Vue.js(讀音 /vjuː/, 相似於 view) 是一套構建用戶界面的漸進式框架。html
Vue 只關注視圖層, 採用自底向上增量開發的設計。前端
Vue 的目標是經過儘量簡單的 API 實現響應的數據綁定和組合的視圖組件。vue
Vue CLI 是一個基於 Vue.js 進行快速開發的完整系統,經過 @vue/cli 搭建交互式的項目腳手架。 經過 @vue/cli + @vue/cli-service-global 快速開始零配置原型開發。 一個運行時依賴 (@vue/cli-service),該依賴: 可升級; 基於 webpack 構建,並帶有合理的默認配置; 能夠經過項目內的配置文件進行配置; 能夠經過插件進行擴展。 一個豐富的官方插件集合,集成了前端生態中最好的工具。 一套徹底圖形化的建立和管理 Vue.js 項目的用戶界面。 Vue CLI 致力於將 Vue 生態中的工具基礎標準化。它確保了各類構建工具可以基於智能的默認配置便可平穩銜接,這樣你能夠專一在撰寫應用上,而沒必要花好幾天去糾結配置的問題。與此同時,它也爲每一個工具提供了調整配置的靈活性。node
npm install -g @vue/cli
# OR
yarn global add @vue/cli
vue -V
vue create my-project
# OR
vue ui
Vue CLI v4.2.3
? Please pick a preset: (Use arrow keys) //請選擇一個預設:(使用箭頭鍵)
> default (babel, eslint) //默認(babel,eslint)
Manually select features //手動選擇功能
Vue CLI v4.2.3
? Target directory my-template already exists. Pick an action: (Use arrow keys) //目標目錄my-template已存在
> Overwrite //覆寫上次配置
Merge //合併
Cancel //取消
Vue CLI v4.2.3
? Target directory D:\my-project already exists. Pick an action: Overwrite
Removing D:\my-project...
Vue CLI v4.2.3
? Please pick a preset: default (babel, eslint) //當前選中的選項記錄
? Pick the package manager to use when installing dependencies: (Use arrow keys) //選擇安裝依賴項時要使用的程序包管理器:(使用箭頭鍵)
> Use Yarn
Vue CLI v4.2.3
✨ Creating project in D:\xunzhaotech\my-project.
🗃 Initializing git repository...
⚙️ Installing CLI plugins. This might take a while...
yarn install v1.17.3
info No lockfile found.
[1/4] Resolving packages...
[2/4] Fetching packages...
info fsevents@1.2.11: The platform "win32" is incompatible with this module.
info "fsevents@1.2.11" is an optional dependency and failed compatibility check. Excluding it from installation.
success Saved lockfile.
Done in 88.14s.
🚀 Invoking generators...
📦 Installing additional dependencies...
yarn install v1.17.3
[1/4] Resolving packages...
[2/4] Fetching packages...
info fsevents@1.2.11: The platform "win32" is incompatible with this module.
info "fsevents@1.2.11" is an optional dependency and failed compatibility check. Excluding it from installation.
[3/4] Linking dependencies...
[4/4] Building fresh packages...
success Saved lockfile.
Done in 17.99s.
⚓ Running completion hooks...
📄 Generating
🎉 Successfully created project my-project.
👉 Get started with the following commands:
$ cd my-project
$ yarn serve
Vue CLI v4.2.3
? Please pick a preset: default (babel, eslint) //當前選中的選項記錄
? Pick the package manager to use when installing dependencies: (Use arrow keys) //選擇安裝依賴項時要使用的程序包管理器:(使用箭頭鍵)
Use Yarn
> Use NPM
Vue CLI v4.2.3
✨ Creating project in D:\xunzhaotech\my-project.
🗃 Initializing git repository...
⚙️ Installing CLI plugins. This might take a while...
yarn install v1.17.3
info No lockfile found.
[1/4] Resolving packages...
[2/4] Fetching packages...
info fsevents@1.2.11: The platform "win32" is incompatible with this module.
info "fsevents@1.2.11" is an optional dependency and failed compatibility check. Excluding it from installation.
success Saved lockfile.
