TYPE-POOLS truxs. DATA:it_raw TYPE truxs_t_text_data. "定義一個內表來存儲數據,內表的列數和要傳得數據的列數要相同,其按照列來匹配傳值 DATA: BEGIN OF gt_data OCCURS 0, col1 TYPE char10, col2 TYPE char10, END OF gt_data. PARAMETERS:p_file TYPE rlgrap-filename. "調用F4_FILENAME,點擊輸入框後小方塊彈出文件選擇框 AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR p_file. CLEAR p_file. CALL FUNCTION 'F4_FILENAME' IMPORTING file_name = p_file."返回文件名 *Excel傳值 START-OF-SELECTION. PERFORM exceltotab. FORM exceltotab . CALL FUNCTION 'TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP' EXPORTING * I_FIELD_SEPERATOR = ' ' "分隔符? i_line_header = 'X' "是否去掉首行 i_tab_raw_data = it_raw "WORK TABLE i_filename = p_file TABLES i_tab_converted_data = gt_data[] "ACTUAL DATA EXCEPTIONS conversion_failed = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. ENDFORM. "exceltotab
data: ts_files type filetable, rc type i. refresh ts_files. DATA:filename(1024) type C. "調用方法,彈出文件選擇框,獲取選中文件路徑 call method cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog exporting window_title = 'Select File' default_extension = '*.xls' multiselection = ' ' " Only one file changing file_table = ts_files rc = rc exceptions file_open_dialog_failed = 1 cntl_error = 2 error_no_gui = 3 not_supported_by_gui = 4 others = 5. read table ts_files into filename index 1.
調用function ‘ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE’,將excel表內容讀入ABAP內表。ui
"將excel讀取到內表'ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE' DATA :excelTab like alsmex_tabline OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE. Data :fileTest like rlgrap-filename VALUE 'D:\myexcel.xlsx'. call function 'ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE' exporting filename = fileTest i_begin_col = 1 i_begin_row = 1 i_end_col = 20 i_end_row = 20000 tables intern = excelTab exceptions inconsistent_parameters = 1 upload_ole = 2 others = 3.
2.複製function:ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE,複製以前先建立目標Function group,否則會複製失敗;
3.在新建Function Group建立include: LZTEST_EXCELF01,將ALSMEX下,includes:LALSMEXF01內容複製到新建include。
4.將ALSMEX下,includes:LALSMEXTOP內容複製到新建Function Group的includes:LZTEST_EXCELTOP中,而後檢查,激活。
* value of excel-cell TYPES: ty_d_itabvalue TYPE alsmex_tabline-value, * internal table containing the excel data ty_t_itab TYPE alsmex_tabline OCCURS 0,
"將excel讀取到內表'ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE' DATA :exceltab like alsmex_tabline OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE. Data :filetest like rlgrap-filename VALUE 'D:test.xlsx'. * CALL FUNCTION 'ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE' CALL FUNCTION 'TEST_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE' EXPORTING filename = fileTest i_begin_col = 1 i_begin_row = 1 i_end_col = 20 i_end_row = 20000 TABLES intern = exceltab EXCEPTIONS inconsistent_parameters = 1 upload_ole = 2 others = 3.
經過create object語句建立一個excel對象,
CREATE OBJECT lo_application 'Excel.Application'. "建立excel對象
SET PROPERTY OF lo_application 'Visible' = 1. "設置excel可見 SET PROPERTY OF lo_application 'SheetsInNewWorkbook' = 1.
二、類對象:lo_workbooks :工做簿集合;
CALL METHOD OF lo_application 'Workbooks' = lo_workbooks. "調用lo_application的'Workbooks'建立工做簿集
CALL METHOD OF lo_workbooks 'Add' = lo_workbook. "調用lo_workbooks 的方法'Add' ,建立工做薄
"建立一個sheet集合 CALL METHOD OF lo_application 'Sheets' = lo_worksheets . 經過sheet集合對象,調用add方法,能夠建立多個sheet對象。建立出的sheet對象調用Activate方法,能夠激活。 "建立新的work sheet. "默認建立的最新的sheet,處於active狀態 CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheets 'Add' = new_worksheet. *CALL METHOD OF new_worksheet 'Activate'. "激活當前新的sheet
GET PROPERTY OF lo_application 'ACTIVESHEET' = lo_worksheet. "獲取當前活動sheet,初始建立時,只有一個sheet,且active
SET PROPERTY OF lo_worksheet 'Name' = 'first sheet'. "設置sheet名
"建立單元個 CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cell EXPORTING # = 1 "Row # = 1. "Column
SET PROPERTY OF lo_cell 'value' = '天'. "設置單元個值
"設置單元格值格式,支持excel中的格式 *SET PROPERTY OF lo_cell 'NumberFormat' = '0.00'. SET PROPERTY OF lo_cell 'NumberFormat' = 'm/d/yy'.
