
在分析了KVM中對虛擬機各級地址(gva->gpa->hva->hpa)的轉換以後,想要知道qemu中又是如何完成各級地址轉換的,所以對qemu中對虛擬機內存管理的相關數據結構與源碼進行了分析。qemu中對於虛擬機內存管理涉及的數據結構較多,僅gpa->hpa的轉換過程涉及的數據結構就有:MemoryRegion, AddressSpace, MemoryRegionSection, Flatview, FlatRange, RAMBlock, RAMList等。html





QEMU經過MemoryRegion來管理虛擬機內存,經過內存屬性,GUEST物理地址等特色對內存分類,就造成了多個MemoryRegion,這些MemoryRegion 經過樹狀組織起來,掛接到根MemoryRegion下。每一個MemoryRegion樹表明了一類做用的內存,如系統內存空間(system_memory)或IO內存空間(system_io),這兩個是qemu中的兩個全局MemoryRegion。數據結構

struct MemoryRegion { Object parent_obj; /* All fields are private - violators will be prosecuted */

    /* The following fields should fit in a cache line */
    bool romd_mode; bool ram; bool subpage; bool readonly; /* For RAM regions */
    bool rom_device; bool flush_coalesced_mmio; bool global_locking; uint8_t dirty_log_mask; RAMBlock *ram_block; //指向對應的RAMBlock
    Object *owner; const MemoryRegionIOMMUOps *iommu_ops; const MemoryRegionOps *ops; void *opaque; MemoryRegion *container; //指向父MR
    Int128 size; //區域大小
    hwaddr addr; //在父MR中的偏移量
    void (*destructor)(MemoryRegion *mr); uint64_t align; bool terminates; bool ram_device; bool enabled; bool warning_printed; /* For reservations */ uint8_t vga_logging_count; MemoryRegion *alias; //指向實體MR
    hwaddr alias_offset;// 起始地址 (GPA) 在實體 MemoryRegion 中的偏移量
 int32_t priority; QTAILQ_HEAD(subregions, MemoryRegion) subregions; //子區域鏈表頭
    QTAILQ_ENTRY(MemoryRegion) subregions_link; //子區域鏈表結點
 QTAILQ_HEAD(coalesced_ranges, CoalescedMemoryRange) coalesced; const char *name; unsigned ioeventfd_nb; MemoryRegionIoeventfd *ioeventfds; QLIST_HEAD(, IOMMUNotifier) iommu_notify; IOMMUNotifierFlag iommu_notify_flags; };

MemoryRegion 表示在 Guest memory layout 中的一段內存,可將 MemoryRegion 劃分爲如下三種類型:架構

  • 根級 MemoryRegion: 直接經過 memory_region_init 初始化,沒有本身的內存,用於管理 subregion。如 system_memory
  • 實體 MemoryRegion: 經過 memory_region_init_ram 初始化,有本身的內存 (從 QEMU 進程地址空間中分配),大小爲 size 。如 ram_memory(pc.ram) 、 pci_memory(pci) 等。 這種MemoryRegion中真正的分配物理內存,最主要的就是pc.ram和pci。分配的物理內存的做用分別是內存、PCI地址空間以及fireware空間。QEMU是用戶空間代碼,分配的物理內存返回的是hva,hva保存至RAMBlock的host域。經過實體MemoryRegion對應的RAMBlock能夠管理HVA。
  • 別名 MemoryRegion: 經過 memory_region_init_alias 初始化,沒有本身的內存,表示實體 MemoryRegion(如 pc.ram) 的一部分,經過 alias 成員指向實體 MemoryRegion,alias_offset 表明了該別名MemoryRegion所表明內存起始GPA相對於實體 MemoryRegion 所表明內存起始GPA的偏移量。如 ram_below_4g 、ram_above_4g 等。

代碼中常見的 MemoryRegion 關係爲:app

 alias ram_memory (pc.ram) - ram_below_4g(ram-below-4g) - ram_above_4g(ram-above-4g) sub system_memory(system) - ram_below_4g(ram-below-4g) - ram_above_4g(ram-above-4g) - pcms->hotplug_memory.mr 熱插拔內存

