<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>donglanguage</title> <style> </style> </head> <body> <div style="position:absolute;top:20px;left:10px;width:200px;height:550px;"> <div style="position:relative;top:200px;z-index:999">a 3L</div> <div id="a" style="position:absolute;top:200px;width:100px;height:300px;background-color:white;border:1px solid blue"> <div id="water" style="position:relative;top:300px;height:0%;background-color:blue"></div> </div> <button name="fill" style="position:relative;top:520px">裝滿水</button> <button name="empty" style="position:relative;top:520px">倒空水</button> <button name="toFill" style="position:relative;top:520px">倒滿水到另外一個桶</button> </div> <div style="position:absolute;top:20px;left:220px;width:200px;height:550px;"> <div style="position:relative;top:0px;z-index:999">b 5L</div> <div id="b" style="position:absolute;top:0px;width:100px;height:500px;background-color:white;border:1px solid blue"> <div style="position:relative;top:500px;height:0%;background-color:blue"></div> </div> <button name="fill" style="position:relative;top:520px">裝滿水</button> <button name="empty" style="position:relative;top:520px">倒空水</button> <button name="toFill" style="position:relative;top:520px">倒滿水到另外一個桶</button> </div> <div style="position:relative;top:10px;left:500px;"> 問題:一個3L的捅,還有一個5L的桶,水無限。怎麼操做才能準確地弄出4L的水? <button id="a_solution">我不會,看看解法</button> </div> <div style="position:relative;left:500px;top:40px;"> <textarea id="program" style="font-size:20px;" rows="20" cols="40"></textarea> <button id="run">運行</button> </div> </body> <script> function $(selector) { var c = selector[0]; if(c == '#') { var id = selector.substring(1); return document.getElementById(id); } else if(c == '@') { var name = selector.substring(1); return document.getElementsByName(name); } else { return document.getElementsByTagName(selector); } }; //onload start onload = function() { $('#run').onclick = function() { var code = $('#program').value; run(code); } $('#a_solution').onclick = function() { var program = 'a.empty()\nb.empty()\n\n' + 'b.fill()\nb.toFill(a)\na.empty()\nb.toFill(a)\nb.fill()\nb.toFill(a)'; $('#program').value = program; run(program); } function fillClick() { run(this.parentNode.children[1].id + '.fill()'); } function emptyClick() { run(this.parentNode.children[1].id + '.empty()'); } function toFillClick() { var thisId = this.parentNode.children[1].id; var from, to; if(thisId == 'a') { from = 'a'; to = 'b'; } else if(thisId == 'b') { from = 'b'; to = 'a'; } run(from + '.toFill(' + to + ')'); } window.opBtns = $('button'); window.disableAllOpBtns = function(b) { for(var i = 0; i < opBtns.length; i++) opBtns[i].disabled = b ? 'disabled' : ''; } for(var i = 0; i < opBtns.length; i++) { var btn = opBtns[i]; switch(btn.name) { case 'fill': btn.onclick = fillClick; break; case 'empty': btn.onclick = emptyClick; break; case 'toFill': btn.onclick = toFillClick; break; } } window.queue = false; window.buckets = [$('#a'), $('#b')]; };//onload end function isEmpty(bucket) { return parseInt(bucket.children[0].style.top) == parseInt(bucket.style.height); } function isFull(bucket) { return parseInt(bucket.children[0].style.top) == 0; } function addWater(bucket, litre, zeroH, fullH) { queue = false; disableAllOpBtns(true); var water = bucket.children[0]; var timer = setInterval(function() { if(litre == 0) { clearInterval(timer); disableAllOpBtns(false); if(zeroH) zeroH(); queue = true; return; } if(isFull(bucket)) { clearInterval(timer); disableAllOpBtns(false); if(fullH) fullH(); queue = true; } var top = parseInt(water.style.top); water.style.top = (top - 100) + 'px'; water.style.height = (parseInt(bucket.style.height) - (top - 100)) + 'px'; --litre; }, 100); } function subWater(bucket, litre, zeroH, emptyH) { queue = false; disableAllOpBtns(true); var water = bucket.children[0]; var timer = setInterval(function() { if(isEmpty(bucket)) { clearInterval(timer); disableAllOpBtns(false); if(emptyH) emptyH(); queue = true; return; } if(litre == 0) { clearInterval(timer); disableAllOpBtns(false); if(zeroH) zeroH(); queue = true; return; } var top = parseInt(water.style.top); water.style.top = (top + 100) + 'px'; water.style.height = (parseInt(bucket.style.height) - (top + 100)) + 'px'; --litre; }, 100); } function fill(bucket) { addWater(bucket, parseInt(bucket.children[0].style.top) / 100); } function empty(bucket) { subWater(bucket, parseInt(bucket.children[0].style.height) / 100); } function toFill(bucketFrom, bucketTo) { queue = false; disableAllOpBtns(true); var waterFrom = bucketFrom.children[0]; var waterTo = bucketTo.children[0]; var timer = setInterval(function() { var waterFromTop = parseInt(waterFrom.style.top); var waterFromHeight = parseInt(waterFrom.style.height); var waterToTop = parseInt(waterTo.style.top); var waterToHeight = parseInt(waterTo.style.height); if(isFull(bucketTo) || isEmpty(bucketFrom)) { clearInterval(timer); disableAllOpBtns(false); queue = true; return; } waterFrom.style.top = (waterFromTop + 100) + 'px'; waterFrom.style.height = (parseInt(bucketFrom.style.height) - (waterFromTop + 100)) + 'px'; waterTo.style.top = (waterToTop - 100) + 'px'; waterTo.style.height = (parseInt(bucketTo.style.height) - (waterToTop - 100)) + 'px'; }, 100); } var isOperator = function (c) { return /[+\-*\/\^%=(),.]/.test(c); }, isDigit = function (c) { return /[0-9]/.test(c); }, isWhiteSpace = function (c) { return /\s/.test(c); }, isIdentifier = function (c) { return typeof c === "string" && !isOperator(c) && !isDigit(c) && !isWhiteSpace(c); }; function lex(input) { var tokens = []; var c, i = 0; var advance = function () { return c = input[++i]; }; var addToken = function (type, value) { tokens.push({ type: type, value: value }); }; while(i < input.length) { c = input[i]; if(isWhiteSpace(c)) advance(); if(isIdentifier(c)) { var id = c; while(isIdentifier(advance())) id += c; addToken("identifier", id); } else if(isOperator(c)) { addToken(c); advance(); } } addToken('(end)'); return tokens; } function parse(tokens) { var expression = function() { var expression = {}; expression.type = 'call'; expression.args = []; var argExpression = {}; expression.args.push(tokens[i]); advance(); advance(); expression.name = tokens[i].value; advance(); advance(); if(tokens[i].type == 'identifier') { expression.args.push(tokens[i]); advance(); } advance(); return expression; } var parseTree = []; var i = 0; var advance = function () { return tokens[++i]; }; while(tokens[i].type != '(end)') { parseTree.push(expression()); } return parseTree; } function evaluate(parseTree) { var functions = { 'fill': fill, 'empty': empty, 'toFill': toFill }; var variables = { 'a': buckets[0], 'b': buckets[1] }; var parseNode = function(node) { if(node.type == 'identifier') { var value = variables[node.value]; return value; }else if(node.type == 'call') { var args = node.args; for(var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) args[i] = parseNode(args[i]); return functions[node.name].apply(null, args); } } var i = 0; queue = true; var timer = setInterval(function() { if(queue) { parseNode(parseTree[i]); i++; if(i >= parseTree.length) { clearInterval(timer); } } }, 0); } function run(code) { try { var tokens = lex(code); var parseTree = parse(tokens); return evaluate(parseTree); } catch (e) { return e; } } </script> </html>