"特別長文字,自動換列,看到所有文字 SET PROPERTY OF lo_cell 'WrapText' = 1.
"設置水平對齊方式 "center = -4108 "left = -4131 "right = -4152 "top = -4160 SET PROPERTY OF lo_cell 'HorizontalAlignment' = -4108.
"設置單元格字體 CALL METHOD OF lo_cell 'font' = lo_font. "EXCEL支持的字體名 *SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'Name' = 'Agency FB'. "字體名 SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'Name' = '微軟正黑體'. "字體名 SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'Size' = 15. "大小 "顏色數字規則? SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'Color' = -12123441. "顏色 SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'TintAndShade' = 0. "明亮度-1~1,1徹底透明 SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'Bold' = 0. "是否粗體字 0 :false 1:true SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'Italic' = 1. "是否斜體 0:false 1:true SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'Underline' = 2. "xlUnderlineStyleSingle = 2,下劃線
"設置單元格背景 DATA:lo_interior TYPE ole2_object. CALL METHOD OF lo_cell 'interior' = lo_interior. SET PROPERTY OF lo_interior 'Color' = 12123441. SET PROPERTY OF lo_interior 'ColorIndex' = 43.
"選擇Ranges of cells CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cellstart EXPORTING # = 1 "row # = 1. "column CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cellend EXPORTING # = 3 "row # = 3. "column "選中一個區域Cell CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'RANGE' = lo_range EXPORTING # = lo_cellstart # = lo_cellend.
"選擇列 CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Columns' = lo_column EXPORTING # = 1.
"選擇行 CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Row' = lo_row EXPORTING # = 2.
"獲取選中區域selection CALL METHOD OF lo_row 'Select'. CALL METHOD OF lo_application 'selection' = lo_selection.
"添加驗證 "選中(4,4) CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cell EXPORTING # = 4 # = 4. "獲取選中區域selection CALL METHOD OF lo_cell 'Select'. CALL METHOD OF lo_application 'selection' = lo_selection. "獲取驗證對象lo_validation CALL METHOD OF lo_selection 'Validation' = lo_validation. "添加驗證規則 CALL METHOD OF lo_validation 'Add' EXPORTING #1 = 4 "驗證類型Type 4 = xlValidateDate,驗證日期 #2 = 1 "驗證彈窗類型AlertStype 1 = xlValidAlertStop #3 = 1 "操做類型,Operator 1 = xlBetween,在之間 #4 = '1/1/2000' "Formula1 #5 = '1/1/2010'. "Formula2 "設置錯誤信息 SET PROPERTY OF lo_validation 'ErrorMessage' = 'Enter a valid date'.
"複製粘貼方式將數據寫入EXCEL CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Activate'. "激活當前新的sheet DATA:test_spfli LIKE TABLE OF spfli WITH HEADER LINE. TYPES: ty_data(1500) TYPE c. DATA: lt_data TYPE ty_data OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA:lv_cont TYPE I. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <field> TYPE ANY. SELECT * FROM spfli INTO TABLE test_spfli. * Prepare the data before copy to clipboard; LOOP AT test_spfli. lv_cont = 1. * Write for example 5 columns per row. DO 5 TIMES. ASSIGN COMPONENT lv_cont OF STRUCTURE test_spfli TO <field>. "使用#將數據連接起來,數據格式#xxx#xxxx#xxxx CONCATENATE lt_data <field> INTO lt_data SEPARATED BY cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab. ADD 1 TO lv_cont. ENDDO. "去掉開始#號 SHIFT lt_data BY 1 PLACES LEFT. APPEND lt_data. CLEAR lt_data. ENDLOOP. * Copy to clipboard into ABAP CALL FUNCTION 'CONTROL_FLUSH' EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 3. CALL FUNCTION 'CLPB_EXPORT' TABLES data_tab = lt_data EXCEPTIONS clpb_error = 1 OTHERS = 2. * Select the cell A1 CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cell EXPORTING #1 = 1 "Row #2 = 1. "Column * Paste clipboard from cell A1 CALL METHOD OF lo_cell 'SELECT'. CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'PASTE'. "調用lo_workbook 'SaveAs' 方法保存excel CALL METHOD OF lo_workbook 'SaveAs' EXPORTING # = lv_complete_path. if sy-subrc = 0. MESSAGE 'File downloaded successfully' TYPE 'S'. ELSE. MESSAGE 'Error downloading the file' TYPE 'E'. ENDIF.