Done in 88.14s.
🚀 Invoking generators...
📦 Installing additional dependencies...
yarn install v1.17.3
[1/4] Resolving packages...
[2/4] Fetching packages...
info fsevents@1.2.11: The platform "win32" is incompatible with this module.
info "fsevents@1.2.11" is an optional dependency and failed compatibility check. Excluding it from installation.
[3/4] Linking dependencies...
[4/4] Building fresh packages...
success Saved lockfile.
Done in 17.99s.
⚓ Running completion hooks...
📄 Generating
🎉 Successfully created project my-project.
👉 Get started with the following commands:
$ cd my-project
$ npm run serve
Vue CLI v4.2.3
? Please pick a preset: //請選擇一個預設
default (babel, eslint) //默認(babel,eslint)
> Manually select features //手動選擇功能
Vue CLI v4.2.3
? Please pick a preset: Manually select features //請選擇一個預設:手動選擇功能
? Check the features needed for your project: (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection)//選取項目所需的功能:(按<空格>選擇,<a>切換所有,<i>反轉選擇)
>(*) Babel //集成Babel
(*) TypeScript //集成TypeScript
(*) Progressive Web App (PWA) Support //集成漸進式Web應用程序(PWA)支持
(*) Router //集成Router
(*) Vuex //集成Vuex
(*) CSS Pre-processors //集成預處理(Less/SCSS/Sass/Stylus)
(*) Linter / Formatter //集成代碼校驗和格式化
(*) Unit Testing //集成單元測試(站在程序員的角度測試)
(*) E2E Testing //集成單元測試(站在用戶角度的測試 )
根據咱們的須要,選擇(Y/n),若是所有使用,直接回車,在選擇CSS預處理(CSS Pre-processors) 的時候,根據本身的習慣選擇
Vue CLI v4.2.3
? Please pick a preset: Manually select features
? Check the features needed for your project: (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection)Babel
, TS, PWA, Router, Vuex, CSS Pre-processors, Linter, Unit, E2E
? Use class-style component syntax? Yes //使用類樣式的組件語法
? Use Babel alongside TypeScript (required for modern mode, auto-detected polyfills, transpiling JSX)? Yes //將Babel與TypeScript一塊兒使用(用現代模式,自動檢測的polyfill,轉譯JSX)
? Use history mode for router? (Requires proper server setup for index fallback in production) Yes //使用路由器的歷史記錄模式?
? Pick a CSS pre-processor (PostCSS, Autoprefixer and CSS Modules are supported by default): (Use arrow keys)//選擇一個CSS預處理器(默認狀況下支持PostCSS,Autoprefixer和CSS模塊)
> Sass/SCSS (with dart-sass) //dart-sass保存後生效
Sass/SCSS (with node-sass) //node-sass自動編譯實時
選擇須要校驗和格式化的方式(Linter / Formatter),選擇ESLint + Standard config點擊回車
Vue CLI v4.2.3
? Please pick a preset: Manually select features
? Check the features needed for your project: (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection)Babel
, TS, PWA, Router, Vuex, CSS Pre-processors, Linter, Unit, E2E
? Use class-style component syntax? Yes
? Use Babel alongside TypeScript (required for modern mode, auto-detected polyfills, transpiling JSX)? Yes
? Use history mode for router? (Requires proper server setup for index fallback in production) Yes
? Pick a CSS pre-processor (PostCSS, Autoprefixer and CSS Modules are supported by default): Sass/SCSS (with node-sass)
? Pick a linter / formatter config: (Use arrow keys) //選擇一個lint / formatter配置
ESLint with error prevention only //僅具備錯誤預防功能的ESLint
ESLint + Airbnb config //ESLint + Airbnb 配置
> ESLint + Standard config //ESLint +標準配置
ESLint + Prettier //ESLint +代碼美化
TSLint (deprecated) //TSLint(已棄用)
Vue CLI v4.2.3
? Please pick a preset: Manually select features
? Check the features needed for your project: (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection)Babel
, TS, PWA, Router, Vuex, CSS Pre-processors, Linter, Unit, E2E
? Use class-style component syntax? Yes
