這裏的Server不用專門準備一臺服務器,只須要配置一個Node.js環境,而後啓動npm start就行。npm start在package.json中進行配置了,也就是會執行cli.js腳本。react
"scripts": { "start": "node node_modules/react-native/local-cli/cli.js start" },
而後cli.js會執行runServer.js,在這裏啓動一個NodeJS Server:android
const serverInstance = args.https ? https.createServer( { key: fs.readFileSync(args.key), cert: fs.readFileSync(args.cert), }, app, ) : http.createServer(app); serverInstance.listen(args.port, args.host, 511, function() { attachHMRServer({ httpServer: serverInstance, path: '/hot', packagerServer, }); wsProxy = webSocketProxy.attachToServer(serverInstance, '/debugger-proxy'); ms = messageSocket.attachToServer(serverInstance, '/message'); readyCallback(reporter); });
在手機菜單中點擊Debug JS Remotely,App就會發出一個Http請求github
GET /launch-js-devtools HTTP/1.1
- 打開Chrome的一個tab
- 讓這個tab打開urlhttp://localhost:8081/debugger-ui/
<body> <div class="content"> <label for="dark"> <input type="checkbox" id="dark" onclick="Page.toggleDarkTheme()"> Dark Theme </label> <label for="maintain-priority"> <input type="checkbox" id="maintain-priority" onclick="Page.togglePriorityMaintenance()"> Maintain Priority </label> <p> React Native JS code runs as a web worker inside this tab. </p> <p>Press <kbd id="shortcut" class="shortcut">⌘⌥I</kbd> to open Developer Tools. Enable <a href="https://stackoverflow.com/a/17324511/232122" target="_blank">Pause On Caught Exceptions</a> for a better debugging experience.</p> <p>You may also install <a href="https://github.com/facebook/react-devtools/tree/master/packages/react-devtools" target="_blank">the standalone version of React Developer Tools</a> to inspect the React component hierarchy, their props, and state.</p> <p>Status: <span id="status">Loading...</span></p> </div> </body>
GET /debugger-proxy?role=debugger&name=Chrome HTTP/1.1
function connectToDebuggerProxy() { const ws = new WebSocket('ws://' + window.location.host + '/debugger-proxy?role=debugger&name=Chrome'); //Chrome經過websocket和Packager保持通信 //WebSocket註冊監聽 ws.onopen = function() { Page.setState({status: {type: 'connecting'}}); }; ws.onmessage = async function(message) { if (!message.data) { return; } const object = JSON.parse(message.data); if (object.$event === 'client-disconnected') { shutdownJSRuntime(); Page.setState({status: {type: 'disconnected'}}); return; } if (!object.method) { return; } // Special message that asks for a new JS runtime if (object.method === 'prepareJSRuntime') { shutdownJSRuntime(); console.clear(); createJSRuntime(); ws.send(JSON.stringify({replyID: object.id})); Page.setState({status: {type: 'connected', id: object.id}}); } else if (object.method === '$disconnected') { shutdownJSRuntime(); Page.setState({status: {type: 'disconnected'}}); } else if (object.method === 'executeApplicationScript') { worker.postMessage({ ...object, url: await getBlobUrl(object.url), }); } else { // Otherwise, pass through to the worker. worker.postMessage(object); } }; ws.onclose = function(error) { shutdownJSRuntime(); Page.setState({status: {type: 'error', error}}); if (error.reason) { console.warn(error.reason); } setTimeout(connectToDebuggerProxy, 500); }; // Let debuggerWorker.js know when we're not visible so that we can warn about // poor performance when using remote debugging. document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', updateVisibility, false); }
首先就是經過new WebSocket瀏覽器創建與Server的聯繫,WebSocket就是能夠保持長鏈接的全雙工通訊協議,在握手階段經過Http進行,後面就和Http沒有什麼關係了。而後會給這個webSocket註冊一些監聽:
ws.onopen ws.onmessage ws.onclose
到這裏App和瀏覽器之間就已經創建鏈接了,接下來App會發出幾個消息讓瀏覽器加載須要調試的代碼, 接着往下看。
在收到‘prepareJSRuntime’消息會調用createJSRuntime。 // Special message that asks for a new JS runtime if (object.method === 'prepareJSRuntime') { shutdownJSRuntime(); console.clear(); createJSRuntime(); ws.send(JSON.stringify({replyID: object.id})); Page.setState({status: {type: 'connected', id: object.id}}); } else if (object.method === '$disconnected') { shutdownJSRuntime(); Page.setState({status: {type: 'disconnected'}}); } else if (object.method === 'executeApplicationScript') { worker.postMessage({ ...object, url: await getBlobUrl(object.url), }); } else { // Otherwise, pass through to the worker. worker.postMessage(object); }
接着看‘createJSRuntime’這個函數, 主要工做就是‘new Worker’,看下Worker的定義:
Web Workers is a simple means for web content to run scripts in
background threads. The worker thread can perform tasks without
interfering with the user interface.
