最近有些朋友總來問我有關遺傳算法的東西,我是在大學搞數學建模的時候接觸過一些最優化和進化算法方面的東西,之前也寫過幾篇博客記錄過,好比遺傳算法的C語言實現(一):以非線性函數求極值爲例和C語言實現粒子羣算法(PSO)一等,若是對原理有興趣的話能夠去個人博客具體查看:Lyrichu's Blog。因此突發奇想,乾脆把之前寫的一些進化算法好比遺傳算法(GA),粒子羣算法(PSO),模擬退火算法(SA)以及最近看的基於梯度的一些優化算法好比Gradient Descent,SGD,Momentum等整理一下,寫成一個python庫,方便那些有須要的朋友使用。斷斷續續花了幾天的時間,初步完成了一些基本功能,這裏簡單介紹一下。
pip install sopt
from sopt.SGA import SGA from math import sin def func1(x): return (x[0]-1)**2 + (sin(x[1])-0.5)**4 + 2 if __name__ == '__main__': sga = SGA.SGA(func = func1,func_type = 'min',variables_num = 2, lower_bound = 0,upper_bound = 2,generations = 20, binary_code_length = 10) # run SGA sga.run() # show the SGA optimization result in figure sga.save_plot() # print the result sga.show_result()
-------------------- SGA config is: -------------------- lower_bound:[0, 0] generations:20 cross_rate:0.7 variables_num:2 mutation_rate:0.1 func_type:min upper_bound:[2, 2] population_size:100 func:<function func1 at 0x7f3d2311b158> binary_code_length:10 -------------------- SGA caculation result is: -------------------- global best generation index/total generations:3/20 global best point:[1.00488759 0.45356794] global best target:2.00003849823336
的ndarray,表示每一個變量的上界,若是是一個數字的話,咱們認爲全部的上界都是同樣的(必填);from sopt.GA.GA import GA from sopt.util.functions import * from sopt.util.ga_config import * from sopt.util.constraints import * class TestGA: def __init__(self): self.func = quadratic11 self.func_type = quadratic11_func_type self.variables_num = quadratic11_variables_num self.lower_bound = quadratic11_lower_bound self.upper_bound = quadratic11_upper_bound self.cross_rate = 0.8 self.mutation_rate = 0.05 self.generations = 200 self.population_size = 100 self.binary_code_length = 20 self.cross_rate_exp = 1 self.mutation_rate_exp = 1 self.code_type = code_type.binary self.cross_code = False self.select_method = select_method.proportion self.rank_select_probs = None self.tournament_num = 2 self.cross_method = cross_method.uniform self.arithmetic_cross_alpha = 0.1 self.arithmetic_cross_exp = 1 self.mutation_method = mutation_method.uniform self.none_uniform_mutation_rate = 1 #self.complex_constraints = [constraints1,constraints2,constraints3] self.complex_constraints = None self.complex_constraints_method = complex_constraints_method.penalty self.complex_constraints_C = 1e6 self.M = 1e8 self.GA = GA(**self.__dict__) def test(self): start_time = time() self.GA.run() print("GA costs %.4f seconds!" % (time()-start_time)) self.GA.save_plot() self.GA.show_result() if __name__ == '__main__': TestGA().test()
GA costs 6.8320 seconds! -------------------- GA config is: -------------------- func:<function quadratic11 at 0x7f998927bd08> code_type:binary complex_constraints:None global_generations_step:200 cross_method:uniform mutation_method:uniform cross_rate:0.8 lower_bound:[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] tournament_num:2 variables_num:11 complex_constraints_method:penalty none_uniform_mutation_rate:1 population_size:100 mutation_rate:0.05 generations:200 arithmetic_cross_alpha:0.1 func_type:min mutation_rate_exp:1 cross_rate_exp:1 arithmetic_cross_exp:1 M:100000000.0 select_method:proportion upper_bound:[11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11] cross_code:False binary_code_length:20 complex_constraints_C:1000000.0 -------------------- GA caculation result is: -------------------- global best target generation index/total generations:149/200 global best point:[ 1.07431037 2.41401426 2.4807906 4.36291634 4.90653029 6.13753427 6.58147963 7.7370479 9.42957347 10.46616122 10.87151134] global best target:2.2685208668743204
是一個11元變量的二次函數,函數原型爲:\(quadratic11(x_1,...,x_{11})=(x_1-1)^2 +(x_2-2)^2 + ... +(x_{11}-11)^2 + 1\),其中\(1 \le x_1,...,x_{11} \le 11\),函數的最小值點在(1,2,...,11)處取得,最小值爲1。另外還定義了其餘幾個測試函數爲:github
