一、使用salt ‘minionid’ sys.list_modules查看saltstack內置模塊。php
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salt ‘minionid’ sys.list_functions 模塊名稱
[root@bogon ~]# salt 'dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.239' sys.list_functions cmd dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.239: - cmd.exec_code - cmd.exec_code_all - cmd.has_exec - cmd.powershell - cmd.powershell_all - cmd.retcode - cmd.run - cmd.run_all - cmd.run_bg - cmd.run_chroot - cmd.run_stderr - cmd.run_stdout - cmd.script - cmd.script_retcode - cmd.shell - cmd.shell_info - cmd.shells - cmd.tty - cmd.which - cmd.which_bin
salt 'minionid' sys.doc 模塊名稱
1 If an equal sign (``=``) appears in an argument to a Salt command it is 2 interpreted as a keyword argument in the format ``key=val``. That 3 processing can be bypassed in order to pass an equal sign through to the 4 remote shell command by manually specifying the kwarg: 5 6 salt '*' cmd.run cmd='sed -e s/=/:/g' 7 8 9 cmd.run_all: 10 11 Execute the passed command and return a dict of return data 12 13 :param str cmd: The command to run. ex: ``ls -lart /home`` 14 15 :param str cwd: The directory from which to execute the command. Defaults 16 to the home directory of the user specified by ``runas`` (or the user 17 under which Salt is running if ``runas`` is not specified). 18 19 :param str stdin: A string of standard input can be specified for the 20 command to be run using the ``stdin`` parameter. This can be useful in 21 cases where sensitive information must be read from standard input. 22 23 :param str runas: Specify an alternate user to run the command. The default 24 behavior is to run as the user under which Salt is running. If running 25 on a Windows minion you must also use the ``password`` argument, and 26 the target user account must be in the Administrators group. 27 28 :param str password: Windows only. Required when specifying ``runas``. This 29 parameter will be ignored on non-Windows platforms. 30 31 New in version 2016.3.0 32 33 :param str shell: Specify an alternate shell. Defaults to the system's 34 default shell. 35 36 :param bool python_shell: If False, let python handle the positional 37 arguments. Set to True to use shell features, such as pipes or 38 redirection. 39 40 :param dict env: Environment variables to be set prior to execution. 41 42 Note: 43 When passing environment variables on the CLI, they should be 44 passed as the string representation of a dictionary. 45 46 salt myminion cmd.run_all 'some command' env='{"FOO": "bar"}' 47 48 :param bool clean_env: Attempt to clean out all other shell environment 49 variables and set only those provided in the 'env' argument to this 50 function. 51 52 :param str prepend_path: $PATH segment to prepend (trailing ':' not 53 necessary) to $PATH 54 55 New in version 2018.3.0 56 57 :param str template: If this setting is applied then the named templating 58 engine will be used to render the downloaded file. Currently jinja, 59 mako, and wempy are supported. 60 61 :param bool rstrip: Strip all whitespace off the end of output before it is 62 returned. 63 64 :param str umask: The umask (in octal) to use when running the command. 65 66 :param str output_encoding: Control the encoding used to decode the 67 command's output. 68 69 Note: 70 This should not need to be used in most cases. By default, Salt 71 will try to use the encoding detected from the system locale, and 72 will fall back to UTF-8 if this fails. This should only need to be 73 used in cases where the output of the command is encoded in 74 something other than the system locale or UTF-8. 75 76 To see the encoding Salt has detected from the system locale, check 77 the `locale` line in the output of :py:func:`test.versions_report 78 <salt.modules.test.versions_report>`. 79 80 New in version 2018.3.0 81 82 :param str output_loglevel: Control the loglevel at which the output from 83 the command is logged to the minion log. 84 85 Note: 86 The command being run will still be logged at the ``debug`` 87 loglevel regardless, unless ``quiet`` is used for this value. 88 89 :param bool ignore_retcode: If the exit code of the command is nonzero, 90 this is treated as an error condition, and the output from the command 91 will be logged to the minion log. However, there are some cases where 92 programs use the return code for signaling and a nonzero exit code 93 doesn't necessarily mean failure. Pass this argument as ``True`` to 94 skip logging the output if the command has a nonzero exit code. 95 96 :param bool hide_output: If ``True``, suppress stdout and stderr in the 97 return data. 98 99 Note: 100 This is separate from ``output_loglevel``, which only handles how 101 Salt logs to the minion log. 102 103 New in version 2018.3.0 104 105 :param int timeout: A timeout in seconds for the executed process to 106 return. 107 108 :param bool use_vt: Use VT utils (saltstack) to stream the command output 109 more interactively to the console and the logs. This is experimental. 110 111 :param bool encoded_cmd: Specify if the supplied command is encoded. 112 Only applies to shell 'powershell'. 113 114 New in version 2018.3.0 115 116 :param bool redirect_stderr: If set to ``True``, then stderr will be 117 redirected to stdout. This is helpful for cases where obtaining both 118 the retcode and output is desired, but it is not desired to have the 119 output separated into both stdout and stderr. 120 121 New in version 2015.8.2 122 123 :param str password: Windows only. Required when specifying ``runas``. This 124 parameter will be ignored on non-Windows platforms. 125 126 New in version 2016.3.0 127 128 :param bool bg: If ``True``, run command in background and do not await or 129 deliver its results 130 131 New in version 2016.3.6 132 133 CLI Example: 134 135 salt '*' cmd.run_all "ls -l | awk '/foo/{print \$2}'" 136 137 The template arg can be set to 'jinja' or another supported template 138 engine to render the command arguments before execution. 139 For example: 140 141 salt '*' cmd.run_all template=jinja "ls -l /tmp/{{grains.id}} | awk '/foo/{print \$2}'" 142 143 A string of standard input can be specified for the command to be run using 144 the ``stdin`` parameter. This can be useful in cases where sensitive 145 information must be read from standard input. 146 147 salt '*' cmd.run_all "grep f" stdin='one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\n' 148 149 150 cmd.run_bg: 151 152 .. versionadded: 2016.3.0 153 154 Execute the passed command in the background and return it's PID 155 156 Note: 157 158 If the init system is systemd and the backgrounded task should run even 159 if the salt-minion process is restarted, prepend ``systemd-run 160 --scope`` to the command. This will reparent the process in its own 161 scope separate from salt-minion, and will not be affected by restarting 162 the minion service. 163 164 :param str cmd: The command to run. ex: ``ls -lart /home`` 165 166 :param str cwd: The directory from which to execute the command. Defaults 167 to the home directory of the user specified by ``runas`` (or the user 168 under which Salt is running if ``runas`` is not specified). 169 170 :param str output_encoding: Control the encoding used to decode the 171 command's output. 