一直以來,動畫都是移動開發中極爲特殊的一塊。一方面,動畫在交互體驗上有着不可替代的優越處,然而另外一方面,動畫的開發又極爲的耗時,須要消耗工程師大量的時間用於開發和調試。再來看前端,前端的動畫實現,通過多年的發展,已分爲 CSS3 動畫和 JavaScript 動畫。html
React Native 做爲一個複用前端思想的移動開發框架,並無完整實現CSS,而是使用JavaScript來給應用添加樣式。這是一個有爭議的決定,能夠參考這個幻燈片來了解 Facebook 作的理由。天然,在動畫上,由於缺乏大量的 CSS 屬性,React Naive 中的動畫均爲 JavaScript 動畫,即經過 JavaScript 代碼控制圖像的各類參數值的變化,從而產生時間軸上的動畫效果。前端
React Native 的官方文檔已經詳細地介紹了 React Native 通常動畫的使用方法和實例,在此再也不贅述。然而閱讀官方文檔後可知,官方的動畫每每是給一個完整的物體添加各類動畫效果,如透明度,翻轉,移動等等。可是對於物體的自身變化,好比以下這個進度條,明顯是在旋轉的同時也在伸縮,則缺少必要的實現方法。這是由於,動畫的本質既是圖形的各類參數的數值變化的過程,文檔中的 Animated.Value 就是用做被驅動的參數,能夠,想要讓一個圓環可以伸縮,就必須讓數值變化的過程,深刻到圖形生成的過程當中,而不是如官方文檔的例子同樣,僅僅是施加於圖形生成完畢後的過程,那麼也就沒法實現改變圖形自身的動畫效果了。node
拙做初窺基於 react-art 庫的 React Native SVG已討論了 React Native 中靜態 SVG 的開發方法,本文則致力於探究 React Native 中 SVG 與 Animation 結合所實現的 SVG 動畫。也就是能夠改變圖形自身的動畫效果。此外還探究了 Value 驅動動畫在實現方法上的不一樣之處。react
本節即以實現一個下圖所示的旋轉的進度條的例子,講述 React Native SVG 動畫的開發方法。git
Wedge.art.js 位於 react-art 庫下 lib/ 文件夾內,提供了 SVG 扇形的實現,然而缺少對 cx, cy 屬性的支持。另外拙做以前也提到了,Wedge中的扇形較爲詭異,只有一條半徑,爲了實現進度條效果我把另外一條半徑也去掉了。我將 Wedge.art.js 拷貝到工程中,自行小修改後的代碼以下。github
// wedge.js /** * Copyright 2013-2014 Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. * * @providesModule Wedge.art * @typechecks * * Example usage: * <Wedge * outerRadius={50} * startAngle={0} * endAngle={360} * fill="blue" * /> * * Additional optional property: * (Int) innerRadius * */ 'use strict'; var React = require('react-native'); var ReactART = React.ART; var $__0 = React,PropTypes = $__0.PropTypes; var Shape = ReactART.Shape; var Path = ReactART.Path; /** * Wedge is a React component for drawing circles, wedges and arcs. Like other * ReactART components, it must be used in a <Surface>. */ var Wedge = React.createClass({displayName: "Wedge", propTypes: { outerRadius: PropTypes.number.isRequired, startAngle: PropTypes.number.isRequired, endAngle: PropTypes.number.isRequired, innerRadius: PropTypes.number, cx: PropTypes.number, cy: PropTypes.number }, circleRadians: Math.PI * 2, radiansPerDegree: Math.PI / 180, /** * _degreesToRadians(degrees) * * Helper function to convert degrees to radians * * @param {number} degrees * @return {number} */ _degreesToRadians: function(degrees) { if (degrees !== 0 && degrees % 360 === 0) { // 360, 720, etc. return this.circleRadians; } else { return degrees * this.radiansPerDegree % this.circleRadians; } }, /** * _createCirclePath(or, ir) * * Creates the ReactART Path for a complete circle. * * @param {number} or The outer radius of the circle * @param {number} ir The inner radius, greater than zero for a ring * @return {object} */ _createCirclePath: function(or, ir) { var path = Path(); path.move(this.props.cx, or + this.props.cy) .arc(or * 2, 0, or) .arc(-or * 2, 0, or); if (ir) { path.move(this.props.cx + or - ir, this.props.cy) .counterArc(ir * 2, 0, ir) .counterArc(-ir * 2, 0, ir); } path.close(); return path; }, /** * _createArcPath(sa, ea, ca, or, ir) * * Creates the ReactART Path for an arc or wedge. * * @param {number} startAngle The starting degrees relative to 12 o'clock * @param {number} endAngle The ending degrees relative to 12 o'clock * @param {number} or The outer radius in pixels * @param {number} ir The inner radius in pixels, greater than zero for an arc * @return {object} */ _createArcPath: function(startAngle, endAngle, or, ir) { var path = Path(); // angles in radians var sa = this._degreesToRadians(startAngle); var ea = this._degreesToRadians(endAngle); // central arc angle in radians var ca = sa > ea ? this.circleRadians - sa + ea : ea - sa; // cached sine and cosine values var ss = Math.sin(sa); var es = Math.sin(ea); var sc = Math.cos(sa); var ec = Math.cos(ea); // cached differences var ds = es - ss; var dc = ec - sc; var dr = ir - or; // if the angle is over pi radians (180 degrees) // we will need to let the drawing method know. var large = ca > Math.PI; // TODO (sema) Please improve theses comments to make the math // more understandable. // // Formula for a point on a circle at a specific angle with a center // at (0, 0): // x = radius * Math.sin(radians) // y = radius * Math.cos(radians) // // For our starting point, we offset the formula using the outer // radius because our origin is at (top, left). // In typical web layout fashion, we are drawing in quadrant IV // (a.k.a. Southeast) where x is positive and y is negative. // // The arguments for path.arc and path.counterArc used below are: // (endX, endY, radiusX, radiusY, largeAngle) path.move(or + or * ss + this.props.cx, or - or * sc + this.props.cy) // move to starting point .arc(or * ds, or * -dc, or, or, large) // outer arc // .line(dr * es, dr * -ec); // width of arc or wedge if (ir) { path.counterArc(ir * -ds, ir * dc, ir, ir, large); // inner arc } return path; }, render: function() { // angles are provided in degrees var startAngle = this.props.startAngle; var endAngle = this.props.endAngle; if (startAngle - endAngle === 0) { return; } // radii are provided in pixels var innerRadius = this.props.innerRadius || 0; var outerRadius = this.props.outerRadius; // sorted radii var ir = Math.min(innerRadius, outerRadius); var or = Math.max(innerRadius, outerRadius); var path; if (endAngle >= startAngle + 360) { path = this._createCirclePath(or, ir); } else { path = this._createArcPath(startAngle, endAngle, or, ir); } return React.createElement(Shape, React.__spread({}, this.props, {d: path})); } }); module.exports = Wedge;
並不是任何 Component 均可以直接用 Animated.Value
去賦值 Props,而須要對 Component 作必定的改造。Animated.createAnimatedComponent(Component component)
,是 Animated 庫提供的用於把普通 Component 改造爲 AnimatedComponent 的函數。閱讀 React Native 源代碼會發現,Animated.Text, Animated.View, Animated.Image,都是直接調用了該函數去改造系統已有的組件,如Animated.createAnimatedComponent(React.Text)
Easing 庫較爲隱蔽,明明在react-native/Library/Animated/
路徑下,卻又須要從React中直接引出。它爲動畫的實現提供了許多緩動函數,可根據實際需求選擇。如 linear()
三次等等。官方文檔中吹噓 Easing 中提供了 tons of functions(成噸的函數),然而我數過了明明才14個,233333。react-native
須要同時啓動,這涉及到了動畫的組合問題。React Native 爲此提供了 parallel
, sequence
和 delay
該動畫在 Android 上能夠運行,可是刷新頻率看上去只有兩幀,沒法造成一個天然過渡的動畫,筆者懷疑是 React Native Android 對 SVG 的支持仍有缺陷。
SVG 圖形和普通 React Native View 的疊加問題,目前我尚未找到解決方法。感受只能等 React Native 開發組的進一步支持。
// RotatingWedge.js 'use strict'; var React = require('react-native'); var { ART, View, Animated, Easing, } = React; var Group = ART.Group; var Surface = ART.Surface; var Wedge = require('./Wedge'); var AnimatedWedge = Animated.createAnimatedComponent(Wedge); var VectorWidget = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return { startAngle: new Animated.Value(90), endAngle: new Animated.Value(100), }; }, componentDidMount: function() { Animated.parallel([ Animated.timing( this.state.endAngle, { toValue: 405, duration: 700, easing: Easing.linear, } ), Animated.timing( this.state.startAngle, { toValue: 135, duration: 700, easing: Easing.linear, }) ]).start(); }, render: function() { return ( <View> <Surface width={700} height={700} > {this.renderGraphic()} </Surface> </View> ); }, renderGraphic: function() { console.log(this.state.endAngle.__getValue()); return ( <Group> <AnimatedWedge cx={100} cy={100} outerRadius={50} stroke="black" strokeWidth={2.5} startAngle={this.state.startAngle} endAngle={this.state.endAngle} fill="FFFFFF"/> </Group> ); } }); module.exports = VectorWidget;
接下來看 Value 驅動的 SVG 動畫。先解釋一下 Value 和 Props 的區別。<Text color='black'></Text>
,這裏的 color 就是 Props,<Text>black</Text>
這裏的 black 就是 value。
爲何要特地強調這一點呢,若是咱們想要作一個以下圖所示的從10到30變更的數字,按照上節所述的方法,直接調用 Animated.createAnimatedComponent(React.Text)
所生成的 Component ,而後給 Value 賦值一個Animated.Value(),而後Animated.timing...,是沒法產生這樣的效果的。