等也是相似的。有了這些預約義變量,能夠免去咱們手動輸入不少參數取值以及傳入方法字符串的麻煩(有時候可能會寫錯)。GA costs 1.7245 seconds! -------------------- GA config is: -------------------- population_size:100 lower_bound:[-2.048, -2.048] mutation_rate_exp:1 select_method:proportion code_type:binary global_generations_step:200 generations:200 mutation_method:uniform complex_constraints_method:penalty binary_code_length:20 cross_method:uniform arithmetic_cross_alpha:0.1 func:<function Rosenbrock at 0x7fe5fd538a60> upper_bound:[2.048, 2.048] cross_code:False mutation_rate:0.05 cross_rate_exp:1 complex_constraints_C:1000000.0 cross_rate:0.8 variables_num:2 M:100000000.0 complex_constraints:None none_uniform_mutation_rate:1 tournament_num:2 arithmetic_cross_exp:1 func_type:max -------------------- GA caculation result is: -------------------- global best target generation index/total generations:75/200 global best point:[-2.04776953 -2.04537109] global best target:3901.4655271502425
中定義的系統參數\(b\);def func1(x): x1 = x[0] x2 = x[1] return x1**2 + x2**2 - 3
求解複雜約束的係數\(C\),好比對於某一個約束\(x_1^2+x_2^2 < 3\),GA在求解過程當中,違反了該約束,即解知足\(x_1^2+x_2^2 \ge 3\),那麼咱們對目標函數增長一個懲罰項: \(C(x_1^2+x_2^2-3)\),\(C\)通常取一個很大的正數,默認值爲\(10^6\)。from time import time from sopt.util.functions import * from sopt.util.pso_config import * from sopt.PSO.PSO import PSO from sopt.util.constraints import * class TestPSO: def __init__(self): self.func = quadratic11 self.func_type = quadratic11_func_type self.variables_num = quadratic11_variables_num self.lower_bound = quadratic11_lower_bound self.upper_bound = quadratic11_upper_bound self.c1 = basic_config.c1 self.c2 = basic_config.c2 self.generations = 200 self.population_size = 100 self.vmax = 1 self.vmin = -1 self.w = 1 self.w_start = 0.9 self.w_end = 0.4 self.w_method = pso_w_method.linear_decrease #self.complex_constraints = [constraints1,constraints2,constraints3] self.complex_constraints = None self.complex_constraints_method = complex_constraints_method.loop self.PSO = PSO(**self.__dict__) def test(self): start_time = time() self.PSO.run() print("PSO costs %.4f seconds!" %(time()-start_time)) self.PSO.save_plot() self.PSO.show_result() if __name__ == '__main__': TestPSO().test()
PSO costs 1.1731 seconds! -------------------- PSO config is: -------------------- complex_constraints_method:loop c1:1.49445 lower_bound:[1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1] w_end:0.4 w_method:linear_decrease complex_constraints:None func:<function quadratic11 at 0x7f1ddb81a510> upper_bound:[11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11] generations:200 func_type:min w:1 c2:1.49445 w_start:0.9 population_size:100 vmin:-1 vmax:1 variables_num:11 -------------------- PSO calculation result is: -------------------- global best generation index/total generations: 198/200 global best point: [ 1. 1.99999999 2.99999999 4. 5. 6. 7.00000001 7.99999999 9.00000001 10.00000001 11. ] global best target: 1.0
的ndarray,表示每一個變量的上界,若是是一個數字的話,咱們認爲全部的上界都是同樣的(必填);from time import time from sopt.util.functions import * from sopt.Optimizers.SA import SA from sopt.util.sa_config import * from sopt.util.constraints import * class TestSA: def __init__(self): self.func = Rosenbrock self.func_type = Rosenbrock_func_type self.variables_num = Rosenbrock_variables_num self.lower_bound = Rosenbrock_lower_bound self.upper_bound = Rosenbrock_upper_bound self.T_start = 100 self.T_end = 1e-6 self.q = 0.9 self.L = 100 self.init_pos = None #self.complex_constraints = [constraints1,constraints2,constraints3] self.complex_constraints_method = complex_constraints_method.loop self.SA = SA(**self.__dict__) def test(self): start_time = time() self.SA.run() print("SA costs %.4f seconds!" %(time()-start_time)) self.SA.save_plot() self.SA.show_result() if __name__ == '__main__': TestSA().test()
