp left join (select factory_id,full_name,factory_name,contacts,phone from factory_c) f on cp.factory_id=f.factory_id ) cp left join ( select ext.ext_cproduct_id,ext.contract_product_id, ext.ctype,ext.product_no,ext.product_image,ext.product_desc,ext.cnumber,ext.packing_unit,ext.price,ext.amount,ext.product_request,ext.order_no, f.factory_id,f.full_name,f.factory_name,f.contacts, from ( select ext_cproduct_id,contract_product_id,factory_id, ctype,product_no,product_image,product_desc,cnumber,packing_unit,price,amount,product_request,order_no from ext_cproduct_c ) ext left join (select factory_id,full_name,factory_name,contacts,phone from factory_c) f on ext.factory_id=f.factory_id ) ext on cp.contract_product_id=ext.contract_product_id ) t on c.contract_id=t.contract_id where c.contract_id=#{contractId} </select> <!-- 新增 oracle jdbc驅動 當這個值爲null時,必須告訴它當前字段默認值的類型jdbcType=VARCHAR (mybatis定義), 無效的列類型: 1111; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException mysql不用寫 --> <insert id="insert" parameterType="cn.itcast.jk.domain.Contract"> insert into contract_c (CONTRACT_ID,OFFEROR,CONTRACT_NO,SIGNING_DATE,INPUT_BY,CHECK_BY,INSPECTOR,TOTAL_AMOUNT, IMPORT_NUM,CREQUEST,CUSTOM_NAME,DELIVERY_PERIOD,SHIP_TIME,TRADE_TERMS,REMARK,PRINT_STYLE,OLD_STATE,STATE,OUT_STATE, CREATE_BY,CREATE_DEPT,CREATE_TIME) values ( #{id}, #{offeror, jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{contractNo, jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{signingDate, jdbcType=TIMESTAMP}, #{inputBy, jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{checkBy, jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{inspector, jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{totalAmount, jdbcType=DOUBLE}, #{importNum, jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{crequest, jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{customName, jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{deliveryPeriod, jdbcType=TIMESTAMP}, #{shipTime, jdbcType=TIMESTAMP}, #{tradeTerms, jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{remark, jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{printStyle, jdbcType=CHAR}, #{oldState, jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{state, jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{outState, jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{createBy, jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{createDept, jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{createTime, jdbcType=TIMESTAMP} ) </insert> <!-- 修改 動態SQL語句 --> <update id="update" parameterType="cn.itcast.jk.domain.Contract"> update contract_c <set> <if test="offeror != null">OFFEROR=#{offeror},</if> <if test="contractNo != null">CONTRACT_NO=#{contractNo},</if> <if test="signingDate != null">SIGNING_DATE=#{signingDate},</if> <if test="inputBy != null">INPUT_BY=#{inputBy},</if> <if test="checkBy != null">CHECK_BY=#{checkBy},</if> <if test="inspector != null">INSPECTOR=#{inspector},</if> <if test="totalAmount != null">TOTAL_AMOUNT=#{totalAmount},</if> <if test="importNum != null">IMPORT_NUM=#{importNum},</if> <if test="crequest != null">CREQUEST=#{crequest},</if> <if test="customName != null">CUSTOM_NAME=#{customName},</if> <if test="deliveryPeriod != null">DELIVERY_PERIOD=#{deliveryPeriod},</if> <if test="shipTime != null">SHIP_TIME=#{shipTime},</if> <if test="tradeTerms != null">TRADE_TERMS=#{tradeTerms},</if> <if test="remark != null">REMARK=#{remark},</if> <if test="printStyle != null">PRINT_STYLE=#{printStyle},</if> <if test="oldState != null">OLD_STATE=#{oldState},</if> <if test="state != null">STATE=#{state},</if> <if test="outState != null">OUT_STATE=#{outState},</if> </set> where contract_id=#{id} </update> <!-- 刪除一條 --> <delete id="deleteById" parameterType="string"> delete from contract_c where contract_id=#{pid} </delete> <!-- 刪除多條(一維字符串數組) --> <delete id="delete" parameterType="string"> delete from contract_c where contract_id in <foreach collection="array" item="id" open="(" close=")" separator=","> #{id} </foreach> </delete> <!-- 修改狀態 0草稿 1上報--> <update id="updateState" parameterType="map"> update contract_c set state=#{state} where contract_id in <foreach collection="ids" item="id" open="(" close=")" separator=","> #{id} </foreach> </update> </mapper>
