

  1.   BRD:Business Requirements Document (商業需求文檔)ide

  2.   MRD:Market Requirements Document (市場需求文檔)工具

  3.   PRD:Product Requirements Document (產品需求文檔)開發工具

  4.   FSD:Functional Specifications Document (功能詳細說明文檔)優化

  5. C2C:Consumer to Consumer(顧客對顧客)ui

  6. B2B:Business to Business(商家對商家)搜索引擎

  7. O2O:Online to Offline(線上線下電子商務)命令行

  8. P2P:person to person設計

  9. B2C:Business to Consumer(商家對我的)orm

  10. UCD:User Centered Design(以用戶爲中心的設計)

  11. SNS:Social Networking Services(社會性網絡服務)

  12. KPI:Key Performance Indicator(關鍵績效指標)

  13. IM:Instant Messaging(即時通訊)

  14. JD:Job Descriptions(職位描述)

  15. LBS:Location Based Service(基於位置的服務)

  16. PV:page view(頁面瀏覽量)

  17. UV:unique visitor(獨立IP)

  18. RSS:Really Simple Syndication(簡易信息聚合)

  1.   SDK:Software Development Kit(軟件開發工具包)

  2.   DAU:Daily Active User(日活躍用戶量)

  3.  OTA:Online Travel Agent(在線旅行社)

  4. UX:User Experience Design(用戶體驗)

  5. UI:User Interface(用戶界面)

  6. UGC:User Generated Content(用戶生產內容)

  7. CLI:Command-line Interface(命令行界面)

  8. GUI:Graphical User Interface(圖形用戶界面)

  9. NUI:Natural User Interface(天然用戶界面)



  10.   GM:General Manager (總經理)

  11.   VP:Vice President (副總裁)

  12.   AVP:Assistant Vice President (副總裁助理)

  13.   HRD:Human Resource Director (人力資源總監)

  14.   OD:Operations Director (運營總監)

  15.   MD:Marketing Director (市場總監)

  16.   OM:Operations Manager (運做經理)

  17.   PM:Production Manager(生產經理)、Product Manager(產品經理)、Project Manager(項目經理)

  18.   BM:Branch Manager(部門經理)

  19.   DM:District Manager(區域經理)

  1.   URL:Uniform Resoure Locator(統一資源定位器)

  2.   UED:User Experience Design(用戶體驗設計師)

  3.   GMV:Gross Merchandise Volume(商品交易總量)

  4. SEO:Search Engine Optimization(搜索引擎優化)

  5. SKU:Stock Keeping Unit(庫存量單位)

  6.   SPU:Standard Product Unit (標準化產品單元)

  7.   ROI:Return On Investment(投資回報率)

  8.   C2C:Copy to China(借鑑國外成功產品模式)

  9.   ERP:Enterprise Resource Planning(企業資源計劃)

  10.   POA:Primary Optical Area(第一視覺落點區)
