Represent an operation to be performed on the elements of an object structure. Visitor lets you define a new operation without changing the classes of the elements on which it operates...
— Design Patterns : Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Softwarethis
public interface IEmployee { string Name { get; set; } double Income { get; set; } int VacationDays { get; set; } void Accept(IVisitor visitor); } public interface IVisitor { void VisitiEmployee(IEmployee employee); void VisitManager(Manager manager); } public class Employee : IEmployee { public string Name { get; set; } public double Income { get; set; } public int VacationDays { get; set; } public Employee(string name, double income, int vacationDays) { this.Name = name; this.Income = income; this.VacationDays = vacationDays; } public void Accept(IVisitor visitor) { visitor.VisitiEmployee(this); } } public class Manager : IEmployee { public string Department { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public double Income { get; set; } public int VacationDays { get; set; } public Manager(string name, double income, int vacationDays, string department) { this.Name = name; this.Income = income; this.VacationDays = vacationDays; this.Department = department; } public void Accept(IVisitor visitor) { visitor.VisitManager(this); } } public class EmployeeCollection : List<IEmployee> { public void Accept(IVisitor visitor) { foreach (IEmployee employee in this) { employee.Accept(visitor); } } } public class ExtraVacationVisitor : IVisitor { public void VisitiEmployee(IEmployee employee) { employee.VacationDays += 1; } public void VisitManager(Manager manager) { manager.VacationDays += 2; } } public class RaiseSalaryVisitor : IVisitor { public void VisitiEmployee(IEmployee employee) { employee.Income *= 1.1; } public void VisitManager(Manager manager) { manager.Income *= 1.2; } }
public class Test { public static void Entry() { EmployeeCollection employees = new EmployeeCollection(); employees.Add(new Employee("joe", 25000, 14)); employees.Add(new Manager("alice", 22000, 14, "sales")); employees.Add(new Employee("peter", 15000, 7)); employees.Accept(new ExtraVacationVisitor()); employees.Accept(new RaiseSalaryVisitor()); } }
王翔著 《設計模式——基於C#的工程化實現及擴展》element