Sharepoint學習筆記—習題系列--70-576習題解析 -(Q109-Q111)

Question  109 
 Your company uses a third-party service to host its SharePoint 2010 site. The hosting service requires all sites to be sandboxed and uses forms-based authentication (FBA). You are asked to integrate the customer relationship management (CRM) data that is stored within your company’s domain into the SharePoint site. The CRM data is trimmed based on the user token and is made accessible via Web services. You need to display the CRM data in the correct way for each user token. Which approach should you recommend?
A. Connect to the CRM system using Business Connectivity Services (BCS) with Windows Credentials set as the authentication mode. Use the Secure Store Service to map FBA credentials to domain credentials.
B. Connect to the CRM system using BCS with Pass-Through set as the authentication mode. Use the Secure Store Service to map FBA credentials to domain credentials.
C. Connect to the CRM system using BCS with RevertToSelf set as the authentication mode. Use the Secure Store Service to map FBA credentials to domain credentials.
D. Prompt users for their domain credentials and make a call to the web services using these domain credentials.html

   你公司使用第三方提供的主機服務放置本公司的Sharepoint站點, 根據要求, 全部的網站只能部署Sandbox解決方案而且網站用戶採用表單認證方式。你被要求把運行在公司本地域中的CRM系統數據整合進Sharepoint站點。CRM系統根據用戶令牌決定提供相應的數據,而且經過Web Services向外提供數據服務。你須要根據各個不一樣的用戶來顯示CRM數據。你該如何作呢?
   使用 Microsoft Business Connectivity Services (BCS) 鏈接到 Web 或 WCF 服務時,可採用如下身份驗證模式。
傳遞身份驗證 指的是操做系統能夠將客戶端的身份驗證信息傳遞至外部系統。BCS 對於數據庫鏈接和 Web/WCF 服務鏈接均支持傳遞身份驗證。若是使用傳遞身份驗證,則以最終用戶的標識進行身份驗證。
從網頁訪問 BDC 時,它將在 Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 工做進程 w3wp.exe 中運行。此進程的標識爲模擬登陸用戶的 IIS 應用程序池賬戶。爲了不在 BDC 向後端服務器進行身份驗證時丟失登陸用戶的標識,您必須在運行 IIS 的服務器和其餘計算機之間啓用 Kerberos 委派。Kerberos 委派使接收服務器能夠將身份驗證請求發送至正確的位置。
   這是選項B採用的認證方式,因爲Sharepoint站點是採用的第三方公司提供的服務器,因此它與本公司內部的CRM系統不在一個域內,你不可能在兩邊的服務器之間創建Kerberos 委派,而這是實施傳遞身份驗證所必須的。因此選項B被排除。
  2. RevertToSelf 身份驗證
若是用戶採用 Windows 身份驗證登陸,則 IIS 會模擬這個特定賬戶。當 IIS 在應用程序池標識下運行時,它會模擬登陸用戶,而請求在被向前傳遞以前將在該用戶的模擬賬戶下運行。
利用 RevertToSelf 身份驗證可還原此模擬,並覺得 IIS 應用程序池配置的基礎賬戶進行身份驗證。
  3. Windows 憑據身份驗證(WindowsCredentials Authentication)
Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 使用來自其提供的安全存儲提供程序的 Windows 憑據進行身份驗證。若是您的 Web 或 WCF 服務使用 Windows 身份驗證,則可採用此模式。採用此模式以前須要設置Secure Store Service。使用 Windows 憑據時,BDC 會嘗試將從Secure Store Service返回的用戶名字段拆分爲域\用戶名,而後使用域、用戶名、密碼這三項一塊兒來進行身份驗證。
 這很是適合本題場景,在第三方公司的服務器上運行的Sharepoint網站環境中存儲可訪問本公司CRM系統的用戶的Windows 憑據身份(可取得域、用戶名、密碼),從而根據訪問須要取得相關Windows 憑據身份來訪問本公司的CRM系統。這是選項A採用的辦法,也是本題的正解。
   至於選項D,須要每次訪問CRM系統時都要求用戶輸入本公司CRM可接受的合法的憑據身份,從理論上而言是能夠訪問的,但從實踐上而言則不可行。由於這個憑據是須要用戶記住,而不是像Windows 憑據身份驗證那樣由Sharepoint的Secure Store Service服務記住,並且Sharepoint後臺程序每一次須要從CRM獲取信息時都須要用戶從新輸入憑據,換做是你,你會願意這麼麻煩嗎?
所以本題答案應該選  Aweb



