camera HAL層數據結構很是多,看代碼的時候經常爲了瞭解這些數據結構找半天,爲了方便你們學習,特意總結了一些數據結構以及這些數據結構的位置:android
typedef struct camera_info { int facing; int orientation; uint32_t device_version; const camera_metadata_t *static_camera_characteristics; int resource_cost; char** conflicting_devices; size_t conflicting_devices_length; } camera_info_t;
typedef enum camera_device_status { CAMERA_DEVICE_STATUS_NOT_PRESENT = 0, CAMERA_DEVICE_STATUS_PRESENT = 1, CAMERA_DEVICE_STATUS_ENUMERATING = 2, } camera_device_status_t;
typedef enum torch_mode_status { TORCH_MODE_STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE = 0, TORCH_MODE_STATUS_AVAILABLE_OFF = 1, TORCH_MODE_STATUS_AVAILABLE_ON = 2, } torch_mode_status_t;
typedef struct camera_module_callbacks { void (*camera_device_status_change)(const struct camera_module_callbacks*, int camera_id, int new_status); void (*torch_mode_status_change)(const struct camera_module_callbacks*, const char* camera_id, int new_status); } camera_module_callbacks_t;
typedef struct camera_module { hw_module_t common; int (*get_number_of_cameras)(void); int (*get_camera_info)(int camera_id, struct camera_info *info); int (*set_callbacks)(const camera_module_callbacks_t *callbacks); void (*get_vendor_tag_ops)(vendor_tag_ops_t* ops); int (*open_legacy)(const struct hw_module_t* module, const char* id, uint32_t halVersion, struct hw_device_t** device); int (*set_torch_mode)(const char* camera_id, bool enabled); int (*init)(); void* reserved[5]; } camera_module_t;
typedef struct hw_module_t { /** tag must be initialized to HARDWARE_MODULE_TAG */ uint32_t tag; uint16_t module_api_version; #define version_major module_api_version uint16_t hal_api_version; #define version_minor hal_api_version /** Identifier of module */ const char *id; /** Name of this module */ const char *name; /** Author/owner/implementor of the module */ const char *author; /** Modules methods */ struct hw_module_methods_t* methods; /** module's dso */ void* dso; #ifdef __LP64__ uint64_t reserved[32-7]; #else /** padding to 128 bytes, reserved for future use */ uint32_t reserved[32-7]; #endif } hw_module_t;
其中 hw_module_methods_t 結構以下:api
typedef struct hw_module_methods_t { /** Open a specific device */ int (*open)(const struct hw_module_t* module, const char* id, struct hw_device_t** device); } hw_module_methods_t;
在 hardware/libhardware/modules/camera/3_0/CameraHAL.cpp中的167行明確了函數指針指向。指向其中的open_dev函數。數據結構
162static int open_dev(const hw_module_t* mod, const char* name, hw_device_t** dev) 163{ 164 return, name, dev); 165} 166 167static hw_module_methods_t gCameraModuleMethods = { 168 .open = open_dev 169};
typedef struct hw_device_t { /** tag must be initialized to HARDWARE_DEVICE_TAG */ uint32_t tag; uint32_t version; /** reference to the module this device belongs to */ struct hw_module_t* module; /** padding reserved for future use */ #ifdef __LP64__ uint64_t reserved[12]; #else uint32_t reserved[12]; #endif /** Close this device */ int (*close)(struct hw_device_t* device); } hw_device_t;
typedef struct camera3_device { hw_device_t common; camera3_device_ops_t *ops; void *priv; } camera3_device_t;
typedef struct camera3_device_ops { int (*initialize)(const struct camera3_device *, const camera3_callback_ops_t *callback_ops); int (*configure_streams)(const struct camera3_device *, camera3_stream_configuration_t *stream_list); int (*register_stream_buffers)(const struct camera3_device *, const camera3_stream_buffer_set_t *buffer_set); const camera_metadata_t* (*construct_default_request_settings)( const struct camera3_device *, int type); int (*process_capture_request)(const struct camera3_device *, camera3_capture_request_t *request); void (*get_metadata_vendor_tag_ops)(const struct camera3_device*, vendor_tag_query_ops_t* ops); void (*dump)(const struct camera3_device *, int fd); int (*flush)(const struct camera3_device *); /* reserved for future use */ void *reserved[8]; } camera3_device_ops_t;
