Fortunately, Elasticsearch provides a very comprehensive and powerful REST API that you can use to interact with your cluster. Among the few things that can be done with the API are as follows:html
es提供了一套容易理解而且強大的rest api接口,經過該接口你能夠和集羣進行交互,完成各類操做:檢查集羣狀態、管理集羣、對索引作CRUD操做、查詢索引;node
Rest API Pattern:git
<REST Verb> /<Index>/<Type>/<ID>[?pretty|v]github
The pretty parameter, again, just tells Elasticsearch to return pretty-printed JSON results.json
Each of the commands accepts a query string parameter v
to turn on verbose
# curl http://$es_server:9200/_cat/health?v
epoch timestamp cluster status shards pri relo init unassign pending_tasks max_task_wait_time active_shards_percent
1547990539 21:22:19 elasticsearch green 3 3 10 5 0 0 0 0 - 100.0%
# curl http://$es_server:9200/_cat/nodes?v
ip heap.percent ram.percent cpu load_1m load_5m load_15m node.role master name
server1 29 74 1 0.07 0.10 0.13 mdi * 3iLMMxu
server2 45 74 1 0.11 0.11 0.13 mdi - vz1k1MB
server3 47 75 1 0.08 0.07 0.08 mdi - vGUu-b6
# curl 'http://$es_server:9200/_cat/master?v'
id host ip node
3iLMMxuCTISHPJaVo6I4SA server1 server1 3iLMMxu
# curl http://$es_server:9200/_cat/indices?v
health status index uuid pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
green open testdoc GFZhtn6GSMy2pPPj8UK70Q 5 1 1 0 8.9kb 4.4kb
# curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_nodes/stats?pretty'
# curl -XPUT 'http://$es_server:9200/testdoc/'
# curl -XDELETE 'http://$es_server:9200/testdoc/'
# curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/shards
# curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/testdoc/testtype/1' -d '{"name":"test"}'
{"error":"Incorrect HTTP method for uri [/testdoc/testtype] and method [PUT], allowed: [POST]","status":405}
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
# curl -XGET 'http://$es_server:9200/testdoc/testtype/1'
# curl -XPUT 'http://$es_server:9200/testdoc/testtype/1' -d '{"name":"test hello"}'
# curl -XPOST 'http://$es_server:9200/testdoc/testtype/1/_update' -d '{"doc":{"name":"test hello again"}}'
# curl -XDELETE 'http://$es_server:9200/testdoc/testtype/1'
# curl -XPOST 'http://$es_server:9200/testdoc/testtype/1/_bulk' -d '
{"name": "John Doe" }
{"name": "Jane Doe" }
{"doc": { "name": "John Doe becomes Jane Doe" } }
# curl -XGET 'http://$es_server:9200/testdoc/_search?q=*'
{"took":2,"timed_out":false,"_shards":{"total":5,"successful":5,"skipped":0,"failed":0},"hits":{"total":1,"max_score":1.0,"hits":[{"_index":"testdoc","_type":"testtype","_id":"1","_score":1.0,"_source":{"name":"test hello again"}}]}}# curl -XPOST 'http://$es_server:9200/testdoc/_search' -d '{"query":{"match_all":{}}}'
# curl http://localhost:9200/testdoc/_count
# curl http://localhost:9200/testdoc/_count?q=name:hello
# curl http://localhost:9200/testdoc/_count?q=name:hello%20AND%20age:10
# curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'http://$es_server:9200/_xpack/sql?format=txt' -d '{"query":"select * from testdoc"}'
test hello again
# curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/testdoc/_settings'
# curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_all/_settings'
Mapping is the process of defining how a document, and the fields it contains, are stored and indexed. For instance, use mappings to define:
# curl http://localhost:9200/testdoc/_mapping/testtype
# curl http://localhost:9200/_mapping
# curl http://localhost:9200/_all/_mapping
# curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:9200/testdoc/_mapping/testtype -d ' { "properties": { "email": { "type": "keyword" } } }'
# curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:9200/testdoc -d ' { "mappings": { "testtype": { "properties": { "title": { "type": "text", "analyzer": "standard"}, "name": { "type": "text" }, "age": { "type": "integer" }, "created": { "type": "date", "format": "strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis" } } } } }'
Other than where documented, existing field mappings cannot be updated. Changing the mapping would mean invalidating already indexed documents. Instead, you should create a new index with the correct mappings and reindex your data into that index. If you only wish to rename a field and not change its mappings, it may make sense to introduce an alias field.