172 173 Note: 174 This should not need to be used in most cases. By default, Salt 175 will try to use the encoding detected from the system locale, and 176 will fall back to UTF-8 if this fails. This should only need to be 177 used in cases where the output of the command is encoded in 178 something other than the system locale or UTF-8. 179 180 To see the encoding Salt has detected from the system locale, check 181 the `locale` line in the output of :py:func:`test.versions_report 182 <salt.modules.test.versions_report>`. 183 184 New in version 2018.3.0 185 186 :param str output_loglevel: Control the loglevel at which the output from 187 the command is logged to the minion log. 188 189 Note: 190 The command being run will still be logged at the ``debug`` 191 loglevel regardless, unless ``quiet`` is used for this value. 192 193 :param bool ignore_retcode: If the exit code of the command is nonzero, 194 this is treated as an error condition, and the output from the command 195 will be logged to the minion log. However, there are some cases where 196 programs use the return code for signaling and a nonzero exit code 197 doesn't necessarily mean failure. Pass this argument as ``True`` to 198 skip logging the output if the command has a nonzero exit code. 199 200 :param str runas: Specify an alternate user to run the command. The default 201 behavior is to run as the user under which Salt is running. If running 202 on a Windows minion you must also use the ``password`` argument, and 203 the target user account must be in the Administrators group. 204 205 :param str password: Windows only. Required when specifying ``runas``. This 206 parameter will be ignored on non-Windows platforms. 207 208 New in version 2016.3.0 209 210 :param str shell: Specify an alternate shell. Defaults to the system's 211 default shell. 212 213 :param bool python_shell: If False, let python handle the positional 214 arguments. Set to True to use shell features, such as pipes or 215 redirection. 216 217 :param dict env: Environment variables to be set prior to execution. 218 219 Note: 220 When passing environment variables on the CLI, they should be 221 passed as the string representation of a dictionary. 222 223 salt myminion cmd.run_bg 'some command' env='{"FOO": "bar"}' 224 225 :param bool clean_env: Attempt to clean out all other shell environment 226 variables and set only those provided in the 'env' argument to this 227 function. 228 229 :param str prepend_path: $PATH segment to prepend (trailing ':' not 230 necessary) to $PATH 231 232 New in version 2018.3.0 233 234 :param str template: If this setting is applied then the named templating 235 engine will be used to render the downloaded file. Currently jinja, 236 mako, and wempy are supported. 237 238 :param str umask: The umask (in octal) to use when running the command. 239 240 :param int timeout: A timeout in seconds for the executed process to return. 241 242 Warning: 243 244 This function does not process commands through a shell unless the 245 ``python_shell`` argument is set to ``True``. This means that any 246 shell-specific functionality such as 'echo' or the use of pipes, 247 redirection or &&, should either be migrated to cmd.shell or have the 248 python_shell=True flag set here. 249 250 The use of ``python_shell=True`` means that the shell will accept _any_ 251 input including potentially malicious commands such as 'good_command;rm 252 -rf /'. Be absolutely certain that you have sanitized your input prior 253 to using ``python_shell=True``. 254 255 CLI Example: 256 257 salt '*' cmd.run_bg "fstrim-all" 258 259 The template arg can be set to 'jinja' or another supported template 260 engine to render the command arguments before execution. 261 For example: 262 263 salt '*' cmd.run_bg template=jinja "ls -l /tmp/{{grains.id}} | awk '/foo/{print \\$2}'" 264 265 Specify an alternate shell with the shell parameter: 266 267 salt '*' cmd.run_bg "Get-ChildItem C:\\ " shell='powershell' 268 269 If an equal sign (``=``) appears in an argument to a Salt command it is 270 interpreted as a keyword argument in the format ``key=val``. That 271 processing can be bypassed in order to pass an equal sign through to the 272 remote shell command by manually specifying the kwarg: 273 274 salt '*' cmd.run_bg cmd='ls -lR / | sed -e s/=/:/g > /tmp/dontwait' 275 276 277 cmd.run_chroot: 278 279 New in version 2014.7.0 280 281 This function runs :mod:`cmd.run_all <salt.modules.cmdmod.run_all>` wrapped 282 within a chroot, with dev and proc mounted in the chroot 283 284 :param str root: Path to the root of the jail to use. 285 286 :param str cmd: The command to run. ex: ``ls -lart /home`` 287 288 :param str cwd: The directory from which to execute the command. Defaults 289 to the home directory of the user specified by ``runas`` (or the user 290 under which Salt is running if ``runas`` is not specified). 291 292 :parar str stdin: A string of standard input can be specified for the 293 command to be run using the ``stdin`` parameter. This can be useful in 294 cases where sensitive information must be read from standard input. 295 296 :param str runas: Specify an alternate user to run the command. The default 297 behavior is to run as the user under which Salt is running. If running 298 on a Windows minion you must also use the ``password`` argument, and 299 the target user account must be in the Administrators group. 300 301 :param str shell: Specify an alternate shell. Defaults to the system's 302 default shell. 303 304 :param bool python_shell: If False, let python handle the positional 305 arguments. Set to True to use shell features, such as pipes or 306 redirection. 307 308 :param dict env: Environment variables to be set prior to execution. 309 310 Note: 311 When passing environment variables on the CLI, they should be 312 passed as the string representation of a dictionary. 313 314 salt myminion cmd.run_chroot 'some command' env='{"FOO": "bar"}' 315 316 :param dict clean_env: Attempt to clean out all other shell environment 317 variables and set only those provided in the 'env' argument to this 318 function. 319 320 :param str template: If this setting is applied then the named templating 321 engine will be used to render the downloaded file. Currently jinja, 322 mako, and wempy are supported. 323 324 :param bool rstrip: 325 Strip all whitespace off the end of output before it is returned. 326 327 :param str umask: 328 The umask (in octal) to use when running the command. 329 330 :param str output_encoding: Control the encoding used to decode the 331 command's output. 332 333 Note: 334 This should not need to be used in most cases. By default, Salt 335 will try to use the encoding detected from the system locale, and 336 will fall back to UTF-8 if this fails. This should only need to be 337 used in cases where the output of the command is encoded in 338 something other than the system locale or UTF-8. 339 340 To see the encoding Salt has detected from the system locale, check 341 the `locale` line in the output of :py:func:`test.versions_report 342 <salt.modules.test.versions_report>`. 343 344 New in version 2018.3.0 345 346 :param str output_loglevel: Control the loglevel at which the output from 347 the command is logged to the minion log. 348 349 Note: 350 The command being run will still be logged at the ``debug`` 351 loglevel regardless, unless ``quiet`` is used for this value. 