TYPE-POOLS: soi,ole2. DATA: lo_application TYPE ole2_object, "表明excel對象 lo_workbook TYPE ole2_object, "表明excel工做薄 lo_workbooks TYPE ole2_object, "表明excel工做薄集合 lo_range TYPE ole2_object, "表明多個單元格集合 lo_worksheet TYPE ole2_object, "表明excel工做表sheet lo_worksheets TYPE ole2_object, "表明excel工做表sheet集合 lo_column TYPE ole2_object, "表明excel列 lo_row TYPE ole2_object, "表明excel行 lo_cell TYPE ole2_object, "表明excel單元格 lo_font TYPE ole2_object. "表明字體 DATA: lo_cellstart TYPE ole2_object, lo_cellend TYPE ole2_object, lo_selection TYPE ole2_object, lo_validation TYPE ole2_object. DATA: lv_selected_folder TYPE string, lv_complete_path TYPE char256, lv_titulo TYPE string . "彈窗描述 DATA: new_worksheet TYPE ole2_object. "新sheet "調用文件路徑選擇框,默認路徑C:\ CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>directory_browse EXPORTING window_title = lv_titulo "彈窗最上方,能夠添加描述信息,不是彈窗標題 initial_folder = 'C:\' "初始化選擇路徑 CHANGING selected_folder = lv_selected_folder "返回選擇路徑 EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 0 error_no_gui = 1 OTHERS = 2. "檢查是否獲取到路徑 CHECK NOT lv_selected_folder IS INITIAL. DATA:str_len TYPE I. DATA:temp_sign(1) TYPE C. str_len = STRLEN( lv_selected_folder ) - 1. temp_sign = lv_selected_folder+str_len(1). if temp_sign = '\'. "肯定保存路徑 CONCATENATE lv_selected_folder 'Test' INTO lv_complete_path. else. "肯定保存路徑 CONCATENATE lv_selected_folder '\Test' INTO lv_complete_path. ENDIF. "建立excel對象 CREATE OBJECT lo_application 'Excel.Application'. "建立excel對象 SET PROPERTY OF lo_application 'Visible' = 1. "設置excel可見 SET PROPERTY OF lo_application 'SheetsInNewWorkbook' = 1. "建立workbook CALL METHOD OF lo_application 'Workbooks' = lo_workbooks. "調用lo_application的'Workbooks'建立工做簿集 CALL METHOD OF lo_workbooks 'Add' = lo_workbook. "調用lo_workbooks 的方法'Add' ,建立工做薄 GET PROPERTY OF lo_application 'ACTIVESHEET' = lo_worksheet. "獲取當前活動sheet,初始建立時,只有一個sheet,且active SET PROPERTY OF lo_worksheet 'Name' = 'first sheet'. "設置sheet名 "建立一個sheet集合 CALL METHOD OF lo_application 'Sheets' = lo_worksheets . "建立新的work sheet. "默認建立的最新的sheet,處於active狀態 CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheets 'Add' = new_worksheet. *CALL METHOD OF new_worksheet 'Activate'. "激活當前新的sheet SET PROPERTY OF new_worksheet 'Name' = 'second sheet'. "設置sheet名 "lo_application默認sheet,設置值 "建立單元個 CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cell EXPORTING # = 1 "Row # = 1. "Column SET PROPERTY OF lo_cell 'value' = '天'. "設置單元個值 "設置單元格字體 CALL METHOD OF lo_cell 'font' = lo_font. "EXCEL支持的字體名 *SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'Name' = 'Agency FB'. "字體名 SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'Name' = '微軟正黑體'. "字體名 SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'Size' = 15. "大小 "建立單元個 CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cell EXPORTING # = 1 "Row # = 2. "Column SET PROPERTY OF lo_cell 'value' = '12/03/2010'. "設置單元個值 "設置單元格值格式,支持excel中的格式 *SET PROPERTY OF lo_cell 'NumberFormat' = '0.00'. SET PROPERTY OF lo_cell 'NumberFormat' = 'm/d/yy'. "設置單元格字體 CALL METHOD OF