yum install -y boost-devel gperf libevent-devel libuuid-devel
yum install -y gearmand
gearman Error in usage(No Functions were provided). Client mode: gearman [options] [<data>] Worker mode: gearman -w [options] [<command> [<args> ...]] Common options to both client and worker modes. -f <function> - Function name to use for jobs (can give many) -h <host> - Job server host -H - Print this help menu -v - Print diagnostic information to stdout(false) -p <port> - Job server port -t <timeout> - Timeout in milliseconds -i <pidfile> - Create a pidfile for the process Client options: -b - Run jobs in the background(false) -I - Run jobs as high priority -L - Run jobs as low priority -n - Run one job per line(false) -N - Same as -n, but strip off the newline(false) -P - Prefix all output lines with functions names -s - Send job without reading from standard input -u <unique> - Unique key to use for job Worker options: -c <count> - Number of jobs for worker to run before exiting -n - Send data packet for each line(false) -N - Same as -n, but strip off the newline(false) -w - Run in worker mode(false)