352 353 :param bool ignore_retcode: If the exit code of the command is nonzero, 354 this is treated as an error condition, and the output from the command 355 will be logged to the minion log. However, there are some cases where 356 programs use the return code for signaling and a nonzero exit code 357 doesn't necessarily mean failure. Pass this argument as ``True`` to 358 skip logging the output if the command has a nonzero exit code. 359 360 :param bool hide_output: If ``True``, suppress stdout and stderr in the 361 return data. 362 363 Note: 364 This is separate from ``output_loglevel``, which only handles how 365 Salt logs to the minion log. 366 367 New in version 2018.3.0 368 369 :param int timeout: 370 A timeout in seconds for the executed process to return. 371 372 :param bool use_vt: 373 Use VT utils (saltstack) to stream the command output more 374 interactively to the console and the logs. This is experimental. 375 376 CLI Example: 377 378 salt '*' cmd.run_chroot /var/lib/lxc/container_name/rootfs 'sh /tmp/bootstrap.sh' 379 380 381 cmd.run_stderr: 382 383 Execute a command and only return the standard error 384 385 :param str cmd: The command to run. ex: ``ls -lart /home`` 386 387 :param str cwd: The directory from which to execute the command. Defaults 388 to the home directory of the user specified by ``runas`` (or the user 389 under which Salt is running if ``runas`` is not specified). 390 391 :param str stdin: A string of standard input can be specified for the 392 command to be run using the ``stdin`` parameter. This can be useful in 393 cases where sensitive information must be read from standard input. 394 395 :param str runas: Specify an alternate user to run the command. The default 396 behavior is to run as the user under which Salt is running. If running 397 on a Windows minion you must also use the ``password`` argument, and 398 the target user account must be in the Administrators group. 399 400 :param str password: Windows only. Required when specifying ``runas``. This 401 parameter will be ignored on non-Windows platforms. 402 403 New in version 2016.3.0 404 405 :param str shell: Specify an alternate shell. Defaults to the system's 406 default shell. 407 408 :param bool python_shell: If False, let python handle the positional 409 arguments. Set to True to use shell features, such as pipes or 410 redirection. 411 412 :param dict env: Environment variables to be set prior to execution. 413 414 Note: 415 When passing environment variables on the CLI, they should be 416 passed as the string representation of a dictionary. 417 418 salt myminion cmd.run_stderr 'some command' env='{"FOO": "bar"}' 419 420 :param bool clean_env: Attempt to clean out all other shell environment 421 variables and set only those provided in the 'env' argument to this 422 function. 423 424 :param str prepend_path: $PATH segment to prepend (trailing ':' not 425 necessary) to $PATH 426 427 New in version 2018.3.0 428 429 :param str template: If this setting is applied then the named templating 430 engine will be used to render the downloaded file. Currently jinja, 431 mako, and wempy are supported. 432 433 :param bool rstrip: Strip all whitespace off the end of output before it is 434 returned. 435 436 :param str umask: The umask (in octal) to use when running the command. 437 438 :param str output_encoding: Control the encoding used to decode the 439 command's output. 440 441 Note: 442 This should not need to be used in most cases. By default, Salt 443 will try to use the encoding detected from the system locale, and 444 will fall back to UTF-8 if this fails. This should only need to be 445 used in cases where the output of the command is encoded in 446 something other than the system locale or UTF-8. 447 448 To see the encoding Salt has detected from the system locale, check 449 the `locale` line in the output of :py:func:`test.versions_report 450 <salt.modules.test.versions_report>`. 451 452 New in version 2018.3.0 453 454 :param str output_loglevel: Control the loglevel at which the output from 455 the command is logged to the minion log. 456 457 Note: 458 The command being run will still be logged at the ``debug`` 459 loglevel regardless, unless ``quiet`` is used for this value. 460 461 :param bool ignore_retcode: If the exit code of the command is nonzero, 462 this is treated as an error condition, and the output from the command 463 will be logged to the minion log. However, there are some cases where 464 programs use the return code for signaling and a nonzero exit code 465 doesn't necessarily mean failure. Pass this argument as ``True`` to 466 skip logging the output if the command has a nonzero exit code. 467 468 :param bool hide_output: If ``True``, suppress stdout and stderr in the 469 return data. 470 471 Note: 472 This is separate from ``output_loglevel``, which only handles how 473 Salt logs to the minion log. 474 475 New in version 2018.3.0 476 477 :param int timeout: A timeout in seconds for the executed process to 478 return. 479 480 :param bool use_vt: Use VT utils (saltstack) to stream the command output 481 more interactively to the console and the logs. This is experimental. 482 483 CLI Example: 484 485 salt '*' cmd.run_stderr "ls -l | awk '/foo/{print \$2}'" 486 487 The template arg can be set to 'jinja' or another supported template 488 engine to render the command arguments before execution. 489 For example: 490 491 salt '*' cmd.run_stderr template=jinja "ls -l /tmp/{{grains.id}} | awk '/foo/{print \$2}'" 492 493 A string of standard input can be specified for the command to be run using 494 the ``stdin`` parameter. This can be useful in cases where sensitive 495 information must be read from standard input. 496 497 salt '*' cmd.run_stderr "grep f" stdin='one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\n' 498 499 500 cmd.run_stdout: 501 502 Execute a command, and only return the standard out 503 504 :param str cmd: The command to run. ex: ``ls -lart /home`` 505 506 :param str cwd: The directory from which to execute the command. Defaults 507 to the home directory of the user specified by ``runas`` (or the user 508 under which Salt is running if ``runas`` is not specified). 509 510 :param str stdin: A string of standard input can be specified for the 511 command to be run using the ``stdin`` parameter. This can be useful in 512 cases where sensitive information must be read from standard input. 513 514 :param str runas: Specify an alternate user to run the command. The default 515 behavior is to run as the user under which Salt is running. If running 516 on a Windows minion you must also use the ``password`` argument, and 517 the target user account must be in the Administrators group. 518 519 :param str password: Windows only. Required when specifying ``runas``. This 520 parameter will be ignored on non-Windows platforms. 521 522 New in version 2016.3.0 523 524 :param str shell: Specify an alternate shell. Defaults to the system's 525 default shell. 526 527 :param bool python_shell: If False, let python handle the positional 528 arguments. Set to True to use shell features, such as pipes or 529 redirection. 530 531 :param dict env: Environment variables to be set prior to execution. 532 533 Note: 534 When passing environment variables on the CLI, they should be 535 passed as the string representation of a dictionary. 