全部的實驗報告將會在 Github 同步更新,更多內容請移步至Github:https://github.com/AngelKitty/review_the_national_post-graduate_entrance_examination/blob/master/books_and_notes/professional_courses/operating_system/sources/ucore_os_lab/docs/lab_report/git
會依賴 lab1
和 lab2
,咱們須要把作的 lab1
和 lab2
的代碼填到 lab3
中缺失的位置上面。練習 0 就是一個工具的利用。這裏我使用的是 Linux
下的系統已預裝好的 Meld Diff Viewer
工具。和 lab2
操做流程同樣,咱們只須要將已經完成的 lab1
和 lab2
與待完成的 lab3
(因爲 lab2
是基於 lab1
基礎上完成的,因此這裏只須要導入 lab2
)分別導入進來,而後點擊 compare
而後軟件就會自動分析兩份代碼的不一樣,而後就一個個比較比較複製過去就好了,在軟件裏面是能夠支持打開對比複製了,點擊 Copy Right
便可。固然 bin
目錄和 obj
目錄下都是 make
default_pmm.c pmm.c trap.c kdebug.c
本實驗要求完成 do_pgfault
標誌位 =0
,好比在 swap
標誌 =1
,好比企圖寫只讀頁面).當出現上面狀況之一,那麼就會產生頁面 page fault(#PF)
異常。產生異常的線性地址存儲在 CR2
中,而且將是 page fault
的產生類型保存在 error code
所以此函數是完成頁錯誤異常處理的主要函數,它根據 CPU
的控制寄存器 CR2
中獲取的頁錯誤異常的虛擬地址,以及根據 error code
的錯誤類型來查找次虛擬地址是否在某個 VMA
的地址範圍內,而且是否知足正確的讀寫權限。若是在此範圍內而且權限也正確,就認爲這是一次合法訪問,但沒有創建虛實對應關係,因此須要分配一個空閒的內存頁,並修改頁表完成虛地址到物理地址的映射,刷新 TLB
,而後調用 iret
中斷,返回並從新執行。若是該虛地址不在某 VMA
那麼咱們的這個 do_pgfault
函數從 CR2
寄存器中獲取頁錯誤異常的虛擬地址,根據 error code
來查找這個虛擬地址是否在某一個 VMA
page_fault 函數不知道哪些是「合法」的虛擬頁,緣由是 ucore
還缺乏必定的數據結構來描述這種不在物理內存中的「合法」虛擬頁。爲此 ucore
經過創建 mm_struct
和 vma_struct
數據結構,描述了 ucore
模擬應用程序運行所需的合法內存空間。當訪問內存產生 page fault 異常時,可得到訪問的內存的方式(讀或寫)以及具體的虛擬內存地址,這樣 ucore
就能夠查詢此地址,看是否屬於 vma_struct
這裏的 VMA 是描述應用程序對虛擬內存「需求」的變量,以下:
struct vma_struct { struct mm_struct *vm_mm; //指向一個比 vma_struct 更高的抽象層次的數據結構 mm_struct uintptr_t vm_start; //vma 的開始地址 uintptr_t vm_end; // vma 的結束地址 uint32_t vm_flags; // 虛擬內存空間的屬性 list_entry_t list_link; //雙向鏈表,按照從小到大的順序把虛擬內存空間連接起來 };
和 vm_end
描述的是一個合理的地址空間範圍(即嚴格確保 vm_start < vm_end
是一個雙向鏈表,按照從小到大的順序把一系列用 vma_struct
表示的虛擬內存空間連接起來,而且還要求這些鏈起來的 vma_struct
應該是不相交的,即 vma
define VM_READ 0x00000001 //只讀
define VM_WRITE 0x00000002 //可讀寫
define VM_EXEC 0x00000004 //可執行
是一個指針,指向一個比 vma_struct
更高的抽象層次的數據結構 mm_struct
struct mm_struct { list_entry_t mmap_list; //雙向鏈表頭,連接了全部屬於同一頁目錄表的虛擬內存空間 struct vma_struct *mmap_cache; //指向當前正在使用的虛擬內存空間 pde_t *pgdir; //指向的就是 mm_struct數據結構所維護的頁表 int map_count; //記錄 mmap_list 裏面連接的 vma_struct 的個數 void *sm_priv; //指向用來連接記錄頁訪問狀況的鏈表頭 };
所指向的就是 mm_struct
數據結構所維護的頁表。經過訪問 pgdir
記錄 mmap_list
裏面連接的 vma_struct
指向用來連接記錄頁訪問狀況的鏈表頭,這創建了 mm_struct
和後續要講到的 swap_manager
實現過程以下:(包含了練習 1 以及 練習 2 的部分實現)
int do_pgfault(struct mm_struct *mm, uint32_t error_code, uintptr_t addr) { int ret = -E_INVAL; //try to find a vma which include addr struct vma_struct *vma = find_vma(mm, addr);//查詢 vma pgfault_num++; //If the addr is in the range of a mm's vma? if (vma == NULL || vma->vm_start > addr) { cprintf("not valid addr %x, and can not find it in vma\n", addr); goto failed; } //check the error_code switch (error_code & 3) {//錯誤處理 default: /* error code flag : default is 3 ( W/R=1, P=1): write, present */ case 2: /* error code flag : (W/R=1, P=0): write, not present */ if (!(vma->vm_flags & VM_WRITE)) { cprintf("do_pgfault failed: error code flag = write AND not present, but the addr's vma cannot write\n"); goto failed; } break; case 1: /* error code flag : (W/R=0, P=1): read, present */ cprintf("do_pgfault failed: error code flag = read AND present\n"); goto failed; case 0: /* error code flag : (W/R=0, P=0): read, not present */ if (!