CrossUI SPA Builder ---- feathers API框架

CrossUI SPA Builder:

 國產?   龍博(JSLINB)AJAX框架?web

CrossUI SPA Builder enables developers to  Build Responsive HTML5 Apps Without Coding.
Developers can rapidly prototype, develop and package the exactly same code and UI into SPA(Single Page Application)  Web AppsNative Desktop Apps for Windows, OS X, Linux and UNIX on 32-bit and 64-bit architectures as well as  Mobile Apps for iPhone, iPad, Windows Phone, webOS, BlackBerry, and Android devices.  Create Once, Deploy Anywhere!
多比HTML5組態框架能夠的,   二者是同一公司產品 ?
feathers  一個NODEJS API框架(支持多種數據庫、有驗證、權限)   比較 Nodal ,  loopback  ,Meteor 
Egg   爲企業級框架和應用而生,基於KOA   阿里巴巴出品。   相似: feathers,但基於Express4