536 537 salt myminion cmd.run_stdout 'some command' env='{"FOO": "bar"}' 538 539 :param bool clean_env: Attempt to clean out all other shell environment 540 variables and set only those provided in the 'env' argument to this 541 function. 542 543 :param str prepend_path: $PATH segment to prepend (trailing ':' not necessary) 544 to $PATH 545 546 New in version 2018.3.0 547 548 :param str template: If this setting is applied then the named templating 549 engine will be used to render the downloaded file. Currently jinja, 550 mako, and wempy are supported. 551 552 :param bool rstrip: Strip all whitespace off the end of output before it is 553 returned. 554 555 :param str umask: The umask (in octal) to use when running the command. 556 557 :param str output_encoding: Control the encoding used to decode the 558 command's output. 559 560 Note: 561 This should not need to be used in most cases. By default, Salt 562 will try to use the encoding detected from the system locale, and 563 will fall back to UTF-8 if this fails. This should only need to be 564 used in cases where the output of the command is encoded in 565 something other than the system locale or UTF-8. 566 567 To see the encoding Salt has detected from the system locale, check 568 the `locale` line in the output of :py:func:`test.versions_report 569 <salt.modules.test.versions_report>`. 570 571 New in version 2018.3.0 572 573 :param str output_loglevel: Control the loglevel at which the output from 574 the command is logged to the minion log. 575 576 Note: 577 The command being run will still be logged at the ``debug`` 578 loglevel regardless, unless ``quiet`` is used for this value. 579 580 :param bool ignore_retcode: If the exit code of the command is nonzero, 581 this is treated as an error condition, and the output from the command 582 will be logged to the minion log. However, there are some cases where 583 programs use the return code for signaling and a nonzero exit code 584 doesn't necessarily mean failure. Pass this argument as ``True`` to 585 skip logging the output if the command has a nonzero exit code. 586 587 :param bool hide_output: If ``True``, suppress stdout and stderr in the 588 return data. 589 590 Note: 591 This is separate from ``output_loglevel``, which only handles how 592 Salt logs to the minion log. 593 594 New in version 2018.3.0 595 596 :param int timeout: A timeout in seconds for the executed process to 597 return. 598 599 :param bool use_vt: Use VT utils (saltstack) to stream the command output 600 more interactively to the console and the logs. This is experimental. 601 602 CLI Example: 603 604 salt '*' cmd.run_stdout "ls -l | awk '/foo/{print \$2}'" 605 606 The template arg can be set to 'jinja' or another supported template 607 engine to render the command arguments before execution. 608 For example: 609 610 salt '*' cmd.run_stdout template=jinja "ls -l /tmp/{{grains.id}} | awk '/foo/{print \$2}'" 611 612 A string of standard input can be specified for the command to be run using 613 the ``stdin`` parameter. This can be useful in cases where sensitive 614 information must be read from standard input. 615 616 salt '*' cmd.run_stdout "grep f" stdin='one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\n' 617 618 619 cmd.script: 620 621 Download a script from a remote location and execute the script locally. 622 The script can be located on the salt master file server or on an HTTP/FTP 623 server. 624 625 The script will be executed directly, so it can be written in any available 626 programming language. 627 628 :param str source: The location of the script to download. If the file is 629 located on the master in the directory named spam, and is called eggs, 630 the source string is salt://spam/eggs 631 632 :param str args: String of command line args to pass to the script. Only 633 used if no args are specified as part of the `name` argument. To pass a 634 string containing spaces in YAML, you will need to doubly-quote it: 635 636 salt myminion cmd.script salt://foo.sh "arg1 'arg two' arg3" 637 638 :param str cwd: The directory from which to execute the command. Defaults 639 to the home directory of the user specified by ``runas`` (or the user 640 under which Salt is running if ``runas`` is not specified). 641 642 :param str stdin: A string of standard input can be specified for the 643 command to be run using the ``stdin`` parameter. This can be useful in 644 cases where sensitive information must be read from standard input. 645 646 :param str runas: Specify an alternate user to run the command. The default 647 behavior is to run as the user under which Salt is running. If running 648 on a Windows minion you must also use the ``password`` argument, and 649 the target user account must be in the Administrators group. 650 651 :param str password: Windows only. Required when specifying ``runas``. This 652 parameter will be ignored on non-Windows platforms. 653 654 New in version 2016.3.0 655 656 :param str shell: Specify an alternate shell. Defaults to the system's 657 default shell. 658 659 :param bool python_shell: If False, let python handle the positional 660 arguments. Set to True to use shell features, such as pipes or 661 redirection. 662 663 :param bool bg: If True, run script in background and do not await or 664 deliver it's results 665 666 :param dict env: Environment variables to be set prior to execution. 667 668 Note: 669 When passing environment variables on the CLI, they should be 670 passed as the string representation of a dictionary. 671 672 salt myminion cmd.script 'some command' env='{"FOO": "bar"}' 673 674 :param str template: If this setting is applied then the named templating 675 engine will be used to render the downloaded file. Currently jinja, 676 mako, and wempy are supported. 677 678 :param str umask: The umask (in octal) to use when running the command. 679 680 :param str output_encoding: Control the encoding used to decode the 681 command's output. 682 683 Note: 684 This should not need to be used in most cases. By default, Salt 685 will try to use the encoding detected from the system locale, and 686 will fall back to UTF-8 if this fails. This should only need to be 687 used in cases where the output of the command is encoded in 688 something other than the system locale or UTF-8. 689 690 To see the encoding Salt has detected from the system locale, check 691 the `locale` line in the output of :py:func:`test.versions_report 692 <salt.modules.test.versions_report>`. 693 694 New in version 2018.3.0 695 696 :param str output_loglevel: Control the loglevel at which the output from 697 the command is logged to the minion log. 698 699 Note: 700 The command being run will still be logged at the ``debug`` 701 loglevel regardless, unless ``quiet`` is used for this value. 702 703 :param bool ignore_retcode: If the exit code of the command is nonzero, 704 this is treated as an error condition, and the output from the command 705 will be logged to the minion log. However, there are some cases where 706 programs use the return code for signaling and a nonzero exit code 707 doesn't necessarily mean failure. Pass this argument as ``True`` to 708 skip logging the output if the command has a nonzero exit code. 709 710 :param bool hide_output: If ``True``, suppress stdout and stderr in the 711 return data. 712 713 Note: 714 This is separate from ``output_loglevel``, which only handles how 715 Salt logs to the minion log. 716 717 New in version 2018.3.0 718 719 :param int timeout: If the command has not terminated after timeout 720 seconds, send the subprocess sigterm, and if sigterm is ignored, follow 721 up with sigkill 722 723 :param bool use_vt: Use VT utils (saltstack) to stream the command output 724 more interactively to the console and the logs. This is experimental. 