package cn.itcast.util; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import; import; import java.util.Date; /** UtilFuns is a JavaBean. */ public class UtilFuns { static public String newLine(){ return System.getProperty("line.separator"); } /* 驗證數組是否爲空 */ public static boolean arrayValid(Object[] objects) { if (objects != null && objects.length > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } /* 驗證list是否爲空 */ public boolean listValid(List list) { if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } //得到年齡 public int age(String dateStart, String dateEnd) throws Exception{ int yearStart = Integer.parseInt(dateStart.substring(0,4)); int yearEnd = Integer.parseInt(dateEnd.substring(0,4)); return yearEnd-yearStart; } //是否爲奇數 public boolean isOdd(int i){ if(i%2==0){ return false; }else{ return true; } } public String cutStr(String str,int len){ try{ str = str.substring(0,len); }catch(Exception e){ return str; } return str; } //返回固定長度串,空白地方用空格填充 by tony 20110926 public String fixSpaceStr(String str,int len){ StringBuffer sBuf = new StringBuffer(); try{ if(str.length()>len){ return str; }else{ sBuf.append(str); for(int i=0;i<(len-str.length());i++){ sBuf.append(" "); } return sBuf.toString(); } }catch(Exception e){ return str; } } public String fixSpaceStr(int number,int len){ return fixSpaceStr(String.valueOf(number),len); } //前綴空格 public String prefixSpaceStr(String str,int len){ StringBuffer sBuf = new StringBuffer(); try{ if(str.length()>len){ return str; }else{ for(int i=0;i<(len-str.length());i++){ sBuf.append(" "); } sBuf.append(str); return sBuf.toString(); } }catch(Exception e){ return str; } } //截取字符,若是超過長度,截取並加省略號 by tony 20101108 public String suspensionStr(String str,int len){ try{ str = str.substring(0,len) + "..."; }catch(Exception e){ return str; } return str; } //url get方式傳遞參數 by tony 20110328 public static String joinUrlParameter(List<String> sList){ StringBuffer sBuf = new StringBuffer(); for(Iterator it = sList.iterator(); it.hasNext();){ sBuf.append("&").append("=").append(; } return sBuf.substring(1, sBuf.length()); //去掉第一個&符號 } /** SplitStr 功能:返回分割後的數組 * <br>輸入參數:String str 設置返回系統時間樣式 * <br>輸入參數:String SplitFlag 設置分割字符 * <br>輸出參數:string[] 返回分割後的數組 * <br>做者:陳子樞 * <br>時間:2003-9-7 * <br>用法: */ /* String s[] = SplitStr("asd asd we sd"," "); for (int i=0;i<s.length;i++){ System.out.println(s[i]); } */ static public String[] splitStr(String str,String SplitFlag){ int i =0; try{ StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(str, SplitFlag); String tokens[] = new String[st.countTokens()]; //System.out.println(st.countTokens()); while (st.hasMoreElements()) { tokens[i] = st.nextToken(); //System.out.println(tokens[i]); i++; } return tokens; }catch(Exception e){ return null; } } //相似google那樣實現多個關鍵字的查詢,關鍵字之間用空格或逗號隔開 by tony 20110523 //支持的分隔符 英文逗號,中文逗號,空格 public String[] splitFindStr(String str){ if(str==null){ return null; } String[] aStr = null; str = str.replaceAll(",", " "); //英文逗號 str = str.replaceAll(",", " "); //中文逗號 aStr = this.splitStr(str, " "); //空格 return aStr; } /* 階梯函數,例如,a,b,c 返回 a;a,b;a,b,c by tony 20110330 */ static public String[] splitStair(String str,String SplitFlag){ try{ String[] _temp = splitStr(str, SplitFlag); for(int i=1;i<_temp.length;i++){ _temp[i] = _temp[i-1]+SplitFlag+_temp[i]; } return _temp; }catch(Exception e){ return null; } } /** SplitStr 功能:將數組合併爲一個字符串 * <br>輸入參數:String aStr 要合併數組 * <br>輸入參數:String SplitFlag 設置分割字符 * <br>輸出參數:String 要合併數組 * <br>做者:陳子樞 * <br>時間:2004-1-9 * <br>用法: */ static public String joinStr(String[] aStr,String SplitFlag){ StringBuffer sBuffer = new StringBuffer(); if (aStr != null){ for (int i=0;i<aStr.length;i++){ sBuffer.append(aStr[i]).append(SplitFlag); } sBuffer.delete(sBuffer.length() - 1, sBuffer.length()); //去掉最後的分隔符 SplitFlag }else{ sBuffer = sBuffer.append(""); } return sBuffer.toString(); } /* 連接,但中間無連接符號 add by tony 20100322 */ static public String joinStr(String[] aStr){ StringBuffer sBuffer = new StringBuffer(); if (aStr != null){ for (int i=0;i<aStr.length;i++){ sBuffer.append(aStr[i]); } }else{ sBuffer = sBuffer.append(""); } return sBuffer.toString(); } /** JoinStr * <br>功能:將數組合併爲一個字符串 * <br>輸入參數:String sPrefix 數組元素加的前綴 * <br>輸入參數:String sSuffix 數組元素加的後綴 * <br>輸入參數:String SplitFlag 設置分割字符 * <br>輸出參數:String 合併後的字符串 * <br>做者:陳子樞 * <br>時間:2005-3-17 * <br>用法: */ static public String joinStr(String[] aStr,String sPrefix,String sSuffix,String SplitFlag){ StringBuffer sBuffer = new StringBuffer(); if (aStr != null){ for (int i=0;i<aStr.length;i++){ sBuffer.append(sPrefix).append(aStr[i]).append(sSuffix).append(SplitFlag); } sBuffer.delete(sBuffer.length() - SplitFlag.length(), sBuffer.length()); //去掉最後的分隔符 SplitFlag }else{ sBuffer = sBuffer.append(""); } return sBuffer.toString(); } /* 返回用於in查詢的串 'x','y' */ static public String joinInStr(String[] aStr){ StringBuffer sBuffer = new StringBuffer(); if (aStr != null){ for (int i=0;i<aStr.length;i++){ sBuffer.append("'").append(aStr[i]).append("'").append(","); } sBuffer.delete(sBuffer.length() - 1, sBuffer.length()); }else{ sBuffer = sBuffer.append(""); } return sBuffer.toString(); } /* 連接,但中間無連接符號 