SA costs 0.2039 seconds! -------------------- SA config is: -------------------- func_type:max complex_constraints:None q:0.9 complex_constraints_method:loop T_start:100 steps:17500 T_end:1e-06 L:100 func:<function Rosenbrock at 0x7f8261799048> variables_num:2 lower_bound:[-2.048 -2.048] init_pos:[-2.03887265 -2.02503927] upper_bound:[2.048 2.048] -------------------- SA calculation result is: -------------------- global best generation index/total generations:2126/17500 global best point: [-2.03887265 -2.02503927] global best target: 3830.997799328349
的ndarray,表示每一個變量的上界,若是是一個數字的話,咱們認爲全部的上界都是同樣的(必填);from time import time from sopt.util.functions import * from sopt.util.constraints import * from sopt.util.random_walk_config import * from sopt.Optimizers.RandomWalk import RandomWalk class TestRandomWalk: def __init__(self): self.func = quadratic50 self.func_type = quadratic50_func_type self.variables_num = quadratic50_variables_num self.lower_bound = quadratic50_lower_bound self.upper_bound = quadratic50_upper_bound self.generations = 100 self.init_step = 10 self.eps = 1e-4 self.vectors_num = 10 self.init_pos = None # self.complex_constraints = [constraints1,constraints2,constraints3] self.complex_constraints = None self.complex_constraints_method = complex_constraints_method.loop self.RandomWalk = RandomWalk(**self.__dict__) def test(self): start_time = time() self.RandomWalk.random_walk() print("random walk costs %.4f seconds!" %(time() - start_time)) self.RandomWalk.save_plot() self.RandomWalk.show_result() if __name__ == '__main__': TestRandomWalk().test()
Finish 1 random walk! Finish 2 random walk! Finish 3 random walk! Finish 4 random walk! Finish 5 random walk! Finish 6 random walk! Finish 7 random walk! Finish 8 random walk! Finish 9 random walk! Finish 10 random walk! Finish 11 random walk! Finish 12 random walk! Finish 13 random walk! Finish 14 random walk! Finish 15 random walk! Finish 16 random walk! Finish 17 random walk! random walk costs 1.0647 seconds! -------------------- random walk config is: -------------------- init_step:10 eps:0.0001 generations_nums:9042 lower_bound:[1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1] complex_constraints_method:loop walk_nums:17 complex_constraints:None vectors_num:10 upper_bound:[50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50] variables_num:50 func:<function quadratic50 at 0x7f51555a1840> generations:100 func_type:min -------------------- random walk caculation result is: -------------------- global best generation index/total generations:8942/9042 global best point is: [ 1.00004803 1.99999419 3.00000569 3.99998558 5.00002455 5.99999255 6.99992476 7.99992864 9.00000401 9.99994717 10.99998155 12.00002429 13.0000035 13.99998567 15.00000421 16.00001454 16.99997252 17.99998041 19.00002491 20.00003141 21.00004182 21.99998565 22.99997668 23.99999821 24.99995881 25.99999359 27.00000443 28.00005117 28.99998132 30.00004136 31.00002021 32.00000616 33.00000678 34.00005423 35.00001799 36.00000051 37.00002749 38.00000203 39.00007087 39.9999964 41.00004432 42.0000158 42.99992991 43.99995352 44.99997267 46.00003533 46.9999834 47.99996778 49.00002904 50. ] global best target is: 1.0000000528527013
通過實驗發現,Random Walk 具備很是強的全局尋優能力,對於quadratic50這種具備50個變量的複雜目標函數,它也能夠很快找到其全局最優勢,並且運行速度也很快。RandomWalk類的具體參數含義以下:
的ndarray,表示每一個變量的上界,若是是一個數字的話,咱們認爲全部的上界都是同樣的(必填);from time import time from sopt.GA.GA import GA from sopt.util.functions import * from sopt.util.ga_config import * from sopt.util.constraints import * class TestGA: def __init__(self): self.func = Rosenbrock self.func_type = Rosenbrock_func_type self.variables_num = Rosenbrock_variables_num self.lower_bound = Rosenbrock_lower_bound self.upper_bound = Rosenbrock_upper_bound self.cross_rate = 0.8 self.mutation_rate = 0.1 self.generations = 300 self.population_size = 200 self.binary_code_length = 20 self.cross_rate_exp = 1 self.mutation_rate_exp = 1 self.code_type = code_type.real self.cross_code = False self.select_method = select_method.proportion self.rank_select_probs = None self.tournament_num = 2 self.cross_method = cross_method.uniform self.arithmetic_cross_alpha = 0.1 self.arithmetic_cross_exp = 1 self.mutation_method = mutation_method.uniform self.none_uniform_mutation_rate = 1 self.complex_constraints = [constraints1,constraints2,constraints3] self.complex_constraints_method = complex_constraints_method.penalty self.complex_constraints_C = 1e8 self.M = 1e8 self.GA = GA(**self.__dict__) def test(self): start_time = time() self.GA.run() print("GA costs %.4f seconds!" % (time()-start_time)) self.GA.save_plot() self.GA.show_result() if __name__ == '__main__': TestGA().test()
GA costs 1.9957 seconds! -------------------- GA config is: -------------------- lower_bound:[-2.048, -2.048] cross_code:False complex_constraints_method:penalty mutation_method:uniform mutation_rate:0.1 mutation_rate_exp:1 cross_rate:0.8 upper_bound:[2.048, 2.048] arithmetic_cross_exp:1 variables_num:2 generations:300 tournament_num:2 select_method:proportion func_type:max complex_constraints_C:100000000.0 cross_method:uniform complex_constraints:[<function constraints1 at 0x7f5efe2e8d08>, <function constraints2 at 0x7f5efe2e8d90>, <function constraints3 at 0x7f5efe2e8e18>] func:<function Rosenbrock at 0x7f5efe2e87b8> none_uniform_mutation_rate:1 cross_rate_exp:1 code_type:real M:100000000.0 binary_code_length:20 global_generations_step:300 population_size:200 arithmetic_cross_alpha:0.1 -------------------- GA caculation result is: -------------------- global best target generation index/total generations:226/300 global best point:[ 1.7182846 -1.74504313] global best target:2207.2089435117955
上面的constraints1,constraints2,constraints3是三個預約義的約束條件函數,其定義分別爲:\(constraints1:x_1^2 + x_2^2 - 6 \le 0\);\(constraints2:x_1 + x_2 \le 0\);\(constraints3:-2-x_1 - x_2 \le 0\),函數原型爲:
def constraints1(x): x1 = x[0] x2 = x[1] return x1**2 + x2**2 -3 def constraints2(x): x1 = x[0] x2 = x[1] return x1+x2 def constraints3(x): x1 = x[0] x2 = x[1] return -2 -x1 -x2
其實觀察能夠發現,上面的代碼和原始的GA實例代碼惟一的區別,就是其增長了self.complex_constraints = [constraints1,constraints2,constraints3]
這兩個屬性,只要傳入相應的約束條件函數列表以及求解約束條件的方法就能夠求解帶複雜約束的目標函數了。好比咱們再用Random Walk求解和上面同樣的帶三個約束的Rosenbrock函數,代碼及運行結果以下:
from time import time from sopt.util.functions import * from sopt.util.constraints import * from sopt.util.random_walk_config import * from sopt.Optimizers.RandomWalk import RandomWalk class TestRandomWalk: def __init__(self): self.func = Rosenbrock self.func_type = Rosenbrock_func_type self.variables_num = Rosenbrock_variables_num self.lower_bound = Rosenbrock_lower_bound self.upper_bound = Rosenbrock_upper_bound self.generations = 100 self.init_step = 10 self.eps = 1e-4 self.vectors_num = 10 self.init_pos = None self.complex_constraints = [constraints1,constraints2,constraints3] self.complex_constraints_method = complex_constraints_method.loop self.RandomWalk = RandomWalk(**self.__dict__) def test(self): start_time = time() self.RandomWalk.random_walk() print("random walk costs %.4f seconds!" %(time() - start_time)) self.RandomWalk.save_plot() self.RandomWalk.show_result() if __name__ == '__main__': TestRandomWalk().test()