725 726 CLI Example: 727 728 salt '*' cmd.script salt://scripts/runme.sh 729 salt '*' cmd.script salt://scripts/runme.sh 'arg1 arg2 "arg 3"' 730 salt '*' cmd.script salt://scripts/windows_task.ps1 args=' -Input c:\tmp\infile.txt' shell='powershell' 731 732 733 salt '*' cmd.script salt://scripts/runme.sh stdin='one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\n' 734 735 736 cmd.script_retcode: 737 738 Download a script from a remote location and execute the script locally. 739 The script can be located on the salt master file server or on an HTTP/FTP 740 server. 741 742 The script will be executed directly, so it can be written in any available 743 programming language. 744 745 The script can also be formatted as a template, the default is jinja. 746 747 Only evaluate the script return code and do not block for terminal output 748 749 :param str source: The location of the script to download. If the file is 750 located on the master in the directory named spam, and is called eggs, 751 the source string is salt://spam/eggs 752 753 :param str args: String of command line args to pass to the script. Only 754 used if no args are specified as part of the `name` argument. To pass a 755 string containing spaces in YAML, you will need to doubly-quote it: 756 "arg1 'arg two' arg3" 757 758 :param str cwd: The directory from which to execute the command. Defaults 759 to the home directory of the user specified by ``runas`` (or the user 760 under which Salt is running if ``runas`` is not specified). 761 762 :param str stdin: A string of standard input can be specified for the 763 command to be run using the ``stdin`` parameter. This can be useful in 764 cases where sensitive information must be read from standard input. 765 766 :param str runas: Specify an alternate user to run the command. The default 767 behavior is to run as the user under which Salt is running. If running 768 on a Windows minion you must also use the ``password`` argument, and 769 the target user account must be in the Administrators group. 770 771 :param str password: Windows only. Required when specifying ``runas``. This 772 parameter will be ignored on non-Windows platforms. 773 774 New in version 2016.3.0 775 776 :param str shell: Specify an alternate shell. Defaults to the system's 777 default shell. 778 779 :param bool python_shell: If False, let python handle the positional 780 arguments. Set to True to use shell features, such as pipes or 781 redirection. 782 783 :param dict env: Environment variables to be set prior to execution. 784 785 Note: 786 When passing environment variables on the CLI, they should be 787 passed as the string representation of a dictionary. 788 789 salt myminion cmd.script_retcode 'some command' env='{"FOO": "bar"}' 790 791 :param str template: If this setting is applied then the named templating 792 engine will be used to render the downloaded file. Currently jinja, 793 mako, and wempy are supported. 794 795 :param str umask: The umask (in octal) to use when running the command. 796 797 :param str output_encoding: Control the encoding used to decode the 798 command's output. 799 800 Note: 801 This should not need to be used in most cases. By default, Salt 802 will try to use the encoding detected from the system locale, and 803 will fall back to UTF-8 if this fails. This should only need to be 804 used in cases where the output of the command is encoded in 805 something other than the system locale or UTF-8. 806 807 To see the encoding Salt has detected from the system locale, check 808 the `locale` line in the output of :py:func:`test.versions_report 809 <salt.modules.test.versions_report>`. 810 811 New in version 2018.3.0 812 813 :param str output_loglevel: Control the loglevel at which the output from 814 the command is logged to the minion log. 815 816 Note: 817 The command being run will still be logged at the ``debug`` 818 loglevel regardless, unless ``quiet`` is used for this value. 819 820 :param bool ignore_retcode: If the exit code of the command is nonzero, 821 this is treated as an error condition, and the output from the command 822 will be logged to the minion log. However, there are some cases where 823 programs use the return code for signaling and a nonzero exit code 824 doesn't necessarily mean failure. Pass this argument as ``True`` to 825 skip logging the output if the command has a nonzero exit code. 826 827 :param int timeout: If the command has not terminated after timeout 828 seconds, send the subprocess sigterm, and if sigterm is ignored, follow 829 up with sigkill 830 831 :param bool use_vt: Use VT utils (saltstack) to stream the command output 832 more interactively to the console and the logs. This is experimental. 833 834 CLI Example: 835 836 salt '*' cmd.script_retcode salt://scripts/runme.sh 837 salt '*' cmd.script_retcode salt://scripts/runme.sh 'arg1 arg2 "arg 3"' 838 salt '*' cmd.script_retcode salt://scripts/windows_task.ps1 args=' -Input c:\tmp\infile.txt' shell='powershell' 839 840 A string of standard input can be specified for the command to be run using 841 the ``stdin`` parameter. This can be useful in cases where sensitive 842 information must be read from standard input. 843 844 salt '*' cmd.script_retcode salt://scripts/runme.sh stdin='one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\n' 845 846 847 cmd.shell: 848 849 Execute the passed command and return the output as a string. 850 851 New in version 2015.5.0 852 853 :param str cmd: The command to run. ex: ``ls -lart /home`` 854 855 :param str cwd: The directory from which to execute the command. Defaults 856 to the home directory of the user specified by ``runas`` (or the user 857 under which Salt is running if ``runas`` is not specified). 858 859 :param str stdin: A string of standard input can be specified for the 860 command to be run using the ``stdin`` parameter. This can be useful in 861 cases where sensitive information must be read from standard input. 862 863 :param str runas: Specify an alternate user to run the command. The default 864 behavior is to run as the user under which Salt is running. If running 865 on a Windows minion you must also use the ``password`` argument, and 866 the target user account must be in the Administrators group. 867 868 :param str password: Windows only. Required when specifying ``runas``. This 869 parameter will be ignored on non-Windows platforms. 870 871 New in version 2016.3.0 872 873 :param int shell: Shell to execute under. Defaults to the system default 874 shell. 875 876 :param bool bg: If True, run command in background and do not await or 877 deliver its results 878 879 :param dict env: Environment variables to be set prior to execution. 880 881 Note: 882 When passing environment variables on the CLI, they should be 883 passed as the string representation of a dictionary. 