Box model:由content(內容), padding, border(邊框), margin組成. 典型的盒模型以下圖所示:html
盒類型取決於display的屬性in combination with ‘float’ and ‘position’。瀏覽器
display的屬性值 :inline | block | inline-block | list-item | run-in | compact | table | inline-table | table-row-group | table-header-group | table-footer-group | table-row | table-column-group | table-column | table-cell | table-caption | ruby | ruby-base | ruby-text | ruby-base-group | ruby-text-group |<template>| noneruby
1.1 display屬性的說明值:app
inline 建立inline boxui
block 建立block boxthis
none 不建立box,有別於visibility:hidden。visibility:hidden會建立box,只是不顯示。spa
建立的box自己是inline box,而內部的由block box組成。
One or more block boxes and one marker box. Marker boxes are defined in the Lists module [CSS3LIST]. If the Lists module is not ready, define the position of the marker and the list-style property here? Or refer to CSS 2.1 instead?
Either block or inline boxes, depending on context (see Run-in boxes). Properties apply to run-in boxes based on their final status (inline-level or block-level).
Either block boxes or a marker box, depending on context (see Compact boxes). Properties apply to compact boxes based on their final status.
table, inline-table, table-row-group, table-header-group, table-footer-group, table-row, table-column-group, table-column, table-cell, table-caption
See the Tables module [CSS3TBL].
ruby, ruby-base, ruby-text, ruby-base-group, ruby-text-group
See the Ruby module [CSS3RUBY].
See the Advanced Layout module [CSS3LAYOUT].
1.2 計算值
Specified value | Computed value |
inline-table | table |
inline, run-in, table-row-group, table-column, table-column-group, table-header-group, table-footer-group, table-row, table-cell, table-caption, inline-block | block |
others | same as specified |
1.3 完整規則:
’, then ‘float’ and ‘position’ do not apply.static
’ ‘relative
’(此時,float 不起做用), ‘display’ 根據(1.2)的表格計算.none
’, ‘display’ 根據(1.2)的表格計算.(1)A block-level box
(2)An inline-level box
(3)An anonymous box
(4)The containing block of a box
包含塊(containing block)的定義:元素盒子的位置和大小一般須要經過一個肯定的矩形來計算,這個矩形就是包含塊。
這個矩形除了size和positon外還有‘direction’ 和 ‘block-progression’屬性。
1)根元素的包含塊是一個被稱爲原始包含塊(initial containing block)的矩形。它由視口肯定,對於分頁媒體來講就是頁區域。它的direction屬性時和根元素的同樣
2)對於其餘元素,若是元素的position是relative或static,包含塊由其最近的塊級祖先的內邊距(content edge)來肯定
若是元素的position屬性時absolute,包含那塊將根據最近的position屬性爲非static的祖先元素來肯定,有以下規則 - 當那個祖先元素是一個內聯元素時,包含塊須要根據祖先元素的direction屬性來肯定 - 若是direction是ltr,那麼包含塊的左上頂點將是祖先元素的第一個盒子的左上頂點,而包含塊的右下頂點將是祖先元素最後一個盒子的右下頂點 - 若是direction是rtl,那麼包含塊的右上頂點將是祖先元素的第一個盒子的右上頂點,而包含塊的左下頂點將是祖先元素最後一個盒子的左下頂點
若是祖先元素是塊狀元素,那麼它的包含塊將是這個祖先元素的padding edge
(4)A flow root
’, ‘table-caption
’ (see [CSS3TBL]), ‘inline-block
’ or ‘inline-table
’ nor ‘relative
’ (see [CSS3POS]).lr
’ or ‘rl
’ and the value of ‘block-progression’ of its parent box is ‘tb
’ and the value of ‘block-progression’ of its parent box is ‘lr
’ or ‘rl
’.‘display: inline
’ 的元素不會是flow root。可是 flow root不必定是塊級元素,它能夠是‘inline-block
’ 。(即:它可能自己是inline level box,它的子元素是塊級block level box)
css2中的定義與此處(css3)不同:A flow root is called 「an element that establishes a new formatting context.」 格式化上下文(formatting context)
(5)The flow (a.k.a. normal flow) 普通流
