print("Hello World!")
這就是python3裏面的 Hello World! 打印輸出函數
name = "你好,世界" msg = """ print(name) 666 777 888 """ name2 = name+"111" print(name) print(name2) print("My name is",name,"Hello world") print(msg)
你好,世界 你好,世界111 My name is 你好,世界 Hello world print(name) 666 777 888
''' 在python3中 三個連續的引號是多行註釋 '''
此程序中能夠學到:python3中 ''' 表示多行註釋,若是將註釋掉的內容賦值給一個變量,測試
print一下是能夠打印輸出的,單行註釋使用的是 #spa
name = input("name:") age = int(input("age:")) # integer 將字符串轉化爲整數型 print( type(age), type( str(age))) job = input("job:") salary = input("salary:") info = ''' -------- info of %s-------- Name: %s age: %d job: %s salary: %s '''%(name,name,age,job,salary) print(info)
name:XiaoBai age:11 <class 'int'> <class 'str'> job:Student salary:1000 -------- info of XiaoBai-------- Name: XiaoBai age: 11 job: Student salary: 1000
name = input("name:") age = int(input("age:")) # integer 將字符串轉化爲整數型 print( type(age), type( str(age))) job = input("job:") salary = input("salary:") info = ''' -------- info of %s-------- Name: %s age: %d job: %s salary: %s '''%(name,name,age,job,salary) info2 = ''' -------- info of {_name} -------- # 此處下劃線僅僅是爲了區別name 這一個變量 Name: {_name} age: {_age} job: {_job} salary: {_salary} '''.format(_name = name, _age = age, _job = job, _salary = salary) print(info2)
-------- info2 of xiaobai --------
# 此處下劃線僅僅是爲了區別name 這一個變量
Name: xiaobai
age: 11
job: Student
salary: 1000blog
name = input("name:") age = int(input("age:")) # integer 將字符串轉化爲整數型 job = input("job:") salary = input("salary:") info = ''' -------- info of %s-------- Name: %s age: %d job: %s salary: %s '''%(name,name,age,job,salary) info3 = ''' -------- info3 of {0} -------- Name: {0} age: {1} job: {2} salary: {3} '''.format(name,age,job,salary) print(info3) # 打印整段,%s 是段內調用段外的字符串
# 在此方法中輸入時,format()中的name只寫了一次!
name:xiaobai age:11 job:Stu salary:1000 -------- info3 of xiaobai -------- Name: xiaobai age: 11 job: Stu salary: 1000
''' 時間 2018年2月6日21:08:12 目的 學習python輸入、輸出 記錄 經過input輸入的默認格式是str,能夠經過int()強制類型轉化爲int類型 經過type 能夠查詢目標元素的格式和類型 三個引號(不區分單雙)能夠註釋一整段,若是將註釋掉的內容賦值 給一個變量那麼能夠打印輸出該段內容 使用format的時候不要忘記加 . 靈活運用三種打印輸出段落,並對外部內容引用的方式。其中第二種最爲常見 並且一個{} 中只寫一個變量名稱 input("登陸用戶{m},{n}?".format(m = user_name01,n = user_name02)) correct input("登陸用戶{m,n}?".format(m = user_name01,n = user_name02)) error '''
''' 時間 2018年2月6日21:14:05 目的 if else 流程判斷 記錄 隱藏密文 並且python是強制縮進,同級會同時輸出 ''' import getpass _username = 'abc' _password = 'abc123' username = input("username:") # password = getpass.getpass("password:") 此時是密文,隱藏密碼 password = input("password:") print(username,password)
if _username == username and _password == password: print("Worlcome user {name} login...".format(name = username)) else: print("Invalid username or password!")
abc abc123
Worlcome user abc login...