884 885 salt myminion cmd.shell 'some command' env='{"FOO": "bar"}' 886 887 :param bool clean_env: Attempt to clean out all other shell environment 888 variables and set only those provided in the 'env' argument to this 889 function. 890 891 :param str prepend_path: $PATH segment to prepend (trailing ':' not necessary) 892 to $PATH 893 894 New in version 2018.3.0 895 896 :param str template: If this setting is applied then the named templating 897 engine will be used to render the downloaded file. Currently jinja, 898 mako, and wempy are supported. 899 900 :param bool rstrip: Strip all whitespace off the end of output before it is 901 returned. 902 903 :param str umask: The umask (in octal) to use when running the command. 904 905 :param str output_encoding: Control the encoding used to decode the 906 command's output. 907 908 Note: 909 This should not need to be used in most cases. By default, Salt 910 will try to use the encoding detected from the system locale, and 911 will fall back to UTF-8 if this fails. This should only need to be 912 used in cases where the output of the command is encoded in 913 something other than the system locale or UTF-8. 914 915 To see the encoding Salt has detected from the system locale, check 916 the `locale` line in the output of :py:func:`test.versions_report 917 <salt.modules.test.versions_report>`. 918 919 New in version 2018.3.0 920 921 :param str output_loglevel: Control the loglevel at which the output from 922 the command is logged to the minion log. 923 924 Note: 925 The command being run will still be logged at the ``debug`` 926 loglevel regardless, unless ``quiet`` is used for this value. 927 928 :param bool ignore_retcode: If the exit code of the command is nonzero, 929 this is treated as an error condition, and the output from the command 930 will be logged to the minion log. However, there are some cases where 931 programs use the return code for signaling and a nonzero exit code 932 doesn't necessarily mean failure. Pass this argument as ``True`` to 933 skip logging the output if the command has a nonzero exit code. 934 935 :param bool hide_output: If ``True``, suppress stdout and stderr in the 936 return data. 937 938 Note: 939 This is separate from ``output_loglevel``, which only handles how 940 Salt logs to the minion log. 941 942 New in version 2018.3.0 943 944 :param int timeout: A timeout in seconds for the executed process to 945 return. 946 947 :param bool use_vt: Use VT utils (saltstack) to stream the command output 948 more interactively to the console and the logs. This is experimental. 949 950 Warning: 951 952 This passes the cmd argument directly to the shell without any further 953 processing! Be absolutely sure that you have properly sanitized the 954 command passed to this function and do not use untrusted inputs. 955 956 CLI Example: 957 958 salt '*' cmd.shell "ls -l | awk '/foo/{print \$2}'" 959 960 The template arg can be set to 'jinja' or another supported template 961 engine to render the command arguments before execution. 962 For example: 963 964 salt '*' cmd.shell template=jinja "ls -l /tmp/{{grains.id}} | awk '/foo/{print \$2}'" 965 966 Specify an alternate shell with the shell parameter: 967 968 salt '*' cmd.shell "Get-ChildItem C:\ " shell='powershell' 969 970 A string of standard input can be specified for the command to be run using 971 the ``stdin`` parameter. This can be useful in cases where sensitive 972 information must be read from standard input. 973 974 salt '*' cmd.shell "grep f" stdin='one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\n' 975 976 If an equal sign (``=``) appears in an argument to a Salt command it is 977 interpreted as a keyword argument in the format ``key=val``. That 978 processing can be bypassed in order to pass an equal sign through to the 979 remote shell command by manually specifying the kwarg: 980 981 salt '*' cmd.shell cmd='sed -e s/=/:/g' 982 983 984 cmd.shell_info: 985 986 New in version 2016.11.0 987 988 Provides information about a shell or script languages which often use 989 ``#!``. The values returned are dependent on the shell or scripting 990 languages all return the ``installed``, ``path``, ``version``, 991 ``version_raw`` 992 993 Args: 994 shell (str): Name of the shell. Support shells/script languages include 995 bash, cmd, perl, php, powershell, python, ruby and zsh 996 997 list_modules (bool): True to list modules available to the shell. 998 Currently only lists powershell modules. 999 1000 Returns: 1001 dict: A dictionary of information about the shell 1002 1003 {'version': '<2 or 3 numeric components dot-separated>', 1004 'version_raw': '<full version string>', 1005 'path': '<full path to binary>', 1006 'installed': <True, False or None>, 1007 '<attribute>': '<attribute value>'} 1008 1009 Note: 1010 - ``installed`` is always returned, if ``None`` or ``False`` also 1011 returns error and may also return ``stdout`` for diagnostics. 1012 - ``version`` is for use in determine if a shell/script language has a 1013 particular feature set, not for package management. 1014 - The shell must be within the executable search path. 1015 1016 CLI Example: 1017 1018 salt '*' cmd.shell_info bash 1019 salt '*' cmd.shell_info powershell 1020 1021 :codeauthor: Damon Atkins <https://github.com/damon-atkins> 1022 1023 1024 cmd.shells: 1025 1026 Lists the valid shells on this system via the /etc/shells file 1027 1028 New in version 2015.5.0 1029 1030 CLI Example:: 1031 1032 salt '*' cmd.shells 1033 1034 1035 cmd.tty: 1036 1037 Echo a string to a specific tty 1038 1039 CLI Example: 1040 1041 salt '*' cmd.tty tty0 'This is a test' 1042 salt '*' cmd.tty pts3 'This is a test' 1043 1044 1045 cmd.which: 1046 1047 Returns the path of an executable available on the minion, None otherwise 1048 1049 CLI Example: 1050 1051 salt '*' cmd.which cat 1052 1053 1054 cmd.which_bin: 1055 1056 Returns the first command found in a list of commands 1057 1058 CLI Example: 1059 1060 salt '*' cmd.which_bin '[pip2, pip, pip-python]'
2.1.1 cmd.has_exec的用法(若是可執行文件在minion上可用,則可用返回true,不然返回false)ios
#最後面的命令能夠不加引號,可是若是遇到 ip addr這用中間有空格的命令就直接報錯,建議無論命令中有沒有空格都加上引號。 salt 'dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.239' cmd.has_exec 'ipconfig'
2.1.2 cmd.retcode的用法(在minion端執行一個shell命令並返回命令的返回碼。0表示成功。0之外表示失敗有問題,有提示1或者直接報錯的。)。注意,後面的命令只能是linux標準的寫法,例如ls -l ,要是協程ll就直接報錯。git
salt 'dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.239' cmd.retcode 'ls -l /etc/hostname'
2.1.3 cmd.run的用法(這個執行shell命令跟cmd.retcode相似,可是不一樣的是,cmd.run就像再本地執行同樣,執行完命令直接返回信息。cmd.run_stderr意思只會在出問題的時候返回信息,若是你命令出錯直接像本地同樣提示。)github
[root@bogon ~]# salt 'dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.239' cmd.run 'ls -l /etc/hostname' dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.239: -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 22 Mar 9 23:47 /etc/hostname
2.1.4 cmd.script和cmd.script_retcode(從遠程salt服務器或者ftp服務器或者http服務器下載腳本到本地執行)。若是想使用cmd.script命令,首先須要修改master配置文件,添加salt根目錄,方法以下:正則表達式
#修改方法以下,我這裏把/root目錄做爲salt的根目錄,若是多個目錄能夠在下面加,修改完須要重啓salt-master服務。 vim /etc/salt/master --------------------------------- file_roots: base: - /root/ ---------------------------------
#!/bin/bash ifconfig
salt 'dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.239' cmd.script salt://test.sh
dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.239: ---------- pid: 1519 retcode: 0 stderr: stdout: ens33: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet netmask broadcast inet6 fe80::20c:29ff:fe8d:abf8 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20<link> ether 00:0c:29:8d:ab:f8 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet) RX packets 2027 bytes 219750 (214.5 KiB) RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0 TX packets 2091 bytes 1419213 (1.3 MiB) TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0 device interrupt 19 base 0x2000 lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING> mtu 65536 inet netmask inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 scopeid 0x10<host> loop txqueuelen 1 (Local Loopback) RX packets 136 bytes 11816 (11.5 KiB) RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0 TX packets 136 bytes 11816 (11.5 KiB) TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
#只返回執行狀態碼,0表示成功,其它表示失敗 salt 'dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.239' cmd.script_retcode salt://test.sh
2.1.5 cmd.shell和cmd.shells(cmd.shell跟cmd.run同樣,通常用cmd.run,cmd.shells是經過/ etc / shells文件列出此係統上的有效shell):
2.1.6 cmd.which和cmd.which_bin的用法(就是查找執行文件所在的位置,which命令嘛都不陌生)
cmd.which(其實跟本地直接which ifconfig命令返回信息相同):
[root@bogon ~]# salt 'dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.239' cmd.which 'cat' dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.239: /usr/bin/cat
[root@bogon ~]# salt 'dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.239' cmd.which_bin '[cat]' dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.239: /usr/bin/cat
2.2.1 cp.get_dir和cp.get_file的用法(就是從master端cp目錄或者文件到minion端的目錄,get_dir支持與get_file相同的模板和gzip參數。對應的是cp.push:,cp.push_dir:,就是把客戶端的文件或者目錄推送到master端的cachedir,默認爲/var/cache/salt/master/minions/minion-id/files,可是這種用法是禁用狀態,通常不讓minion端的文件或目錄發送到master端,這裏只是記錄一下有這種用法。)
#salt '*' cp.get_dir salt://path/to/dir/ /minion/dest #從salt master遞歸複製目錄到minion客戶端的/minion/dest目錄下面。 #salt '*' cp.get_file salt://path/to/file /minion/dest #從服務端拷貝單個文件到minion端的/minion/dest目錄下面。
2.2.2 cp.get_url(用於從URL獲取單個文件)
# salt '*' cp.get_url salt://cptest1/cptest1file /tmp/test #將salt://cptest1/cptest1file文件裏面的內容寫入到/tmp/test文件裏面,每次都會覆蓋裏面的內容。這種就跟cp.get_file類似。不一樣的是複製到minion之後文件名直接變成index.html,之後直接覆蓋內容,除非你執行客戶端的文件名,不事後綴確定是html。
# salt '*' cp.get_url http://www.51niux.com/?id=116 /root/test.html #如這種就把一個頁面的html信息寫入到了客戶端的/tmp/test.html文件,切記只能是這種文本形式的文件,可是感受這個沒有什麼用。這裏我用到的是下載安裝包,而後傳給客戶端,若是這樣的話客戶端指定路徑就行,無需指定文件名。
salt '*' cp.get_url #正確用法
[root@bogon ~]# salt '*' cp.get_url http://down1.chinaunix.net/distfiles/utelnetd-0.1.9.tar.gz /root/ dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.239: /root/utelnetd-0.1.9.tar.gz dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.240: /root/utelnetd-0.1.9.tar.gz
2.2.3 cp.list_master和cp.list_master_dirs的用法(這個就是查看salt master本地的file服務器又哪些文件或者目錄)
salt 'dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.239' cp.list_master salt 'dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.239' cp.list_master_dirs
2.3.1 file.access的用法(f表明存在,rwx分別表明讀、寫、執行權限)還有file.file_exists、file.get_mode和file.stats的用法。
#須要後面加參數f,若是指定minion有這文件就返回True,不然False。加參數x,若是有執行權限就返回True,不然False。 [root@localhost master]# salt '*' file.access /root/test.sh f dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.239: True dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.240: True #不要加參數,若是指定minion有指定文件就返回True,不然返回False [root@localhost master]# salt '*' file.file_exists /root/test.sh dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.239: True dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.240: False
1 f:測試路徑的存在性 2 r:測試路徑的可讀性 3 w:測試路徑的可寫性 4 x:測試路徑是否能夠執行
# salt '*' file.get_mode /etc/passwd #file.get_mode後面指定目錄或者文件,能夠查看其受權狀況,如文件通常是0644,若是文件或目錄不存在無信息(固然還有:file.is_blkdev檢查文件是否存在而且是塊設備,file.is_chrdev檢查文件是否存在而且是字符設備,file.is_fifo檢查文件是否存在而且是FIFO,file.is_link檢查路徑是不是符號連接)
# salt '*' file.stats /etc/passwd #file.stats返回一個文件或目錄的統計信息,這裏是返回/etc/passwd文件的統計信息(類型,時間,屬組,權限等)。
1>訪問時間(access time 簡寫爲atime)
2>修改時間(modify time 簡寫爲mtime)
3>狀態修改時間(change time 簡寫爲ctime)
1 import time 2 3 t_time = 1529463570 4 timeArray=time.localtime(t_time) 5 print(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",timeArray)) 6 2018-06-20 10:59:30
2.3.2 file.append和file.write的用法(前者將內容追加到文件的末尾,後者是直接覆蓋相似於echo >,可是格式跟前者同樣。)
#file.append相似於>> [root@bogon ~]# salt '*' file.append /root/test.sh 'This is file.append test!' 'test line two' dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.239: Wrote 2 lines to "/root/test.sh" dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.240: Wrote 2 lines to "/root/test.sh" #file.write相似於>,直接覆蓋目標文件 [root@bogon ~]# salt '*' file.write /root/test.sh 'This is file.append test!' 'test line two' dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.239: Wrote 2 lines to "/root/test.sh" dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.240: Wrote 2 lines to "/root/test.sh"
[root@bogon ~]# salt '*' file.append /root/test.sh args='Hostname=`hostname`' dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.240: Wrote 1 lines to "/root/test.sh" dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.239: Wrote 1 lines to "/root/test.sh" [root@bogon ~]# salt '*' file.append /root/test.sh args='Hostname='hostname'' dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.239: Wrote 1 lines to "/root/test.sh" dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.240: Wrote 1 lines to "/root/test.sh"
[root@bogon ~]# salt '*' file.append /root/test.sh args=['Hostname=`hostname`''rel=`cat /etc/redhat-release`'] dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.239: Wrote 1 lines to "/root/test.sh" dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.240: Wrote 1 lines to "/root/test.sh" [root@bogon ~]# salt '*' file.append /root/test.sh args=['Hostname=`hostname`','rel=`cat /etc/redhat-release`'] dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.239: Wrote 2 lines to "/root/test.sh" dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.240: Wrote 2 lines to "/root/test.sh"
[root@bogon ~]# salt '*' file.append /root/test.sh args="['Hostname=`hostname`','rel=`cat /etc/redhat-release`']" dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.239: Wrote 2 lines to "/root/test.sh" dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.240: Wrote 2 lines to "/root/test.sh"
2.3.3 file.chgrp、file.chown和file.set_mode用法(前者是更改文件的屬組,中者是更改文件數的屬主屬組,後者是更改文件或目錄的權限)
一、minion沒有這個用戶會提示Group does not exist,若是有提示None
2.3.4 file.comment和file.comment_line的用法(註釋指定內容的行,每次操做前都會更新文件名命令的.bak備份文件)
#註釋 salt '*' file.comment /root/test.sh Hostname #取消註釋 salt '*' file.uncomment /root/test.sh Hostname
案例1、 #以Hostname開頭,以hostname結尾,注意若是中間有=號必定要用.表明,不然報錯。 salt '*' file.comment /root/test.sh Hostname.hostname #後面也能夠直接跟註釋符號,默認# salt '*' file.comment /root/test.sh Hostname.hostname '!!!' 案例2、 #以Host開通,點表示任意符號,*表示匹配屢次。以hostname結尾。 salt '*' file.comment /root/test.sh Host.*hostname$ #你也能夠後面代表用什麼註釋符號 salt '*' file.comment /root/test.sh Host.*hostname$ '@'
2.3.5 file.copy用法(複製文件或目錄到指定的目錄下面,成功返回True,失敗會有提示的。另外還有file.move,移動文件的用法。)
#相似cp命令,目標必須指定文件名 salt '*' file.copy /root/test.sh /var/test.sh
#須要加上recurse=True參數,不然報錯 salt '*' file.copy /root/ /var/test/ recurse=True
salt '*' file.copy /root/ /var/test/root/ recurse=True
salt '*' file.copy /root/ /var/test/root/ recurse=True remove_existing=True
