1、相應遊戲可微信搜索 球球排序html
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>球球排序最優解</title> <style> .mt20 {margin-top: 20px;} .boll {width:50px;height:50px;border-radius: 50%;display: inline-block;margin-right:10px;position:relative} .bollNum {width:20px;height:20px;text-align:center;line-height: 20px;position:absolute;top:0;right:0;border-radius: 50%;background: #FF00FF;} .contain{width:52px;height:210px;border: 1px solid #C0C0C0;margin-right:20px;float:left;display: flex;flex-direction: column-reverse;} .active{border: 2px solid #FF00FF;} .bgeee{background: #eeeeee;} .btn{width: 160px;height: 30px;text-align: center;line-height: 30px;border: 1px solid #eeeeee;background: #00FF00;position: absolute;top: 140px;left: 600px;} .btn:hover{cursor: pointer;color:#fff;} .t110{top:110px;} .bg0000FF {background: #0000FF;} .box{width:1000px;height:350px;background: #fff;position:absolute;top:150px;left:200px;padding:30px;border:10px solid #eee;} .box_contain{width:100%;height:70px;} .close{width:30px;height:30px;text-align:center;line-height:30px;position:absolute;top:0;right:0;border-radius:50%;background:#FF0000;} .l800{left: 800px;} .l1000{left: 1000px;} .w60{width:60px;} </style> </head> <body> <div>相應遊戲可微信搜索 球球排序</div> <div>最好用谷歌瀏覽器按F12,打開調試,找到console模塊,查看當前計算狀態</div> <div>依賴的vue.js文件爲線上的,可下載到本地,切換依賴</div> <div id="mvvm" class="mt20"> <div> 管子數量:<input type="text" v-model="pipeNum"> 空管子數量:<input type="text" v-model="emptyNum"> 最大步數:<input type="text" v-model="maxStepSet"> 最大結果數量:<input type="text" v-model="maxNum"> 遍歷開始數:<input type="text" v-model="startIndex"> </div> <div class="mt20"> <div v-for="(item, index) in colorArr" class="boll" :style="{background: item.name}" @click="bollClick(index)" :key="index"> <div class="bollNum">{{item.value}}</div> </div> </div> <div class="mt20"> <div class="contain" :class="{'active': activeNum == index, 'bgeee': index > pipeNum}" v-for="index of totalNum" @click="containClick(index)" :key="index"> <div v-for="item in containArr[index-1]" class="boll" :style="{background: colorStoreArr[item-1]}" :key="item"></div> </div> </div> <div class="btn" @click="startClick(2)" title="直接算出最少的步數,耗時">從最少兩步開始計算</div> <div class="btn l800" @click="startClick(1)" title="可減小計算的次數">從最大步數開始計算</div> <div class="btn l1000 w60 bg0000FF" @click="reset">重置</div> <div> 結果: <div>步數:{{resArr.length?steps: ''}}</div> 路徑:點擊可動畫展現解法 <div v-for="item in resArr" @click="animate(item)"> {{item}} </div> </div> <div v-if="isShow" class="box"> <div class="box_contain"> <div class="boll" :style="{background: colorStoreArr[index_ani-1], transform: 'translate(' + activeX + 'px)'}" v-show="isShowActive"></div> </div> <div class="contain" :class="{'active': activeNum_ani == index}" v-for="index of totalNum_ani" :key="index"> <div v-for="item in arr[index-1]" class="boll" :style="{background: colorStoreArr[item-1]}" :key="item"></div> </div> <div class="close" @click="close">X</div> </div> </div> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.1.8/vue.min.js"></script> <!-- <script src="./vue.js"></script> --> <script> var vm = new Vue({ el: '#mvvm', data: { pipeNum: 3, emptyNum: 2, colorArr: [], colorStoreArr: ["#EE1111", "#FCFC9D", "#77FF77", "#0029CC", "#00FFFF", "#FF99FF", "#990099", "#88CE20", "#999999"], containArr:[], activeNum: 1, startIndex: 0, maxNum: 1, maxStepSet: 30, maxStep: 2, isFirst: true, resNum: 0, loadObj: {}, arr: [], isShow: false, activeNum_ani: 1, totalNum_ani: 5, arrCopy: [], index_ani: 1, isShowActive: true, activeX: 0, resArr: [], steps: 0 }, created: function () { var self = this self.colorStoreArr.forEach(function(item) { var obj = {} obj.name = [item] obj.value = 4 self.colorArr.push(obj) }) }, computed: { totalNum: function() { var tmpVal = parseInt(this.pipeNum) + parseInt(this.emptyNum) return tmpVal } }, methods: { isPlainObject(obj) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Object]'; }, isArray(obj) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Array]'; }, copy(obj, deep) { var self = this if (obj === null || typeof obj !