// 1.jade內容:
input(type="button", value="點擊") div // 此時輸出❌error:input is self closing and should not have content,input爲單標籤不能有內容
// 2.jade內容:
html head body div aaa // 此時輸出:
// 3.jade內容:
html head script |window.onload = function(){ // ⚠️必定要相對script縮進,才能出如今script裏面
| var oBtn = document.getElementById("btn1"); | oBtn.onClick = function(){ | alert(1); | } |} body |aaa |bbb |ccc // 此時輸出:
<script> window.onload = function(){ var oBtn = document.getElementById("btn1"); oBtn.onClick = function(){ alert(1); } } </script>
<body> aaa bbb ccc </body>
// 4.jade內容:
html head script. window.onload = function(){ var oBtn = document.getElementById("btn1"); oBtn.onClick = function(){ alert(1); } } body. aaa bbb ccc // 此時輸出:
<script> window.onload = function(){ var oBtn = document.getElementById("btn1"); oBtn.onClick = function(){ alert(1); } } </script>
<body> aaa bbb ccc </body>
// 5.jade內容:
html head script include ../a.js body include ../a.txt // a.js內容:
window.onload = function(){ var oBtn = document.getElementById("btn1"); oBtn.onClick = function(){ alert(1); } } // a.txt內容:
aaa bbb ccc // 此時輸出:
<script>window.onload = function(){ var oBtn = document.getElementById("btn1"); oBtn.onClick = function(){ alert(1); } } </script>
<body>aaa bbb ccc </body>
// 6.jade內容:
html head script body div 個人名字:#{name} // jade2.js內容:
const jade = require('jade'); var str = jade.renderFile('./work/lesson13/view/6.jade',{pretty:true,name:'blue'}); console.log(str); // 此時輸出:
// 簡寫: // 11.jade內容:
html head script body span=a span=b // Jade7.js內容:
const jade = require('jade'); var str = jade.renderFile('./work/lesson13/view/11.jade',{ pretty:true, a:12, b:56 }); console.log(str); // 此時輸出:
// 7.jade內容:
html head script body div 計算結果爲:#{a + b} // jade3.js內容:
const jade = require('jade'); var str = jade.renderFile('./work/lesson13/view/7.jade',{pretty:true,a:12,b:13}); console.log(str); // 此時輸出:
// 8.jade內容:
html head script body div(style=json) div(class=arr) // jade4.js內容:
const jade = require('jade'); var str = jade.renderFile('./work/lesson13/view/8.jade',{ pretty:true, json:{ width:'200px', height:'200px', background:'red' }, arr:["aaa","bbb","ccc"] }); console.log(str); // 此時輸出:
<div style="width:200px;height:200px;background:red"></div>
<div class="aaa bbb ccc"></div>
// 9.jade內容:
html head script body div(style=json) div(class=arr) div(class=arr class="active") // 這個active將融入進去
div(class=arr) div(class=arr) // 此時輸出:
<div style="width:200px;height:200px;background:red"></div>
<div class="aaa bbb ccc"></div>
<div class="aaa bbb ccc active"></div>
<div class="aaa bbb ccc"></div>
<div class="aaa bbb ccc"></div>
// 10.jade內容:
html head script body -var a=12; -var b=13; div 計算結果爲:#{a + b} // 此時輸出:
// 12.jade內容:
html head script body -for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) div=arr[i] // ⚠️必定要相對for縮進 // Jade8.js內容:
const jade = require('jade'); var str = jade.renderFile('./work/lesson13/view/12.jade',{ pretty:true, arr:["jhkh","bhiysia","hihn"] }); console.log(str); // 此時輸出:
// 13.jade內容:
html head script body div #{content} // jade9.js內容:
const jade = require('jade'); var str = jade.renderFile('./work/lesson13/view/13.jade',{ pretty:true, content:"<div>留言</div><p>口紅口紅打底好看的話</p>" }); console.log(str); //此時輸出:
⚠️此時咱們發現jade自動幫咱們將html標籤轉換成了html實體,防止注入式攻擊 html
// 14.jade內容:
html head script body div!=content ⚠️也能夠寫成div !{content}// 此時輸出:
// 15.jade內容:
html head script body -var a=13; -if(a%2==0) div(style={width:'200px',height:'200px'}) -else div(style="width:300px;height:300px") // 此時輸出:
<div style="width:300px;height:300px"></div>
// other
- var isTrue = true
- var lessons = ['jade','js'] if lessons if lessons.length>2 p more than 2: #{lessons.join(',')} else if lessons.length>1 p more than 1: #{lessons.join(',')} else p no1 lessons else p no2 lessons
- var isTrue = true unless !isTrue ⚠️此時判讀爲false因此繼續往下執行 p #{lessons.length}
// 16.jade內容:
html head script body -var a=3; ⚠️由於此處加了「-」因此下面不須要再加了,jade會自動識別代碼,若是前面是代碼後面也一直是代碼就不須要加,目前只在此處作了實驗,但10.jade不能夠 case a when 1 div aaa ⚠️這些都沒加「-」,緣由見上面 when 2 div bbb when 3 div ccc default
|不靠譜 // 此時輸出:
// 遍歷對象
-var json={ a:1, b:2 } each value,key in json p #{key}:#{value} // 遍歷數組
-var arr = ["aaa","bbb"] each value in arr p= value ⚠️也能夠寫成p #{value} // 嵌套循環
