
ziplist, redis內部定義的雙鏈表, 可實現t_hash, t_zset對象。redis

ziplist數據結構: 總長度(uint32_t) + 尾結點偏移量(uint32_t) + 結點數(uint16_t) + 鍵結點 + 值結點 + 鍵結點 + 值結點 + 結點等.... + 鍵結點 + 尾結點 + END(255).

結點數據結構:prevlensize(pre_encoding+前一個結點長度的字節數) + lensize(encodeing+len的字節數) + len(實際數據的字節數), 實現正向或反向查詢

結點數通常 <= UINT16_MAX - 1, 不然只能循環全部結點,得到結點數.
查詢時間複雜度 = o(n)
t_hash.c 查詢數據結構

/* Get the value from a ziplist encoded hash, identified by field.
 * Returns -1 when the field cannot be found. */
int hashTypeGetFromZiplist(robj *o, robj *field,
                           unsigned char **vstr,
                           unsigned int *vlen,
                           long long *vll)
    unsigned char *zl, *fptr = NULL, *vptr = NULL;
    int ret;

    serverAssert(o->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_ZIPLIST);

    field = getDecodedObject(field);

    zl = o->ptr;
    fptr = ziplistIndex(zl, ZIPLIST_HEAD);      //從首結點查詢
    if (fptr != NULL) {
        fptr = ziplistFind(fptr, field->ptr, sdslen(field->ptr), 1);    //找到鍵結點
        if (fptr != NULL) {
            /* Grab pointer to the value (fptr points to the field) */
            vptr = ziplistNext(zl, fptr);           //找到值結點
            serverAssert(vptr != NULL);


    if (vptr != NULL) {
        ret = ziplistGet(vptr, vstr, vlen, vll);    //經過值結點,獲取相關數據(vstr或vll)
        return 0;

    return -1;

ziplist.c實現ziplistFind(), 獲取鍵對應的指針ide

/* Find pointer to the entry equal to the specified entry. Skip 'skip' entries
 * between every comparison. Returns NULL when the field could not be found. */
unsigned char *ziplistFind(unsigned char *p, unsigned char *vstr, unsigned int vlen, unsigned int skip) {
    int skipcnt = 0;
    unsigned char vencoding = 0;
    long long vll = 0;

    while (p[0] != ZIP_END) {
        unsigned int prevlensize, encoding, lensize, len;
        unsigned char *q;

        ZIP_DECODE_PREVLENSIZE(p, prevlensize);
        ZIP_DECODE_LENGTH(p + prevlensize, encoding, lensize, len);
        q = p + prevlensize + lensize;            //實際數據指針

        if (skipcnt == 0) {
            /* Compare current entry with specified entry */
            if (ZIP_IS_STR(encoding)) {
                if (len == vlen && memcmp(q, vstr, vlen) == 0) {    //若是是字符串,則字符比較
                    return p;
            } else {
                /* Find out if the searched field can be encoded. Note that
                 * we do it only the first time, once done vencoding is set
                 * to non-zero and vll is set to the integer value. */
                if (vencoding == 0) {
                    if (!zipTryEncoding(vstr, vlen, &vll, &vencoding)) {
                        /* If the entry can't be encoded we set it to
                         * UCHAR_MAX so that we don't retry again the next
                         * time. */
                        vencoding = UCHAR_MAX;
                    /* Must be non-zero by now */

                /* Compare current entry with specified entry, do it only
                 * if vencoding != UCHAR_MAX because if there is no encoding
                 * possible for the field it can't be a valid integer. */
                if (vencoding != UCHAR_MAX) {
                    long long ll = zipLoadInteger(q, encoding);
                    if (ll == vll) {              //數值比較
                        return p;

            /* Reset skip count */
            skipcnt = skip;
        } else {
            /* Skip entry */

        /* Move to next entry */
        p = q + len;

    return NULL;


t_zset.c 查詢ui

unsigned char *zzlFind(unsigned char *zl, robj *ele, double *score) {
    unsigned char *eptr = ziplistIndex(zl,0), *sptr;    //eptr: 頭結點

    ele = getDecodedObject(ele);
    while (eptr != NULL) {                //循環查詢
        sptr = ziplistNext(zl,eptr);                //數值對應的結點
        serverAssertWithInfo(NULL,ele,sptr != NULL);

        if (ziplistCompare(eptr,ele->ptr,sdslen(ele->ptr))) {    //比較鍵
            /* Matching element, pull out score. */
            if (score != NULL) *score = zzlGetScore(sptr);      //獲取積分數值
            return eptr;                         //返回鍵結點指針

        /* Move to next element. */
        eptr = ziplistNext(zl,sptr);               //下一個鍵結點

    return NULL;


t_hash.c 刪除, 時間複雜度 = o(n) + o(m),               //n = 結點數, m = 被刪除的結點後續結點數(須要調整結構)this

/* Delete an element from a hash.
 * Return 1 on deleted and 0 on not found. */
int hashTypeDelete(robj *o, robj *field) {
    int deleted = 0;

    if (o->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_ZIPLIST) {
        unsigned char *zl, *fptr;

        field = getDecodedObject(field);

        zl = o->ptr;                  //ziplist
        fptr = ziplistIndex(zl, ZIPLIST_HEAD);     //頭結點
        if (fptr != NULL) {
            fptr = ziplistFind(fptr, field->ptr, sdslen(field->ptr), 1);    //找到field對應的鍵結點
            if (fptr != NULL) {
                zl = ziplistDelete(zl,&fptr);      //刪除鍵結點
                zl = ziplistDelete(zl,&fptr);      //刪除值結點
                o->ptr = zl;
                deleted = 1;


    } else if (o->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
        if (dictDelete((dict*)o->ptr, field) == C_OK) {
            deleted = 1;

            /* Always check if the dictionary needs a resize after a delete. */
            if (htNeedsResize(o->ptr)) dictResize(o->ptr);

    } else {
        serverPanic("Unknown hash encoding");

    return deleted;

/* Delete a single entry from the ziplist, pointed to by *p.
 * Also update *p in place, to be able to iterate over the
 * ziplist, while deleting entries. */
unsigned char *ziplistDelete(unsigned char *zl, unsigned char **p) {
    size_t offset = *p-zl;
    zl = __ziplistDelete(zl,*p,1);                //p結點後續結點調整結構(若是須要)

    /* Store pointer to current element in p, because ziplistDelete will
     * do a realloc which might result in a different "zl"-pointer.
     * When the delete direction is back to front, we might delete the last
     * entry and end up with "p" pointing to ZIP_END, so check this. */
    *p = zl+offset;
    return zl;
