spring bootjava
build anythingspring
Spring Boot is designed to get you up and running as quickly as possible, with minimal upfront configuration of Spring. Spring Boot takes an opinionated view of building production ready applications.app
spring boot 是爲了讓你儘量的快速啓動和運行並最小化前期配置而設計的。spring boot 採用一種(自認爲)默認的觀點去構建生產就緒的應用ide
Built directly on Spring Boot's innovative approach to enterprise Java, Spring Cloud simplifies distributed, microservice-style architecture by implementing proven patterns to bring resilience, reliability, and coordination to your microservices.微服務
spring cloud 直接基於spring boot 企業級 java 的創新方法 以簡化分佈式部署,經過實現通過驗證的模式爲您的微服務帶來彈性、可靠性、協調性spa