camera3_device_ops_t 映射函數指針操做: hardware/libhardware/modules/camera/3_0/Camera.cppapp
const camera3_device_ops_t Camera::sOps = { .initialize = default_camera_hal::initialize, .configure_streams = default_camera_hal::configure_streams, .register_stream_buffers = default_camera_hal::register_stream_buffers, .construct_default_request_settings = default_camera_hal::construct_default_request_settings, .process_capture_request = default_camera_hal::process_capture_request, .get_metadata_vendor_tag_ops = NULL, .dump = default_camera_hal::dump, .flush = default_camera_hal::flush, .reserved = {0}, };
以高通660芯片爲例,實際上映射的函數指針映射關係是hardware/qcom/camera/QCamera2/HAL3/QCamera3HWI.cpp中,不一樣的芯片會在不一樣的地方,可是不會相差太大,何況這些函數指針都是同樣的,這是android hal層提供的通用調用方法。框架
camera3_device_ops_t QCamera3HardwareInterface::mCameraOps = { .initialize = QCamera3HardwareInterface::initialize, .configure_streams = QCamera3HardwareInterface::configure_streams, .register_stream_buffers = NULL, .construct_default_request_settings = QCamera3HardwareInterface::construct_default_request_settings, .process_capture_request = QCamera3HardwareInterface::process_capture_request, .get_metadata_vendor_tag_ops = NULL, .dump = QCamera3HardwareInterface::dump, .flush = QCamera3HardwareInterface::flush, .reserved = {0}, };
mCameraDevice.ops = &mCameraOps;
typedef struct camera3_callback_ops { void (*process_capture_result)(const struct camera3_callback_ops *, const camera3_capture_result_t *result); void (*notify)(const struct camera3_callback_ops *, const camera3_notify_msg_t *msg); } camera3_callback_ops_t;
camera3_callback_ops_t 是camera provider 到camera service 之間的回調,直接和 ICameraDeviceCallback.h對應,能夠直接回調這個接口中的方法IPC調用到 camera service進程中。ide
typedef struct camera3_capture_result { uint32_t frame_number; const camera_metadata_t *result; uint32_t num_output_buffers; const camera3_stream_buffer_t *output_buffers; const camera3_stream_buffer_t *input_buffer; uint32_t partial_result; uint32_t num_physcam_metadata; const char **physcam_ids; const camera_metadata_t **physcam_metadata; } camera3_capture_result_t;
typedef struct camera3_capture_request { uint32_t frame_number; const camera_metadata_t *settings; camera3_stream_buffer_t *input_buffer; uint32_t num_output_buffers; const camera3_stream_buffer_t *output_buffers; uint32_t num_physcam_settings; const char **physcam_id; const camera_metadata_t **physcam_settings; } camera3_capture_request_t;
執行相機預覽的操做,單個camera request請求經過camera service層的 processCaptureRequest()函數發送到HAL 設備上,來進行圖像捕獲或者圖像緩衝區從新處理。函數
typedef enum camera3_request_template { /** * Standard camera preview operation with 3A on auto. */ CAMERA3_TEMPLATE_PREVIEW = 1, /** * Standard camera high-quality still capture with 3A and flash on auto. */ CAMERA3_TEMPLATE_STILL_CAPTURE = 2, /** * Standard video recording plus preview with 3A on auto, torch off. */ CAMERA3_TEMPLATE_VIDEO_RECORD = 3, /** * High-quality still capture while recording video. Application will * include preview, video record, and full-resolution YUV or JPEG streams in * request. Must not cause stuttering on video stream. 