? Use Babel alongside TypeScript (required for modern mode, auto-detected polyfills, transpiling JSX)? Yes
? Use history mode for router? (Requires proper server setup for index fallback in production) Yes
? Pick a CSS pre-processor (PostCSS, Autoprefixer and CSS Modules are supported by default): Sass/SCSS (with node-sass)
? Pick a linter / formatter config: Standard
? Pick additional lint features: (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection) //選擇其餘校驗功能
>(*) Lint on save //保存時校驗(保存時校驗)
( ) Lint and fix on commit //校驗並修復提交 (提交時校驗)
1.靈活性: Mocha比較靈活,和更多的一些庫結合使用。 2.資料較多:Mocha是比較年老的測試框架,在JavaScript界中更加普遍地使用。所以Mocha的community比較大,本文咱們選擇Mocha + Chai,而後點擊回車
Vue CLI v4.2.3
? Please pick a preset: Manually select features
? Check the features needed for your project: (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection)Babel
, TS, PWA, Router, Vuex, CSS Pre-processors, Linter, Unit, E2E
? Use class-style component syntax? Yes
? Use Babel alongside TypeScript (required for modern mode, auto-detected polyfills, transpiling JSX)? Yes
? Use history mode for router? (Requires proper server setup for index fallback in production) Yes
? Pick a CSS pre-processor (PostCSS, Autoprefixer and CSS Modules are supported by default): Sass/SCSS (with node-sass)
? Pick a linter / formatter config: Standard
? Pick additional lint features: Lint on save, Lint and fix on commit
? Pick a unit testing solution: (Use arrow keys) //選擇一個單元測試解決方案
> Mocha + Chai //Mocha是JavaScript界中最受歡迎的一款單元測試框架
Jest //Jest是由facebook發佈的,最近比較火熱的一個測試框架
現代比較流行的 e2e 測試框架有Nightwatch、TestCafe、Protractor、WebdriverIO、Cypress,咱們選擇 Nightwatch
Vue CLI v4.2.3
? Please pick a preset: Manually select features
? Check the features needed for your project: (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection)Babel
, TS, PWA, Router, Vuex, CSS Pre-processors, Linter, Unit, E2E
? Use class-style component syntax? Yes
? Use Babel alongside TypeScript (required for modern mode, auto-detected polyfills, transpiling JSX)? Yes
? Use history mode for router? (Requires proper server setup for index fallback in production) Yes
? Pick a CSS pre-processor (PostCSS, Autoprefixer and CSS Modules are supported by default): Sass/SCSS (with node-sass)
? Pick a linter / formatter config: Standard
? Pick additional lint features: Lint on save, Lint and fix on commit
? Pick a unit testing solution: Mocha
? Pick an E2E testing solution: (Use arrow keys)//選擇一個E2E測試解決方案:(使用箭頭鍵)
> Cypress (Chrome only) //Cypress(僅Chrome)
Nightwatch (WebDriver-based) //Nightwatch(基於WebDriver)
Vue CLI v4.2.3
? Please pick a preset: Manually select features
? Check the features needed for your project: (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection)Babel
, TS, PWA, Router, Vuex, CSS Pre-processors, Linter, Unit, E2E
? Use class-style component syntax? Yes
? Use Babel alongside TypeScript (required for modern mode, auto-detected polyfills, transpiling JSX)? Yes
? Use history mode for router? (Requires proper server setup for index fallback in production) Yes
? Pick a CSS pre-processor (PostCSS, Autoprefixer and CSS Modules are supported by default): Sass/SCSS (with node-sass)
? Pick a linter / formatter config: Standard
? Pick additional lint features: Lint on save, Lint and fix on commit
? Pick a unit testing solution: Mocha
? Pick an E2E testing solution: Nightwatch