== "object") { return obj } var i, target = Array.isArray(obj) ? [] : {}, value; for (i in obj) { value = obj[i] if (deep && (self.isArray(value) || self.isPlainObject(value))) { target[i] = self.copy(value, true); } else { target[i] = value; } } return target }, // 判斷數組行的數量是否滿員,且子成員都相等 isSame(arr) { if (arr.length != 4) { return false } return arr.every(function(value, index, arr) { return value === arr[0] }) }, // 判斷數組行的子成員從0開始就相等,後期不作移動 如[[1,1,1]] isHalfSame(arr, val) { if (!arr.length || arr.length === 4) { return false } return arr.every(function(value, index, arr) { return val? (value === val) : (value === arr[0]) }) }, // 二重數組按長度及值大小排序 sortLen(arr1, arr2) { if (arr1.length < arr2.length) { return 1; } else if (arr1.length > arr2.length) { return -1; } var num1 = parseInt(arr1.join("") || 0) var num2 = parseInt(arr2.join("") || 0) if(num1 < num2) { return 1 } else if (num1 > num2) { return -1; } else { return 0 } }, // 判斷是否結束 isOver(arr) { let res = true for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i].length) { if (arr[i].length !== 4) { res = false; break; } else { var tmpRes = arr[i].every(function(curVal, index, array) { return curVal === array[0] }) if (!tmpRes) { res = false; break; } } } } return res }, // 驗證重複元素,有重複返回元素值;不然返回false repeatArr(arr) { var hash = {}; var tmpArr = [] for(var i in arr) { if(hash[arr[i]]) { tmpArr.push(arr[i]); } // 不存在該元素,則賦值爲true,能夠賦任意值,相應的修改if判斷條件便可 hash[arr[i]] = true; } if(tmpArr.length) { return tmpArr } else { return false; } }, // 是否死循環 isDead (arr) { var self = this let res = true let tmpArr = [] // 將數組的最後一項,從新組成一個數組 for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { // 有空數組直接跳出循環,返回false if(!arr[i].length) { res = false; break; } tmpArr.push(arr[i][arr[i].length - 1]) } // 無空數組 if (res) { // 最後一項數組都無重複 let repeatArrRes = self.repeatArr(tmpArr) if (!repeatArrRes) { return res = true } else { for (var i = 0; i < repeatArrRes.length; i++) { var tmpRes = arr.some(function(item, index, array) { return (item[item.length - 1] == repeatArrRes[i]) && (array[index].length < 4) }) if (tmpRes) { res = false; break; } } } } return res }, factorial(arr, circle, id) { var self = this // 備份數組,不更改原來的 var copyArr = self.copy(arr, true) circle = circle || 0 circle += 1 if (self.resNum >= self.maxNum) { return } if(self.isDead(copyArr)) { console.log('isDead(copyArr)=======') return } if(self.isOver(copyArr)) { console.log('isOver(copyArr)=======') self.steps = circle - 1 self.resArr.push(id) self.resNum += 1 return } // 第一次從第幾行開始遍歷 let startI = self.isFirst? parseInt(self.startIndex): 0 for (var i = startI; i < copyArr.length; i++) { self.isFirst = false // []不作處理 if (!copyArr[i].length) { continue } // 已完成不作處理,如[1,1,1,1] if (self.isSame(copyArr[i])) { continue } // console.log("circle - i====" + circle + '-' + i) for (var j = 0; j < copyArr.length; j++) { if (i == j) { continue } let copyArrJ = self.copy(copyArr, true) var arrI = copyArrJ[i] var arrJ = copyArrJ[j] // 滿員不作接收項 if(arrJ.length == 4) { continue } // 最後一項不相等 且 arrJ不爲空數組 直接跳過 if (arrI[arrI.length - 1] !=arrJ[arrJ.length - 1] && arrJ.length) { continue } let isHalfSameI = self.isHalfSame(copyArr[i]) // 若是copyArr[i]是isHalfSame,copyArr[j]是[]不作移動,直接跳過 if (isHalfSameI && !arrJ.length) { continue } // 若是copyArr[i]是isHalfSame,copyArr[j]是isHalfSame,且i個數大於j,直接跳過 if (isHalfSameI && self.isHalfSame(arrJ) && (arrI.length > arrJ.length)) { continue } if(id) { let tmpArr = id.split('+') let lastArr = tmpArr[tmpArr.length - 1].split('-') // A > B後 不能再 B > A if (lastArr[0] == (j + 1) && lastArr[1] == (i + 1)) { continue } // 超出最大步數要求 if (tmpArr.length > (self.maxStep - 1)) { console.log('超出最大步數===' + self.maxStep + ' id==' + id) continue } } console.log("circle -- i+1 -- j+1====" + circle + '--' + (i + 1) + "--" + (j + 1)) var popVal popVal = arrI.pop() arrJ.push(popVal) // 已存在當前狀況,且循環步數比當前少,直接跳過 忽略第二重數組的排序 var tmpArrJ1 = self.copy(copyArrJ, true) tmpArrJ1.sort(self.sortLen) var loadItem = self.loadObj[JSON.stringify(tmpArrJ1)] if (loadItem && loadItem <= circle) { continue } else { var tmpArrJ2 = self.copy(copyArrJ, true) tmpArrJ2.sort(self.sortLen) self.loadObj[JSON.stringify(tmpArrJ2)] = circle } var tmpId tmpId = id? (id + '+' + (i + 1) + '-' + (j + 1)): ((i + 1) + '-' + (j + 1)) self.factorial(self.copy(copyArrJ, true), circle, tmpId) } } }, containClick(index) { var self = this if (self.activeNum == index && self.containArr[index - 1] && self.containArr[index - 1].length) { var popVal = self.containArr[index - 1].pop() self.colorArr[popVal - 1].value += 1 } else { if (index > self.pipeNum) { return } self.activeNum = index } }, bollClick(index) { var self = this if (!self.colorArr[index].value || (self.containArr[self.activeNum-1] && self.containArr[self.activeNum-1].length >= 4)) { return } self.colorArr[index].value -= 1 if (self.isArray(self.containArr[self.activeNum-1])) { self.containArr[self.activeNum - 1].push(parseInt(index) + 1) } else { self.containArr[self.activeNum - 1] = [] self.containArr[self.activeNum - 1].push(parseInt(index) + 1) } }, start() { var self = this console.log('start==============') // console.log(JSON.stringify(self.colorArr)) // console.log(JSON.stringify(self.containArr)) self.resArr = [] self.resNum = 0 self.isFirst = true self.loadObj = {} var isColorArrOk = self.colorArr.every(function(item, index) { return item.value == 4 || item.value == 0 }) var isContainArrOk = self.containArr.every(function(item, index) { return item.length == 4 }) if(isColorArrOk && isContainArrOk && self.containArr.length == self.pipeNum) { var arr = self.copy(self.containArr, true) for (var i = 0; i < self.emptyNum; i++) { arr.push([]) } self.arrCopy = self.copy(arr, true) self.factorial(arr) console.log('resArr========maxStep=======================' + self.maxStep) console.log(JSON.stringify(self.resArr)) return self.resArr } else { alert('數據不對,請從新選擇') } }, startClick(index) { var self = this self.maxStep = 2 if (index == 1) { self.maxStep = self.maxStepSet } self.loop() }, loop () { var self = this var resArr = self.start() if(!resArr.length && self.maxStep < self.maxStepSet) { self.maxStep += 1 self.loop() } }, reset () { var self = this self.containArr = [] self.colorArr.forEach(function(item) { item.value = 4 }) self.resArr = [] self.resNum = 0 self.isFirst = true self.loadObj = {} }, animate(key) { var self = this self.arr = self.copy(self.arrCopy, true) self.totalNum_ani = self.arr.length self.isShow = true var tmpArr = key.split("+") var timer_step = null var i = 0 function step() { window.clearTimeout(timer_step) if (i >= tmpArr.length) { return } var currentArr = tmpArr[i].split("-") i += 1 self.index_ani = self.arr[parseInt(currentArr[0]) - 1].pop() self.activeNum_ani = parseInt(currentArr[0]) self.activeX = 75 * (parseInt(currentArr[0]) - 1) self.isShowActive = true var resX = 75 * (parseInt(currentArr[1]) - 1) var rate = 50 / 1500 * (resX - self.activeX) // 每50毫秒移動量,移動1秒到達 var timer = null; function move () { window.clearTimeout(timer) if (self.activeX >= resX) { setTimeout(function() { self.arr[parseInt(currentArr[1]) - 1].push(self.index_ani) self.isShowActive = false },50) return } self.activeX += rate timer = window.setTimeout(move,50) } move() timer_step = window.setTimeout(step, 3000) } step() }, close() { this.isShow = false } } }); </script> </body> </html>
管子數量 》》》 顏色種類的數量,如29關是 7數組
最大步數 》》》 達到設置的值,日後的狀況直接跳過,太大可能不是最優解,過小可能找不到解瀏覽器
最大結果數量 》》》 最優解的數量或最大步以內結果的數量,建議取 1微信
遍歷開始數 》》》 第一次從哪根管子開始計算,合理利用此參數可大大縮短計算時間,如29關從0計算要三十多分鐘,從1計算只要一分鐘mvvm
從最少兩步開始計算 》》》 容許的步數從2步開始一直算到最大步數,可直接找到最少步數值,但計算多,耗時長oop
從最大步數開始計算 》》》 直接容許最大步數的解法,計算量減小,但可能錯過最優解flex