- @echo off
- rem 獲取windows版本
- set move_dir=%SystemRoot%\winsxs_del
- if not exist %move_dir%\nul md %move_dir%
- set winver=none
- FOR /F "eol=; tokens=4* delims=] " %%i in ('ver') do set winver=%%i
- if "%winver%" == "none" goto enover
- echo windows version is %winver%, ready to list winsxs dir.
- if not exist %SystemRoot%\winsxs\nul goto enosxs
- set ver_prefix=%winver:~0,-1%
- echo list winsxs finished! now ready to clear duplicated files
- echo dir /ad %SystemRoot%\winsxs\*_%ver_prefix%*
- if "%1" == "run-winsxs-generated" goto :lSkipGen
- rem 準備生成代碼
- copy /y "%~f0" "%temp%\%~nx0" > nul
- echo rem genereted code here >> "%temp%\%~nx0"
- echo :ldcdStat1 >> "%temp%\%~nx0"
- echo set end4=%%arg:%ver_prefix%=%%>> "%temp%\%~nx0"
- echo goto ldcdStat2 >> "%temp%\%~nx0"
- echo :ldcdStat3 >> "%temp%\%~nx0"
- echo set end4a=%%arg:%winver%=%%>> "%temp%\%~nx0"
- echo goto ldcdStat4 >> "%temp%\%~nx0"
- rem notepad "%temp%\%~nx0"
- "%temp%\%~nx0" run-winsxs-generated
- goto :EOF
- :lSkipGen
- FOR /F "eol=; tokens=1-4 delims= " %%a in ('dir /ad %SystemRoot%\winsxs\*_%ver_prefix%*') do (
- if "%%c" == "<DIR>" call:fnDoClear %%d
- )
- echo clear OK!
- goto :EOF
- :enover
- echo could not get windows version, abort!
- goto :EOF
- :enosxs
- echo not found %SystemRoot%\winsxs! maybe no privilege or lower windows!
- echo only support windows XP and later!
- goto :EOF
- :fnDoClear
- rem arg: dir_name
- FOR /F "eol=; tokens=1-14 delims=_" %%g in ("%1") do call:fnDoClearDir %1 %%g %%h %%i %%j %%k %%l %%m %%n %%o %%p %%q %%r %%s %%t %%u %%v %%w %%x %%y %%z
- goto :EOF
- :fnDoClearDir
- rem arg: dir_name dir_parts
- set d_name=%1
- rem 檢查參數是否匹配 %winver%, 先跳過前兩個.同時準備組合新版本匹配名稱,nv1存當前版本,nv2存當前的前一個版本
- set nv1=%2_%3_
- set nv2=%2_%3_
- :ldcdCycle
- if "%4" == "" goto :EOF
- rem 檢查是否 ver_prefix 開頭,若是是則繼續檢查是否winver,若是不是winver則表示目標存在
- set arg=%4
- rem set line=set end4=%%arg:%ver_prefix%=%%
- rem %line%
- goto ldcdStat1
- :ldcdStat2
- if "%arg%" == "%end4%" goto ldcdNext
- rem 檢查是否 winver 開頭
- rem set line=set end4a=%%arg:%winver%=%%
- rem %line%
- goto ldcdStat3
- :ldcdStat4
- if not "%arg%" == "%end4a%" goto :EOF
- rem 至此則爲 ver_prefix 開頭 且 不等於 winver 的目錄名,檢查最新版本是否存在,存在則可刪除舊的
- set newfound=false
- for /d %%v in ("%SystemRoot%\winsxs\%nv1%%winver%.*_%5_*") do (
- if exist %%v\nul set newfound=true
- )
- if "%newfound%" == "true" call:fnDelDir %d_name%
- goto :EOF
- :ldcdNext
- set nv2=%nv1%
- set nv1=%nv2%%4_
- shift
- goto ldcdCycle
- :fnDelDir
- rem arg: dir
- echo del %SystemRoot%\winsxs\%1
- takeown /r /f "%SystemRoot%\winsxs\%1"
- cacls "%SystemRoot%\winsxs\%1" /t /e /g everyone:f
- move "%SystemRoot%\winsxs\%1" "%move_dir%\%1"
- goto :EOF