經過WinScp訪問 FreeBSD的設定方法。

In this case, i want to transfer data and maintenance my FreeBSD from other machine, Putty and  WinSCP are choose to login from my XP.ssh

  1. Login as a root
  2. #vi /etc/rc.conf
  3. make sure and insert this at the end sshd_enable=」YES」
  4. #vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config —> to configure sshd
  5. Find and change the line: 「PasswordAuthentication no」 to PasswordAuthentication yes, and root PermitRootLogin yes to login from winSCP / putty direct as a root.
  6. # /etc/rc.d/sshd restart and see sshd status as pid xxxx
  7. Finnaly, go to your putty / winSCP in other machine to login with user n password your FreeBSD