實際上虛擬機的ram申請時是一次性申請的一個完成的ram,記錄在一個MR中,以後又對此ram按照size進行了劃分,造成subregion,而subregion 的alias便指向原始的MR,而alias_offset 即是在原始ram中的偏移。對於系統地址空間的ram,會把剛纔獲得的subregion註冊到系統中,父MR是剛纔提到的全局MR system_memory,subregions_link是鏈表節點。addr是子MR相對於父MR的偏移,在函數pc_memory_init()函數中有對實體MemoryRegion和別名MemoryRegion的初始化:函數

void pc_memory_init(PCMachineState *pcms, MemoryRegion *system_memory, MemoryRegion *rom_memory, MemoryRegion **ram_memory) { int linux_boot, i; MemoryRegion *ram, *option_rom_mr; MemoryRegion *ram_below_4g, *ram_above_4g; FWCfgState *fw_cfg; MachineState *machine = MACHINE(pcms); PCMachineClass *pcmc = PC_MACHINE_GET_CLASS(pcms); assert(machine->ram_size == pcms->below_4g_mem_size + pcms->above_4g_mem_size); linux_boot = (machine->kernel_filename != NULL); /* Allocate RAM. We allocate it as a single memory region and use * aliases to address portions of it, mostly for backwards compatibility * with older qemus that used qemu_ram_alloc(). */ ram = g_malloc(sizeof(*ram)); memory_region_allocate_system_memory(ram, NULL, "pc.ram", machine->ram_size); //初始化實體MR pc.ram
    *ram_memory = ram; ram_below_4g = g_malloc(sizeof(*ram_below_4g)); memory_region_init_alias(ram_below_4g, NULL, "ram-below-4g", ram, 0, pcms->below_4g_mem_size); //初始化別名MR ram_below_4g,將其alias指向ram,alias_offset爲0
    memory_region_add_subregion(system_memory, 0, ram_below_4g); //將別名MRram_below_4g添加爲system_memory的subregion,設置偏移addr爲0
    e820_add_entry(0, pcms->below_4g_mem_size, E820_RAM); if (pcms->above_4g_mem_size > 0) { ram_above_4g = g_malloc(sizeof(*ram_above_4g)); memory_region_init_alias(ram_above_4g, NULL, "ram-above-4g", ram, pcms->below_4g_mem_size, pcms->above_4g_mem_size); //初始化別名MR ram_above_4g,將其alias指向ram,alias_offset爲below_4g_mem_size memory_region_add_subregion(system_memory, 0x100000000ULL, ram_above_4g);//同上述ram_below_4g,初始化並添加ram_above_4g,設置偏移addr爲0x100000000ull,即4g
        e820_add_entry(0x100000000ULL, pcms->above_4g_mem_size, E820_RAM); }
void memory_region_init_alias(MemoryRegion *mr, Object *owner, const char *name, MemoryRegion *orig, hwaddr offset, uint64_t size) { memory_region_init(mr, owner, name, size); mr->alias = orig; //別名MR的alias指向原實體MR
    mr->alias_offset = offset; //alias_offset表示偏移
} static void memory_region_add_subregion_common(MemoryRegion *mr, hwaddr offset, MemoryRegion *subregion) { assert(!subregion->container); subregion->container = mr; subregion->addr = offset; //將addr設置爲offset
 memory_region_update_container_subregions(subregion); } void memory_region_add_subregion(MemoryRegion *mr, hwaddr offset, MemoryRegion *subregion) { subregion->priority = 0; memory_region_add_subregion_common(mr, offset, subregion); }




struct RAMBlock { struct rcu_head rcu;                                        // 用於保護 Read-Copy-Update
    struct MemoryRegion *mr;                                    // 對應的 MemoryRegion
    uint8_t *host;                                              // 對應的 HVA
    ram_addr_t offset;                                          // 在 ram_list 地址空間中的偏移 (要把前面 block 的 size 都加起來)
    ram_addr_t used_length;                                     // 當前使用的長度
    ram_addr_t max_length;                                      // 總長度
    void (*resized)(const char*, uint64_t length, void *host);  // resize 函數
 uint32_t flags; /* Protected by iothread lock. */
    char idstr[256];                                            // id
    /* RCU-enabled, writes protected by the ramlist lock */ QLIST_ENTRY(RAMBlock) next; // 指向在 ram_list.blocks 中的下一個 block
    int fd;                                                     // 映射文件的文件描述符
    size_t page_size;                                           // page 大小,通常和 host 保持一致



