首先,flannel利用Kubernetes API或者etcd用於存儲整個集羣的網絡配置,其中最主要的內容爲設置集羣的網絡地址空間。例如,設定整個集羣內全部容器的IP都取自網段「」。
而後,flanneld再將本主機獲取的subnet以及用於主機間通訊的Public IP,一樣經過kubernetes API或者etcd存儲起來。
最後,flannel利用各類backend ,例如udp,vxlan,host-gw等等,跨主機轉發容器間的網絡流量,完成容器間的跨主機通訊。docker
例如,咱們從etcd中監聽到一個EventAdded事件subnet爲10.1.15.0/24被分配給主機Public IP,hostgw要作的工做就是在本主機上添加一條目的地址爲10.1.15.0/24,網關地址爲192.168.0.100,輸出設備爲上文中選擇的集羣間交互的網卡便可。對於EventRemoved事件,只需刪除對應的路由。tcp
不過host-gw 要求主機網絡二層直接互聯。因此每一個節點上有n-1個路由,而n個節點一共有n(n-1)/2個路由以保證flannel的flat網絡能力。性能
爲何host-gw 要求主機網絡二層直接互聯?
Openshift默認也是使用Flannel host-gw容器網絡方案,其官網也清晰的畫出了host-gw的data flow diagram。
{ "Network": "", "SubnetLen": 20, "SubnetMin": "", "SubnetMax": "", "Backend": { "Type": "udp", "Port": 7890 } }
--public-ip="": IP accessible by other nodes for inter-host communication. Defaults to the IP of the interface being used for communication. --etcd-endpoints= a comma-delimited list of etcd endpoints. --etcd-prefix=/coreos.com/network: etcd prefix. --etcd-keyfile="": SSL key file used to secure etcd communication. --etcd-certfile="": SSL certification file used to secure etcd communication. --etcd-cafile="": SSL Certificate Authority file used to secure etcd communication. --kube-subnet-mgr: Contact the Kubernetes API for subnet assignment instead of etcd. --iface="": interface to use (IP or name) for inter-host communication. Defaults to the interface for the default route on the machine. This can be specified multiple times to check each option in order. Returns the first match found. --iface-regex="": regex expression to match the first interface to use (IP or name) for inter-host communication. If unspecified, will default to the interface for the default route on the machine. This can be specified multiple times to check each regex in order. Returns the first match found. This option is superseded by the iface option and will only be used if nothing matches any option specified in the iface options. --iptables-resync=5: resync period for iptables rules, in seconds. Defaults to 5 seconds, if you see a large amount of contention for the iptables lock increasing this will probably help. --subnet-file=/run/flannel/subnet.env: filename where env variables (subnet and MTU values) will be written to. --subnet-lease-renew-margin=60: subnet lease renewal margin, in minutes. --ip-masq=false: setup IP masquerade for traffic destined for outside the flannel network. Flannel assumes that the default policy is ACCEPT in the NAT POSTROUTING chain. -v=0: log level for V logs. Set to 1 to see messages related to data path. --healthz-ip="": The IP address for healthz server to listen (default "") --healthz-port=0: The port for healthz server to listen(0 to disable) --version: print version and exit