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[root@localhost:/opt/smartstorageadmin/ssacli/bin] ./ssacli ctrl slot=0 pd all show Smart Array B120i SATA RAID in Slot 0 (Embedded) Array A physicaldrive 1I:0:1 (port 1I:box 0:bay 1, SATA HDD, 3 TB, OK) physicaldrive 2I:0:2 (port 2I:box 0:bay 2, SATA HDD, 3 TB, OK) Array B physicaldrive 3I:0:3 (port 3I:box 0:bay 3, SATA HDD, 3 TB, OK) physicaldrive 4I:0:4 (port 4I:box 0:bay 4, SATA HDD, 3 TB, OK) Array C physicaldrive 5I:0:5 (port 5I:box 0:bay 5, SATA HDD, 0 GB, Failed)
[root@localhost:/opt/smartstorageadmin/ssacli/bin] ./ssacli controller slot=0 Array C delete forced Warning: Deleting an array can cause other array letters to become renamed. E.g. Deleting array A from arrays A,B,C will result in two remaining arrays A,B ... not B,C
[root@localhost:/opt/smartstorageadmin/ssacli/bin] ./ssacli ctrl slot=0 pd all show Smart Array B120i SATA RAID in Slot 0 (Embedded) Array A physicaldrive 1I:0:1 (port 1I:box 0:bay 1, SATA HDD, 3 TB, OK) physicaldrive 2I:0:2 (port 2I:box 0:bay 2, SATA HDD, 3 TB, OK) Array B physicaldrive 3I:0:3 (port 3I:box 0:bay 3, SATA HDD, 3 TB, OK) physicaldrive 4I:0:4 (port 4I:box 0:bay 4, SATA HDD, 3 TB, OK)
[root@localhost:/opt/smartstorageadmin/ssacli/bin] ./ssacli help CLI Syntax A typical SSACLI command line consists of three parts: a target device, a command, and a parameter with values if necessary. Using angle brackets to denote a required variable and plain brackets to denote an optional variable, the structure of a typical SSACLI command line is as follows: <target> <command> [parameter=value] <target> is of format: [controller all|slot=#|serialnumber=#] [array all|<id>] [physicaldrive all|allunassigned|[#:]#:#|[#:]#:#-[#:]#:#] [ssdphysicaldrive all|allunassigned|[#:]#:#|[#:]#:#-[#:]#:#] [logicaldrive all|#] [enclosure all|#:#|serialnumber=#] [licensekey all|<key>] [ssdinfo] Note 1: The #:#:# syntax is only needed for systems that specify port:box:bay. Other physical drive targeting schemes are box:bay and port:id. Example targets: ("CN0" is a sample port name that may be different depending on the controller) controller slot=5 controller serialnumber=P21DA2322S controller slot=7 array A controller slot=5 logicaldrive 5 controller slot=5 physicaldrive 1:5 controller slot=5 physicaldrive CN0:2:3 controller slot=5 ssdphysicaldrive all controller slot=5 enclosure CN0:1 show controller slot=5 licensekey XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX For detailed command information type any of the following: help add help create help delete help diag help flash help heal help modify help remove help shorthand help show help target help rescan help version Encryption related commands: help ctrlpasswdstate help clearencryptionconfig help encode help encrypt help enableencryption help encryption help eula help fwlock help import help instantsecureerase help localkeymanagermode help login help logout help recoverpassword help rekey help remotekey help removectrlpasswd help rescankeys help setmasterkeycache help setctrlpasswd help setpasswd help setrecoveryparams help unlockvolumes Help also accepts commonly used CLI parameters and SSA keywords. Adding additional keywords will further filter the help output. Examples: help migrate help expand help extend help <keyword> <keyword> ... <keyword>
有什麼不肯定的能夠直接用help 命令。好比查看 del怎麼用
root@localhost:/opt/smartstorageadmin/ssacli/bin] ./ssacli help del <target> delete [forced] [override] The delete command deletes part of an existing configuration. If performing a clear configuration of the entire controller (i.e. ctrl slot=1 delete), the "override" option may be specified to allow mounted volumes to be removed. The target can be any valid individual controller, array or logical drive target. If the forced parameter is not present, the user will be prompted before deletion. If the forced parameter is present there will be no prompt. NOTE: Deleting the last logical drive in an array will cause the array to be deleted as well. WARNING: Deleting an array can cause other array letters to become renamed. E.g. Deleting array A from arrays A,B,C will result in two remaining arrays A,B not B,C. Examples: controller slot=5 delete controller slot=5 array A delete forced controller slot=1 logicaldrive 2 delete controller slot=5 delete override controller slot=5 delete forced override ------------------------------------------------------------- [root@localhost:/opt/smartstorageadmin/ssacli/bin] ./ssacli controller slot=0 Array C delete forced Warning: Deleting an array can cause other array letters to become renamed. E.g. Deleting array A from arrays A,B,C will result in two remaining arrays A,B ... not B,C