
year month amount
1991  1     1.1
1991  2     1.2
1991  3     1.3
1991  4     1.4
1992  1     2.1
1992  2     2.2
1992  3     2.3
1992  4     2.4
year m1  m2  m3  m4
1991 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
1992 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4  

SQL> select year,
max(decode(month,1,amount)) as m1,
max(decode(month,2,amount)) as m2,
max(decode(month,3,amount)) as m3,
max(decode(month,4,amount)) as m4
from mrtest
group by year;
*********** 個人答案2: SQL> select  a.year year,a.amount m1,b.amount m2,c.amount m3,d.amount m4 from mrtest a,mrtest b,mrtest c,mrtest d where a.month=1 and b.month=2 and c.month=3 and d.month=4 and a.year=b.year and b.year=c.year and c.year=d.year; ***************** 其它答案3: select year, (select amount from  aaa m where month=1  and m.year=aaa.year) as m1, (select amount from  aaa m where month=2  and m.year=aaa.year) as m2, (select amount from  aaa m where month=3  and m.year=aaa.year) as m3, (select amount from  aaa m where month=4  and m.year=aaa.year) as m4 from aaa  group by year ***************************** 答案5: select year, sum(case when month = '1' then amount else '0' end) as m1, sum(case when month = '2' then amount else '0' end) as m2, sum(case when month = '3' then amount else '0' end) as m3, sum(case when month = '4' then amount else '0' end) as m4 from table_name group by year