# if執行語句必須含有縮進,不然會報錯!
''' 時間 2018年2月6日22:03:14 目的 繼續測試while 循環 記錄 while 循環須要加冒號 ''' age_of_boy = 56 count = 0 while count < 3: guess_age = int(input("guess age:")) if guess_age == age_of_boy: print("yes,you got it.") break elif guess_age > age_of_boy: print("think smaller...") else: print("think bigger...") count += 1 if count == 3: continue_confirm = input("do you want to keep gussing?") if continue_confirm != 'n': count = 0
guess age:10 think bigger... guess age:100 think smaller... guess age:50 think bigger... do you want to keep gussing?n
''' 目的 測試for 循環 記錄 今後能夠看出,python中的循環和MATLAB中的循環與構建向量有類似之處 ''' age_of_boy = 56 for i in range(3): guess_age = int(input("guess age:")) if guess_age == age_of_boy: print("yes,you got it.") break elif guess_age > age_of_boy: print("think smaller...") else: print("think bigger...") else: print("you have tried too many times...have a rest") # 特別值得注意的一點是 在python中if-elif-else語句的寫法 # break 和 continue的區別是 前者終止當前循環,後者是跳出本次循環,進入下一次循環
think bigger... guess age:70 think smaller... guess age:60 think smaller... you have tried too many times...have a rest
''' 時間 2018年2月10日19:51:29 目的 製做一個用戶登陸界面,可以提示用戶輸入密碼,三次出錯鎖定 # 還有小問題是不會使用python對文件進行增刪改查的操做,這次操做的用戶名和用戶密碼最好是在文件中 ''' user_name01 = 'abc' user_name02 = 'bcd' user_pass01 = 'abc123' user_pass02 = 'bcd123' # 用於提示用戶被鎖住,沒法登陸 user_flag01 = True user_flag02 = True count = 0 choice = input("登陸用戶{m},{n}?".format(m = user_name01,n = user_name02)) if choice == user_name01 and user_flag01 is True: while count < 3: pass_01 = input("please input the pass word of {na}:".format(na = user_name01)) if pass_01 == user_pass01: print("congratulations!you passed \t") break else: print("try again:") count += 1 else: userflag01 = False print("you hava tried so many times,the id is locked") elif choice == user_name02 and user_flag02 is True: while count < 3: pass_02 = input("please input the pass word of {nb}:".format(nb = user_name02)) if pass_02 == user_pass02: print("congratulations!you passed \t") break else: print("try again:") count += 1 else: userflag02 = False print("you hava tried so many times,the id is locked")
登陸用戶abc,bcd?abc please input the pass word of abc:abcabc try again: please input the pass word of abc:acb123 try again: please input the pass word of abc:abc123 congratulations!you passed
# 三級菜單的建立 # 思路 經過字典存儲 ''' 時間 2018年2月10日20:34:03 目的 建立一個三級菜單 記錄 利用函數簡化此代碼,pass不進行任何操做 總結 2018年2月11日從新編寫並運行此代碼,發現一些錯誤 在從新編寫以後,發現python是嚴格的格式對齊語言,若是同時存在while 和 for 的時候, 兩者沒有區分循環層次,誤將兩者對齊,則會報錯。在以後的一系列測試中發現,循環體的 書寫位置也會影響代碼的運行結果! ''' data = { '北京':{ "昌平":{ "沙河":["oldboy","test"], "天通苑":["鏈家地產","我愛我家"] }, "朝陽":{ "望京":["奔馳","陌陌"], "國貿":{"CICC","HP"}, "東直門":{"Advent","飛信"}, }, "海淀":{}, }, '山東':{ "德州":{}, "青島":{}, '濟寧':{ '兗州':["BBQ","TYZY"], '太白':["JNYX","FSYY"] }, '濟南':{ '歷下':["山大","山交通"], '長清':["山師","山工藝"] } }, } exit_flag = False while not exit_flag: for i in data: print(i) choice = input("選擇進入1>>:") if choice in data: while not exit_flag: for i2 in data[choice]: print("\t",i2) choice2 = input("選擇進入2>>:") if choice2 in data[choice]: while not exit_flag: for i3 in data[choice][choice2]: print("\t\t", i3) choice3 = input("選擇進入3>>:") if choice3 in data[choice][choice2]: for i4 in data[choice][choice2][choice3]: print("\t\t",i4) choice4 = input("最後一層,按b返回>>:") if choice4 == "b": pass elif choice4 == "q": exit_flag = True if choice3 == "b": break elif choice3 == "q": exit_flag = True if choice2 == "b": break elif choice2 == "q": exit_flag = True