在Win7或Vista中暫時禁用Windows Update的自動重新啓動

So you’re in the middle of doing something important on your computer when the 「Restart your computer to finish installing important updates」 dialog comes up, and asks you to restart your computer.



Sure, you can postpone it up to 4 hours, but then the dialog will just come up again. If you were downloading some important files you might not want the computer to reboot automatically.

當然,您可以將其最多延遲4個小時,但是隨後該對話框將再次出現。 如果要下載一些重要文件,則可能不希望計算機自動重新啓動。

The quick way to disable the reboot for the current session is to stop the Windows Update service from running. You can do this by opening an administrative mode command prompt.

禁用當前會話的重新啓動的快速方法是停止運行Windows Update服務。 您可以通過打開管理模式命令提示符來執行此操作。

Type cmd into the start menu search box, and use Ctrl+Shift+Enter to open in administrative mode. You could also right-click the item in the menu and choose Run as Administrator.

在開始菜單搜索框中鍵入cmd ,然後使用Ctrl + Shift + Enter在管理模式下打開。 您也可以右鍵單擊菜單中的項目,然後選擇「以管理員身份運行」。

Once at the prompt, just type in the following:


net stop 「windows update」

淨停止「 Windows Update」


Don’t worry, the service will start right back up when you reboot your computer, but at least you don’t have to deal with the restart dialog.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/uncategorized/temporarily-disable-windows-updates-automatic-reboot-in-vista/