var AnimatedProps = Animated.__PropsOnlyForTests; function createAnimatedTextComponent() { var refName = 'node'; class AnimatedComponent extends React.Component { _propsAnimated: AnimatedProps; componentWillUnmount() { this._propsAnimated && this._propsAnimated.__detach(); } setNativeProps(props) { this.refs[refName].setNativeProps(props); } componentWillMount() { this.attachProps(this.props); } attachProps(nextProps) { var oldPropsAnimated = this._propsAnimated; /** 關鍵修改,強制刷新。 原來的代碼是: var callback = () => { if (this.refs[refName].setNativeProps) { var value = this._propsAnimated.__getAnimatedValue(); this.refs[refName].setNativeProps(value); } else { this.forceUpdate(); } }; **/ var callback = () => { this.forceUpdate(); }; this._propsAnimated = new AnimatedProps( nextProps, callback, ); oldPropsAnimated && oldPropsAnimated.__detach(); } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { this.attachProps(nextProps); } render() { var tmpText = this._propsAnimated.__getAnimatedValue().text; return ( <Text {...this._propsAnimated.__getValue()} ref={refName} > {Math.floor(tmpText)} </Text> ); } } return AnimatedComponent; }
修改了 attachProps 函數。對於任何變更的 props,原來的代碼會試圖使用 setNativeProps 函數進行更新,若 setNativeProps 函數爲空,纔會使用 forceUpdate() 函數。對於 props,setNativeProps 函數是可行的,然而對 value 無效。我猜想,setNativeProps 方法在 Android 底層可能就是 setColor() 相似的 Java 方法,然而並無獲得實證。目前這種 forceUpdate,由註釋知,是完全更新了整個 Component,至關於先從 DOM 樹上取下一個舊節點,再放上一個新節點,在性能的利用上較爲浪費。
使用 PropTypes.xxx.isRequired 來進行參數的類型檢查。PropTypes 檢查支持的類型可在 react-native/node_modules/react/lib/ReactPropTypes.js
Animated.value() 從10到30變化的過程是一個隨機採樣的過程,並不必定會卡在整數值上,所以還須要作一些小處理。
值得注意的是,該動畫在 Android 上雖然能夠正常運行,但也存在丟幀的問題,遠遠不能如 iOS 上流暢天然。對於這一點,只能等待 Facebook 的進一步優化。
// RisingNumber.js 'use strict'; var React = require('react-native'); var { Text, Animated, Easing, PropTypes, View, StyleSheet, } = React; var AnimatedText = createAnimatedTextComponent(); var AnimatedProps = Animated.__PropsOnlyForTests; function createAnimatedTextComponent() { var refName = 'node'; class AnimatedComponent extends React.Component { _propsAnimated: AnimatedProps; componentWillUnmount() { this._propsAnimated && this._propsAnimated.__detach(); } setNativeProps(props) { this.refs[refName].setNativeProps(props); } componentWillMount() { this.attachProps(this.props); } attachProps(nextProps) { var oldPropsAnimated = this._propsAnimated; var callback = () => { this.forceUpdate(); }; this._propsAnimated = new AnimatedProps( nextProps, callback, ); oldPropsAnimated && oldPropsAnimated.__detach(); } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { this.attachProps(nextProps); } render() { var tmpText = this._propsAnimated.__getAnimatedValue().text; return ( <Text {...this._propsAnimated.__getValue()} ref={refName} > {Math.floor(tmpText)} </Text> ); } } return AnimatedComponent; } var RisingNumber = React.createClass({ propTypes: { startNumber: PropTypes.number.isRequired, toNumber: PropTypes.number.isRequired, startFontSize: PropTypes.number.isRequired, toFontSize: PropTypes.number.isRequired, duration: PropTypes.number.isRequired, upperText: PropTypes.string.isRequired, }, getInitialState: function() { return { number: new Animated.Value(this.props.startNumber), fontSize: new Animated.Value(this.props.startFontSize), }; }, componentDidMount: function() { Animated.parallel([ Animated.timing( this.state.number, { toValue: this.props.toNumber, duration: this.props.duration, easing: Easing.linear, }, ), Animated.timing( this.state.fontSize, { toValue: this.props.toFontSize, duration: this.props.duration, easing: Easing.linear, } ) ]).start(); }, render: function() { return ( <View> <Text style={styles.kind}>{this.props.upperText}</Text> <AnimatedText style={{fontSize: this.state.fontSize, marginLeft: 15}} text={this.state.number} /> </View> ); }, }); var styles = StyleSheet.create({ kind: { fontSize: 15, color: '#01A971', }, number: { marginLeft: 15, }, }); module.exports = RisingNumber;
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