// 下拉刷新 onPullDownRefresh: function () { // 顯示頂部刷新圖標 wx.showNavigationBarLoading(); var that = this; wx.request({ url: 'https://xxx/?page=0', method: "GET", header: { 'content-type': 'application/text' }, success: function (res) { that.setData({ moment: res.data.data }); // 設置數組元素 that.setData({ moment: that.data.moment }); console.log(that.data.moment); // 隱藏導航欄加載框 wx.hideNavigationBarLoading(); // 中止下拉動做 wx.stopPullDownRefresh(); } }) },
/** * 頁面上拉觸底事件的處理函數 */ onReachBottom: function () { var that = this; // 顯示加載圖標 wx.showLoading({ title: '玩命加載中', }) // 頁數+1 page = page + 1; wx.request({ url: 'https://xxx/?page=' + page, method: "GET", // 請求頭部 header: { 'content-type': 'application/text' }, success: function (res) { // 回調函數 var moment_list = that.data.moment; for (var i = 0; i < res.data.data.length; i++) { moment_list.push(res.data.data[i]); } // 設置數據 that.setData({ moment: that.data.moment }) // 隱藏加載框 wx.hideLoading(); } }) },
"enablePullDownRefresh": true,