private static final String LOG_TAG = "Filter"; private static final String THREAD_NAME = "Filter"; private static final int FILTER_TOKEN = 0xD0D0F00D; private static final int FINISH_TOKEN = 0xDEADBEEF; private Handler mThreadHandler; private Handler mResultHandler; private Delayer mDelayer; private final Object mLock = new Object();
public Filter() { mResultHandler = new ResultsHandler(); }
private class ResultsHandler extends Handler { /** * <p>Messages received from the request handler are processed in the * UI thread. The processing involves calling * {@link Filter#publishResults(CharSequence, * android.widget.Filter.FilterResults)} * to post the results back in the UI and then notifying the listener, * if any.</p> * * @param msg the filtering results */ @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { RequestArguments args = (RequestArguments) msg.obj; publishResults(args.constraint, args.results); if (args.listener != null) { int count = args.results != null ? args.results.count : -1; args.listener.onFilterComplete(count); } } } /** * <p>Holds the arguments of a filtering request as well as the results * of the request.</p> */ private static class RequestArguments { /** * <p>The constraint used to filter the data.</p> */ CharSequence constraint; /** * <p>The listener to notify upon completion. Can be null.</p> */ FilterListener listener; /** * <p>The results of the filtering operation.</p> */ FilterResults results; } /** * @hide */ public interface Delayer { /** * @param constraint The constraint passed to {@link Filter#filter(CharSequence)} * @return The delay that should be used for * {@link Handler#sendMessageDelayed(android.os.Message, long)} */ long getPostingDelay(CharSequence constraint); }
public final void filter(CharSequence constraint, FilterListener listener) { synchronized (mLock) { if (mThreadHandler == null) { HandlerThread thread = new HandlerThread( THREAD_NAME, android.os.Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND); thread.start(); mThreadHandler = new RequestHandler(thread.getLooper()); } final long delay = (mDelayer == null) ? 0 : mDelayer.getPostingDelay(constraint); Message message = mThreadHandler.obtainMessage(FILTER_TOKEN); RequestArguments args = new RequestArguments(); // make sure we use an immutable copy of the constraint, so that // it doesn't change while the filter operation is in progress args.constraint = constraint != null ? constraint.toString() : null; args.listener = listener; message.obj = args; mThreadHandler.removeMessages(FILTER_TOKEN); mThreadHandler.removeMessages(FINISH_TOKEN); mThreadHandler.sendMessageDelayed(message, delay); } }
首先整個方法都在同步塊synchronized (mLock){}中,意圖很直接:其餘的方法我無論,排隊隊,吃果果,你一個,我一個,你下一個filter方法調用必須等我此次filter方法調用結束。接着呢,建立了一個HandlerThread,這個HandlerThread你們能夠自行查看源碼,實際上就是自備一個Handler的維他命——Looper,有了Looper,能夠初始化咱們的filter二小強之二(處理請求操做):mThreadHandler = new RequestHandler(thread.getLooper());而後得到一個Message message = mThreadHandler.obtainMessage(FILTER_TOKEN);最後移除掉以前帶有FILTER_TOKEN和FINISH_TOKEN的標記(由於後面的操做頗有耗時的,你不曉獲得底是執行到什麼狀態了),這樣保證了這個方法執行之後,全部執行過濾的操做確定只有一個message在傳遞了ui
private class RequestHandler extends Handler { public RequestHandler(Looper looper) { super(looper); } /** * <p>Handles filtering requests by calling * {@link Filter#performFiltering} and then sending a message * with the results to the results handler.</p> * * @param msg the filtering request */ public void handleMessage(Message msg) { int what = msg.what; Message message; switch (what) { case FILTER_TOKEN: RequestArguments args = (RequestArguments) msg.obj; try { args.results = performFiltering(args.constraint); } catch (Exception e) { args.results = new FilterResults(); Log.w(LOG_TAG, "An exception occured during performFiltering()!", e); } finally { message = mResultHandler.obtainMessage(what); message.obj = args; message.sendToTarget(); } synchronized (mLock) { if (mThreadHandler != null) { Message finishMessage = mThreadHandler.obtainMessage(FINISH_TOKEN); mThreadHandler.sendMessageDelayed(finishMessage, 3000); } } break; case FINISH_TOKEN: synchronized (mLock) { if (mThreadHandler != null) { mThreadHandler.getLooper().quit(); mThreadHandler = null; } } break; } } }
前面咱們在filter()中看到過一次synchronized (mLock){},而在這個handler中有兩個同步代碼塊,case FINISH_TOKEN中的同步代碼塊保證了,若是剛剛在filter中建立了mThreadHandler(這是UI線程的操做),會馬上移除全部以前的延遲消息,從而不會在此處去銷燬掉mThreadHandler致使空指針異常。 case FILTER_TOKEN中的同步代碼塊的做用,目前仍是想不出來到底有什麼用,由於case FILTER_TOKEN和case FINISH_TOKEN原本就是隊列執行,不存在爭用鎖的狀況,因此不會存在線程間的時空差致使的空指針,有高手能看出做用還望不吝賜教。