openssl能夠實現: 對稱和非對稱加密,密鑰證書管理git
openssl 全部命令:算法
Standard commands asn1parse ca ciphers cms crl crl2pkcs7 dgst dh dhparam dsa dsaparam ec ecparam enc engine errstr gendh gendsa genpkey genrsa nseq ocsp passwd pkcs12 pkcs7 pkcs8 pkey pkeyparam pkeyutl prime rand req rsa rsautl s_client s_server s_time sess_id smime speed spkac srp ts verify version x509 Message Digest commands (see the `dgst' command for more details) md4 md5 rmd160 sha sha1 Cipher commands (see the `enc' command for more details) aes-128-cbc aes-128-ecb aes-192-cbc aes-192-ecb aes-256-cbc aes-256-ecb base64 bf bf-cbc bf-cfb bf-ecb bf-ofb camellia-128-cbc camellia-128-ecb camellia-192-cbc camellia-192-ecb camellia-256-cbc camellia-256-ecb cast cast-cbc cast5-cbc cast5-cfb cast5-ecb cast5-ofb des des-cbc des-cfb des-ecb des-ede des-ede-cbc des-ede-cfb des-ede-ofb des-ede3 des-ede3-cbc des-ede3-cfb des-ede3-ofb des-ofb des3 desx rc2 rc2-40-cbc rc2-64-cbc rc2-cbc rc2-cfb rc2-ecb rc2-ofb rc4 rc4-40 seed seed-cbc seed-cfb seed-ecb seed-ofb
命令格式: openssl command [command_opts][command_args]
openssl enc -Cipher -[e/d] [-a] [-salt] [-in filename] [-out filename]
-Cipher:加密算法 -e: 加密操做 -d: 解密操做 -a: 使用base64位編碼 -salt: 自動加入隨機數做爲文件內容加密,默認數據庫
openssl enc -des3 -e -a -in ./in -out ./out enter des-ede3-cbc encryption password: Verifying - enter des-ede3-cbc encryption password:
openssl enc -des3 -d -a -in ./out -out ./in1 enter des-ede3-cbc decryption password:
openssl dgst -Cipher inputfile [-out file]
openssl dgst -md5 ./in MD5(./in)= 2b1761bf6d399bff4c60e69da7f02d81
openssl passwd [options] [passwords]
where options are -crypt standard Unix password algorithm (default) -1 MD5-based password algorithm -apr1 MD5-based password algorithm, Apache variant -salt string use provided salt (隨機加鹽,鹽值同樣,獲得的密碼hash也同樣) -in file read passwords from file -stdin read passwords from stdin -noverify never verify when reading password from terminal -quiet no warnings -table format output as table -reverse switch table columns
openssl passwd -1 -in ./in $1$2xV8Igpw$LD01hvcMb9ThVaX4KdPko0
Usage: rand [options] num where options are -out file - write to file -engine e - use engine e, possibly a hardware device. -rand file:file:... - seed PRNG from files -base64 - base64 encode output -hex - hex encode output
openssl rand 10 ��eO]�.� � openssl rand -hex 10 d692dfc3564addf698c2
openssl rand 生成指定長度的隨機字符,若是不指定顯示編碼會看到不少亂碼,因此須要指定可視化編碼base64或hex
首先須要先使用 genrsa 標準命令生成私鑰,而後再使用 rsa 標準命令從私鑰中提取公鑰。
usage: genrsa [args] [numbits] -des encrypt the generated key with DES in cbc mode -des3 encrypt the generated key with DES in ede cbc mode (168 bit key) -seed encrypt PEM output with cbc seed -aes128, -aes192, -aes256 encrypt PEM output with cbc aes -camellia128, -camellia192, -camellia256 encrypt PEM output with cbc camellia -out file output the key to 'file -passout arg output file pass phrase source -f4 use F4 (0x10001) for the E value -3 use 3 for the E value -engine e use engine e, possibly a hardware device. -rand file:file:... load the file (or the files in the directory) into the random number generator
openssl genrsa -out ./private 1024 Generating RSA private key, 1024 bit long modulus ......++++++ .........++++++ e is 65537 (0x10001)
openssl genrsa -out private1 -des 1024 Generating RSA private key, 1024 bit long modulus ...........................++++++ .........++++++ e is 65537 (0x10001) Enter pass phrase for private1: Verifying - Enter pass phrase for private1: openssl rsa -in private1 -out public1 -pubout Enter pass phrase for private1: writing RSA key
openssl rsa -in ./private -out public -pubout writing RSA key
openssl rsautl -in ./data -out ./data_enc -inkey ./public -pubin -encrypt
openssl rsautl -in ./data_enc -out ./data_dec -inkey ./private -decrypt
openssl genrsa -out ./private.key 1024
openssl req -new -key ./private.key -out ./request.csr
openssl ca -in ./request.csr -out ./cer.crt -days 365 Using configuration from /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf Check that the request matches the signature Signature ok Certificate Details: Serial Number: 1 (0x1) Validity Not Before: Jan 4 15:29:45 2017 GMT Not After : Jan 4 15:29:45 2018 GMT Subject: countryName = zh stateOrProvinceName = sc organizationName = zj organizationalUnitName = it commonName = emailAddress = X509v3 extensions: X509v3 Basic Constraints: CA:FALSE Netscape Comment: OpenSSL Generated Certificate X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: FA:0B:97:C5:89:47:45:95:92:65:A7:17:4E:D0:50:DD:E7:98:DC:1F X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: keyid:56:12:F7:01:CA:F8:D8:EB:AB:80:3B:4A:B3:9C:1C:61:EE:24:4D:D7 Certificate is to be certified until Jan 4 15:29:45 2018 GMT (365 days) Sign the certificate? [y/n]:y 1 out of 1 certificate requests certified, commit? [y/n]y Write out database with 1 new entries Data Base Updated
mkdir -pv /usr/lib/ssl/demoCA/{certs,crl,newcerts,private} touch /usr/lib/demoCA/{serial,index,index.txt}
echo 01 >> serial
openssl genrsa -out /usr/lib/ssl/demoCA/private/cakey.pem 1024
openssl req -new -x509 -in /usr/lib/ssl/demoCA/private/cakey.pem -out /usr/lib/ssl/demoCA/cacert.pem -days 3650
密鑰和證書管理是PKI的一個重要組成部分,OpenSSL爲之提供了豐富的功能,支持多種標準。 首先,OpenSSL實現了ASN.1的證書和密鑰相關標準,提供了對證書、公鑰、私鑰、證書請求以及CRL等數據對象的DER、PEM和BASE64的編解碼功能。OpenSSL提供了產生各類公開密鑰對和對稱密鑰的方法、函數和應用程序,同時提供了對公鑰和私鑰的DER編解碼功能。並實現了私鑰的PKCS#12和PKCS#8的編解碼功能。OpenSSL在標準中提供了對私鑰的加密保護功能,使得密鑰能夠安全地進行存儲和分發。 在此基礎上,OpenSSL實現了對證書的X.509標準編解碼、PKCS#12格式的編解碼以及PKCS#7的編解碼功能。並提供了一種文本數據庫,支持證書的管理功能,包括證書密鑰產生、請求產生、證書籤發、吊銷和驗證等功能。 事實上,OpenSSL提供的CA應用程序就是一個小型的證書管理中心(CA),實現了證書籤發的整個流程和證書管理的大部分機制。
在經過req -new -x509建立自簽名證書的時候,提示用戶輸入密碼,而後使用ca簽署的時候報上面的錯誤,下面是openssl.cnf關於req配置
[ req ] default_bits = 2048 default_md = sha1 default_keyfile = privkey.pem distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name attributes = req_attributes x509_extensions = v3_ca # The extentions to add to the self signed cert