win7中的 安裝xampp-win32-1.8.1-VC9 在php.ini中打開php_p...

win7中的 安裝xampp-win32-1.8.1-VC9 在php.ini中打開php_pg_sql.dll以後提示 --------------------------- httpd.exe - 系統錯誤 --------------------------- 沒法啓動此程序,由於計算機中丟失 LIBPQ.dll。嘗試從新安裝該程序以解決此問題。  --------------------------- 肯定    --------------------------- 解決方法是:將LIBPQ.dll拷貝到 apache/bin目錄中便可。 When start the apache right after you installed apache and php, you may got 沒法啓動此程序,由於計算機中丟失LIBPQ.DLL。嘗試從新安裝該程序以解決此問題。 error message, and apache doesn't work anymore. I found LIBPQ.DLL were in the PHP_HOME, and think the php5apache2_2.dll which mentioned in httpd.conf file may reference it. but it is not in the apache home, so  I copied LIBPQ.DLL into the apache bin folder, then it works. and the better idea may be put it in to the PATH environment variable..