(vma->vm_flags & (VM_READ | VM_EXEC))) { cprintf("do_pgfault failed: error code flag = read AND not present, but the addr's vma cannot read or exec\n"); goto failed; } } /* IF (write an existed addr ) OR * (write an non_existed addr && addr is writable) OR * (read an non_existed addr && addr is readable) * THEN * continue process */ uint32_t perm = PTE_U; if (vma->vm_flags & VM_WRITE) { perm |= PTE_W; } addr = ROUNDDOWN(addr, PGSIZE); ret = -E_NO_MEM; pte_t *ptep=NULL; /*LAB3 EXERCISE 1: YOUR CODE * Maybe you want help comment, BELOW comments can help you finish the code * * Some Useful MACROs and DEFINEs, you can use them in below implementation. * MACROs or Functions: * get_pte : get an pte and return the kernel virtual address of this pte for la * if the PT contians this pte didn't exist, alloc a page for PT (notice the 3th parameter '1') * pgdir_alloc_page : call alloc_page & page_insert functions to allocate a page size memory & setup * an addr map pa<--->la with linear address la and the PDT pgdir * DEFINES: * VM_WRITE : If vma->vm_flags & VM_WRITE == 1/0, then the vma is writable/non writable * PTE_W 0x002 // page table/directory entry flags bit : Writeable * PTE_U 0x004 // page table/directory entry flags bit : User can access * VARIABLES: * mm->pgdir : the PDT of these vma * */ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 設計思路: 首先檢查頁表中是否有相應的表項,若是表項爲空,那麼說明沒有映射過; 而後使用 pgdir_alloc_page 獲取一個物理頁,同時進行錯誤檢查便可。 /*LAB3 EXERCISE 1: YOUR CODE*/ // try to find a pte, if pte's PT(Page Table) isn't existed, then create a PT. // (notice the 3th parameter '1') if ((ptep = get_pte(mm->pgdir, addr, 1)) == NULL) { cprintf("get_pte in do_pgfault failed\n"); goto failed; } //若是頁表不存在,嘗試分配一空閒頁,匹配物理地址與邏輯地址,創建對應關係 if (*ptep == 0) { // if the phy addr isn't exist, then alloc a page & map the phy addr with logical addr if (pgdir_alloc_page(mm->pgdir, addr, perm) == NULL) { //失敗內存不夠退出 cprintf("pgdir_alloc_page in do_pgfault failed\n"); goto failed; } } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*LAB3 EXERCISE 2: YOUR CODE * Now we think this pte is a swap entry, we should load data from disk to a page with phy addr, * and map the phy addr with logical addr, trigger swap manager to record the access situation of this page. * * Some Useful MACROs and DEFINEs, you can use them in below implementation. * MACROs or Functions: * swap_in(mm, addr, &page) : alloc a memory page, then according to the swap entry in PTE for addr, * find the addr of disk page, read the content of disk page into this memroy page * page_insert : build the map of phy addr of an Page with the linear addr la * swap_map_swappable : set the page swappable */ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 設計思路: 若是 PTE 存在,那麼說明這一頁已經映射過了可是被保存在磁盤中,須要將這一頁內存交換出來: 1.調用 swap_in 將內存頁從磁盤中載入內存; 2.調用 page_insert 創建物理地址與線性地址之間的映射; 3.設置頁對應的虛擬地址,方便交換出內存時將正確的內存數據保存在正確的磁盤位置; 4.調用 swap_map_swappable 將物理頁框加入 FIFO。 /*LAB3 EXERCISE 2: YOUR CODE*/ //頁表項非空,嘗試換入頁面 else { // if this pte is a swap entry, then load data from disk to a page with phy addr // and call page_insert to map the phy addr with logical addr if(swap_init_ok) { struct Page *page=NULL;//根據 mm 結構和 addr 地址,嘗試將硬盤中的內容換入至 page 中 if ((ret = swap_in(mm, addr, &page)) != 0) { cprintf("swap_in in do_pgfault failed\n"); goto failed; } page_insert(mm->pgdir, page, addr, perm);//創建虛擬地址和物理地址之間的對應關係 swap_map_swappable(mm, addr, page, 1);//將此頁面設置爲可交換的 page->pra_vaddr = addr; } else { cprintf("no swap_init_ok but ptep is %x, failed\n",*ptep); goto failed; } } ret = 0; failed: return ret; }
請描述頁目錄項(Page Directory Entry)和頁表項(Page Table Entry)中組成部分對 ucore 實現頁替換算法的潛在用處。
表項中 PTE_A
表示內存頁是否被修改過,藉助着兩位標誌位能夠實現 Enhanced Clock 算法。
若是 ucore 的缺頁服務例程在執行過程當中訪問內存,出現了頁訪問異常,請問硬件要作哪些事情?
若是出現了頁訪問異常,那麼硬件將引起頁訪問異常的地址將被保存在 cr2
寄存器中,設置錯誤代碼,而後觸發 Page Fault
本實驗要求完成 do_pgfault
函數,而且在實現 FIFO
算法的 swap_fifo.c
中完成 map_swappable
和 swap_out_victim
函數,經過對 swap
的測試。根據練習 1,當頁錯誤異常發生時,有多是由於頁面保存在 swap
函數實現。在換入時,須要先檢查產生訪問異常的地址是否屬於某個 VMA
表示的合法虛擬地址,而且保存在硬盤的 swap
文件中(即對應的 PTE
的高 24
位不爲 0
,而最低位爲 0
),則是執行頁換入的時機,將調用 swap_in
在換出時,採起的是消極的換出策略,是在調用 alloc_pages
函數獲取空閒頁時,此函數若是發現沒法從物理內存頁分配器(好比 First Fit
)得到空閒頁,就會進一步調用 swap_out
函數 換出某頁,實現一種消極的換出策略。
因爲頁面換入操做已經在練習 1 中實現了,因此這裏咱們主要談頁面換出。
爲了實現各類頁替換算法,咱們須要設計一個頁替換算法的類框架 swap_manager
struct swap_manager { const char *name; /* Global initialization for the swap manager */ int (*init) (void); /* Initialize the priv data inside mm_struct */ int (*init_mm) (struct mm_struct *mm); /* Called when tick interrupt occured */ int (*tick_event) (struct mm_struct *mm); /* Called when map a swappable page into the mm_struct */ int (*map_swappable) (struct mm_struct *mm, uintptr_t addr, struct Page *page, int swap_in); /* When a page is marked as shared, this routine is called to * delete the addr entry from the swap manager */ int (*set_unswappable) (struct mm_struct *mm, uintptr_t addr); /* Try to swap out a page, return then victim */ int (*swap_out_victim) (struct mm_struct *mm, struct Page **ptr_page, int in_tick); /* check the page relpacement algorithm */ int (*check_swap)(void); };
這裏關鍵的兩個函數指針是 map_swappable
和 swap_out_vistim
函數用於挑選須要換出的頁。顯然 swap_out_vistim
函數依賴於 map_swappable
因爲 FIFO 基於雙向鏈表實現,因此只須要將元素插入到頭節點以前。
/* * (3)_fifo_map_swappable: According FIFO PRA, we should link the most recent arrival page at the back of pra_list_head qeueue */ // 做用: 將最近被用到的頁面添加到算法所維護的次序隊列。 static int _fifo_map_swappable(struct mm_struct *mm, uintptr_t addr, struct Page *page, int swap_in) { list_entry_t *head=(list_entry_t*) mm->sm_priv; list_entry_t *entry=&(page->pra_page_link); assert(entry != NULL && head != NULL); //record the page access situlation /*LAB3 EXERCISE 2: YOUR CODE*/ //(1)link the most recent arrival page at the back of the pra_list_head qeueue. list_add(head, entry);//將最近用到的頁面添加到次序的隊尾 return 0; }
