基於 Koa平臺Node.js開發的KoaHub.js獲取/設置會話功能代碼node
Middleware for Koa2 to get/set session use with custom stores such as Redis or mongodb with Babelredis
Middleware for Koa2 to get/set session use with custom stores such as Redis or mongodb with Babelmongodb
If you are not using babel in your projects, maybe you can try this version without babel.npm
Most options based on cookies
key: a string for store session id in cookie
store: a class for custom store (extend {Store}, func: #get(sid), #set(session, opts), #destory(sid))
maxAge: a number representing the milliseconds from Date.now() for expiry
expires: a Date object indicating the cookie's expiration date (expires at the end of session by default).
path: a string indicating the path of the cookie (/ by default).
domain: a string indicating the domain of the cookie (no default).
secure: a boolean indicating whether the cookie is only to be sent over HTTPS (false by default for HTTP, true by default for HTTPS).
httpOnly: a boolean indicating whether the cookie is only to be sent over HTTP(S), and not made available to client JavaScript (true by default).
signed: a boolean indicating whether the cookie is to be signed (false by default). If this is true, another cookie of the same name with the .sigsuffix appended will also be sent, with a 27-byte url-safe base64 SHA1 value representing the hash of cookie-name=cookie-value against the first Keygrip key. This signature key is used to detect tampering the next time a cookie is received.
overwrite: a boolean indicating whether to overwrite previously set cookies of the same name (false by default). If this is true, all cookies set during the same request with the same name (regardless of path or domain) are filtered out of the Set-Cookie header when setting this cookie.
KoaHub.js -- 基於 Koa.js 平臺的 Node.js web 快速開發框架