原文 Visual Studio跨平臺開發實戰(3) - Xamarin iOS多頁面應用程式開發ios
在前一篇教學中, 咱們學會如何使用Visual Studio 搭配Xcode 進行iOS基本控制項的操做. 但都是屬於單一畫面的應用程式. 此次咱們要來練習如何透過Navigation Controller來創建多頁面的iOS應用程式.app
1. 開啓Xamarin Studio 並創建新專案, 專案類型爲iOS=>iPhone=>空白專案, 專案名稱爲02-Navigation.post
2. 在專案中添加3個iPhone View Controller 的檔案, 檔案名稱以下:網站
- HomeScreen
3. 雙擊HomeScreen.xib 以開啓Xcode.this
4. 點選編輯區的HomeScreen, 並在右邊的Attributes Inpsctor將Top Bar變動爲」Navigation Bar」google
5. 在Object Library中拖拉一個Button至畫面中並將文字改成」Go to Level 1 Screen」spa
6. 爲Button創建一個Outlet並命名爲」btnToLv1」. 以後請關閉Xcode
7. 在Visual Studio 中開啓此專案, 在專案屬性中設定應用程式名稱及版本等資訊, 並開啓」 AppDelegate.cs」 檔. 在FinishedLaunching事件中加入如下程式碼:
01 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" > |
03 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" >var rootNavigationController = new UINavigationController();</span> var rootNavigationController = new UINavigationController();</span> |
05 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" > |
07 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" >HomeScreen home = new HomeScreen();</span> HomeScreen home = new HomeScreen();</span> |
09 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" > |
11 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" >rootNavigationController.PushViewController(home, false );</span> rootNavigationController.PushViewController(home, false );</span> |
13 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" > |
15 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" > this .window.RootViewController = rootNavigationController;</span> this .window.RootViewController = rootNavigationController;</span> |
在上面的程式碼中, 咱們先初始化Window, UINavigationController以及HomeScreen物件. 接着透過PushViewController方法將HomeScreen加入到NavigationController. 而後將rootNavigationController指定到Window.RootViewController屬性. 最後則是顯示Window.
8. 開啓HomeScreen.cs, 在建構子中設定主畫面的標題
1 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" > public HomeScreen()</span> public HomeScreen()</span> |
3 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" >: base ( "HomeScreen" , null )</span> : base ( "HomeScreen" , null )</span> |
5 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" >{</span> {</span> |
7 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" > this .Title = "我是主畫面" ;</span> this .Title = "我是主畫面" ;</span> |
9 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" >}</span> }</span> |
9. 執行專案後的結果以下:
載入Level 1 Screen
1. 咱們要在點擊主頁面上的button後載入Level1Screen. 所以咱們開啓HomeScreen.cs. 在類別下先宣告Level1Screen物件.
1 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" > |
3 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" >Level1Screen lv1scr;</span> Level1Screen lv1scr;</span> |
在ViewDidLoad事件中, 加入btnToLv1的touchupinside事件處理, 程式碼以下:
01 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" > |
03 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" > |
05 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" > this .btnToLv1.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) =>{</span> this .btnToLv1.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) =>{</span> |
07 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" > if ( this .lv1scr == null ) { this .lv1scr = new Level1Screen(); }</span> if ( this .lv1scr == null ) { this .lv1scr = new Level1Screen(); }</span> |
09 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" > this .NavigationController.PushViewController(lv1scr, true );</span> this .NavigationController.PushViewController(lv1scr, true );</span> |
11 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" >};</span> };</span> |
在上述程式碼中, 咱們一樣透過PushViewController方法將Level1Screen加入到Navigation控制項.
2. 執行專案並在主畫面中點擊按鈕以載入Level 1 Screen. 您會看到空白畫面被載入, 且NavigationBar左邊的按鈕會顯示上一個頁面的Title
新增NavigationBar右邊的按鈕載入Level 2 Screen
在前一個練習, 咱們載入了Level 1 Screen, NavigationBar左邊是回到上一個頁面, 在這個練習中, 咱們要在NavigationBar中新增右邊的按鈕, 並透過按鈕來載入Level 2 Screen.