Finish 1 random walk! Finish 2 random walk! Finish 3 random walk! Finish 4 random walk! Finish 5 random walk! Finish 6 random walk! Finish 7 random walk! Finish 8 random walk! Finish 9 random walk! Finish 10 random walk! Finish 11 random walk! Finish 12 random walk! Finish 13 random walk! Finish 14 random walk! Finish 15 random walk! Finish 16 random walk! Finish 17 random walk! random walk costs 0.1543 seconds! -------------------- random walk config is: -------------------- eps:0.0001 func_type:max lower_bound:[-2.048 -2.048] upper_bound:[2.048 2.048] init_step:10 vectors_num:10 func:<function Rosenbrock at 0x7f547fc952f0> variables_num:2 walk_nums:17 complex_constraints_method:loop generations:100 generations_nums:2191 complex_constraints:[<function constraints1 at 0x7f547fc95bf8>, <function constraints2 at 0x7f547fc95c80>, <function constraints3 at 0x7f547fc95d08>] -------------------- random walk caculation result is: -------------------- global best generation index/total generations:2091/2191 global best point is: [-2.41416736 0.41430367] global best target is: 2942.6882849234585
能夠發現Random Walk 求解獲得的最優解要比GA好,並且運行時間更快,通過實驗發現,在全部的優化方法中,不管是求解帶複雜約束仍是不帶複雜約束條件的目標函數,求解效果大致上排序是:Random Walk > PSO > GA > SA 。因此當你在求解具體問題時,不妨多試幾種優化方法,而後擇優選擇。
from time import time from sopt.util.gradients_config import * from sopt.util.functions import * from sopt.Optimizers.Gradients import GradientDescent class TestGradientDescent: def __init__(self): self.func = quadratic50 self.func_type = quadratic50_func_type self.variables_num = quadratic50_variables_num self.init_variables = None self.lr = 1e-3 self.epochs = 5000 self.GradientDescent = GradientDescent(**self.__dict__) def test(self): start_time = time() self.GradientDescent.run() print("Gradient Descent costs %.4f seconds!" %(time()-start_time)) self.GradientDescent.save_plot() self.GradientDescent.show_result() if __name__ == '__main__': TestGradientDescent().test()
Gradient Descent costs 14.3231 seconds! -------------------- Gradient Descent config is: -------------------- func_type:min variables_num:50 func:<function quadratic50 at 0x7f74e737b620> epochs:5000 lr:0.001 -------------------- Gradient Descent caculation result is: -------------------- global best epoch/total epochs:4999/5000 global best point: [ 0.9999524 1.99991045 2.99984898 3.9998496 4.99977767 5.9997246 6.99967516 7.99964102 8.99958143 9.99951782 10.99947879 11.99944665 12.99942492 13.99935192 14.99932708 15.99925856 16.99923686 17.99921689 18.99911527 19.9991255 20.99908968 21.99899699 22.99899622 23.99887832 24.99883597 25.99885616 26.99881394 27.99869772 28.99869349 29.9986766 30.99861142 31.99851987 32.998556 33.99849351 34.99845985 35.99836731 36.99832444 37.99831792 38.99821067 39.99816567 40.99814951 41.99808199 42.99808161 43.99806655 44.99801207 45.99794449 46.99788003 47.99785468 48.99780825 49.99771656] global best target: 1.0000867498727912
from sopt.test import *
導入預約義的示例測試,來運行觀察結果。好比下面的代碼就運行了PSO的一個示例測試:from sopt.test import test_PSO test_PSO.TestPSO().test()
PSO costs 3.4806 seconds! -------------------- PSO config is: -------------------- lower_bound:[1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1] generations:200 vmin:-1 func:<function quadratic50 at 0x7fd3bf37d8c8> w_method:linear_decrease func_type:min population_size:100 w_start:0.9 complex_constraints_method:loop vmax:1 c2:1.49445 upper_bound:[50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50] variables_num:50 c1:1.49445 w:1 complex_constraints:None w_end:0.4 -------------------- PSO calculation result is: -------------------- global best generation index/total generations: 199/200 global best point: [ 1. 1. 2.94484328 4.13875216 5.00293498 6.13124759 6.99713025 7.92116383 8.87648843 10.02066994 11.0758768 12.02240279 13.01125368 13.98010373 14.98063168 15.97776149 17.11878537 18.00246112 18.14780887 20.00637617 21.00223704 22.00689373 23.14823218 24.0002456 24.98672157 25.99141686 27.02112321 28.01540506 29.05403155 30.07304888 31.00414822 32.00982867 32.99444884 33.9114213 34.96631157 36.22871824 37.0015616 37.98907918 39.01245751 40.1371835 41.0182043 42.07768102 42.87178292 43.93687997 45.05786395 46.03778693 47.07913415 50. 48.9964866 50. ] global best target: 6.95906097685