#ifdef __linux__ void memory_region_init_ram_from_file(MemoryRegion *mr, struct Object *owner, const char *name, uint64_t size, bool share, const char *path, Error **errp) { memory_region_init(mr, owner, name, size); mr->ram = true; mr->terminates = true; mr->destructor = memory_region_destructor_ram; mr->ram_block = qemu_ram_alloc_from_file(size, mr, share, path, errp); //實體MR指向的RAM_BLOCK爲qemu_ram_alloc_from_file函數返回的RAMBlock
    mr->dirty_log_mask = tcg_enabled() ? (1 << DIRTY_MEMORY_CODE) : 0; } #endif

函數 qemu_ram_alloc_from_file()中申請並設置RAMBlock,RAMBlock->host 爲函數file_ram_alloc()函數的返回值,該函數使用對應路徑的(設備)文件來分配內存,調用qemu_ram_mmap()經過mmap方式進行內存分配,可見RAMBlock->host 則爲分配的內存的hva的起始地址。

static void *file_ram_alloc(RAMBlock *block, ram_addr_t memory, const char *path, Error **errp) { ...... area = qemu_ram_mmap(fd, memory, block->mr->align, block->flags & RAM_SHARED);//經過mmap在qemu的進程地址空間中進行地址分配
    if (area == MAP_FAILED) { error_setg_errno(errp, errno, "unable to map backing store for guest RAM"); goto error; }

 上述爲對實體MemoryRegion 「pc.ram」 內存的分配,在爲別名MemoryRegion「ram-below-4g」和「ram-above-4g」初始化時調用的是函數memory_region_init_alias(), 該函數調用memory_region_init()

void memory_region_init(MemoryRegion *mr, Object *owner, const char *name, uint64_t size) { object_initialize(mr, sizeof(*mr), TYPE_MEMORY_REGION); mr->size = int128_make64(size); if (size == UINT64_MAX) { mr->size = int128_2_64(); } mr->name = g_strdup(name); mr->owner = owner; mr->ram_block = NULL; //別名MR的ram_block設置爲null
 ....... }


上述對結構體MemoryRegion和RAMblock的分析可知,對於系統內存而言(不考慮io)實體MemoryRegion是有具體內存的,而別名MemoryRegion是對實體MR不一樣分段的一個指向,其alias指向實體MR。別名MR都是根級MR system_memory的subregion,經過RAMBlock,能夠知道一個MemoryRegion對應內存的hva,其關係大體以下:



從GPA與hva的角度來看,若是以結構體MemoryRegion爲核心的話,RAMBlock能夠當作是對該片內存區域hva的關聯,而AddressSpace在我看來能夠看作是對該片內存區域GPA的一個關聯,從其註釋AddressSpace: describes a mapping of addresses to #MemoryRegion objects也可看出。


/** * AddressSpace: describes a mapping of addresses to #MemoryRegion objects */
struct AddressSpace { /* All fields are private. */
    struct rcu_head rcu; char *name; MemoryRegion *root; //指向根MR
    int ref_count; bool malloced; /* Accessed via RCU. */
    struct FlatView *current_map;                               // 指向當前維護的 FlatView,在 address_space_update_topology 時做爲 old 比較

    int ioeventfd_nb; struct MemoryRegionIoeventfd *ioeventfds; struct AddressSpaceDispatch *dispatch;                      // 負責根據 GPA 找到 HVA
    struct AddressSpaceDispatch *next_dispatch; MemoryListener dispatch_listener; QTAILQ_HEAD(memory_listeners_as, MemoryListener) listeners; QTAILQ_ENTRY(AddressSpace) address_spaces_link; };

結構體AddressSpace用來表示虛擬機的一片地址空間,不一樣的設備使用的地址空間不一樣,但qemu x86中只有兩種, address_space_memory和address_space_io,這也是兩個全局的address_space變量,全部設備的地址空間都被映射到了這兩個上面。其root指向根MemoryRegion, 對於全局變量address_space_memory而言,其root指向系統全局的system_memory,address_space_io的root則指向system_io.因爲根MR可能有本身的若干個subregion,所以每一個AddressSpace通常包含一系列MemoryRegion,造成樹狀結構。