1. 開啓level1screen.cs, 並在類別下加入Level2Screen的宣告
1 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" > |
3 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" >Level2Screen lv2scr;</span> Level2Screen lv2scr;</span> |
2. 在level1screen.cs的ViewDidLoad事件中, 加入如下程式碼:
1 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" > |
3 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" >{</span> {</span> |
5 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" > if ( this .lv2scr == null ) { this .lv2scr = new Level2Screen(); }</span> if ( this .lv2scr == null ) { this .lv2scr = new Level2Screen(); }</span> |
7 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" > this .NavigationController.PushViewController(lv2scr, true );</span> this .NavigationController.PushViewController(lv2scr, true );</span> |
9 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" >}), true );</span> }), true );</span> |
咱們透過SetRightBarButtonItem方法, 新增一個UIBarButtonItem, 在這裏咱們使用系統內建的Edit項目. 您也可使用自訂的圖示或文字來創建. 並在第2個參數, 直接透過Lambda Expression 來創建按鈕按下去的處理. 咱們一樣透過PushViewController方法將Level 2 Screen載入.
3. 執行專案的結果以下:
按下Level 1 右邊的」Edit」按鈕, 便會載入Level 2 Screen. 由於咱們沒有設定Level 1 Screen的Title, 所以在Level 2 Screen左邊的按鈕會顯示預設的」Back」
在目前的練習中, NavigationBar左邊按鈕的顯示文字爲上一個畫面的Title, 若沒有設定Title則會顯示Back. 接下來咱們來客制Level 1 Screen左邊的按鈕文字, 方法以下:
1. 開啓level1screen.cs, 在ViewDidLoad事件中, 新增如下程式碼:
1 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" > |
3 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" >(sender, e) =></span> (sender, e) =></span> |
5 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" >{</span> {</span> |
7 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" > this .NavigationController.PopViewControllerAnimated( true );</span> this .NavigationController.PopViewControllerAnimated( true );</span> |
9 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" >}), true );</span> }), true );</span> |
由上述的程式碼可知, 咱們一樣是呼叫SetLeftBarButtonItem (剛剛是SetRightBarButtonItem)的方式, 新增一個按鈕來取代預設的按鈕. 而後輸入自訂的文字」回到主畫面」.
2. 執行專案的結果以下:
能夠對照一下先前的執行結果, NavigationBar左邊按鈕的文字已經取代爲咱們自訂的文字了.
若是不想在主畫面中也顯示NavigationBar, 能夠透過在HomeScreen.cs中新增ViewWillAppear及ViewWillDisappear事件處理來將主畫面中的NavigationBar隱藏起來, 程式碼以下:
01 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" > |
03 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" > base .ViewWillAppear(animated);</span> base .ViewWillAppear(animated);</span> |
05 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" > this .NavigationController.SetNavigationBarHidden( true , true );</span> this .NavigationController.SetNavigationBarHidden( true , true );</span> |
07 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" >}</span> }</span> |
09 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" > public override void ViewWillDisappear( bool animated) {</span> public override void ViewWillDisappear( bool animated) {</span> |
11 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" > base .ViewWillDisappear(animated);</span> base .ViewWillDisappear(animated);</span> |
13 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" > this .NavigationController.SetNavigationBarHidden( false , true );</span> this .NavigationController.SetNavigationBarHidden( false , true );</span> |
15 |
<span class = "notranslate" onmouseover= "_tipon(this)" onmouseout= "_tipoff()" ><span class = "google-src-text" style= "direction: ltr; text-align: left" >}</span> }</span> |
本篇文章說明如何透過Navigation controller來創建多頁面的iOS 應用程式. 在iOS中還有其餘創建多頁面應用程式的方法, 例如Tab控制項能夠透過畫面下方的頁籤來切換不一樣畫面. Storyboard 能夠透過Interface Builder來創建應用程式的多個畫面以及畫面之間的連結. 有興趣的朋友能夠參考如下文章:
Using XCode, Interface Builder, and Storyboards
Creating Tabbed Applications
範例程式碼下載: Lab02-Navigation.zip
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