Question  110
 You are designing an architectural firm's SharePoint 2010 environment. In order for the firm to bid on a new project, it must submit a detailed proposal that specifies exactly what kind of services they will offer and how much those services will cost. Different people must be able to work on separate parts of the proposal document simultaneously. The document must be generated quickly in order to increase the firm's chances of getting the project. Employees who are working on the document are using Microsoft Word 2010. Your design needs to satisfy these requirements using no custom development. Which approach should you recommend?
A. Add the new Word document to a SharePoint document library. Configure a sequential workflow with the builtin document approval workflow, which allows each author to add and edit text until the document is complete.
B. Add the new Word document to a SharePoint document library and allow the appropriate people to co-author the document until it is complete.
C. Create a SharePoint list for the document, where each list item corresponds to a section of the document. Allow people to add one or more sections of the document to the list. Create a Word add-in that retrieves content from the list and uses OpenXML to generate a Word document.
D. Create an external database to store sections of the document. Create an external SharePoint list that connects to the database using Business Connectivity Services. Allow people to add one or more sections of a document to the external list. Create a Word add-in that retrieves content from the database and uses OpenXML to generate a Word document.編程

   你負責設計架構公司的Sharepoint2010應用,此應用將被用來做爲公司投標管理, 針對公司新爭取的某項工程項目,公司須要制定出此項目的投標建議書,建議書中涉及諸如提供哪些服務、各項服務如何收費等詳細信息。爲儘快制定出此投標建議書,公司須要各個相關工做人員使用Microsoft Word 2010做爲編輯工具,同時對此建議書的不一樣內容分別負責撰寫擬定。你不須要額外編程以知足公司的這個需求,那麼你該如何作呢?
  這是一道涉及基於文檔庫的文檔進行共同創做的題目,在SharePoint 2010中,共同創做是指個用戶能夠高效的處理同一文檔而不會干擾彼此的工做,也不會被鎖定,從而簡化了協做,此功能不準對服務器進行設置,是2010中存儲的默認狀態。若是想要處理Word 2010,PowerPoint 2010或OneNote 2010中的文檔時,從SharePoint文檔庫中打開某個文檔,若另外一個用戶也已打開此文檔,兩個用戶能夠同時編輯。因此,要實現文檔的共同創做,首先要建立文檔庫,而後再設置可操做此文檔的用戶,在本題備選項中,選項B描述的是正確操做。
   選項C.建立一個列表,每一個列表記錄表示一部份文檔。 選項D.經過建立外部數據列表來編輯文檔。這兩種方式顯然都很是笨拙,既沒法實現同時共同協做編輯,也很難實現版本的控制。因此均被排除。
   所以本題答案應該選  B後端



Question  111 
 You are designing a SharePoint 2010 intranet site. Employees are responsible for recording their daily activities, which are stored in a third-party database. To accurately track Web traffic on the site, the IT administrator has requested that only one form be available from only one URL. You need to design an input form that employees can use from SharePoint. Which approach should you recommend?
A. Create an InfoPath Web-enabled form that submits data directly to the third-party database. Publish the form to a SharePoint form library where users can access the form.
B. Create a Silverlight Web Part that submits data directly to the third-party database. Add the Web Part to a single Web Part page that employees can access on the site.
C. Create an application page that submits data directly to the third-party database. Deploy the application page to the _layouts directory using a solution package.
D. Connect to the third-party database using Business Connectivity Services. Create an external content type, and then create an external list based on that content type. Allow users to enter their activities by adding new items to the list.服務器

 你須要設計一個Sharepoint2010應用來讓僱員記錄他們的平常工做, 相關記錄保存在第三方數據庫中,IT管理人員爲了準確追蹤網站訪問流量狀況,要求僅某個URL提供一個表單。你須要爲僱員在Sharepoint環境中設計錄入表單以記錄他們的工做,你須要如何作才能知足本題要求呢?架構

   首先,因爲要在Sharepoint中使用到第三方外部數據庫,因此第一反應應該是要用到BCS。在4個備選項中,只有選項D涉及到BCS應用,因此選項爲本題答案。至於選項A. Sharepoint中使用Infopath的Browser模式不支持直接訪問第三方數據庫(主要是Infopath Form Services不支持)。因此選項A排除。 選項B.C也是相似的道理,在Sharepoint環境下,應該使用BCS與外部數據源打交道,若是硬要採用B.C方式,則須要經過外部數據源開放出來的Web Service服務來實現,而不可能「直接」與外部數據源打交道。因此選項B.C也應排除。app

所以本題答案應該選 Ddom

