eureka server定時任務去判斷lease是否過時,而後設置lease對應的instance的狀態,而後更新到ResponseCache,供客戶端來獲取刷新,這裏講下client端的刷新過程當中是如何剔除實例的。java
if (clientConfig.shouldFetchRegistry()) { // registry cache refresh timer int registryFetchIntervalSeconds = clientConfig.getRegistryFetchIntervalSeconds(); int expBackOffBound = clientConfig.getCacheRefreshExecutorExponentialBackOffBound(); scheduler.schedule( new TimedSupervisorTask( "cacheRefresh", scheduler, cacheRefreshExecutor, registryFetchIntervalSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS, expBackOffBound, new CacheRefreshThread() ), registryFetchIntervalSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS); }
/** * The task that fetches the registry information at specified intervals. * */ class CacheRefreshThread implements Runnable { public void run() { refreshRegistry(); } }
@VisibleForTesting void refreshRegistry() { try { boolean isFetchingRemoteRegionRegistries = isFetchingRemoteRegionRegistries(); boolean remoteRegionsModified = false; // This makes sure that a dynamic change to remote regions to fetch is honored. String latestRemoteRegions = clientConfig.fetchRegistryForRemoteRegions(); if (null != latestRemoteRegions) { String currentRemoteRegions = remoteRegionsToFetch.get(); if (!latestRemoteRegions.equals(currentRemoteRegions)) { // Both remoteRegionsToFetch and AzToRegionMapper.regionsToFetch need to be in sync synchronized (instanceRegionChecker.getAzToRegionMapper()) { if (remoteRegionsToFetch.compareAndSet(currentRemoteRegions, latestRemoteRegions)) { String[] remoteRegions = latestRemoteRegions.split(","); remoteRegionsRef.set(remoteRegions); instanceRegionChecker.getAzToRegionMapper().setRegionsToFetch(remoteRegions); remoteRegionsModified = true; } else {"Remote regions to fetch modified concurrently," + " ignoring change from {} to {}", currentRemoteRegions, latestRemoteRegions); } } } else { // Just refresh mapping to reflect any DNS/Property change instanceRegionChecker.getAzToRegionMapper().refreshMapping(); } } boolean success = fetchRegistry(remoteRegionsModified); if (success) { registrySize = localRegionApps.get().size(); lastSuccessfulRegistryFetchTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { StringBuilder allAppsHashCodes = new StringBuilder(); allAppsHashCodes.append("Local region apps hashcode: "); allAppsHashCodes.append(localRegionApps.get().getAppsHashCode()); allAppsHashCodes.append(", is fetching remote regions? "); allAppsHashCodes.append(isFetchingRemoteRegionRegistries); for (Map.Entry<String, Applications> entry : remoteRegionVsApps.entrySet()) { allAppsHashCodes.append(", Remote region: "); allAppsHashCodes.append(entry.getKey()); allAppsHashCodes.append(" , apps hashcode: "); allAppsHashCodes.append(entry.getValue().getAppsHashCode()); } logger.debug("Completed cache refresh task for discovery. All Apps hash code is {} ", allAppsHashCodes.toString()); } } catch (Throwable e) { logger.error("Cannot fetch registry from server", e); } }
/** * Fetches the registry information. * * <p> * This method tries to get only deltas after the first fetch unless there * is an issue in reconciling eureka server and client registry information. * </p> * * @param forceFullRegistryFetch Forces a full registry fetch. * * @return true if the registry was fetched */ private boolean fetchRegistry(boolean forceFullRegistryFetch) { Stopwatch tracer = FETCH_REGISTRY_TIMER.start(); try { // If the delta is disabled or if it is the first time, get all // applications Applications applications = getApplications(); if (clientConfig.shouldDisableDelta() || (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(clientConfig.getRegistryRefreshSingleVipAddress())) || forceFullRegistryFetch || (applications == null) || (applications.getRegisteredApplications().size() == 0) || (applications.getVersion() == -1)) //Client application does not have latest library supporting delta {"Disable delta property : {}", clientConfig.shouldDisableDelta());"Single vip registry refresh property : {}", clientConfig.getRegistryRefreshSingleVipAddress());"Force full registry fetch : {}", forceFullRegistryFetch);"Application is null : {}", (applications == null));"Registered Applications size is zero : {}", (applications.getRegisteredApplications().size() == 0));"Application version is -1: {}", (applications.getVersion() == -1)); getAndStoreFullRegistry(); } else { getAndUpdateDelta(applications); } applications.setAppsHashCode(applications.getReconcileHashCode()); logTotalInstances(); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.error(PREFIX + appPathIdentifier + " - was unable to refresh its cache! status = " + e.getMessage(), e); return false; } finally { if (tracer != null) { tracer.stop(); } } // Notify about cache refresh before updating the instance remote status onCacheRefreshed(); // Update remote status based on refreshed data held in the cache updateInstanceRemoteStatus(); // registry was fetched successfully, so return true return true; }