Analysis is the process of converting text, like the body of any email, into tokens or terms which are added to the inverted index for searching. Analysis is performed by an analyzer which can be either a built-in analyzer or a custom analyzer defined per index.
"title": { "type": "text", "analyzer": "standard"}, \
# curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:9200/_analyze?pretty -d '{"tokenizer":"standard","filter": [ "lowercase", "asciifolding" ],"text": "Is this chandler?"}' { "tokens" : [ { "token" : "is", "start_offset" : 0, "end_offset" : 2, "type" : "<ALPHANUM>", "position" : 0 }, { "token" : "this", "start_offset" : 3, "end_offset" : 7, "type" : "<ALPHANUM>", "position" : 1 }, { "token" : "chandler", "start_offset" : 8, "end_offset" : 16, "type" : "<ALPHANUM>", "position" : 2 } ] }
# curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:9200/_analyze?pretty -d '{"tokenizer":"standard","text":"聯想是全球最大的筆記本廠商"}' { "tokens" : [ { "token" : "聯", "start_offset" : 0, "end_offset" : 1, "type" : "<IDEOGRAPHIC>", "position" : 0 }, { "token" : "想", "start_offset" : 1, "end_offset" : 2, "type" : "<IDEOGRAPHIC>", "position" : 1 }, { "token" : "是", "start_offset" : 2, "end_offset" : 3, "type" : "<IDEOGRAPHIC>", "position" : 2 }, { "token" : "全", "start_offset" : 3, "end_offset" : 4, "type" : "<IDEOGRAPHIC>", "position" : 3 }, { "token" : "球", "start_offset" : 4, "end_offset" : 5, "type" : "<IDEOGRAPHIC>", "position" : 4 }, { "token" : "最", "start_offset" : 5, "end_offset" : 6, "type" : "<IDEOGRAPHIC>", "position" : 5 }, { "token" : "大", "start_offset" : 6, "end_offset" : 7, "type" : "<IDEOGRAPHIC>", "position" : 6 }, { "token" : "的", "start_offset" : 7, "end_offset" : 8, "type" : "<IDEOGRAPHIC>", "position" : 7 }, { "token" : "筆", "start_offset" : 8, "end_offset" : 9, "type" : "<IDEOGRAPHIC>", "position" : 8 }, { "token" : "記", "start_offset" : 9, "end_offset" : 10, "type" : "<IDEOGRAPHIC>", "position" : 9 }, { "token" : "本", "start_offset" : 10, "end_offset" : 11, "type" : "<IDEOGRAPHIC>", "position" : 10 }, { "token" : "廠", "start_offset" : 11, "end_offset" : 12, "type" : "<IDEOGRAPHIC>", "position" : 11 }, { "token" : "商", "start_offset" : 12, "end_offset" : 13, "type" : "<IDEOGRAPHIC>", "position" : 12 } ] }
$ bin/elasticsearch-plugin install analysis-smartcn
This plugin can be downloaded for offline install from
The plugin provides the smartcn analyzer and smartcn_tokenizer tokenizer, which are not configurable.
# curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:9200/_analyze?pretty -d '{"tokenizer":"smartcn_tokenizer","text":"聯想是全球最大的筆記本廠商"}' { "tokens" : [ { "token" : "聯想", "start_offset" : 0, "end_offset" : 2, "type" : "word", "position" : 0 }, { "token" : "是", "start_offset" : 2, "end_offset" : 3, "type" : "word", "position" : 1 }, { "token" : "全球", "start_offset" : 3, "end_offset" : 5, "type" : "word", "position" : 2 }, { "token" : "最", "start_offset" : 5, "end_offset" : 6, "type" : "word", "position" : 3 }, { "token" : "大", "start_offset" : 6, "end_offset" : 7, "type" : "word", "position" : 4 }, { "token" : "的", "start_offset" : 7, "end_offset" : 8, "type" : "word", "position" : 5 }, { "token" : "筆記本", "start_offset" : 8, "end_offset" : 11, "type" : "word", "position" : 6 }, { "token" : "廠商", "start_offset" : 11, "end_offset" : 13, "type" : "word", "position" : 7 } ] }
$ bin/elasticsearch-plugin install
The IK Analysis plugin integrates Lucene IK analyzer ( into elasticsearch, support customized dictionary.
Analyzer: ik_smart , ik_max_word , Tokenizer: ik_smart , ik_max_word
# curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:9200/_analyze?pretty -d '{"tokenizer":"ik_smart","text":"聯想是全球最大的筆記本廠商"}' { "tokens" : [ { "token" : "聯想", "start_offset" : 0, "end_offset" : 2, "type" : "CN_WORD", "position" : 0 }, { "token" : "是", "start_offset" : 2, "end_offset" : 3, "type" : "CN_CHAR", "position" : 1 }, { "token" : "全球", "start_offset" : 3, "end_offset" : 5, "type" : "CN_WORD", "position" : 2 }, { "token" : "最大", "start_offset" : 5, "end_offset" : 7, "type" : "CN_WORD", "position" : 3 }, { "token" : "的", "start_offset" : 7, "end_offset" : 8, "type" : "CN_CHAR", "position" : 4 }, { "token" : "筆記本", "start_offset" : 8, "end_offset" : 11, "type" : "CN_WORD", "position" : 5 }, { "token" : "廠商", "start_offset" : 11, "end_offset" : 13, "type" : "CN_WORD", "position" : 6 } ] }
# curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:9200/_analyze?pretty -d '{"tokenizer":"ik_max_word","text":"聯想是全球最大的筆記本廠商"}' { "tokens" : [ { "token" : "聯想", "start_offset" : 0, "end_offset" : 2, "type" : "CN_WORD", "position" : 0 }, { "token" : "是", "start_offset" : 2, "end_offset" : 3, "type" : "CN_CHAR", "position" : 1 }, { "token" : "全球", "start_offset" : 3, "end_offset" : 5, "type" : "CN_WORD", "position" : 2 }, { "token" : "最大", "start_offset" : 5, "end_offset" : 7, "type" : "CN_WORD", "position" : 3 }, { "token" : "的", "start_offset" : 7, "end_offset" : 8, "type" : "CN_CHAR", "position" : 4 }, { "token" : "筆記本", "start_offset" : 8, "end_offset" : 11, "type" : "CN_WORD", "position" : 5 }, { "token" : "筆記", "start_offset" : 8, "end_offset" : 10, "type" : "CN_WORD", "position" : 6 }, { "token" : "本廠", "start_offset" : 10, "end_offset" : 12, "type" : "CN_WORD", "position" : 7 }, { "token" : "廠商", "start_offset" : 11, "end_offset" : 13, "type" : "CN_WORD", "position" : 8 } ] }
The query string.stored_fields
The selective stored fields of the document to return for each hit, comma delimited. Not specifying any value will cause no fields to return.sort
Sorting to perform. Can either be in the form of fieldName, or fieldName:asc/fieldName:desc. The fieldName can either be an actual field within the document, or the special _score name to indicate sorting based on scores. There can be several sort parameters (order is important).from
The starting from index of the hits to return. Defaults to 0.size
The number of hits to return. Defaults to 10.timeout
A search timeout, bounding the search request to be executed within the specified time value and bail with the hits accumulated up to that point when expired. Defaults to no timeout.default_operator
The default operator to be used, can be AND or OR. Defaults to OR.
其中sort有不少種實現,好比 _geo_distance 能夠用來實現地理位置遠近排序,另外還能夠經過filter來實現地理位置圈定,詳見: