typedef struct { /* time struct */ time_t time; /* time (s) expressed by standard time_t */ double sec; /* fraction of second under 1 s */ } gtime_t; const static double gpst0[]={1980,1, 6,0,0,0}; /* gps time reference */ extern gtime_t epoch2time(const double *ep) { const int doy[]={1,32,60,91,121,152,182,213,244,274,305,335}; gtime_t time={0}; int days,sec,year=(int)ep[0],mon=(int)ep[1],day=(int)ep[2]; if (year<1970||2099<year||mon<1||12<mon) return time; /* leap year if year%4==0 in 1901-2099 */ days=(year-1970)*365+(year-1969)/4+doy[mon-1]+day-2+(year%4==0&&mon>=3?1:0); sec=(int)floor(ep[5]); time.time=(time_t)days*86400+(int)ep[3]*3600+(int)ep[4]*60+sec; time.sec=ep[5]-sec; return time; } static void Time2Selfstr(gtime_t t,u1 *ymd,u1 *hour,u1 *min,u1 *sec,u4 n) { double ep[6]; if (n<0) n=0; else if (n>12) n=12; if (1.0-t.sec<0.5/pow(10.0,n)) {t.time++; t.sec=0.0;}; time2epoch(t,ep); sprintf(ymd,"%04.0f%02.0f%02.0f",ep[0],ep[1],ep[2]); //sprintf(hour,"%02.0f",(ep[3]+8) >= 25 ? (ep[3]+8-24) : (ep[3]+8));//beijing time xg@2017-9-29 sprintf(hour,"%02.0f",ep[3]); sprintf(min,"%02.0f",ep[4]); sprintf(sec,"%0*.*f",n <= 0 ? 2 : n + 3, n <= 0 ? 0 : n, ep[5]); } /* gps time to peking time */ extern gtime_t gpst2pktime(int week, double sec) { gtime_t t=epoch2time(gpst0); if (sec<-1E9||1E9<sec) sec=0.0; t.time+=86400*7*week+(int)sec+28800; t.sec=sec-(int)sec; return t; } void Get_LocalTime(u1 *buff,int len,u2 type) { gtime_t time; u2 week = 0; u4 sec = 0; char ymd[10]; char hour[10]; char min[10]; char zsec[10]; if(type == LOG_RANGE) { memcpy(&week,buff+14,2);//all is gps time about rangeb memcpy(&sec,buff+16,4); memset(ymd,0,sizeof(ymd)); memset(hour,0,sizeof(hour)); memset(min,0,sizeof(min)); sec = sec * 0.001; time = gpst2pktime(week,sec); Time2Selfstr(time,ymd,hour,min,zsec,3); if(f_live == 0)//when minutes is 00 { if(atoi(min) == 0 && atof(zsec) == 0.0) //when time is 00.00 f_live = 3;//enable create a new file to store if((atoi(zsec)!=f_timekeeping) && (atoi(zsec)%SYNCTIME==0)) { sync();//sync once -store data } f_timekeeping = atoi(zsec); } if(atoi(ymd)>19800106 && f_live == 3) //when the app is started at first or when minutes is 00 { memcpy(f_ymd,ymd,8); memcpy(f_hour,hour,2); memcpy(f_min,min,2); memcpy(f_sec,zsec,10); f_live = 0; } } }