使用說明:隨便輸入點什麼,複製到Dev-c++上便可使用。(正在完善請多諒解︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿)ios
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> using namespace std; char c[1001]; int main() { cout<<"My name is Jackson,your good friend!"<<endl; cout<<"If you have something disturbing,please tell me!QwQ"<<endl; if(gets(c)) { cout<<"hi,what can I do for you?"<<endl; } if(gets(c)) { cout<<"Do not worry,I will try my best to help you!"<<endl; } return 0; }
(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……c++
#include<iostream> #include<string> #include<ctime> #include<cstdlib> int main() { std::string Response[]={ "I heard you!", "SO, you are talking to me.", "CONTINUE,I am listening.", "Very interesting conversation.", "TELL me more..." }; srand((unsigned) time(NULL)); std::string sInput=""; std::string sResponse=""; while(1){ std::getline(std::cin,sInput); int nSelection=rand()%5; sResponse=Response[nSelection]; std::cout<<sResponse<<std::endl; } return 0; }
#pragma warning(disable:4786) #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<vector> #include<ctime> #include<cstdlib> using namespace std; const int MAX_RESP=3; typedef vector<string>vstring; vstring find_match(string input); void copy(char*array[],vstring &v); typedef struct { char*input; char*responses[MAX_RESP]; }record; record KnowledgeBase[]= { {"What is your name", {"My name is chatterbot2.", "You can call me chatterbot2.", "Why do you want to know my name?"} }, {"Hi", {"Hi there!", "How are you?", "Hi!" } }, {"How are you", {"I'm doing fine!", "I'm doing well and you?", "Why do you want to know how am I doing?"} }, {"Who are you", {"I'm an a.I program.", "I think that you know who I'm.", "Why are you asking?"} }, {"Are you intelligent", {"Yes,of course.", "What do you think?", "Actualy,I'm very intelligent!"} }, {"Are You real", {"Does that question really maters to you?", "What do you mean by that?", "I'm as real as I can be."} } }; size_t nKnowledgeBaseSize = sizeof(KnowledgeBase)/sizeof(KnowledgeBase[0]); int main() { srand((unsigned) time(NULL)); std::string sInput=""; std::string sResponse=""; while(1) { cout<<">"; getline(cin,sInput); vstring responses=find_match(sInput); if(sInput=="Bye") { cout<<"It was nice talking to you user,see you next time!"<<endl; break; } else if(responses.size()==0) { cout<<"I'will try me best to help you!"<<endl; } else{ int nSelection=rand()%MAX_RESP; sResponse=responses[nSelection]; cout<<sResponse<<std::endl; } } return 0; } // make a search for the user's input // inside the database of the program vstring find_match(string input) { vstring result; for(int i=0;i<nKnowledgeBaseSize;++i) { if(string(KnowledgeBase[i].input)==input) { copy(KnowledgeBase[i].responses,result); return result; } } return result; } void copy(char *array[],vstring &v) { for(int i=0;i<MAX_RESP;++i) { v.push_back(array[i]); } }