/* * Note that signed integers are needed for negative offsetting in aliases * (large MemoryRegion::alias_offset). */
struct AddrRange { Int128 start; //起始
    Int128 size; //大小
}; /* Range of memory in the global map. Addresses are absolute. */
struct FlatRange { MemoryRegion *mr; //指向所屬的MR
    hwaddr offset_in_region; //在MR中的offset
    AddrRange addr; //本FR表明的區間
 uint8_t dirty_log_mask; bool romd_mode; bool readonly; }; /* Flattened global view of current active memory hierarchy. Kept in sorted * order. */
struct FlatView { struct rcu_head rcu; unsigned ref; //引用計數,爲0就銷燬
    FlatRange *ranges; //對應的flatrange數組
    unsigned nr; //flatrange數目
 unsigned nr_allocated; };

FlatView管理MR展開後獲得的全部FlatRange,ranges是一個數組,記錄FlatView下全部的FlatRange,每一個FlatRange對應一段虛擬機物理地址區間,各個FlatRange不會重疊,按照地址的順序保存在數組中。具體的範圍由一個AddrRange結構描述,其描述了地址和大小。當memory region發生變化的時候,執行memory_region_transaction_commit,address_space_update_topology,address_space_update_topology_pass最終完成更新FlatView的目標。




/** * MemoryRegionSection: describes a fragment of a #MemoryRegion * * @mr: the region, or %NULL if empty * @address_space: the address space the region is mapped in * @offset_within_region: the beginning of the section, relative to @mr's start * @size: the size of the section; will not exceed @mr's boundaries * @offset_within_address_space: the address of the first byte of the section * relative to the region's address space * @readonly: writes to this section are ignored */
    struct MemoryRegionSection { MemoryRegion *mr;                           // 指向所屬 MemoryRegion
    AddressSpace *address_space;                // 所屬 AddressSpace
    hwaddr offset_within_region;                // 起始地址 (HVA) 在 MemoryRegion 內的偏移量
 Int128 size; hwaddr offset_within_address_space; // 在 AddressSpace 內的偏移量,若是該 AddressSpace 爲系統內存,則爲 GPA 起始地址
    bool readonly; };

MemoryRegionSection 指向 MemoryRegion 的一部分 ([offset_within_region, offset_within_region + size]),是註冊到 KVM 的基本單位。

將 AddressSpace 中的 MemoryRegion 映射到線性地址空間後,因爲重疊的關係,本來完整的 region 可能會被切分紅片斷,因而產生了 MemoryRegionSection。



static void kvm_set_phys_mem(KVMMemoryListener *kml, MemoryRegionSection *section, bool add) { KVMState *s = kvm_state; KVMSlot *mem, old; int err; MemoryRegion *mr = section->mr; bool writeable = !mr->readonly && !mr->rom_device; hwaddr start_addr = section->offset_within_address_space; //獲取GPA
    ram_addr_t size = int128_get64(section->size); void *ram = NULL; unsigned delta; /* kvm works in page size chunks, but the function may be called with sub-page size and unaligned start address. Pad the start address to next and truncate size to previous page boundary. */ delta = qemu_real_host_page_size - (start_addr & ~qemu_real_host_page_mask); delta &= ~qemu_real_host_page_mask; if (delta > size) { return; } start_addr += delta; //頁對齊修正 size -= delta; size &= qemu_real_host_page_mask; if (!size || (start_addr & ~qemu_real_host_page_mask)) { return; } if (!memory_region_is_ram(mr)) { if (writeable || !kvm_readonly_mem_allowed) { return; } else if (!mr->romd_mode) { /* If the memory device is not in romd_mode, then we actually want * to remove the kvm memory slot so all accesses will trap. */ add = false; } } ram = memory_region_get_ram_ptr(mr) + section->offset_within_region + delta; //獲取hva
 ....... }

GPA:在該函數中傳入的參數爲MemoryRegionSection,根據region section在AddressSpace中的偏移,即offset_within_address_space,加上頁對齊修正(delta)獲得該section的GPA,填入start_addr。

HVA: hva是經過該section所屬的MR的起始HVA + 該region section在所屬MR中的偏移量(offset_within_region)+頁對齊修正(delta)獲得。

