簡單的理解boosting就是把不少個不一樣的classifiers使用不一樣的權重組合起來成一個新的strong classifier進行分類工做。git
How to obtain the rough rule of thumb?api
How to combine this rule of thumbs to get a good thumb?less
What is the procedure to choose examples in each of rounds?ide
a)What is the procedure to choose examples in each of rounds?學習
We'll focus on the hardest examples so that we will choose the examples that the previous thumb misclassified.this
b)How to combine this rule of thumbs to get a good thumb?.net
To take a majority vote or weighted majority vote.code
Change a subset of examples to construct distribution D_t
That's the same thing.
The weight of D_t stands for how we concentrate on a particular round of boosting.
Combine all of h_t into a H_final classifier.
1.how do you construct the distribution D_t
2.how do we combine all of h_t into a H_final classifier?
AdaBoosting can solve this two questions.
1.At the very first round, we don't have any information. We use uniform distribution weight.
At the following rounds, we try to focus on incorrectly classified examples. We cut the weight of the examples that are correctly classified.
This formular is the weight vote of weak thumbs.
There's ten samples and three samples are misclassified.
So epsilon_1 = 3 / 10 = 0.30.
The alpha_t may bigger if one classifier has less error rate.
The classifier is a black box, so that you can choose whatever method that sitting around.
2.Boosting resources collected by Lyon