add by tony 20100322 */ static public String joinStr(String[] aStr,String sPrefix,String sSuffix){ StringBuffer sBuffer = new StringBuffer(); if (aStr != null){ for (int i=0;i<aStr.length;i++){ sBuffer.append(sPrefix).append(aStr[i]).append(sSuffix); } }else{ sBuffer = sBuffer.append(""); } return sBuffer.toString(); } /* 連接len(s)個symbol符號 add by tony 20100407 */ static public String joinStr(String s, String symbol){ StringBuffer sBuf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i=0;i<s.length();i++){ sBuf.append(symbol); } return sBuf.toString(); } static public String joinStr(int len, String symbol){ StringBuffer sBuf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i=0;i<len;i++){ sBuf.append(symbol); } return sBuf.toString(); } /** SysTime 功能:返回系統時間 * <br>輸入參數:int style 設置返回系統時間樣式 * <br>輸出參數:string 返回系統時間樣式 * <br>做者:陳子樞 * <br>時間:2003-6-24 * <br>存在問題:中文亂碼,但JSP中顯示正常。 */ static public String SysTime(String strStyle){ String s = ""; if (strStyle.compareTo("")==0){ strStyle = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; //default } java.util.Date date=new java.util.Date(); SimpleDateFormat dformat=new SimpleDateFormat(strStyle); s = dformat.format(date); return s; } static public String sysTime(){ String s = ""; java.util.Date date=new java.util.Date(); SimpleDateFormat dformat=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); s = dformat.format(date); return s; } static public String sysDate(){ String s = ""; java.util.Date date=new java.util.Date(); SimpleDateFormat dformat=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); s = dformat.format(date); return s; } /* add by tony 20091113 */ public static boolean isNull(Object obj){ try{ if(obj==null){ return true; } return false; }catch(Exception e){ return false; } } public static boolean isNotNull(Object obj){ try{ if(obj==null){ return false; } return true; }catch(Exception e){ return true; } } public static boolean isEmpty(String str){ try{ if(str==null || str.equals("null") || str.equals("")){ return true; } return false; }catch(Exception e){ return false; } } public static boolean isEmpty(String strs[]){ try{ if(strs==null || strs.length<=0){ return true; } return false; }catch(Exception e){ return false; } } public static boolean isNotEmpty(String str){ try{ if(str==null || str.equals("null") || str.equals("")){ return false; } return true; }catch(Exception e){ return true; } } public static boolean isNotEmpty(Object obj){ try{ if(obj==null || obj.toString().equals("null") || obj.toString().equals("")){ return false; } return true; }catch(Exception e){ return true; } } public static boolean isNotEmpty(List obj){ try{ if(obj==null || obj.size()<=0){ return false; } return true; }catch(Exception e){ return true; } } /** 功能:用於轉換爲null的字段。 * <br>入參:String strvalue 設置要轉換的字符串 * <br>出參:不爲「null」的返回原串;爲「null」返回""。 * <br>做者:陳子樞 * <br>時間:2003-9-16 * <p>用法:optionFuns.convertNull(String.valueOf(</p> */ public static String convertNull(String strvalue) { try{ if(strvalue.equals("null") || strvalue.length()==0){ return ""; }else{ return strvalue.trim(); } }catch(Exception e){ return ""; } } public static String[] convertNull(String[] aContent) { try{ for(int i=0;i<aContent.length;i++){ if(aContent[i].toLowerCase().compareTo("null")==0){ aContent[i] = ""; } } return aContent; }catch(Exception e){ return null; } } public static String convertNull(Object o) { try{ String strvalue = String.valueOf(o); if(strvalue.equals(null) || strvalue.equals("null") || strvalue.length()==0){ return ""; }else{ return strvalue.trim(); } }catch(Exception e){ return ""; } } //將爲null的數據轉爲0,用在數值的值從數據庫中讀出的狀況 public static int ConvertZero(Object o) { try{ String s = convertNull(o); if(s==""){ return 0; }else{ return Integer.parseInt(s); } }catch(Exception e){ return 0; } } //將爲null的數據轉爲0,用在數值的值從數據庫中讀出的狀況 public static int cvtPecrent(Object o) { try{ String s = convertNull(o); if(s==""){ return 0; }else{ return Integer.parseInt(s); } }catch(Exception e){ return 0; } } //if 0 then return ""; public static String FormatZero(Object o) { try{ String s = convertNull(o); if(s.compareTo("")==0){ return ""; }else if(s.compareTo("0.0")==0){ return ""; }else{ return String.valueOf(s); } }catch(Exception e){ return ""; } } //if 0 then return ""; public static String FormatZero(String s) { try{ if(s.compareTo("0")==0){ return ""; }else{ return s; } }catch(Exception e){ return ""; } } //patter="####.000" public static String FormatNumber(Object o,String patter) { double d = 0; try { d = Double.parseDouble(String.valueOf(o)); DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(patter); return df.format(d); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); return ""; } } //patter="####.00" public