


1.Levenshtein距離是一種計算兩個字符串間的差別程度的字符串度量(string metric)。咱們能夠認爲Levenshtein距離就是從一個字符串修改到另外一個字符串時,其中編輯單個字符(好比修改、插入、刪除)所須要的最少次數。git







注:其中的類似度 = 1 - 距離spa


def count_matches(s1, s2, len1, len2):
    assert len1 and len1 <= len2
    # search_range = max(len2//2-1, 0)
    # print ("search_range",search_range)
    search_range = len2
    num_matches = 0

    flags1 = [0] * len1
    flags2 = [0] * len2

    for i, char in enumerate(s1):

        lolim = max(i - search_range, 0)
        hilim = min(i + search_range, len2 - 1)

        for j in range(lolim, hilim + 1):

            if not flags2[j] and char == s2[j]:
                flags1[i] = flags2[j] = 1
                # where_matched[i] = j
                num_matches += 1
    return num_matches, flags1, flags2  # , where_matched

def count_half_transpositions(s1, s2, flags1, flags2):
    half_transposes = 0
    k = 0

    for i, flag in enumerate(flags1):
        if not flag: continue
        while not flags2[k]: k += 1
        if s1[i] != s2[k]:
            half_transposes += 1
        k += 1
    return half_transposes

def count_typos(s1, s2, flags1, flags2, typo_table):
    assert 0 in flags1

    typo_score = 0
    for i, flag1 in enumerate(flags1):
        if flag1: continue  # Iterate through unmatched chars
        row = s1[i]
        if row not in typo_table:
            # If we don't have a similarity mapping for the char, continue
        typo_row = typo_table[row]

        for j, flag2 in enumerate(flags2):
            if flag2: continue
            col = s2[j]
            if col not in typo_row: continue

            # print 'Similarity!', row, col
            typo_score += typo_row[col]
            flags2[j] = 2
    return typo_score, flags2

def fn_jaro(len1, len2, num_matches, half_transposes, typo_score, typo_scale):
    if not len1:
        if not len2: return 1.0
        return 0.0
    if not num_matches: return 0.0

    similar = (typo_score / typo_scale) + num_matches
    weight = (similar / len1
              + similar / len2
              + (num_matches - half_transposes // 2) / num_matches)

    return weight / 3

def string_metrics(s1, s2, typo_table=None, typo_scale=1, boost_threshold=None,
                   pre_len=0, pre_scale=0, longer_prob=False):
    len1 = len(s1)
    len2 = len(s2)

    if len2 < len1:
        s1, s2 = s2, s1
        len1, len2 = len2, len1
    assert len1 <= len2

    if not (len1 and len2): return len1, len2, 0, 0, 0, 0, False

    num_matches, flags1, flags2 = count_matches(s1, s2, len1, len2)

    # If no characters in common - return
    if not num_matches: return len1, len2, 0, 0, 0, 0, False

    half_transposes = count_half_transpositions(s1, s2, flags1, flags2)

    # adjust for similarities in non-matched characters
    typo_score = 0
    if typo_table and len1 > num_matches:
        typo_score, flags2 = count_typos(s1, s2, flags1, flags2, typo_table)

    if not boost_threshold:
        return len1, len2, num_matches, half_transposes, typo_score, 0, 0

    pre_matches = 0
    adjust_long = False
    weight_typo = fn_jaro(len1, len2, num_matches, half_transposes,
                          typo_score, typo_scale)

    # Continue to boost the weight if the strings are similar
    if weight_typo > boost_threshold:
        # Adjust for having up to first 'pre_len' chars (not digits) in common
        limit = min(len1, pre_len)
        while pre_matches < limit:
            char1 = s1[pre_matches]
            if not (char1.isalpha() and char1 == s2[pre_matches]):
            pre_matches += 1

        if longer_prob:
            cond = len1 > pre_len
            cond = cond and num_matches > pre_matches + 1
            cond = cond and 2 * num_matches >= len1 + pre_matches
            cond = cond and s1[0].isalpha()
            if cond:
                adjust_long = True

    return (len1, len2, num_matches, half_transposes,
            typo_score, pre_matches, adjust_long)

def metric_jaro(string1, string2):
    "The standard, basic Jaro string metric."

    ans = string_metrics(string1, string2)
    len1, len2, num_matches, half_transposes = ans[:4]
    assert ans[4:] == (0, 0, False)
    return fn_jaro(len1, len2, num_matches, half_transposes, 0, 1)
def metric_jaro_score(s1,s2):
    return metric_jaro(s1,s2)    
print (metric_jaro_score("賽鼎線世紀明珠45號","世紀明珠45號"))