lo_cell 'font' = lo_font. "顏色數字規則? SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'Color' = -12123441. "顏色 SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'TintAndShade' = 0. "明亮度-1~1,1徹底透明 SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'Bold' = 0. "是否粗體字 0 :false 1:true SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'Italic' = 1. "是否斜體 0:false 1:true SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'Underline' = 2. "xlUnderlineStyleSingle = 2,下劃線 "設置單元格背景 DATA:lo_interior TYPE ole2_object. CALL METHOD OF lo_cell 'interior' = lo_interior. SET PROPERTY OF lo_interior 'Color' = 12123441. "設置單元格邊框 DATA:lo_borders TYPE ole2_object. "獲取邊框對象,輸入參數‘7’:左邊框xlEdgeLeft;‘8’:上邊框xlEdgeTop;‘9’:下邊框xlEdgeBottom;‘10’:右邊框xlEdgeRight CALL METHOD OF lo_cell 'borders' = lo_borders EXPORTING # = 7. SET PROPERTY OF lo_borders 'LineStyle' = 1."xlContinuous='1' SET PROPERTY OF lo_borders 'Weight' = 4."xlThick = 4 "在對應new sheet設置單元格值 "建立單元個 CALL METHOD OF new_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cell EXPORTING # = 1 "Row # = 1. "Column SET PROPERTY OF lo_cell 'value' = 'hello2'. "設置單元個值 "建立單元個 CALL METHOD OF new_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cell EXPORTING # = 1 "Row # = 2. "Column SET PROPERTY OF lo_cell 'value' = 'welcome2'. "設置單元個值 *"選擇Ranges of cells *CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cellstart * EXPORTING * # = 1 "row * # = 1. "column * *CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cellend * EXPORTING * # = 3 "row * # = 3. "column * *"選中一個區域Cell *CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'RANGE' = lo_range * EXPORTING * # = lo_cellstart * # = lo_cellend. * "選擇列 *CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Columns' = lo_column * EXPORTING * # = 1. *"選擇行 *CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Row' = lo_row * EXPORTING * # = 2. * *"獲取選中區域selection *CALL METHOD OF lo_row 'Select'. *CALL METHOD OF lo_application 'selection' = lo_selection. *"添加驗證 *"選中(4,4) *CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cell * EXPORTING * # = 4 * # = 4. *"獲取選中區域selection *CALL METHOD OF lo_cell 'Select'. *CALL METHOD OF lo_application 'selection' = lo_selection. *"獲取驗證對象lo_validation *CALL METHOD OF lo_selection 'Validation' = lo_validation. *"添加驗證規則 *CALL METHOD OF lo_validation 'Add' * EXPORTING * #1 = 4 "驗證類型Type 4 = xlValidateDate,驗證日期 * #2 = 1 "驗證彈窗類型AlertStype 1 = xlValidAlertStop * #3 = 1 "操做類型,Operator 1 = xlBetween,在之間 * #4 = '1/1/2000' "Formula1 * #5 = '1/1/2010'. "Formula2 *"設置錯誤信息 *SET PROPERTY OF lo_validation 'ErrorMessage' = 'Enter a valid date'. "調用lo_workbook 'SaveAs' 方法保存excel CALL METHOD OF lo_workbook 'SaveAs' EXPORTING # = lv_complete_path. if sy-subrc = 0. MESSAGE 'File downloaded successfully' TYPE 'S'. ELSE. MESSAGE 'Error downloading the file' TYPE 'E'. ENDIF. CALL METHOD OF lo_application 'QUIT'. "退出excel "釋放資源 FREE OBJECT lo_worksheet. FREE OBJECT new_worksheet. FREE OBJECT lo_workbook. FREE OBJECT lo_workbooks. FREE OBJECT lo_application.