2.3.6 'file.directory_exists和file.dirname的用法(前者檢查一個目錄是否存在,後者取文件的路徑)
例: # salt "*" file.directory_exists /var/test #/var/test 目錄存在就會返回True,不存在就會返回False # salt "*" file.dirname '/var/test/' #取出來的結果是/var/test/,這就是末尾加/,認爲這兩個都是目錄,固然不論是否有這個目錄 # salt "*" file.dirname '/var/test/test.sh #取出來的結果是/var/test,但若是你在test.sh後面加上/,返回結果就是/var/test/test.sh
2.3.7 file.find方法(相似於linux下面的find命令)
#salt '*' file.find / type=f name=\*.bak size=+10m #查找/目錄下,文件類型爲文件的(a:全部文件類型,b:塊設備 ,c:字符設備,d:目錄, p:FIFO(命名管道), f:普通文件 ,l:符號連接 ,s:套接字),名稱爲.bak結尾的(這裏支持正則表達式),大小大於10MB的文件(b:字節,k:千字節,m:兆字節,g:GB,t:太字節也是TB)。
#salt '*' file.find /var mtime=+30d size=+10m print=path,size,mtime #這裏是查找/var目錄下,最後一次更改時間是30天之前(w:周,d:天,h:小時,
#salt '*' file.find /var/log name=\*.[0-9] mtime=+30d size=+10m delete #find的匹配條件有(name區分大小寫,iname不區分大小寫,type類型,user用戶,group用戶組,size[+-]大小,mtime修改時間,grep搜索文件內容),最後執行的動做除了delete和print,還有exec command。
2.3.8 file.get_gid、file.get_uid 和file.get_group、file.get_user的用法(前一組返回文件或目錄的gid號和uid號,後一組返回文件或目錄group和user)
# salt '*' file.get_user /etc #查看/etc目錄的屬組,若是文件或目錄不存在返回ERROR: Path not found:。 # salt '*' file.get_uid /etc #查看/etc目錄的屬組的uid號。若是目錄或者文件不存在返回ERROR: Path not found:.
2.3.9 file.grep的用法(相似於linux上面的grep命令) # salt '*' file.grep /etc/passwd nobody #過濾/ect/passwd文件中包含nobody的行。(會輸出:pid:是grep運行的pid號,retcode:爲狀態碼,0是成功過濾1爲非成功過濾,stderr:錯誤輸出,stdout:正常輸出也就是咱們要過濾的內容。) # salt '*' file.grep /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33 ipaddr " -i" #「-i」的目的是不區分大小寫,注意-i前面有空格,額外的參數之間都有空格。 #salt '*' file.grep /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33 ipaddr ' -i' ' -B2' ' -A2' #-B2是上面兩行,-A2指下面兩行。注意,寫法是,每一個參數必須用單引號或雙引號分開,並且每一個參數開頭須要用空格隔開。或者按照官方介紹下面的寫法。 #salt '*' file.grep /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33 ipaddr -- -i -B2 -A2 #開頭用兩個-- 而後每一個參數前加一個-,每一個參數之間用空格分開
2.3.10 file.link和file.symlink的用法(前者是建立文件的硬連接,後者是建立符號連接也就是軟連接)
# salt '*' file.link /tmp/1 /tmp/2 #爲/tmp/1建立一個硬連接是/tmp/2,只能是文件。 #salt '*' file.symlink /tmp/1 /tmp/2 #成功返回True,失敗返回ERROR
2.3.11 file.mkdir和file.makedirs方法(兩種都是建立目錄。前者相似於mkdir -p,後者只是madir)
成功後返回True,失敗返回None,相似於mkdir -p #salt '*' file.mkdir /opt/cs/ds #成功返回True,失敗返回None,相似於直接建目錄mkdir #salt '*' file.makedirs /opt/cs/ds
2.3.12 file.remove、file.rmdir和file.rename用法(前者是刪除文件或者目錄,中間是刪除目錄可是目錄必定要爲空、後者是重命名文件或目錄)
# salt '*' file.remove /opt/cs/ #刪除/opt目錄下面的cs目錄 # salt '*' file.rmdir /opt/cs #刪除/opt/cs目錄,若是cs目錄下面有內容會提示目錄不會空刪除失敗提示Directory not empty,若是爲空則會執行並返回True #salt '*' file.rename /opt/cs /opt/ds #將/opt下的cs目錄更名爲ds成功返回True,失敗報錯,文件和目錄均可操做。
2.3.13 file.touch和file.truncate的用法
# salt '*' file.touch /opt/test #文件不存在則建立此文件,若是文件存在裏面的內容不會發生變化,可是它的time信息會更新,上級目錄必須存在。 # salt '*' file.truncate /opt/test 3 #將/opt/test 第三個字符之後的內容全刪除掉了,字符的順序意思是操做到右,從上到下。
#salt '*' sys.doc hosts #經過這個命令能夠查看詳細用法,咱們生產中若是沒有用內建DNS服務,使用hosts模塊修改/etc/hosts仍是常常會用到的。
#salt "*" hosts.add_host salt-miniontow #添加一條host記錄方便幻想解析,若是有就直接追加,若是沒有就添加。 #salt '*' hosts.set_host 172,.16.5.239 foreman.puppet #感受這個條用的比較多,他是以IP地址爲準,有這個IP的解析就覆蓋,沒有就添加。 #salt "*" hosts.rm_host salt-minion #刪除一條172.16.5.239 salt-minion解析記錄 #salt "*" hosts.get_ip salt-minion #查看name叫salt-minion的ip地址。 #salt "*" hosts.get_alias #查看解析爲172.16.5.239ip地址的name。 #salt '*' hosts.list_hosts #查看指定minion下的全部解析。 #salt '*' hosts.has_pair salt-miniontow #查看hosts裏面有沒有這條解析,有返回True,沒有返回False
2.5.1 cron.raw_cron的用法(cron.list_tab和cron.ls和跟其效果同樣,格式也同樣必需要指定某一個用戶,都是顯示指定用戶crontab文件裏面的定時任務)
# salt '*' cron.raw_cron root #必須指定用戶,這裏是顯示root的crontab文件裏面的內容,註釋的行也會顯示
2.5.2 cron.set_job的用法(爲指定用戶設置一個定時任務)
# salt '*' cron.set_job root '0' '0' '*' '*' '*' '/bin/bash /opt/scripts/scp.sh >/dev/null 2>&1' #若是'/bin/bash /opt/scripts/scp.sh >/dev/null 2>&1'這一部分存在了,那麼這一步操做就是update,也就是更新前面執行crontab的時間,若是不存在,這就至關於一條添加定時任務的操做返回內容爲new。
2.5.3 cron.rm_job的用法(刪除指定用戶指定的的定時任務)
# salt '*' cron.rm_job root '/bin/bash /opt/scripts/scp.sh >/dev/null 2>&1' #注意格式是用戶 後面跟要刪除的任務,不要加前面的時間,成功會返回removed,若是沒有這條記錄會返回absent。
2.6 network模塊的經常使用使用方法
#salt '*' network.get_hostname #返回minion的主機名 # salt '*' network.hw_addr ens33#返回指定網絡接口的mac地址 # salt '*' network.in_subnet #查看主機在某個子網內就返回True,若是不在的話就返回False,多子網用空格隔開。 # salt '*' network.ip_addrs #查看minion端綁定的IP地址,多IP也會顯示出來,除外。(#salt '*' network.interfaces會顯示全部接口的詳細信息,可是別名的網卡相似於eth0:1這種不會顯示。) # salt '*' network.interface_ip ens33#顯示指定網卡接口上面的IP,只會顯示IP不會顯示其餘內容。(network.interface會連網關子網掩碼也顯示,跟前面的salt '*' salt '*' network.ip_addrs很類似) # salt 'dasha_ceshi_172.16.5.239' network.mod_hostname minion_test #修改某一個minion的主機名,顯然這一步操做只適合在初始化的時候並且不適合執行全部主機。 # salt '*' network.ping www.baidu.com return_boolean=True timeout=3 #若是不加return_boolean=True顯示的是ping的結果信息,加了就是若是ping通了就返回True,ping不通就返回False。timeout=3就是ping的時間,3秒超時這樣能快速返回結果。這個其實挺好用的,好比咱們能夠測試哪些主機的DNS設置有問題不能正常解析啊,或者是咱們內網DNS指向了一個非公網的域名解析,能夠經過這個看哪些主機設置了內網DNS而哪些沒設置內網DNS。 #salt '*' network.subnets #返回主機所屬的子網
2.7.1 sys.argspec的用法(返回Salt執行模塊中函數的參數說明。對於咱們後期寫.sls文件頗有幫助)
#salt '*' sys.argspec pkg.install #查看pkg.install函數的參數說明 #salt '*' sys.argspec sys #查看sys模塊裏面全部函數的規則說明,或者#salt '*' sys.argspec 'sys.*'
2.7.2 sys.doc的用法(顯示模塊下函數的使用文檔信息相似於man幫助,前面已介紹過,多模塊或者多函數之間用空格隔開)
2.7.3 sys.list_functions和sys.list_modules的用法(前者就是列出全部模塊下面的函數,多模塊也是用空格隔開。後者是將全部模塊列出來.)
# salt '*' sys.list_functions 'sys.list_*' #能夠用這種方法將全部sys.list開頭的函數列出來。 # salt '*' sys.list_modules #列出全部的模塊 # salt '*' sys.list_modules 's*' #列出全部以s開頭的模塊。
#salt '*' service.available sshd #查看某個命令的服務是否可用,這裏是查看sshd服務是否可用,可用返回True,不可用返回False. # salt '*' service.disable postfix #禁止某個服務開機啓動,這裏是禁止postfix服務開機啓動,成功返回True。 # salt '*' service.disabled postfix #查看某個服務是否已經開機不啓動,這裏是以postfix服務爲例,開機不啓動返回True,不然返回False. # salt '*' service.enable postfix #設置某個服務開機啓動,這裏以postfix爲例 # salt '*' service.enabled postfix #查看某個服務是否開機啓動,這裏以postfix服務爲例,開機啓動返回True,不然False。 # salt '*' service.get_all #查看全部的服務項 # salt '*' service.get_enabled #查看全部開機啓動的服務 # salt '*' service.reload <service name> #從新加載指定名稱的服務 # salt '*' service.restart <service name> #從新啓動指定名稱的服務 # salt '*' service.start <service name> #啓動指定名稱的服務 # salt '*' service.status <service name> #查看指定服務的狀態,啓動狀態是True,關閉狀態是False。 # salt '*' service.stop <service name> #關閉指定名稱的服務
2.9.1 pkg.install的用法(安裝傳遞的包,在安裝包以前,添加refresh = True來清理yum數據庫。)
參數介紹: name:要安裝的軟件包的名稱。若是傳遞了「pkgs」或「sources「」此參數則會被忽略 # salt '*' pkg.install httpd #如這就至關於在minion端執行yum install httpd -y操做 # salt '*' pkg.install httpd refresh=True #若是是第一個yum的話,仍是能夠refresh參數,至關於yum clean all操做。 skip_verify:跳過GPG驗證檢查 version:安裝包的特定版本 fromrepo:指定從哪一個repo庫來安裝軟件。 pkgs : 指定多個軟件包,必定是要以列表傳遞。 #salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["foo", "bar"]' #salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["foo", {"bar": "1.2.3-4.el5"}]' sources:要安裝的RPM軟件包列表。 其中的鍵是包名稱,值做爲包的源URI或本地路徑。 #salt '*' pkg.install sources='[{"foo": "salt://foo.rpm"}, {"bar": "salt://bar.rpm"}]'
2.9.2 pkg.latest_version的用法(更新軟件包至最新版本)
#salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package name> #更新指定的軟件包 #salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package name> fromrepo=epel-testing #指定repo源來更新軟件包 #salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package1> <package2> <package3> ... #多個要更新的軟件之間用空格隔開
2.9.3 pkg.remove的用法(刪除軟件的操做)
# salt '*' pkg.remove <package name> #卸載指定的軟件 # salt '*' pkg.remove <package1>,<package2>,<package3> #多軟件能夠用空格隔開 # salt '*' pkg.remove pkgs='["foo", "bar"]' #也能夠用pkgs使用python列表的形式
2.9.4 salt '*' pkg.version的用法(查看軟件的版本)
# salt '*' pkg.version <package name> #查看指定軟件的版本號# salt '*' pkg.version <package1> <package2> <package3> ... #查看多軟件版本號