function createJSRuntime() { // This worker will run the application JavaScript code, // making sure that it's run in an environment without a global // document, to make it consistent with the JSC executor environment. worker = new Worker('debuggerWorker.js'); worker.onmessage = function(message) { ws.send(JSON.stringify(message.data)); }; window.onbeforeunload = function() { return 'If you reload this page, it is going to break the debugging session. ' + 'You should press' + refreshShortcut + 'in simulator to reload.'; }; updateVisibility(); }
'executeApplicationScript', 'setDebuggerVisibility'
/* global __fbBatchedBridge, self, importScripts, postMessage, onmessage: true */ /* eslint no-unused-vars: 0 */ 'use strict'; onmessage = (function() { var visibilityState; var showVisibilityWarning = (function() { var hasWarned = false; return function() { // Wait until `YellowBox` gets initialized before displaying the warning. if (hasWarned || console.warn.toString().includes('[native code]')) { return; } hasWarned = true; console.warn( 'Remote debugger is in a background tab which may cause apps to ' + 'perform slowly. Fix this by foregrounding the tab (or opening it in ' + 'a separate window).' ); }; })(); var messageHandlers = { 'executeApplicationScript': function(message, sendReply) { for (var key in message.inject) { self[key] = JSON.parse(message.inject[key]); } var error; try { importScripts(message.url); } catch (err) { error = err.message; } sendReply(null /* result */, error); }, 'setDebuggerVisibility': function(message) { visibilityState = message.visibilityState; }, }; return function(message) { if (visibilityState === 'hidden') { showVisibilityWarning(); } var object = message.data; var sendReply = function(result, error) { postMessage({replyID: object.id, result: result, error: error}); }; var handler = messageHandlers[object.method]; if (handler) { // Special cased handlers handler(object, sendReply); } else { // Other methods get called on the bridge var returnValue = [[], [], [], 0]; var error; try { if (typeof __fbBatchedBridge === 'object') { returnValue = __fbBatchedBridge[object.method].apply(null, object.arguments); } else { error = 'Failed to call function, __fbBatchedBridge is undefined'; } } catch (err) { error = err.message; } finally { sendReply(JSON.stringify(returnValue), error); } } }; })();
{ "id": 1, "method": "executeApplicationScript", "url": "http://localhost:8081/index.android.bundle?platform=android&dev=true&minify=false", "inject": { "__fbBatchedBridgeConfig": "{\"remoteModuleConfig\":[[\"AccessibilityInfo\",{},[\"isTouchExplorationEnabled\"]],[\"LocationObserver\",{},[\"getCurrentPosition\",\"startObserving\",\"stopObserving\"]],[\"CameraRollManager\",{},[\"getPhotos\",\"saveToCameraRoll\"],[0,1]],[\"NetInfo\",{},[\"getCurrentConnectivity\",\"isConnectionMetered\"],[0,1]],[\"PlatformConstants\",{\"ServerHost\":\"localhost:8081\",\"reactNativeVersion\":{\"patch\":0,\"prerelease\":null,\"minor\":51,\"major\":0},\"Version\":21,\"isTesting\":false}],[\"TimePickerAndroid\",{} }
webSocket首先接收到這個消息, 而後經過worker.postMessage
ws.onmessage = async function(message) { ...... // Special message that asks for a new JS runtime if (object.method === 'prepareJSRuntime') { shutdownJSRuntime(); console.clear(); createJSRuntime(); ws.send(JSON.stringify({replyID: object.id})); Page.setState({status: {type: 'connected', id: object.id}}); } else if (object.method === '$disconnected') { shutdownJSRuntime(); Page.setState({status: {type: 'disconnected'}}); } else if (object.method === 'executeApplicationScript') { worker.postMessage({ ...object, url: await getBlobUrl(object.url), }); } else { // Otherwise, pass through to the worker. worker.postMessage(object); } };
worker接收到這個消息在messageHandlers找到相應的處理方法,在裏面首選循環取出inject裏面的字段和value而後賦值給self,在這裏我理解就是這個worker線程的全局對象,而後經過 importScripts(message.url)去加載bundle。
var messageHandlers = { 'executeApplicationScript': function(message, sendReply) { for (var key in message.inject) { self[key] = JSON.parse(message.inject[key]); } var error; try { importScripts(message.url); } catch (err) { error = err.message; } sendReply(null /* result */, error); }, ...... };