給定的flow root的普通流是一系列的盒子。
A box belongs to the flow if:
’, ‘list-item
’, ‘table
’ or <template>.none
’ or ‘relative
’.文檔流中的盒子,會在flow root元素中按照文檔順序和‘block-progression’ 定義的方向一個接一個排布。它們的位置由margins決定。margins可能和它們的包含塊的邊界發生Collapsing 。 More precisely: Each box's left and right margin edges coincide with the left and right content edges of its containing block (if the flow root is ‘tb
’), or its top and bottom margin edges coincide with the top and bottom content edges of its containing block (if the flow root is ‘rl
’ or ‘lr
For example, the fragment <div class=sidebar> <p>Text in a sidebar. <p>Here is quote: <blockquote lang=ja> <p>... </blockquote> <p>Etc. etc. </div> with the style div.sidebar { block-progression: tb; float: left } blockquote[lang|=ja] { block-progression: rl; height: 10em } defines two flows: The div is a flow root, because it floats. Its flow consist of the 1st, 2nd and 4th p and the blockquote. The blockquote is vertical, while its parent is horizontal and it is thus a flow root. Its flow is formed by the 3rd p.
[ <length> | <percentage> ] padding值不能爲負
padding-top , padding-right, padding-bottom, padding-left 的縮寫
注意: ‘padding-top’ and ‘padding-bottom’ 的百分值是相對於包含塊的寬度的( width of the containing block), 不是高度 (至少在horizontal flow中;在 vertical flow 中它們是相對於高度的)。
[ <length> | <percentage> ] margin值可能爲負
margin-top , margin-right, margin-bottom, margin-left 的縮寫
<length> | <percentage> | auto
不一樣的瀏覽器實現有差異。標準裏面說當咱們在css中設計一個塊級元素的width和height屬性時好比.box{width :100px; height:100px}時,其中的width 和height僅僅是對content部分設置的,而不是內容,內邊距,邊框的總和(但在IE的早期版本包括IE6中,盒子模型的width和height卻偏偏是這樣定義的,儘管符合人們思考的邏輯,可是不符合規範)
計算寬度和高度:相關屬性min-width,max-width,width; min-height,max-height,height。先無論min與max,按規則計算出width或height的值tentative used width(/height)。而後使tentative used width界於min和max之間。
Constraint violation |
Resolved width |
Resolved height |
none |
w |
h |
w > max-width (沒列出來,默認h<max-height,因此計算後不用考慮是高度是否超過最大值) |
max(max-width * h/w, min-height) |
w < min-width |
min(min-width * h/w, max-height) |
h > max-height |
max(max-height * w/h, min-width) |
h < min-height |
min(min-height * w/h, max-width) |
(w > max-width) and (h > max-height), where (max-width/w ≤ max-height/h) |
max(min-height, max-width * h/w) |
(w > max-width) and (h > max-height), where (max-width/w > max-height/h) |
max(min-width, max-height * w/h) |
(w < min-width) and (h < min-height), where (min-width/w ≤ min-height/h) |
min(max-width, min-height * w/h) |
(w < min-width) and (h < min-height), where (min-width/w > min-height/h) |
min(max-height, min-width * h/w) |
(w < min-width) and (h > max-height) |
(w > max-width) and (h < min-height) |
’ and ‘border-left-width’ + ‘padding-left’ + ‘width’ + ‘padding-right’ + ‘border-right-width’ + scrollbar width (if any) (plus any of ‘margin-left’ or ‘margin-right’ that are not ‘auto
’) is larger than the width of the containing block, then any ‘auto
’ values for ‘margin-left’ or ‘margin-right’ are, for the following rules, treated as zero. We should drop this paragraph. It causes blocks that are wider than their parent not to be centered (unlike blocks that are narrower), which looks strange.