/* * This is the source code of Telegram for Android v. 1.3.2. * It is licensed under GNU GPL v. 2 or later. * You should have received a copy of the license in this archive (see LICENSE). * * Copyright Nikolai Kudashov, 2013. */ package org.telegram.android; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; public class NotificationCenter { private static int totalEvents = 1; public static final int didReceivedNewMessages = totalEvents++; public static final int updateInterfaces = totalEvents++; public static final int dialogsNeedReload = totalEvents++; public static final int closeChats = totalEvents++; public static final int messagesDeleted = totalEvents++; public static final int messagesRead = totalEvents++; public static final int messagesDidLoaded = totalEvents++; public static final int messageReceivedByAck = totalEvents++; public static final int messageReceivedByServer = totalEvents++; public static final int messageSendError = totalEvents++; public static final int contactsDidLoaded = totalEvents++; public static final int chatDidCreated = totalEvents++; public static final int chatDidFailCreate = totalEvents++; public static final int chatInfoDidLoaded = totalEvents++; public static final int mediaDidLoaded = totalEvents++; public static final int mediaCountDidLoaded = totalEvents++; public static final int encryptedChatUpdated = totalEvents++; public static final int messagesReadedEncrypted = totalEvents++; public static final int encryptedChatCreated = totalEvents++; public static final int userPhotosLoaded = totalEvents++; public static final int removeAllMessagesFromDialog = totalEvents++; public static final int notificationsSettingsUpdated = totalEvents++; public static final int pushMessagesUpdated = totalEvents++; public static final int blockedUsersDidLoaded = totalEvents++; public static final int openedChatChanged = totalEvents++; public static final int hideEmojiKeyboard = totalEvents++; public static final int stopEncodingService = totalEvents++; public static final int didCreatedNewDeleteTask = totalEvents++; public static final int mainUserInfoChanged = totalEvents++; public static final int privacyRulesUpdated = totalEvents++; public static final int updateMessageMedia = totalEvents++; public static final int recentImagesDidLoaded = totalEvents++; public static final int replaceMessagesObjects = totalEvents++; public static final int didSetPasscode = totalEvents++; public static final int didSetTwoStepPassword = totalEvents++; public static final int screenStateChanged = totalEvents++; public static final int appSwitchedToForeground = totalEvents++; public static final int didLoadedReplyMessages = totalEvents++; public static final int newSessionReceived = totalEvents++; public static final int didReceivedWebpages = totalEvents++; public static final int didReceivedWebpagesInUpdates = totalEvents++; public static final int httpFileDidLoaded = totalEvents++; public static final int httpFileDidFailedLoad = totalEvents++; public static final int messageThumbGenerated = totalEvents++; public static final int wallpapersDidLoaded = totalEvents++; public static final int closeOtherAppActivities = totalEvents++; public static final int didUpdatedConnectionState = totalEvents++; public static final int didReceiveSmsCode = totalEvents++; public static final int emojiDidLoaded = totalEvents++; public static final int appDidLogout = totalEvents++; public static final int FileDidUpload = totalEvents++; public static final int FileDidFailUpload = totalEvents++; public static final int FileUploadProgressChanged = totalEvents++; public static final int FileLoadProgressChanged = totalEvents++; public static final int FileDidLoaded = totalEvents++; public static final int FileDidFailedLoad = totalEvents++; public static final int FilePreparingStarted = totalEvents++; public static final int FileNewChunkAvailable = totalEvents++; public static final int FilePreparingFailed = totalEvents++; public static final int audioProgressDidChanged = totalEvents++; public static final int audioDidReset = totalEvents++; public static final int recordProgressChanged = totalEvents++; public static final int recordStarted = totalEvents++; public static final int recordStartError = totalEvents++; public static final int recordStopped = totalEvents++; public static final int screenshotTook = totalEvents++; public static final int albumsDidLoaded = totalEvents++; public static final int audioDidSent = totalEvents++; public static final int audioDidStarted = totalEvents++; public static final int audioRouteChanged = totalEvents++; final private HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Object>> observers = new HashMap<>(); final private HashMap<Integer, Object> removeAfterBroadcast = new HashMap<>(); final private HashMap<Integer, Object> addAfterBroadcast = new HashMap<>(); private int broadcasting = 0; private static volatile NotificationCenter Instance = null; public static NotificationCenter getInstance() { NotificationCenter localInstance = Instance; if (localInstance == null) { synchronized (NotificationCenter.class) { localInstance = Instance; if (localInstance == null) { Instance = localInstance = new NotificationCenter(); } } } return localInstance; } public interface NotificationCenterDelegate { void didReceivedNotification(int id, Object... args); } public void postNotificationName(int id, Object... args) { synchronized (observers) { broadcasting++; ArrayList<Object> objects = observers.get(id); if (objects != null) { for (Object obj : objects) { ((NotificationCenterDelegate)obj).didReceivedNotification(id, args); } } broadcasting--; if (broadcasting == 0) { if (!removeAfterBroadcast.isEmpty()) { for (HashMap.Entry<Integer, Object> entry : removeAfterBroadcast.entrySet()) { removeObserver(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey()); } removeAfterBroadcast.clear(); } if (!addAfterBroadcast.isEmpty()) { for (HashMap.Entry<Integer, Object> entry : addAfterBroadcast.entrySet()) { addObserver(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey()); } addAfterBroadcast.clear(); } } } } public void addObserver(Object observer, int id) { synchronized (observers) { if (broadcasting != 0) { addAfterBroadcast.put(id, observer); return; } ArrayList<Object> objects = observers.get(id); if (objects == null) { observers.put(id, (objects = new ArrayList<>())); } if (objects.contains(observer)) { return; } objects.add(observer); } } public void removeObserver(Object observer, int id) { synchronized (observers) { if (broadcasting != 0) { removeAfterBroadcast.put(id, observer); return; } ArrayList<Object> objects = observers.get(id); if (objects != null) { objects.remove(observer); if (objects.size() == 0) { observers.remove(id); } } } } }