UTF-8 Validation

UTF-8 Validation




1 byte: characters from 0 to 127 == ASCII
2 bytes: characters from 127 to 2047
3 bytes: characters from 2048 to 65535
4 bytes: characters from 65536 to 1112064spa

The leading bits tell: the length of the bytescode

  • 1 byte: the 1st bit is 0utf-8

  • 2 bytes:leetcode

    1. 1st byte: start with "110"get

    2. 2nd byte: start with "10"it

  • 3 bytes:io

    1. 1st byte: start with "1110"class

    2. 2nd byte: start with "10"

    3. 3rd byte: start with "10"

  • 4 bytes:

    1. 1st byte: start with "11110"

    2. 2nd byte: start with "10"

    3. 3rd byte: start with "10"

    4. 4th byte: start with "10"


一個loop,每次分三步來作,loop invariant是每次data[i]都是first byte of 新的character

  1. 統計data[i]後8位裏面,從前開始有多少個1,用變量ones來保存,其中ones可能的值只有0, 2, 3, 4

  2. 從 data[i+1] 開始檢查,後八位中的前兩位是否爲'10',一共檢查ones - 1

  3. 更新i的值爲 i + ones

public class Solution {
    public boolean validUtf8(int[] data) {
        /* 1. check how many '1's = ones
         * 2. check (i + 1, i + ones - 1) for '10'
         * 3. update i = i + ones
         * valid ones: 0, 2, 3, 4
        int i = 0;
        while(i < data.length) {
            // 1. find ones
            int ones = 0;
            while(((data[i] >> (7 - ones)) & 1) == 1) {
            // invalid ones 
            if(ones == 1 || ones > 4) return false;
            // 2. check 1s
            while(ones-- > 1) {
                if(i >= data.length || ((data[i] >> 6) & 3) != 2) return false;
                // 3. update i
        return true;

Advantage of UTF-8

  • implement Unicode: encode different symbols(Chinese...)

  • web pages are often coded in UTF-8, XML, JSON

  • only use binary representation: 0 and 1

  • endianness independent

Disadvantage of UTF-8

  • space: use more bytes, larger

  • time: calculate