該region section所屬MR的起始HVA經過函數memory_region_get_ram_ptr()獲得,該函數內容以下:

void *memory_region_get_ram_ptr(MemoryRegion *mr) { void *ptr; uint64_t offset = 0; rcu_read_lock(); while (mr->alias) { //追溯到實體MR爲止
        offset += mr->alias_offset; mr = mr->alias; } assert(mr->ram_block); ptr = qemu_map_ram_ptr(mr->ram_block, offset); //實體MR有對應的RAMBlock
 rcu_read_unlock(); return ptr; } void *qemu_map_ram_ptr(RAMBlock *ram_block, ram_addr_t addr) { RAMBlock *block = ram_block; if (block == NULL) { block = qemu_get_ram_block(addr); addr -= block->offset; } if (xen_enabled() && block->host == NULL) { /* We need to check if the requested address is in the RAM * because we don't want to map the entire memory in QEMU. * In that case just map until the end of the page. */
        if (block->offset == 0) { return xen_map_cache(addr, 0, 0); } block->host = xen_map_cache(block->offset, block->max_length, 1); } return ramblock_ptr(block, addr); } static inline void *ramblock_ptr(RAMBlock *block, ram_addr_t offset) { assert(offset_in_ramblock(block, offset)); return (char *)block->host + offset; //hva的起始地址加上全部偏移獲得最終hva

在 memory_region_get_ram_ptr 中,若是當前MR是另外一個MR的 alias,則會向上追溯,一直追溯到非 alias region(實體 region) 爲止。將追溯過程當中的 alias_offset 加起來,能夠獲得當前 region 在實體 region 中的偏移量。因爲實體 region 具備對應的 RAMBlock,因此調用函數 qemu_map_ram_ptr ,將實體 region 對應的 RAMBlock 的 host 和總 offset 加起來,獲得當前 region 的起始 HVA。


static RAMBlock *qemu_get_ram_block(ram_addr_t addr) { RAMBlock *block; block = atomic_rcu_read(&ram_list.mru_block);//首先看是否是處於最近使用的block中
    if (block && addr - block->offset < block->max_length) { //addr即爲當前region相對於實體region的offset,若offset-當前block.offset小於該block的大小,說明該region對應的內存處於該block中
        return block; } QLIST_FOREACH_RCU(block, &ram_list.blocks, next) { //不在最近使用的block中,則遍歷RAMList的全部block
        if (addr - block->offset < block->max_length) { goto found; } } fprintf(stderr, "Bad ram offset %" PRIx64 "\n", (uint64_t)addr); abort(); ....... }



一、虛擬機的GPA是從0開始的,由系統內存的初始化過程能夠看出(不考慮io),初始時分配了一整片內存「pc.ram」及對應的RAMBlock,所以猜測MemoryRegion 「pc.ram」的addr爲起始GPA,即爲0,其餘region到該實體region的各級alias_offset之和應該就是該region的起始GPA。又MemoryRegionSection中的offset_within_address_space表示在所屬AddressSpace中的偏移量,若該AS爲系統內存,則爲GPA的起始地址。那麼各級subregion的alias_offset相加,再加上實體MR的addr是否就等於MemoryRegionSection中的offset_within_address_space。我的感受應該是,但不肯定,可經過實驗進行相關驗證。



static void listener_add_address_space(MemoryListener *listener, AddressSpace *as) { FlatView *view; FlatRange *fr; ....... view = address_space_get_flatview(as);//獲取as中的flatview
    FOR_EACH_FLAT_RANGE(fr, view) { //遍歷flatview中的每一個flatrange
        MemoryRegionSection section = { //新建一個memoryregionsection 並進行賦值
            .mr = fr->mr, .address_space = as, .offset_within_region = fr->offset_in_region, .size = fr->addr.size, .offset_within_address_space = int128_get64(fr->addr.start), .readonly = fr->readonly, }; ...... }


補充一個在虛擬機退出時如何根據GPA找到HVA:https://www.anquanke.com/post/id/86412 連接中的第四小節對此進行了分析,主要原理是由AddressSpaceDispatch中的6級頁表PhysPageMap實現,該頁表的最後一級指向MemoryRegionSection,由MemoryRegionSection能夠獲得GPA對應的MR,由此獲得HVA。