/** * Get the delta registry information from the eureka server and update it locally. * When applying the delta, the following flow is observed: * * if (update generation have not advanced (due to another thread)) * atomically try to: update application with the delta and get reconcileHashCode * abort entire processing otherwise * do reconciliation if reconcileHashCode clash * fi * * @return the client response * @throws Throwable on error */ private void getAndUpdateDelta(Applications applications) throws Throwable { long currentUpdateGeneration = fetchRegistryGeneration.get(); Applications delta = null; EurekaHttpResponse<Applications> httpResponse = eurekaTransport.queryClient.getDelta(remoteRegionsRef.get()); if (httpResponse.getStatusCode() == Status.OK.getStatusCode()) { delta = httpResponse.getEntity(); } if (delta == null) { logger.warn("The server does not allow the delta revision to be applied because it is not safe. " + "Hence got the full registry."); getAndStoreFullRegistry(); } else if (fetchRegistryGeneration.compareAndSet(currentUpdateGeneration, currentUpdateGeneration + 1)) { logger.debug("Got delta update with apps hashcode {}", delta.getAppsHashCode()); String reconcileHashCode = ""; if (fetchRegistryUpdateLock.tryLock()) { try { updateDelta(delta); reconcileHashCode = getReconcileHashCode(applications); } finally { fetchRegistryUpdateLock.unlock(); } } else { logger.warn("Cannot acquire update lock, aborting getAndUpdateDelta"); } // There is a diff in number of instances for some reason if (!reconcileHashCode.equals(delta.getAppsHashCode()) || clientConfig.shouldLogDeltaDiff()) { reconcileAndLogDifference(delta, reconcileHashCode); // this makes a remoteCall } } else { logger.warn("Not updating application delta as another thread is updating it already"); logger.debug("Ignoring delta update with apps hashcode {}, as another thread is updating it already", delta.getAppsHashCode()); } }
/** * Updates the delta information fetches from the eureka server into the * local cache. * * @param delta * the delta information received from eureka server in the last * poll cycle. */ private void updateDelta(Applications delta) { int deltaCount = 0; for (Application app : delta.getRegisteredApplications()) { for (InstanceInfo instance : app.getInstances()) { Applications applications = getApplications(); String instanceRegion = instanceRegionChecker.getInstanceRegion(instance); if (!instanceRegionChecker.isLocalRegion(instanceRegion)) { Applications remoteApps = remoteRegionVsApps.get(instanceRegion); if (null == remoteApps) { remoteApps = new Applications(); remoteRegionVsApps.put(instanceRegion, remoteApps); } applications = remoteApps; } ++deltaCount; if (ActionType.ADDED.equals(instance.getActionType())) { Application existingApp = applications.getRegisteredApplications(instance.getAppName()); if (existingApp == null) { applications.addApplication(app); } logger.debug("Added instance {} to the existing apps in region {}", instance.getId(), instanceRegion); applications.getRegisteredApplications(instance.getAppName()).addInstance(instance); } else if (ActionType.MODIFIED.equals(instance.getActionType())) { Application existingApp = applications.getRegisteredApplications(instance.getAppName()); if (existingApp == null) { applications.addApplication(app); } logger.debug("Modified instance {} to the existing apps ", instance.getId()); applications.getRegisteredApplications(instance.getAppName()).addInstance(instance); } else if (ActionType.DELETED.equals(instance.getActionType())) { Application existingApp = applications.getRegisteredApplications(instance.getAppName()); if (existingApp == null) { applications.addApplication(app); } logger.debug("Deleted instance {} to the existing apps ", instance.getId()); applications.getRegisteredApplications(instance.getAppName()).removeInstance(instance); } } } logger.debug("The total number of instances fetched by the delta processor : {}", deltaCount); getApplications().setVersion(delta.getVersion()); getApplications().shuffleInstances(clientConfig.shouldFilterOnlyUpInstances()); for (Applications applications : remoteRegionVsApps.values()) { applications.setVersion(delta.getVersion()); applications.shuffleInstances(clientConfig.shouldFilterOnlyUpInstances()); } }
if (ActionType.DELETED.equals(instance.getActionType())) { Application existingApp = applications.getRegisteredApplications(instance.getAppName()); if (existingApp == null) { applications.addApplication(app); } logger.debug("Deleted instance {} to the existing apps ", instance.getId()); applications.getRegisteredApplications(instance.getAppName()).removeInstance(instance); }