
create or replace function F01_SX03_SUM(statdate varchar2, code varchar2, para varchar2) RETURN number IS v_me number; v_mb number; begin if para = 'me' then select nvl(sum(nvl(me, 0)), 0) / 10000 into v_me from sx03_gl_accass t where t.ccode like (code || '%') and t.iyeriod = substr(replace(statdate, '-', ''), 1, 6) and t.citem_id in (select distinct (ts.citem_id) from sx03_gl_accass ts where ts.ccode = '4001' and <> 0 and ts.iyeriod = substr(replace(statdate, '-', ''), 1, 6)); return v_me; elsif para = 'mb' then select nvl(sum(nvl(mb, 0)), 0) / 10000 into v_mb from sx03_gl_accass t where t.ccode like (code || '%') and t.iyeriod = substr(statdate, 1, 4) || '01' and t.citem_id in (select distinct (ts.citem_id) from sx03_gl_accass ts where ts.ccode = '4001' and ts.mb <> 0 and ts.iyeriod = substr(statdate, 1, 4) || '01'); return v_mb; end if; end;