static String FormatNumber(String s) { double d = 0; try { d = Double.parseDouble(s); DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(",###.00"); return df.format(d); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); return ""; } } //只用在表格的輸出 public static String ConvertTD(String strvalue) { try{ strvalue = strvalue.trim(); if(strvalue.equals("null") || strvalue.length()==0){ return " "; }else{ return strvalue; } }catch(Exception e){ return " "; } } public static String ConvertSpaceTD(Object o) { try{ String strvalue = String.valueOf(o); strvalue = strvalue.trim(); if(strvalue.equals("null") || strvalue.length()==0){ return " "; }else{ return " " + strvalue.trim(); } }catch(Exception e){ return " "; } } /* 只轉中文,不處理null 讀取記錄時去掉數據兩邊的空格;而錄入數據時,維持用戶的輸入,哪怕用戶多輸入了空格 緣由在於有時可能用戶有意輸入空格。例如:備註字段原來有內容,如今用戶想清空。 */ public static String ConvertCH(String strvalue) { System.out.println("ConvertCH:"+strvalue); try{ if(strvalue==null){ return "null"; }else if(strvalue.length()==0){ return ""; }else{ strvalue = new String(strvalue.getBytes("ISO8859_1"), "GB2312"); return strvalue; } }catch(Exception e){ return ""; } } public static String ConvertCStr(String strvalue) { try{ strvalue = convertNull(strvalue); if(strvalue.equals("")){ return ""; }else{ strvalue = new String(strvalue.getBytes("ISO8859_1"), "GB2312"); return strvalue; } }catch(Exception e){ return ""; } } public static String ConvertCStr(Object o) { String strvalue = ""; try{ strvalue = String.valueOf(o); strvalue = convertNull(strvalue); if(strvalue.equals("")){ return ""; }else{ strvalue = new String(strvalue.getBytes("ISO8859_1"), "GB2312"); return strvalue; } }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("ConvertCStr:" + e.toString()); return ""; } } /** *UrlEncoder 進行URL編碼 */ public String UrlEncoder(String s) { String s1 = ""; if(s == null) return ""; try { s1 = URLEncoder.encode(s); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("URL Encoder :" + e.toString()); s1 = ""; } return s1; } /** *URLDecoder 進行URL解碼 */ public String UrlDecoder(String s) { String s1 = ""; if(s == null) return ""; try { s1 = URLDecoder.decode(s); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("URL Encoder :" + e.toString()); s1 = ""; } return s1; } /** * 將字符串轉化成首字母大寫,其他字母小寫的格式 * @param source 傳入字符串 * @return String */ public static String format_Aaa(String source) { if (source==null) return null; if (source.equals("")) return ""; String a; a = source.substring(0, 1); a = a.toUpperCase(); return a + source.substring(1); } /** * 將字符串轉換成Long型 * @param param 傳入字符串 * @return 長整形 */ public static long parseLong(String param) { long l=0; try { l = Long.parseLong(param); } catch (Exception e) { } return l; } /** * 將字符串轉換成Float型 * @param param 傳入字符串 * @return 浮點型 */ public static float parseFloat(String param) { float l=0; try { l = Float.parseFloat(param); } catch (Exception e) { } return l; } /** * 將字符串轉換成Integer型 * @param param 傳入字符串 * @return 整形 */ public static int parseInt(String param) { int l=0; try { l = Integer.parseInt(param); } catch (Exception e) { } return l; } public static Date parseDate(String currDate, String format) { SimpleDateFormat dtFormatdB = null; try { dtFormatdB = new SimpleDateFormat(format); return dtFormatdB.parse(currDate); }catch (Exception e){ dtFormatdB = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); try { return dtFormatdB.parse(currDate); }catch (Exception ex){} } return null; } public static Date parseDate(String currDate) { SimpleDateFormat dtFormatdB = null; dtFormatdB = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); try { return dtFormatdB.parse(currDate); }catch (Exception e){ try { return dtFormatdB.parse(currDate); }catch (Exception ex){} } return null; } public static Date parseTime(String currDate, String format) { SimpleDateFormat dtFormatdB = null; try { dtFormatdB = new SimpleDateFormat(format); return dtFormatdB.parse(currDate); }catch (Exception e){ dtFormatdB = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss"); try { return dtFormatdB.parse(currDate); }catch (Exception ex){} } return null; } public static Date parseDateTime(String currDate, String format) { SimpleDateFormat dtFormatdB = null; try { dtFormatdB = new SimpleDateFormat(format); return dtFormatdB.parse(currDate); }catch (Exception e){ dtFormatdB = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); try { return dtFormatdB.parse(currDate); }catch (Exception ex){} } return null; } /** * 將字符串轉換成Double型 * @param param 傳入字符串 * @return double型 */ public static double parseDouble(String param) { double l=0; try { l = Double.parseDouble(param); } catch (Exception e) { } return l; } /** * s是否存在ArrayList中,存在返回數組下標,不存在返回-1 */ public static int existElements(String s,ArrayList aList) { try{ for (int i = 0; i < aList.size(); i ++) { if (s.equals(aList.get(i))){ return i; } } }catch(Exception e){ } return -1; } /** * s是否存在String數組中,存在返回數組下標,不存在返回-1 */ public static int existElements(String s,String[] a) { try{ for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i ++) { if (s.compareTo((a[i].trim()))==0){ return i; } } }catch(Exception e){ } return -1; } /** * 判斷對象o是否存在於set對象集合中 create by tony 20090611 */ public static boolean existElements(Object o, Set set) { boolean isExists = false; Iterator it = set.