/* * (4)_fifo_swap_out_victim: According FIFO PRA, we should unlink the earliest arrival page in front of pra_list_head qeueue, * then assign the value of *ptr_page to the addr of this page. */ // 做用: 用來查詢哪一個頁面須要被換出。 static int _fifo_swap_out_victim(struct mm_struct *mm, struct Page ** ptr_page, int in_tick) { list_entry_t *head=(list_entry_t*) mm->sm_priv; assert(head != NULL); assert(in_tick==0); /* Select the victim */ /*LAB3 EXERCISE 2: YOUR CODE*/ //(1) unlink the earliest arrival page in front of pra_list_head qeueue //(2) assign the value of *ptr_page to the addr of this page /* Select the tail */ list_entry_t *le = head->prev;//指出須要被換出的頁 assert(head!=le); struct Page *p = le2page(le, pra_page_link);//le2page 宏能夠根據鏈表元素,得到對應 page 的指針p list_del(le);//將進來最先的頁面從隊列中刪除 assert(p !=NULL); *ptr_page = p;//將這一頁的地址存儲在ptr_page中 return 0; }
若是要在ucore上實現"extended clock 頁替換算法"請給你的設計方案,現有的 swap_manager 框架是否足以支持在 ucore 中實現此算法?若是是,請給你的設計方案。若是不是,請給出你的新的擴展和基此擴展的設計方案。並須要回答以下問題
- 須要被換出的頁的特徵是什麼?
- 在ucore中如何判斷具備這樣特徵的頁?
- 什麼時候進行換入和換出操做?
當內存頁被訪問後,MMU 將在對應的頁表項的 PTE_A
當內存頁被修改後,MMU 將在對應的頁表項的 PTE_D
Enhanced Clock 算法須要一個環形鏈表和一個指針,這個能夠在原有的雙向鏈表基礎上實現。爲了方便進行循環訪問,將原先的頭部哨兵刪除,這樣全部的頁面造成一個環形鏈表。指向環形鏈表指針也就是 Enhanced Clock 算法中指向下個頁面的指針。
Enhanced Clock 算法最多須要遍歷環形鏈表四次(規定標記爲<訪問,修改>
// swap_clock.h #ifndef __KERN_MM_SWAP_CLOCK_H__ #define __KERN_MM_SWAP_CLOCK_H__ #include <swap.h> extern struct swap_manager swap_manager_clock; #endif -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // swap_clock.c #include <x86.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <swap.h> #include <swap_clock.h> #include <list.h> #define GET_LIST_ENTRY_PTE(pgdir, le) (get_pte((pgdir), le2page((le), pra_page_link)->pra_vaddr, 0)) #define GET_DIRTY_FLAG(pgdir, le) (*GET_LIST_ENTRY_PTE((pgdir), (le)) & PTE_D) #define GET_ACCESSED_FLAG(pgdir, le) (*GET_LIST_ENTRY_PTE((pgdir), (le)) & PTE_A) #define CLEAR_ACCESSED_FLAG(pgdir, le) do {\ struct Page *page = le2page((le), pra_page_link);\ pte_t *ptep = get_pte((pgdir), page->pra_vaddr, 0);\ *ptep = *ptep & ~PTE_A;\ tlb_invalidate((pgdir), page->pra_vaddr);\ } while (0) static int _clock_init_mm(struct mm_struct *mm) { mm->sm_priv = NULL; return 0; } static int _clock_map_swappable(struct mm_struct *mm, uintptr_t addr, struct Page *page, int swap_in) { list_entry_t *head=(list_entry_t*) mm->sm_priv; list_entry_t *entry=&(page->pra_page_link); assert(entry != NULL); // Insert before pointer if (head == NULL) { list_init(entry); mm->sm_priv = entry; } else { list_add_before(head, entry); } return 0; } static int _clock_swap_out_victim(struct mm_struct *mm, struct Page ** ptr_page, int in_tick) { list_entry_t *head=(list_entry_t*) mm->sm_priv; assert(head != NULL); assert(in_tick==0); list_entry_t *selected = NULL, *p = head; // Search <0,0> do { if (GET_ACCESSED_FLAG(mm->pgdir, p) == 0 && GET_DIRTY_FLAG(mm->pgdir, p) == 0) { selected = p; break; } p = list_next(p); } while (p != head); // Search <0,1> and set 'accessed' to 0 if (selected == NULL) do { if (GET_ACCESSED_FLAG(mm->pgdir, p) == 0 && GET_DIRTY_FLAG(mm->pgdir, p)) { selected = p; break; } CLEAR_ACCESSED_FLAG(mm->pgdir, p); p = list_next(p); } while (p != head); // Search <0,0> again if (selected == NULL) do { if (GET_ACCESSED_FLAG(mm->pgdir, p) == 0 && GET_DIRTY_FLAG(mm->pgdir, p) == 0) { selected = p; break; } p = list_next(p); } while (p != head); // Search <0,1> again if (selected == NULL) do { if (GET_ACCESSED_FLAG(mm->pgdir, p) == 0 && GET_DIRTY_FLAG(mm->pgdir, p)) { selected = p; break; } p = list_next(p); } while (p != head); // Remove pointed element head = selected; if (list_empty(head)) { mm->sm_priv = NULL; } else { mm->sm_priv = list_next(head); list_del(head); } *ptr_page = le2page(head, pra_page_link); return 0; } static int _clock_check_swap(void) { cprintf("write Virt Page c in fifo_check_swap\n"); *(unsigned char *)0x3000 = 0x0c; assert(pgfault_num==4); cprintf("write Virt Page a in fifo_check_swap\n"); *(unsigned char *)0x1000 = 0x0a; assert(pgfault_num==4); cprintf("write Virt Page d in fifo_check_swap\n"); *(unsigned char *)0x4000 = 0x0d; assert(pgfault_num==4); cprintf("write Virt Page b in fifo_check_swap\n"); *(unsigned char *)0x2000 = 0x0b; assert(pgfault_num==4); cprintf("write Virt Page e in fifo_check_swap\n"); *(unsigned char *)0x5000 = 0x0e; assert(pgfault_num==5); cprintf("write Virt Page b in fifo_check_swap\n"); *(unsigned char *)0x2000 = 0x0b; assert(pgfault_num==5); cprintf("write Virt Page a in fifo_check_swap\n"); *(unsigned char *)0x1000 = 0x0a; assert(pgfault_num==6); cprintf("write Virt Page b in fifo_check_swap\n"); *(unsigned char *)0x2000 = 0x0b; assert(pgfault_num==6); cprintf("write Virt Page c in fifo_check_swap\n"); *(unsigned char *)0x3000 = 0x0c; assert(pgfault_num==7); cprintf("write Virt Page d in fifo_check_swap\n"); *(unsigned char *)0x4000 = 0x0d; assert(pgfault_num==8); cprintf("write Virt Page e in fifo_check_swap\n"); *(unsigned char *)0x5000 = 0x0e; assert(pgfault_num==9); cprintf("write Virt Page a in fifo_check_swap\n"); assert(*(unsigned char *)0x1000 == 0x0a); *(unsigned char *)0x1000 = 0x0a; assert(pgfault_num==9); cprintf("read Virt Page b in fifo_check_swap\n"); assert(*(unsigned char *)0x2000 == 0x0b); assert(pgfault_num==10); cprintf("read Virt Page c in fifo_check_swap\n"); assert(*(unsigned char *)0x3000 == 0x0c); assert(pgfault_num==11); cprintf("read Virt Page a in fifo_check_swap\n"); assert(*(unsigned char *)0x1000 == 0x0a); assert(pgfault_num==12); cprintf("read Virt Page d in fifo_check_swap\n"); assert(*(unsigned char *)0x4000 == 0x0d); assert(pgfault_num==13); cprintf("read Virt Page b in fifo_check_swap\n"); *(unsigned char *)0x1000 = 0x0a; assert(*(unsigned char *)0x3000 == 0x0c); assert(*(unsigned char *)0x4000 == 0x0d); assert(*(unsigned char *)0x5000 == 0x0e); assert(*(unsigned char *)0x2000 == 0x0b); assert(pgfault_num==14); return 0; } static int _clock_init(void) { return 0; } static int _clock_set_unswappable(struct mm_struct *mm, uintptr_t addr) { return 0; } _clock_tick_event(struct mm_struct *mm) { return 0; } struct swap_manager swap_manager_clock = { .name = "clock swap manager", .init = &_clock_init, .init_mm = &_clock_init_mm, .tick_event = &_clock_tick_event, .map_swappable = &_clock_map_swappable, .set_unswappable = &_clock_set_unswappable, .swap_out_victim = &_clock_swap_out_victim, .check_swap = &_clock_check_swap, };