//CString to string string CStringToString(const CString &cstr) { string str=cstr.GetBuffer(0); cstr.ReleaseBuffer(); return str; } void CStringToStringEx(const CString &cstr, string &str) { str=cstr.GetBuffer(0); cstr.ReleaseBuffer(); } //string to CString CString StringToCString(const string &str) { CString cstr=str.c_str(); return cstr; } void StringToCStringEx(const string &str, CString &cstr) { cstr=str.c_str(); } //CStringA to string string CStringAToString(const CStringA &cstra) { string str=cstra.GetBuffer(0); cstra.ReleaseBuffer(); return str; } void CStringAToStringEx(const CStringA &cstra, string &str) { str=cstra.GetBuffer(0); cstra.ReleaseBuffer(); } //CStringW to string string CStringWToString(const CStringW &cstrw) { CStringA ctsra(cstrw.GetBuffer(0)); cstrw.ReleaseBuffer(); string str=cstra.GetBuffer(0); cstra.ReleaseBuffer(); return str; } void CStringWToStringEx(const CStringW &cstrw, string &str) { CStringA ctsra(cstrw.GetBuffer(0)); cstrw.ReleaseBuffer(); str=cstra.GetBuffer(0); cstra.ReleaseBuffer(); }