DOI:Desktop Office Integretion
container: 存放excel電子表格(spreadsheet)的容器。
展現spreadsheet確定須要一個容器來存放。這個容器通常在dialog screen中定義,也能夠直接使用ABAP程序默認的screen(即screen號碼爲1000的屏幕)。
container control: 容器中用於建立和管理其餘Office集成所須要的對象。container control是一個接口,類型是i_oi_container_control。
document proxy: 每個document proxy的實例表明用office application打開的文檔,能夠是excel,也能夠是word。若是想打開多個文檔,須要定義多個實例。document proxy是一個接口,類型爲i_oi_document_proxy。
spreadsheet: spreadsheet接口,表明最終要操做的excel文檔。spreadhseet的類型是i_oi_spreadsheet
business document set: bds是business document set的縮寫。
business document set用於管理後續要操做的文檔,能夠包含一個或多個文檔。
"容器對象 DATA:gr_container type ref to cl_gui_container. "管理Excel或其餘文檔對象 DATA:gr_control type ref to i_oi_container_control. "文檔對象,打開保存文檔操做 DATA:gr_document type ref to i_oi_document_proxy. "sheet操做接口對象 DATA:gr_spreadsheet type ref to i_oi_spreadsheet. "sheet中選擇操做區域range DATA:gr_ranges type SOI_RANGE_LIST. DATA:gr_ranges_item TYPE SOI_RANGE_ITEM. "對應range的填充內容 DATA:gr_contents TYPE SOI_GENERIC_TABLE. DATA:gr_contents_item TYPE SOI_GENERIC_ITEM. start-of-selection. perform main. *get container form get_container. "獲取容器對象,實例化 gr_container = cl_gui_container=>screen0."screen0 表明當前1000默認屏幕 endform. "get_container * create container control form create_container_control. "調用方法,建立管理對象control CALL METHOD c_oi_container_control_creator=>get_container_control IMPORTING control = gr_control. "初始化control對象 * initialize control CALL METHOD gr_control->init_control EXPORTING inplace_enabled = 'X' "嵌入屏幕顯示‘x’ inplace_scroll_documents = 'X' "可滾動 register_on_close_event = 'X' register_on_custom_event = 'X' r3_application_name = 'DOI demo' parent = gr_container. endform. "create excel document form create_excel_document. CALL METHOD gr_control->get_document_proxy EXPORTING document_type = 'Excel.Sheet' no_flush = 'X' IMPORTING document_proxy = gr_document. "open_inplace參數控制excel文檔是獨立顯示仍是在SAP GUI中嵌入顯示。 "若是嵌入顯示,gr_control的init_control方法中,inplace_enabled參數要設爲X CALL METHOD gr_document->create_document EXPORTING document_title = 'DOI test' no_flush = '' open_inplace = ''. endform. "create_excel_document "使用spreedsheet填充數據 form fill_data. "sheet的名字 DATA:sheetname(20) TYPE C . DATA:error TYPE REF TO I_OI_ERROR. DATA:retcode TYPE SOI_RET_STRING. "調用document的方法,獲取sheet對象 CALL METHOD gr_document->get_spreadsheet_interface EXPORTING no_flush = '' IMPORTING sheet_interface = gr_spreadsheet error = error. "spreadsheet能夠獲取當前活動sheetname CALL METHOD gr_spreadsheet->get_active_sheet EXPORTING no_flush = '' IMPORTING sheetname = sheetname error = error retcode = retcode. "獲取當前活動sheet指定ranges區域 CALL METHOD gr_spreadsheet->insert_range_dim EXPORTING no_flush = '' name = 'range1' left = 1 top = 1 rows = 1 columns = 2 * updating = 1 * sheetname = 'sheet1' IMPORTING error = error retcode = retcode. * "修改range的名字,範圍 * CALL METHOD gr_spreadsheet->change_range * EXPORTING * rangename = 'range1' * newname = 'range1' * rows = 1 * columns = 1 ** updating = 1 "默認-1 * IMPORTING * error = error * retcode = retcode. "設置ranges區域字體 CALL METHOD gr_spreadsheet->set_font EXPORTING rangename = 'range1' "range的名字 family = 'Times New Roman' size = 9 bold = 0 "加粗 italic = 0 "斜體 align = 0 "水平居中 IMPORTING error = error retcode = retcode. "設置ranges區域格式 CALL METHOD gr_spreadsheet->set_format EXPORTING rangename = 'range1' typ = 0 currency = 'RMB' decimals = 1 IMPORTING error = error retcode = retcode. "設置ranges區域 gr_ranges_item-name = 'range1'. gr_ranges_item-rows = 1. gr_ranges_item-columns = 2. APPEND gr_ranges_item TO gr_ranges. "設置內容,value 256長度 gr_contents_item-row = 1. gr_contents_item-column = 1. gr_contents_item-value = '112'. APPEND gr_contents_item TO gr_contents. gr_contents_item-row = 1. gr_contents_item-column = 2. gr_contents_item-value = '113'. APPEND gr_contents_item TO gr_contents. "設置sheet中的內容 CALL METHOD gr_spreadsheet->set_ranges_data EXPORTING no_flush = '' ranges = gr_ranges "選中區域 contents = gr_contents "填充內容 * updating = '' * rangesdef = '' IMPORTING retcode = retcode error = error. * "建立一個新的sheet * call method gr_spreadsheet->add_sheet * exporting * name = 'sheet1' * no_flush = '' * importing * error = error * retcode = retcode. * "刪除一個sheet * call method gr_spreadsheet->delete_sheet * exporting * name = 'sheet1' * no_flush = '' * importing * error = error * retcode = retcode. "active指定name的sheet * CALL METHOD gr_spreadsheet->select_sheet * EXPORTING * name = 'sheet1' * no_flush = '' * IMPORTING * error = error * retcode = retcode. * "修改sheet名字 * CALL METHOD gr_spreadsheet->set_sheet_name * EXPORTING * newname = 'sheet1' * oldname = sheetname * no_flush = '' * IMPORTING * error = error * retcode = retcode. endform. "保存文檔 form save_doc. DATA:error TYPE REF TO I_OI_ERROR. DATA:retcode TYPE SOI_RET_STRING. "保存的文件路徑 DATA:file_name(20) TYPE C VALUE 'D:\test.xls'. "只傳文件名,不設置路徑,該方法會自動默認保存到c盤用戶文件下的文檔文件夾中) CALL METHOD gr_document->save_as EXPORTING file_name = file_name prompt_user = '' IMPORTING error = error retcode = retcode. endform. "釋放資源 form free_source. "關閉文檔 CALL METHOD gr_document->close_document. "釋放容器 CALL METHOD gr_container->free. "關閉文檔管理 CALL METHOD gr_control->destroy_control. FREE gr_control. LEAVE PROGRAM. endform. form main. * skip 1. perform get_container. perform create_container_control. perform create_excel_document. Perform fill_data. perform save_doc. perform free_source. endform.
使用OAOR,上傳模板。Class name:HRFPM_EXCEL_STANDARD;Class Type:OT;Object Key:能夠本身定義,訪問時也是經過這個找到咱們文件,示例:DOI_EXCEL_TEXT。
*business document system data: gr_bds_documents type ref to cl_bds_document_set, g_classname type sbdst_classname, g_classtype type sbdst_classtype, g_objectkey type sbdst_object_key, g_doc_components type sbdst_components, g_doc_signature type sbdst_signature. * template url data: gt_bds_uris type sbdst_uri, gs_bds_url like line of gt_bds_uris, g_template_url(256) type c. g_classname = 'HRFPM_EXCEL_STANDARD'. g_classtype = 'OT'. g_objectkey = 'DOI_EXCEL_TEST'. form get_template_url. CREATE OBJECT gr_bds_documents. CALL METHOD cl_bds_document_set=>get_info EXPORTING classname = g_classname classtype = g_classtype object_key = g_objectkey CHANGING components = g_doc_components signature = g_doc_signature. CALL METHOD cl_bds_document_set=>get_with_url EXPORTING classname = g_classname classtype = g_classtype object_key = g_objectkey CHANGING uris = gt_bds_uris signature = g_doc_signature. free gr_bds_documents. read table gt_bds_uris into gs_bds_url index 1. g_template_url = gs_bds_url-uri. endform. "get_template_url "經過URL獲取模板文檔 call method gr_document->open_document exporting open_inplace = 'X' document_url = g_template_url.