十月底,亞馬遜(北美)將會在北京爲Consumer大組舉辦一個招聘活動,招聘的崗位是軟件開發工程師和軟件開發經理,工做地點是在加拿大溫哥華。 若是您順利經過面試並拿到offer,亞馬遜將會幫您和您的家人辦理加拿大移民手續。您的配偶/男女友也會拿到工做簽證,這就表明說您的另外一半來到加拿大之後會有身份去申請工做。並且根據最新的加拿大政策,在您上班的第一天,亞馬遜將會爲您申請加拿大永久居民,大概一年後您和您說的家人就能夠拿到加拿大的永久居民身份。程序員
The Consumer Division is the people behind Amazon’s eCommerce business. We own the technology and the customer experience for what people know as Amazon.com. We built the technology infrastructure that supports the world’s largest online retailer and continue to innovate so that customers and sellers on our platform have a consistent, stable and trustworthy experience, We manage our many retail categories, ensuring we are step ahead of demand for the products customers need to live their lives. We built the tools, processes and relationships that help sellers, from mom-and pops to multinational corporations, offer their goods and services for sale to our massive customers audience. And we push the eCommerce industry forward by focusing on innovations in mobile, social and community shopping.面試
招聘流程 電郵簡歷在線筆試電話面試招聘活動面試 「筆試,電話面試和招聘活動面試都會是全英文的。若是您不居住在北京的話,亞馬遜將會負責全部的旅行費用包括飛機和酒店。」工具
中英文簡歷發送至:kay983#@#163.com 請把#@#替換成@ui