def num_list(num): return [i for i in num if i %2 ==0 and num.index(i)%2==0] num = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] result = num_list(num) print(result)
list_data = [1,2,5,8,10,3,18,6,20] res = [x for x in list_data[::2] if x %2 ==0] print(res)
[x * x for x in range(1,11)]
import datetime y = int(input("請輸入4位數字的年份:")) m = int(input("請輸入月份:")) d = int(input("請輸入是哪一天")) targetDay = datetime.date(y,m,d) dayCount = targetDay - datetime.date(targetDay.year -1,12,31) print("%s是 %s年的第%s天。"%(targetDay,y,dayCount.days))
def loop_merge_sort(l1,l2): tmp = [] while len(l1)>0 and len(l2)>0: if l1[0] <l2[0]: tmp.append(l1[0]) del l1[0] else: tmp.append(l2[0]) del l2[0]
# 方法一 def func1(l): if isinstance(l, str): l = [int(i) for i in l] l.sort(reverse=True) for i in range(len(l)): if l[i] % 2 > 0: l.insert(0, l.pop(i)) print(''.join(str(e) for e in l)) # 方法二 def func2(l): print("".join(sorted(l, key=lambda x: int(x) % 2 == 0 and 20 - int(x) or int(x))))
def find_second_large_num(num_list): """ 找出數組第2大的數字 """ # 方法一 # 直接排序,輸出倒數第二個數便可 tmp_list = sorted(num_list) print("方法一\nSecond_large_num is :", tmp_list[-2]) # 方法二 # 設置兩個標誌位一個存儲最大數一個存儲次大數 # two 存儲次大值,one 存儲最大值,遍歷一次數組便可,先判斷是否大於 one,若大於將 one 的值給 two,將 num_list[i] 的值給 one,不然比較是否大於two,若大於直接將 num_list[i] 的值給two,不然pass one = num_list[0] two = num_list[0] for i in range(1, len(num_list)): if num_list[i] > one: two = one one = num_list[i] elif num_list[i] > two: two = num_list[i] print("方法二\nSecond_large_num is :", two) # 方法三 # 用 reduce 與邏輯符號 (and, or) # 基本思路與方法二同樣,可是不須要用 if 進行判斷。 from functools import reduce num = reduce(lambda ot, x: ot[1] < x and (ot[1], x) or ot[0] < x and (x, ot[1]) or ot, num_list, (0, 0))[0] print("方法三\nSecond_large_num is :", num) if __name__ == '__main___': num_list = [34, 11, 23, 56, 78, 0, 9, 12, 3, 7, 5] find_second_large_num(num_list)
def multi(): return [lambda x : i*x for i in range(4)] print([m(3) for m in multi()])
正確答案是[9,9,9,9],而不是[0,3,6,9]產生的緣由是Python的閉包的後期綁定致使的,這意味着在閉包中的變量是在內部函數被調用的時候被查找的,由於,最後函數被調用的時候,for循環已經完成, i 的值最後是3,所以每個返回值的i都是3,因此最後的結果是[9,9,9,9]spa
# 方法一 def count_str(str_data): """定義一個字符出現次數的函數""" dict_str = {} for i in str_data: dict_str[i] = dict_str.get(i, 0) + 1 return dict_str dict_str = count_str("AAABBCCAC") str_count_data = "" for k, v in dict_str.items(): str_count_data += k + str(v) print(str_count_data) # 方法二 from collections import Counter print("".join(map(lambda x: x[0] + str(x[1]), Counter("AAABBCCAC").most_common())))