- var sections = [{id:0,items:['a','b']},{id:1,items:['c','d']}] dl each section in sections dt= section.id each items in section.items dd= items
// index.jade內容:
doctype html meta(charset="utf-8") title jade測試 head style. div{ width:100px; height:100px; line-height:100px; background:"#ccc"; text-align:center; float:left; } div.last{ background:red; } script body -var a=12; while a < 30
if(a%4==0 && a!=0) div.last=a++ / div.last #{a++} else div=a++ / div #{a++} // main.js內容:
const jade = require('jade'); const fs = require('fs'); var str = jade.renderFile('./work/lesson13/view/index.jade',{ pretty:true }); fs.writeFile("./work/lesson13/build/index.html",str,function(err){ if(err){ console.log("編譯失敗"); }else{ console.log("成功"); } }) // build內容:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<style> div{ width:100px; height:100px; line-height:100px; background:"#ccc"; text-align:center; float:left; } div.last{ background:red; } </style>
<div class="last">12</div>
<div class="last">16</div>
<div class="last">20</div>
<div class="last">24</div>
<div class="last">28</div>
doctype html html head title hello jade body mixin lesson // 聲明一個mixins
p hello world +lesson // 使用+加上mixins的名字來調用 // 輸出
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>hello jade</title>
<p>hello mixin</p>
html head script body mixin lesson2(name,arr) p #{name} ul each value in arr li #{value} +lesson2("wang",["111","222"]) // 輸出
html head script body mixin lesson2(name,arr) p #{name} ul each value in arr li #{value} mixin lesson3(json) p #{json.name} +lesson2(json.name,json.arr) +lesson3({name:"wang",arr:["111","222"]}) // 輸出
html head script body mixin lesson4(text) h4 #{text} if block block else p no text +lesson4('testing') p hello world // 輸出
<h4> testing </h4>
html head script body mixin lesson5(text) p #{text} h4(class=attributes.class,id=attributes.id) +lesson5('testing')(class="attr",id="id") // 輸出
<h4 id="id" class="attr"></h4>
html head script body mixin lesson5(text) p #{text} h4&attributes(attributes) +lesson5('testing')(class="attr",id="id") // 輸出
<h4 id="id" class="attr"></h4>
html head script body mixin lesson5(text,...items) ul(class="#{text}") each value in items li= value +lesson5('testing','aa','bb','cc') // 輸出
<ul class="testing">
html head script body block test p 哈哈哈 // 輸出
html head script body block test p 哈哈哈 block test block test block test // 輸出
// 新建一個文件extend.jade(被繼承文件)
html head script body block desc // 定義block h4 繼承 block test // 調用blcok(test) // jade文件內容(繼承文件)
extends extend.jade block test // 定義block(test) p 哈哈哈 // 輸出
// 繼承文件
extends extend.jade block test p 哈哈哈 block desc h4 覆蓋 // 被繼承文件
html head script body block desc h4 繼承 block test // 輸出
npm install less sass markdown
foo = "hello" tmp = "world" + "!" h1= foo span= tmp
ul#books li: a(href="#book-a") Book A li: a(href="#book-b") Book B
- var b = "hello" p #{b.toUpperCase()} world //編譯的結果
<p>HELLO world</p>
!= (!=不是條件語句中的不等於邏輯運算符,而是非轉義html)
div \!{content} div \#{content} // 輸出
<div>\!{content}{/div} <div>\#{content}{/div}
「//」單行註釋 解析後
html head // 哈哈
script body div(style=json) div(class=arr) div(class=arr class="active") div(class=arr) div(class=arr) // 輸出
<!-- 哈哈-->
<div style="width:200px;height:200px;background:red"></div>
<div class="aaa bbb ccc"></div>
<div class="aaa bbb ccc active"></div>
<div class="aaa bbb ccc"></div>
<div class="aaa bbb ccc"></div>
「//-」緩衝註釋 解析後 不會顯示,也就是不會輸出
html head //-
script body div(style=json) div(class=arr) div(class=arr class="active") div(class=arr) div(class=arr) // 輸出
<div style="width:200px;height:200px;background:red"></div>
<div class="aaa bbb ccc"></div>
<div class="aaa bbb ccc active"></div>
<div class="aaa bbb ccc"></div>
<div class="aaa bbb ccc"></div>
html head //- 哈哈
script body div(style=json) div(class=arr) div(class=arr class="active") div(class=arr) div(class=arr) // 輸出
<div style="width:200px;height:200px;background:red"></div>
<div class="aaa bbb ccc"></div>
<div class="aaa bbb ccc active"></div>
<div class="aaa bbb ccc"></div>
<div class="aaa bbb ccc"></div>
「//」或「/-」塊註釋 解析後
html head script //body
div(style=json) div(class=arr) div(class=arr class="active") div(class=arr) div(class=arr) // 輸出
<!--body div(style=json) div(class=arr) div(class=arr class="active") div(class=arr) div(class=arr) -->
條件註釋[if IE8]......[end if]