? Pick browsers to run end-to-end test on (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection)//選擇瀏覽器以運行端到端測試
>(*) Chrome
( ) Firefox
Vue CLI v4.2.3
? Please pick a preset: Manually select features
? Check the features needed for your project: (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection)Babel
, TS, PWA, Router, Vuex, CSS Pre-processors, Linter, Unit, E2E
? Use class-style component syntax? Yes
? Use Babel alongside TypeScript (required for modern mode, auto-detected polyfills, transpiling JSX)? Yes
? Use history mode for router? (Requires proper server setup for index fallback in production) Yes
? Pick a CSS pre-processor (PostCSS, Autoprefixer and CSS Modules are supported by default): Sass/SCSS (with node-sass)
? Pick a linter / formatter config: Standard
? Pick additional lint features: Lint on save, Lint and fix on commit
? Pick a unit testing solution: Mocha
? Pick an E2E testing solution: Nightwatch
? Pick browsers to run end-to-end test on (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection)Chrome
? Where do you prefer placing config for Babel, ESLint, etc.? (Use arrow keys)//您更喜歡在哪裏放置Babel,ESLint等的配置。
> In dedicated config files //在專用配置文件中
In package.json //在package.json中
Vue CLI v4.2.3
? Please pick a preset: Manually select features
? Check the features needed for your project: (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection)Babel
, TS, PWA, Router, Vuex, CSS Pre-processors, Linter, Unit, E2E
? Use class-style component syntax? Yes
? Use Babel alongside TypeScript (required for modern mode, auto-detected polyfills, transpiling JSX)? Yes
? Use history mode for router? (Requires proper server setup for index fallback in production) Yes
? Pick a CSS pre-processor (PostCSS, Autoprefixer and CSS Modules are supported by default): Sass/SCSS (with node-sass)
? Pick a linter / formatter config: Standard
? Pick additional lint features: Lint on save, Lint and fix on commit
? Pick a unit testing solution: Mocha
? Pick an E2E testing solution: Nightwatch
? Pick browsers to run end-to-end test on (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection)Chrome
? Where do you prefer placing config for Babel, ESLint, etc.? In dedicated config files
? Save this as a preset for future projects? (y/N) //將此保存爲預設以供未來的項目使用嗎?
PS cd .\my-project\
yarn install
│ .browserslistrc
│ .editorconfig
│ .eslintrc.js
│ .gitignore
│ babel.config.js
│ package.json
│ tsconfig.json
│ yarn.lock
│ │ favicon.ico
│ │ index.html
│ │ robots.txt
│ │
│ └─img
│ └─icons
│ android-chrome-192x192.png
│ android-chrome-512x512.png
│ android-chrome-maskable-192x192.png
│ android-chrome-maskable-512x512.png
│ apple-touch-icon-120x120.png
│ apple-touch-icon-152x152.png
│ apple-touch-icon-180x180.png
│ apple-touch-icon-60x60.png
│ apple-touch-icon-76x76.png
│ apple-touch-icon.png
│ favicon-16x16.png
│ favicon-32x32.png
│ msapplication-icon-144x144.png
│ mstile-150x150.png
│ safari-pinned-tab.svg
│ │ App.vue
│ │ main.ts
│ │ registerServiceWorker.ts
│ │ shims-tsx.d.ts
│ │ shims-vue.d.ts
│ │
│ ├─assets
│ │ logo.png
│ │
│ ├─components
│ │ HelloWorld.vue
│ │
│ ├─router
│ │ index.ts
│ │
│ ├─store
│ │ index.ts
│ │
│ └─views
│ About.vue
│ Home.vue
│ │ .eslintrc.js
│ │ globals.js
│ │
│ ├─custom-assertions
│ │ elementCount.js
│ │
│ ├─custom-commands
│ │ customExecute.js
│ │ openHomepage.js
│ │ openHomepageClass.js
│ │
│ ├─page-objects
│ │ homepage.js
│ │
│ └─specs
│ test-with-pageobjects.js
│ test.js
yarn serve