-- select 後面沒有加別名java
Encountered a duplicated sql alias [id] during auto-discovery of a native-sql querynode
-- 看看數據庫是否沒有這個columnsql
could not extract ResultSet數據庫
session.createQuery(queryStr).list(); //hql
session.createSQLQuery(queryStr).list(); //普通sqlide
hibernate 左鏈接:hibernate
@Test public void testLetfJion() { Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); String queryStr = "select stu from com.bjsxt.hibernate.Student as stu left join com.bjsxt.hibernate.Teacher as te on stu.id = te.id"; session.createQuery(queryStr).list(); session.getTransaction().commit(); }
報錯:java.lang.IllegalStateException: DOT node with no left-hand-side!code
@Test public void testLetfJion() { Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); String queryStr = "select stu from com.bjsxt.hibernate.Student as stu ,com.bjsxt.hibernate.Teacher as te where stu.id = te.id"; session.createQuery(queryStr).list(); session.getTransaction().commit(); }