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { Object obj =; if(o.equals(obj)) { isExists=true; break; } } return isExists; } /** * s是否存在ArrayList中,存在返回數組下標,不存在返回-1 */ public static int IsIndexOfElements(String s,ArrayList aList) { try{ String s1 = ""; for (int i = 0; i < aList.size(); i ++) { s1 = String.valueOf(aList.get(i)); if (s1.indexOf(s)!=-1){ return i; } } }catch(Exception e){ } return -1; } /** * 將ArrayList轉換爲一維String數組,並把其中的null換成空字符串 * @param aList 傳入的Arraylist */ public String[] ArrayListToString(ArrayList aList) { String[] s = new String[aList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < aList.size(); i ++) { s[i] = this.convertNull(aList.get(i)); } return s; } /** * 將數組中的null換成空字符串 * @param al 傳入的Arraylist,同時也是輸出結果 */ public static void formatArrayList(ArrayList al) { for (int i = 0; i < al.size(); i ++) { if (al.get(i) == null) al.set(i, ""); } } /** ComboList 功能:選定在下拉列表框中與查找到數據,相符的那一項內容 * <br>輸入參數:String CurrentValue 查找出的數據庫中的數據 * String[] content 須要輸出的全部下拉列表框的內容 * <br>輸出參數:返回下拉列表 * <br>注意事項:values爲0開始,並且中間不能斷開 */ public String ComboList(String CurrentValue, String[] content) { int i = 0; StringBuffer sBuf = new StringBuffer(); String selected = " selected"; try{ sBuf.append("<option value='' selected>--請選擇--</option>"); for (i = 0; i < content.length; i++) { sBuf.append("\n<option value='").append(i).append("'"); if (CurrentValue.compareTo(String.valueOf(i)) == 0) { sBuf.append(selected); } sBuf.append(">").append(content[i]).append("</option>"); } return sBuf.toString(); }catch(Exception e){ return ""; } } public String ComboListMust(String CurrentValue, String[] content) { int i = 0; StringBuffer sBuf = new StringBuffer(); String selected = " selected"; try{ for (i = 0; i < content.length; i++) { sBuf.append("\n<option value='").append(i).append("'"); if (CurrentValue.compareTo(String.valueOf(i)) == 0) { sBuf.append(selected); } sBuf.append(">").append(content[i]).append("</option>"); } return sBuf.toString(); }catch(Exception e){ return ""; } } /** ComboList 功能:選定在下拉列表框中與查找到數據,相符的那一項內容 * <br>輸入參數:String CurrentValue 查找出的數據庫中的數據 * String[] values 須要輸出的全部下拉列表框的內容所對應的值 * String[] content 須要輸出的全部下拉列表框的內容 * <br>輸出參數:返回下拉列表 * <br>修改:陳子樞 * <br>修改時間:2003-9-4 * <br>注意事項:values和content數組個數必須相同.適合從數據庫中取值 <% String[] aContextOPERATE_TYPE = {"定檢","輪換","抽檢"}; out.print(optionFuns.ComboList("",aContextOPERATE_TYPE,aContextOPERATE_TYPE)); %> */ public String ComboList(String CurrentValue,String[] values, String[] content) { int i = 0; StringBuffer sBuf = new StringBuffer(); String selected = " selected"; try{ if(CurrentValue==null){ CurrentValue = ""; } sBuf.append("<option value='' selected>--請選擇--</option>"); for (i = 0; i < content.length; i++) { sBuf.append("<option value='").append(values[i]).append("'"); if (CurrentValue.compareTo(values[i]) == 0) { sBuf.append(selected); } sBuf.append(">").append(content[i]).append("</option>"); } return sBuf.toString(); }catch(Exception e){ return ""; } } public String ComboListMust(String CurrentValue,String[] values, String[] content) { int i = 0; StringBuffer sBuf = new StringBuffer(); String selected = " selected"; try{ for (i = 0; i < content.length; i++) { sBuf.append("<option value='").append(values[i]).append("'"); if (CurrentValue.compareTo(values[i]) == 0) { sBuf.append(selected); } sBuf.append(">").append(content[i]).append("</option>"); } return sBuf.toString(); }catch(Exception e){ return ""; } } /** StrToTimestamp 功能:將字符串轉換爲Timestamp 。 * <br>輸入參數:String timestampStr 設置要轉換的字符串 * String pattern 要轉換的format * <br>輸出參數:若是格式正確返回格式後的字符串。 * 不正確返回系統日期。 * <br>做者:陳子樞 * <br>時間:2003-8-26 */ public static Timestamp StrToTimestamp(String timestampStr,String pattern) throws ParseException { java.util.Date date = null; SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern); try { date = format.parse(timestampStr); } catch (ParseException ex) { throw ex; } return date == null ? null : new Timestamp(date.getTime()); } //ex:utilFuns.StrToDateTimeFormat("2005-12-01 00:00:00.0,"yyyy-MM-dd") public static String StrToDateTimeFormat(String timestampStr,String pattern) throws ParseException { String s =""; try{ s = String.valueOf(StrToTimestamp(timestampStr, pattern)); s = s.substring(0,pattern.length()); }catch(Exception e){ } return s; } //ex:utilFuns.StrToDateTimeFormat("2005-12-01 00:00:00.0,"yyyy-MM-dd") public static String dateTimeFormat(Date date,String pattern) throws ParseException { String s =""; try{ SimpleDateFormat dformat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); s = dformat.format(date); s = String.valueOf(StrToTimestamp(s, pattern)); s = s.substring(0,pattern.length()); }catch(Exception e){ } return s; } public static String dateTimeFormat(Date date) throws ParseException { String s =""; try{ SimpleDateFormat dformat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); s = dformat.format(date); s = String.valueOf(StrToTimestamp(s, "yyyy-MM-dd")); s = s.substring(0,"yyyy-MM-dd".length()); }catch(Exception e){ } return s; } //add by tony 20100228 轉換中文 格式必須爲:"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"的一部分 public static String formatDateTimeCN(String date) throws ParseException { String s =""; try{ if(UtilFuns.isEmpty(date)){ return ""; } if(date.indexOf(".")>-1){ date = date.substring(0, date.indexOf(".")); } if(date.length()==4){ //yyyy s = date+"年"; }else if(date.length()==7){ //yyyy-MM s = date.replaceAll("-0", "-").replaceFirst("-", "年")+"月"; }else if(date.length()==10){ //yyyy-MM-dd s = date.replaceAll("-0", "-").replaceFirst("-", "年").replaceFirst("-", "月")+"日"; }else if(date.length()==2){ //HH s = date+"時"; }else if(date.length()==5){ //HH:mm s = date.replaceAll(":0", ":").replaceFirst(":", "時")+"分"; }else if(date.length()==8){ //HH:mm:ss s = date.replaceAll(":0", ":").replaceFirst(":", "時").replaceFirst(":", "分")+"秒"; }else if(date.length()==13){ //yyyy-MM-dd HH s = date.replaceAll("-0", "-").replaceFirst("-", "年").replaceFirst("-", "月").replaceAll(" 0", " ").replaceFirst(" ", "日")+"時"; }else if(date.length()==16){ //yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm s = date.replaceAll("-0", "-").replaceFirst("-", "年").replaceFirst("-", "月").replaceAll(" 0", " ").replaceFirst(" ", "日").replaceAll(":0", ":").replaceFirst(":", "時")+"分"; }else if(date.length()==19){ //yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss s = date.replaceAll("-0", "-").replaceFirst("-", "年").replaceFirst("-", "月").replaceAll(" 0", " ").replaceFirst(" ", "日").replaceAll(":0", ":").replaceFirst(":", "時").replaceFirst(":", "分")+"秒"; } s = s.replaceAll("0[時分秒]", ""); //正則 0時0分0秒的都替換爲空 }catch(Exception e){ } return s; } //add by tony 2011-07-26 返回英文格式日期 oct.10.2011 public static String formatDateEN(String date) throws ParseException { String s =""; int whichMonth = 1; try{ if(UtilFuns.isEmpty(date)){ return ""; } String[] aString = date.replaceAll("-0", "-").split("-"); whichMonth = Integer.parseInt(aString[1]); if(whichMonth==1){ s = "Jan"; }else if(whichMonth==2){ s = "Feb"; }else if(whichMonth==3){ s = "Mar"; }else if(whichMonth==4){ s = "Apr"; }else if(whichMonth==5){ s = "May"; }else if(whichMonth==6){ s = "Jun"; }else if(whichMonth==7){ s = "Jul"; }else if(whichMonth==8){ s = "Aug"; }else if(whichMonth==9){ s = "Sept"; }else if(whichMonth==10){ s = "Oct"; }else if(whichMonth==11){ s = "Nov"; }else if(whichMonth==12){ s = "Dec"; } s = s+"."+aString[2]+","+aString[0]; }catch(Exception e){ } return s; } //返回年月格式 2010-7 public String formatShortMonth(String strDate){ return strDate.substring(0,7).replaceAll("-0", "-"); } //返回年月格式 2010-07 public String formatMonth(String strDate){ return strDate.substring(0,7); } //刪除最後1個字符 public static String delLastChar(String s){ try{ if(s.length()>0){ s = s.substring(0,s.length()-1); } }catch(Exception e){ return ""; } return s; } //刪除最後len個字符 public static String delLastChars(String s,int len){ try{ if(s.length()>0){ s = s.substring(0,s.length()-len); } }catch(Exception e){ return ""; } return s; } //替換網頁用字符-配合FCKEditor使用 .replaceAll("'","'") //for viewpage public String htmlReplaceAll(String s){ try{ StringBuffer sBuf = new StringBuffer(); //.replaceAll("\\\\","\\\\\\\\").replaceAll("&","&") sBuf.append(s.replaceAll(" "," ").replaceAll("<","<").replaceAll(">",">").replaceAll("\"",""").replaceAll("\n","<br\\>")); return sBuf.toString(); }catch(Exception e){ return ""; } } //for viewpage by jstl/make html public static String htmlNewline(String s){ try{ //如不替換空格,html解釋時會自動把多個空格顯示爲一個空格,這樣當咱們經過空格來佈局時就出現textarea中和html頁面展示不一致的狀況 tony //s.replaceAll(" "," ") 不能進行空格的替換,不然頁面內容中若是有<img src="xxx.jpg" \>等標籤,內容就會顯示亂;<img src="xxx.jpg"nbsp;\> return s.replaceAll(" "," ").replaceAll("\n","<br\\>"); }catch(Exception e){ return ""; } } /** getPassString 功能:用於轉換爲後幾位的爲*。 * <br>輸入參數:String strvalue 設置要轉換的字符串 * int Flag 位數。 * <br>輸出參數:。 * <br>做者:範波 * <br>時間:2006-8-7 * <br>存在問題: * <br>用法: * <%=utilFuns.ConvertString("abcdef",3)%> */ public static String getPassString( String strvalue, int Flag ) { try { if ( strvalue.equals("null") || strvalue.compareTo("")==0){ return ""; } else { int intStrvalue = strvalue.length(); if ( intStrvalue > Flag ) { strvalue = strvalue.substring( 0, intStrvalue - Flag ); } for ( int i = 0; i < Flag; i++ ) { strvalue = strvalue + "*"; } //System.out.print( "strvalue:" + strvalue ); return strvalue; } } catch (Exception e) { return strvalue; } } /** getPassString 功能:用於轉換爲後幾位的爲*。 * <br>輸入參數:String strvalue 設置要轉換的字符串 * int Flag 起位數。 * int sFlag 末位數。 * <br>輸出參數:。 * <br>做者:範波 * <br>時間:2006-8-7 * <br>存在問題: * <br>用法: * <%=optionFuns.getPassString(String.valueOf(,3)%> */ public static String getPassString( String strvalue, int Flag, int sFlag ,int iPassLen ) { try { if ( strvalue.equals( "null" ) ) { return ""; } else { String strvalue1=""; String strvalue2=""; int intStrvalue = strvalue.length(); if(sFlag>=Flag){ if ( intStrvalue > Flag ) { strvalue1 = strvalue.substring( 0, Flag ); strvalue2 = strvalue.substring( sFlag, intStrvalue ); } else { strvalue1 = ""; strvalue2 = ""; } for ( int i = 0; i < iPassLen; i++ ) { strvalue1 = strvalue1 + "*"; } strvalue=strvalue1+strvalue2; } //System.out.print( "strvalue:" + strvalue ); return strvalue; } } catch (Exception e) { return strvalue; } } /* by czs 2006-8-17 OPTION: 取得字符串iStartPos位置到iEndPos位置,將中間這部分轉換iPatternLen個sPattern EXSAMPLE: getPatternString("CHEN ZISHU",5,7,"*",3) RESULT: CHEN ***SHU getPatternString("CHEN ZISHU",10,0,".",3) RESULT: CHEN****** */ public static String getPatternString( String s, int iStartPos, int iEndPos, String sPattern, int iPatternLen ) { try { if (iEndPos==0) { iEndPos = s.length(); } String sStartStr = ""; String sCenterStr = ""; String sEndStr = ""; if ( s.equals("null")){ return ""; } else { int ints = s.length(); if ( ints > iStartPos ) { sStartStr = s.substring( 0, iStartPos ); }else{ return s; } if ( ints > iEndPos) { sEndStr = s.substring( iEndPos, ints ); } for ( int i = 0; i < iPatternLen; i++ ) { sCenterStr = sCenterStr + sPattern; } return sStartStr + sCenterStr + sEndStr; } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); return s; } } public static String getPatternString( String s, int iStartPos, String sPattern, int iPatternLen ) { return getPatternString(s,iStartPos,0,sPattern,iPatternLen); } public static String getPatternString( String s, int iStartPos, String sPattern ) { return getPatternString(s,iStartPos,0,sPattern,3); } /** getQQString 功能:用於轉換爲後幾位的爲*。 * <br>輸入參數:String strvalue 設置要轉換的字符串 * * <br>輸出參數:。 * <br>做者:範波 * <br>時間:2006-8-7 * <br>存在問題: * <br>用法: * <%=optionFuns.getQQString(String.valueOf(> */ public static String getQQString( String strvalue ) { try { String QQ=""; if ( strvalue.equals("") ) { return ""; } else { QQ="<img src=\""+strvalue +":4\">" +" <SPAN title=\"有事叫我!\" style=\"CURSOR: hand\"" +" onclick=\"'"+strvalue +"&Site=21pan&Menu=yes')\">"+strvalue+"</SPAN>"; } strvalue=QQ; //System.out.print( "strvalue:" + strvalue ); return strvalue; } catch (Exception e) { return strvalue; } } public String getNoExistString(String allString, String existString){ return this.getNoExistString(this.splitStr(allString, ","), existString); } /* 返回existString中的每一個字串不在allString中的 */ public String getNoExistString(String[] allString, String existString){ existString = existString + ","; if(allString==null&&allString.length==0){ return ""; } StringBuffer sBuf = new StringBuffer(); for(int i=0;i<allString.length;i++){ if(existString.indexOf(allString[i])==-1){ sBuf.append(allString[i]).append(","); } } if(sBuf.length()>1){ sBuf.delete(sBuf.length()-1, sBuf.length()); } return sBuf.toString(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // // // java.util.List aList = new ArrayList(); // System.out.println(UtilFuns.isNotEmpty(aList)); // // System.out.println(uf.formatDateTimeCN("2011")); // System.out.println(uf.formatDateTimeCN("2011-01")); // System.out.println(uf.formatDateTimeCN("2011-01-02")); // System.out.println(uf.formatDateTimeCN("2011-01-02 03")); // System.out.println(uf.formatDateTimeCN("2011-01-02 13:05")); // System.out.println(uf.formatDateTimeCN("2011-01-02 13:05:05")); // System.out.println(uf.formatDateTimeCN("03")); // System.out.println(uf.formatDateTimeCN("13:05")); // System.out.println(uf.formatDateTimeCN("13:05:05")); // UtilFuns uf = new UtilFuns(); // System.out.println(uf.getNoExistString("1,2,3", "1,2,3,4")); // System.out.println(uf.getNoExistString("安全,生產,營銷", "生產,營銷")); // System.out.println("finish!"); // Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(); // set.add("abc"); // set.add("xyz"); // set.add("abc"); // for(Iterator<String> it = set.iterator();it.hasNext();){ // System.out.println(; // } /* System.out.println(SysTime("yyyy-MM-dd")); System.out.println(SysTime("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); System.out.println(Double.parseDouble("12.11")); System.out.println(FormatNumber("12.11000000000f")); System.out.println(getPatternString("CHEN ZISHU",8,0,".",3)); */ //System.out.println(SysTime("yyyy年MM月")); //System.out.println(SysTime("yyyyMM")); //System.out.println(ConvertSpaceTD("")); //System.out.println(ConvertTD("")); /* process the stat data Start Statement stmt1 = conn.createStatement(); String sTableName = find_Type; String sUserName = findName; StringBuffer sBuffer = new StringBuffer(); //Step 1 clear Table userState sBuffer.append("delete * from userStat;"); //Step 2 read username from User_P and write inputnum in it sBuffer.append("select User_P.loginname,").append(sTableName).append(".createby,count(").append(sTableName).append(".createby)") .append(" from ").append(sTableName).append("") .append(" right join") .append(" User_P") .append(" on User_P.loginname=").append(sTableName).append(".createby") .append(" where 1=1"); if (find_Name.compareTo("")!=0){ sBuffer.append(" and ").append(sTableName).append(".createby='").append(sTableName).append("'"); } if (find_DateStart.compareTo("")!=0){ sBuffer.append(" and createdate<='").append(find_DateStart).append(" 00:00:00'"); } if (find_DateStart.compareTo("")!=0){ sBuffer.append(" and createdate>='").append(find_DateEnd).append(" 23:59:59'"); } sBuffer.append(" group by ").append(sTableName).append(".createby") .append(";"); //Step 3 read updatenum sBuffer.append("select count(updateby) from ").append(sTableName).append("") .append(" where ").append(sTableName).append(".updateby=''") .append(" and updatedate<='").append(find_DateStart).append(" 00:00:00'") .append(" and updatedate>='").append(find_DateEnd).append(" 23:59:59'") .append(";"); //Step 4 update the userStat.updatenum value sBuffer.append("update userStat set updatenum='3' where updateby='").append(sTableName).append("'") .append(";"); sBuffer.toString(); process the stat data End */ /* try{ System.out.println(SysDate()); System.out.println(StrToDateTimeFormat("2003-08-21 18:28:47", "yyyy-MM-")); }catch(Exception e){ } String s[] = SplitStr("asd,asd,we,sd",","); for (int curLayNum=0;curLayNum<s.length;curLayNum++){ System.out.println(s[curLayNum]); } System.out.println(JoinStr(s,",")); System.out.println(ReturnSysTime("yyyy-MM-dd")); //System.out.println(CoverDate(ReturnSysTime("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"),"yyyy-MM-dd")); try { System.out.println(StrToTimestamp("2003-08-21 18:28:47", "yyyy-MM")); System.out.println(StrToDateTimeFormat("2003-08-21 18:28:47", "yyyy-MM")); } catch (ParseException ex) { } try { System.out.println(StrToTimestamp("2003-08-26", "yyyy-MM-dd")); } catch (ParseException ex) { System.out.println("StrToTimestamp error."); }*/ System.out.println("finish!"); } /* <script language=JavaScript> var today = new Date(); var strDate = (today.getFullYear() + "年" + (today.getMonth() + 1) + "月" + today.getDate() + "日 "); var n_day = today.getDay(); switch (n_day) { case 0:{ strDate = strDate + "星期日" }break; case 1:{ strDate = strDate + "星期一" }break; case 2:{ strDate = strDate + "星期二" }break; case 3:{ strDate = strDate + "星期三" }break; case 4:{ strDate = strDate + "星期四" }break; case 5:{ strDate = strDate + "星期五" }break; case 6:{ strDate = strDate + "星期六" }break; case 7:{ strDate = strDate + "星期日" }break; } document.write(strDate); </script> */ public String replaceLast(String string, String toReplace, String replacement) { int pos = string.lastIndexOf(toReplace); if (pos > -1) { return string.substring(0, pos) + replacement + string.substring(pos + toReplace.length(), string.length()); } else { return string; } } public static String getROOTPath(){ UtilFuns uf = new UtilFuns(); return uf.getClass().getResource("/").getPath().replace("/WEB-INF/classes/", "/").substring(1); } public String getClassRootPath(){ return this.getClass().getResource("/").getPath(); } }
package com.heima.bos.utils; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; public class MD5Utils { /** * 使用md5的算法進行加密 */ public static String md5(String plainText) { byte[] secretBytes = null; try { secretBytes = MessageDigest.getInstance("md5").digest( plainText.getBytes()); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new RuntimeException("沒有md5這個算法!"); } String md5code = new BigInteger(1, secretBytes).toString(16);// 16進制數字 // 若是生成數字未滿32位,須要前面補0 for (int i = 0; i < 32 - md5code.length(); i++) { md5code = "0" + md5code; } return md5code; } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(md5("123")); } }