3A on auto. */ CAMERA3_TEMPLATE_VIDEO_SNAPSHOT = 4, /** * Zero-shutter-lag mode. Application will request preview and * full-resolution data for each frame, and reprocess it to JPEG when a * still image is requested by user. Settings should provide highest-quality * full-resolution images without compromising preview frame rate. 3A on * auto. */ CAMERA3_TEMPLATE_ZERO_SHUTTER_LAG = 5, /** * A basic template for direct application control of capture * parameters. All automatic control is disabled (auto-exposure, auto-white * balance, auto-focus), and post-processing parameters are set to preview * quality. The manual capture parameters (exposure, sensitivity, etc.) * are set to reasonable defaults, but should be overridden by the * application depending on the intended use case. */ CAMERA3_TEMPLATE_MANUAL = 6, /* Total number of templates */ CAMERA3_TEMPLATE_COUNT, /** * First value for vendor-defined request templates */ CAMERA3_VENDOR_TEMPLATE_START = 0x40000000 } camera3_request_template_t;
typedef struct camera3_notify_msg { int type; union { camera3_error_msg_t error; camera3_shutter_msg_t shutter; uint8_t generic[32]; } message; } camera3_notify_msg_t;
typedef struct camera3_shutter_msg { uint32_t frame_number; uint64_t timestamp; } camera3_shutter_msg_t;
typedef struct camera3_error_msg { uint32_t frame_number; camera3_stream_t *error_stream; int error_code; } camera3_error_msg_t;
typedef enum camera3_error_msg_code { CAMERA3_MSG_ERROR_DEVICE = 1, CAMERA3_MSG_ERROR_REQUEST = 2, CAMERA3_MSG_ERROR_RESULT = 3, CAMERA3_MSG_ERROR_BUFFER = 4, CAMERA3_MSG_NUM_ERRORS } camera3_error_msg_code_t;
typedef enum camera3_msg_type { CAMERA3_MSG_ERROR = 1, CAMERA3_MSG_SHUTTER = 2, CAMERA3_NUM_MESSAGES } camera3_msg_type_t;
typedef struct camera3_jpeg_blob { uint16_t jpeg_blob_id; uint32_t jpeg_size; } camera3_jpeg_blob_t;
typedef struct camera3_stream_buffer_set { camera3_stream_t *stream; uint32_t num_buffers; buffer_handle_t **buffers; } camera3_stream_buffer_set_t;
typedef struct camera3_stream_buffer { camera3_stream_t *stream; buffer_handle_t *buffer; int status; int acquire_fence; int release_fence; } camera3_stream_buffer_t;
typedef enum camera3_buffer_status { CAMERA3_BUFFER_STATUS_OK = 0, CAMERA3_BUFFER_STATUS_ERROR = 1 } camera3_buffer_status_t;
typedef struct camera3_stream_configuration { uint32_t num_streams; camera3_stream_t **streams; uint32_t operation_mode; const camera_metadata_t *session_parameters; } camera3_stream_configuration_t;
typedef struct camera3_stream { int stream_type; uint32_t width; uint32_t height; int format; uint32_t usage; uint32_t max_buffers; void *priv; android_dataspace_t data_space; int rotation; const char* physical_camera_id; void *reserved[6]; } camera3_stream_t;
typedef enum camera3_stream_configuration_mode { CAMERA3_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_NORMAL_MODE = 0, CAMERA3_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_CONSTRAINED_HIGH_SPEED_MODE = 1, CAMERA3_VENDOR_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_MODE_START = 0x8000 } camera3_stream_configuration_mode_t;
typedef enum camera3_stream_rotation { /* No rotation */ CAMERA3_STREAM_ROTATION_0 = 0, /* Rotate by 90 degree counterclockwise */ CAMERA3_STREAM_ROTATION_90 = 1, /* Rotate by 180 degree counterclockwise */ CAMERA3_STREAM_ROTATION_180 = 2, /* Rotate by 270 degree counterclockwise */ CAMERA3_STREAM_ROTATION_270 = 3 } camera3_stream_rotation_t;
typedef enum camera3_stream_type { CAMERA3_STREAM_OUTPUT = 0, CAMERA3_STREAM_INPUT = 1, CAMERA3_STREAM_BIDIRECTIONAL = 2, CAMERA3_NUM_STREAM_TYPES } camera3_stream_type_t;