- 分別去掉數字a連接的aria-label屬性和值,分別其加上aria-labelledby和href屬性並賦值,給class="d_tit"的p標籤加上id值如:id="tabs2"
- 把此模塊的第一個數字a連接對應的class="d_picBox"的div的id值去掉,添加到 此模塊內對應的class="d_txt"的p標籤上
- 分別給其他數字a連接對應的class="d_txt"的p標籤,加上ID,例如:id="002" 此demo以第二個數字a連接爲例,實現的最終效果爲:當focus到第二個數字a連接,讀屏工具讀出title:「Seat Pitch」,當點擊回車時讀出具體文本內容:「The pitch is 74 to 80 inches. Seats can lie flat at 180°, giving you more comfort during your journey.」
<a class="d_btn fl d_active" href="#002" aria-labelledby="tabs2">2</a>工具
<div class="d_eachText d_active"> <p class="d_tit" id="tabs2">Seat Pitch</p> <p id="002" class="d_txt">The pitch is 74 to 80 inches. Seats can lie flat at 180°, giving you more comfort during your journey.</p> </div>get